ENTRY O2558 20230217 O094O255800000001 SUBENT O2558001 20230217 O094O255800100001 BIB 9 31 O255800100002 TITLE Study of the threshold anomaly effect in the reaction O255800100003 7Li+208Pb at energies around the Coulomb barrier O255800100004 AUTHOR (E.Vardaci, P.K.Rath, M.Mazzocco, A.DiNitto, G.LaRana, O255800100005 C.Parascandolo, D.Pierroutsakou, M.Romoli, A.Boiano, O255800100006 A.Vanzanella, M.Cinausero, G.Prete, N.Gelli, O255800100007 F.Lucarelli, C.Mazzocchi, M.LaCommara, L.Fortunato, O255800100008 A.Guglielmetti, F.Soramel, L.Stroe, C.Signorini) O255800100009 INSTITUTE (2ITYNAP,2ITYUPV,2ITYPAD,2ITYFIR,3POLWWA,2ITYMIL, O255800100010 3RUMBUC) O255800100011 (3INDIND) Centurion University of Technology and O255800100012 Management, Gajapati, Odisha O255800100013 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,57,95,2021) O255800100014 #doi:10.1140/epja/s10050-021-00400-3 O255800100015 FACILITY (VDGT,2ITYPAD) O255800100016 SAMPLE An enriched self-supporting 200 ug/cm2 thick 208Pb O255800100017 target was used. O255800100018 DETECTOR (D4PI,SPEC) 8piLP array consists of a Wall, covering O255800100019 the angles from 2.5 degree to 24 degree and the Ball, O255800100020 covering the angles from 34 degree up to 163degree. O255800100021 (TELES,SI,CSICR) The Ball is a sphere of 126 O255800100022 telescopes deltaE silicon detector (300 um thick), O255800100023 backed by a CsI scintillator (5 mm thick) . O255800100024 (TELES) The Wall is a matrix of 11x11 deltaE-E O255800100025 telescopes. O255800100026 METHOD (EDE) O255800100027 (PSD) For the Ball telescopes, the Pulse Shape O255800100028 Discrimination technique is used. O255800100029 (TOF) For the Wall telescopes, the Time-of-Flight (TOF)O255800100030 technique is used. O255800100031 HISTORY (20230217C) VS O255800100032 (20230301R) Data received from E.Vardaci. O255800100033 ENDBIB 31 0 O255800100034 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255800100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 O255800199999 SUBENT O2558002 20230217 O094O255800200001 BIB 3 3 O255800200002 REACTION (82-PB-208(3-LI-7,EL)82-PB-208,,DA,,RTH) O255800200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainty. O255800200004 STATUS (TABLE) Fig. 4 of Eur.Phys.J.A57(2021)95 O255800200005 ENDBIB 3 0 O255800200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255800200007 DATA 4 58 O255800200008 EN ANG-CM DATA DATA-ERR O255800200009 MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM O255800200010 25. 20.65 1. 0. O255800200011 25. 23.02 1. 0. O255800200012 25. 25.86 1. 0. O255800200013 25. 28.9 1. 0. O255800200014 25. 50.3 1. 0. O255800200015 25. 62.15 1. 0. O255800200016 25. 78.58 1. 0. O255800200017 25. 105.18 1.0003 0.0005 O255800200018 25. 121.21 1.0005 0.0005 O255800200019 25. 139. 0.998 0.0005 O255800200020 25. 157.28 0.9921 0.001 O255800200021 31. 20.65 1. 0.0023 O255800200022 31. 23.02 1. 0.0025 O255800200023 31. 25.86 1. 0.0028 O255800200024 31. 28.9 1. 0.0035 O255800200025 31. 32.47 1. 0.0023 O255800200026 31. 50.38 1.005 0.0018 O255800200027 31. 62.15 0.9978 0.0021 O255800200028 31. 78.58 1.03693 0.028 O255800200029 31. 105.18 0.84 0.0336 O255800200030 31. 121.21 0.582 0.0291 O255800200031 31. 139. 0.35 0.035 O255800200032 31. 157.28 0.22 0.0231 O255800200033 33. 20.65 1. 0.0023 O255800200034 33. 23.02 1. 0.0025 O255800200035 33. 25.86 1. 0.0029 O255800200036 33. 28.9 1. 0.0036 O255800200037 33. 32.47 1. 0.00212 O255800200038 33. 50.38 1.001 0.04 O255800200039 33. 62.15 1.0221 0.041 O255800200040 33. 78.58 0.97933 0.038 O255800200041 33. 105.18 0.4722 0.018 O255800200042 33. 121.21 0.2634 0.01 O255800200043 33. 139. 0.1176 0.0047 O255800200044 33. 157.28 0.0752 0.007 O255800200045 35. 20.65 1. 0.0023 O255800200046 35. 23.02 1. 0.0025 O255800200047 35. 25.86 1. 0.0028 O255800200048 35. 28.9 1. 0.0036 O255800200049 35. 32.47 1. 0.00282 O255800200050 35. 50.38 0.985 0.02 O255800200051 35. 62.15 1.05106 0.02 O255800200052 35. 78.58 0.75808 0.017 O255800200053 35. 105.18 0.2349 0.012 O255800200054 35. 121.21 0.11 0.01 O255800200055 35. 139. 0.05 0.005 O255800200056 35. 157.28 0.026 0.0026 O255800200057 39. 20.65 1. 0.0026 O255800200058 39. 23.02 1. 0.0028 O255800200059 39. 25.86 1. 0.0032 O255800200060 39. 28.9 1. 0.0037 O255800200061 39. 50.38 1.0737 0.0023 O255800200062 39. 62.15 0.7979 0.002 O255800200063 39. 78.58 0.2759 0.0011 O255800200064 39. 105.18 0.036 0.0005 O255800200065 39. 121.21 0.016 0.001 O255800200066 39. 139. 0.005 0.0002 O255800200067 39. 157.28 0.002 0.0001 O255800200068 ENDDATA 60 0 O255800200069 ENDSUBENT 68 0 O255800299999 SUBENT O2558003 20230217 O094O255800300001 BIB 3 5 O255800300002 REACTION (82-PB-208(3-LI-7,NON),,SIG,,,DERIV) O255800300003 ANALYSIS Estimated from FRESCO code calculations after fitting O255800300004 the elastic scattering angular distributions. O255800300005 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of Eur.Phys.J.A57(2021)95 O255800300006 (DEP,O2558002) Elastic scattering data O255800300007 ENDBIB 5 0 O255800300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255800300009 DATA 2 5 O255800300010 EN DATA O255800300011 MEV MB O255800300012 25. 1.18 O255800300013 31. 317. O255800300014 33. 584. O255800300015 35. 811. O255800300016 39. 1240. O255800300017 ENDDATA 7 0 O255800300018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 O255800399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 O255899999999