ENTRY O2564 20230308 O097O256400000001 SUBENT O2564001 20230308 O097O256400100001 BIB 13 33 O256400100002 TITLE Determination of the 7Be(p,gamma)8B cross section at O256400100003 astrophysical energies using a radioactive 7Be ion beamO256400100004 AUTHOR (R.Buompane, A.Di Leva, L.Gialanella, A.D'Onofrio, O256400100005 M.De Cesare, J.G.Duarte, Z.Fueloep, L.R.Gasques, O256400100006 Gy.Gyuerky, L.Morales-Gallegos, F.Marzaioli, O256400100007 G.Palumbo, G.Porzio, D.Rapagnani, V.Roca, D.Rogalla, O256400100008 M.Romoli, C.Santonastaso, D.Schuermann) O256400100009 INSTITUTE (2ITYFSN,2ITYNAP,3HUNDEB,3BZLUSP,2GERBOC) O256400100010 (2ITYITY) Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali, Capua O256400100011 REFERENCE (J,PL/B,824,136819,2022) O256400100012 #doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2021.136819 O256400100013 FACILITY (VDGT,2ITYFSN) O256400100014 INC-SPECT The effective beam energy Eeff was determined by the O256400100015 beam energy Eb and the beam energy loss in the target O256400100016 deltaEb, that is determined by the beam ions stopping O256400100017 power in the target. O256400100018 DETECTOR (MAGSP,TELES) The mass separator ERNA (European Recoil O256400100019 mass Separator for Nuclear Astrophysics) filters out O256400100020 the beam ions, allowing the direct detection of the O256400100021 reaction products ions in a final detector, a two-stageO256400100022 deltaE-E telescop. O256400100023 REL-REF (I,,D.Rogalla+,J,NIM/A,437,266,1999) O256400100024 Recoil separator ERNA O256400100025 SAMPLE A windowless hydrogen gas target with a purity better O256400100026 than 99.9999%, confined by two thin argon layers. O256400100027 METHOD (EDE,ASEP,REC) O256400100028 MONITOR (1-H-1(4-BE-7,EL)1-H-1,,DA) O256400100029 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Yields and cross sections are affected by an O256400100030 overall systematic uncertainty of 4%. O256400100031 (EN-ERR) The beam energy has a systematic uncertainty O256400100032 of 0.06%. O256400100033 (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty O256400100034 HISTORY (20230308C) VS O256400100035 ENDBIB 33 0 O256400100036 COMMON 2 3 O256400100037 ERR-SYS EN-ERR O256400100038 PER-CENT PER-CENT O256400100039 4. 0.06 O256400100040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O256400100041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 O256400199999 SUBENT O2564002 20230308 O097O256400200001 BIB 3 6 O256400200002 REACTION 1((1-H-1(4-BE-7,G)5-B-8,,SIG)=(4-BE-7(P,G)5-B-8,,SIG)) O256400200003 2((1-H-1(4-BE-7,G)5-B-8,,SIG,,SFC)= O256400200004 (4-BE-7(P,G)5-B-8,,SIG,,SFC)) O256400200005 FLAG (1.) Measurement 1 O256400200006 (2.) Measurement 2 O256400200007 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Phys.Lett.B824(2022)136819 O256400200008 ENDBIB 6 0 O256400200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 O256400200010 DATA 6 9 O256400200011 EN-CM DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2ERR-S 2FLAG O256400200012 KEV MICRO-B MICRO-B B*EV B*EV NO-DIM O256400200013 367.2 0.087 0.014 14.7 2.3 O256400200014 610.5 0.72 0.11 51.2 8.0 O256400200015 632.2 1.27 0.13 86.1 9.0 O256400200016 632.2 1.29 0.15 87.2 10.5 1. O256400200017 632.5 1.34 0.28 90.9 19.0 2. O256400200018 667.2 0.41 0.08 25.9 5.1 O256400200019 697.8 0.34 0.12 20.0 7.4 O256400200020 699.8 0.52 0.15 30.7 9.0 O256400200021 812.2 0.51 0.10 25.3 5.1 O256400200022 ENDDATA 11 0 O256400200023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 O256400299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 O256499999999