ENTRY O2557 20230216 O094O255700000001 SUBENT O2557001 20230216 O094O255700100001 BIB 12 34 O255700100002 TITLE Alpha-particle induced yield of 6.13 MeV gamma-rays O255700100003 in carbon O255700100004 AUTHOR (S.Croft, A.Favalli, R.D.McElroy Jr) O255700100005 INSTITUTE (1USALAS,1USAORL) O255700100006 (2UK UK) Lancaster University, Bailrigg, Lancaster O255700100007 REFERENCE (J,NIM/A,1013,165636,2021) O255700100008 #doi:10.1016/j.nima.2021.165636 O255700100009 FACILITY (VDGT,2UK HAR) O255700100010 SAMPLE Carbon powder packed in a 3 mm thick Cu disc with a O255700100011 central recess 10 mm in diameter and 2 mm deep. O255700100012 DETECTOR (HPGE) Coaxial high-purity Ge detector at 55 degree O255700100013 with respect to the incident beam. O255700100014 METHOD (BCINT) O255700100015 (GSPEC) The number of the emitted gamma-rays was O255700100016 determined by the weighted average over the full-energyO255700100017 single and double escape peaks divided by the O255700100018 corresponding detector efficiency. O255700100019 ANALYSIS (INTAD) Gamma-ray yield observed at 55 degrees in the O255700100020 laboratory frame is representative of the yield into O255700100021 4Pi. O255700100022 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty of about 6% was calculated byO255700100023 quadrature sum of the uncertainties of: O255700100024 (ERR-1) Current integration - 2% O255700100025 (ERR-2) Absolute efficiency normalization at O255700100026 1.3325 MeV -0.8% O255700100027 (ERR-3) Efficiency extrapolation to 6.129 MeV -4.5% O255700100028 (ERR-4) Efficiency adjustment to sample position -1.74%O255700100029 (ERR-5) Effective depth -0.15%O255700100030 (ERR-6) Attenuation correction -0.15%O255700100031 (ERR-7) Enrichment correction factor -0.55%O255700100032 (ERR-8) Dead time correction O255700100033 (ERR-S) Counting precision O255700100034 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by S.Croft 13.03.3023. O255700100035 HISTORY (20230216C) VS O255700100036 ENDBIB 34 0 O255700100037 COMMON 8 6 O255700100038 E ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 O255700100039 ERR-6 ERR-7 O255700100040 MEV ADEG PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT O255700100041 PER-CENT PER-CENT O255700100042 6.129 2. 0.8 4.5 1.74 0.55O255700100043 0.15 0.15 O255700100044 ENDCOMMON 6 0 O255700100045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 O255700199999 SUBENT O2557002 20230216 O094O255700200001 BIB 2 3 O255700200002 REACTION (6-C-13(A,N)8-O-16,PAR,MLT,G,TT) O255700200003 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of O255700200004 Nucl.Instrum.Method Phys.Res.A1013(2021)165636 O255700200005 ENDBIB 3 0 O255700200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255700200007 DATA 5 3 O255700200008 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-S ERR-8 O255700200009 MEV PRT/INC PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT O255700200010 5.597 1.0437 6. O255700200011 5.801 1.6207 5.8 1.86 0.5 O255700200012 5.999 3.3108 6. O255700200013 ENDDATA 5 0 O255700200014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 O255700299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 O255799999999