ENTRY P0009 20241025 C242P000900000001 SUBENT P0009001 20241025 C242P000900100001 BIB 9 21 P000900100002 INSTITUTE (4RUSICP) P000900100003 REFERENCE (J,JET,13,72,1961) English translation. P000900100004 (J,ZET,40,101,1961) P000900100005 AUTHOR (A.M.Morozov) P000900100006 REL-REF (I,,A.M.Morozov,J,ZET,39,973,1960) P000900100007 = JET,9,671,1959 - English translation P000900100008 TITLE Short-lived isomers of Ga, Ge, and As produced by P000900100009 19.2-MeV protons P000900100010 METHOD (ACTIV) P000900100011 (BCINT) P000900100012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties P000900100013 STATUS (CPX) Data from CPX file compiled in 1964/67 by P000900100014 F.K. McGowan et al. P000900100015 (TABLE,,A.M.Morozov,J,ZET,40,101,1961) P000900100016 Values at 19.2 taken from reference table. P000900100017 HISTORY (19830620T) Converted to EXFOR format by IAEA-NDS P000900100018 (20000808A) Converted to new date formats; BIB update. P000900100019 (20111112U) SD: Ref. corrected. P000900100020 (20160806A) OS. REACTION and DECAY-DATA corrected P000900100021 in subs. 2,3. P000900100022 (20241016A) OS. Corrections in DECAY-DATA P000900100023 ENDBIB 21 0 P000900100024 NOCOMMON 0 0 P000900100025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 P000900199999 SUBENT P0009002 20241025 C242P000900200001 BIB 5 9 P000900200002 REACTION (31-GA-71(P,N)32-GE-71-L,,SIG) P000900200003 SAMPLE Gallium oxide target. Areal density 24.7 mg/cm2. P000900200004 DECAY-DATA (32-GE-71-L,19.4MSEC,DG,180.) Measured by authors P000900200005 FLAG (2.) 2nd run. P000900200006 HISTORY (19850829A) Corrected by NNDC P000900200007 (20000808A) Reaction corrected, runs marked. P000900200008 (20160806A) REACTION and DECAY-DATA corrected, P000900200009 deleted E from and added ERR-HL to COMMON P000900200010 (20241016A) Energy in DECAY-DATA corrected P000900200011 ENDBIB 9 0 P000900200012 COMMON 1 3 P000900200013 ERR-HL P000900200014 MSEC P000900200015 0.4 P000900200016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 P000900200017 DATA 4 19 P000900200018 EN DATA DATA-ERR FLAG P000900200019 MEV MB MB NO-DIM P000900200020 3.0 17. P000900200021 4.0 43. 14. 2. P000900200022 4.9 108. 12. P000900200023 6.8 173. 21. 2. P000900200024 6.9 237. 27. P000900200025 7.6 371. 47. P000900200026 7.7 350. 38. 2. P000900200027 8.7 401. 45. P000900200028 8.7 346. 33. 2. P000900200029 9.7 369. 47. 2. P000900200030 10.9 400. 49. P000900200031 11.8 350. 40. P000900200032 11.9 320. 2. P000900200033 13.8 204. 20. P000900200034 13.8 208. 21. P000900200035 15.8 99. 8. P000900200036 15.8 105. 8. 2. P000900200037 17.4 65. 9. 2. P000900200038 19.2 50. 6. P000900200039 ENDDATA 21 0 P000900200040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 P000900299999 SUBENT P0009003 20241025 C242P000900300001 BIB 5 9 P000900300002 REACTION (32-GE-76(P,2N)33-AS-75-L,,SIG) P000900300003 SAMPLE Germanium oxide target. Areal density 28.1 mg/cm2. P000900300004 DECAY-DATA (33-AS-75-L,15.6MSEC,DG,290.) Measured by authors P000900300005 FLAG (2.) 2nd run. P000900300006 HISTORY (19850829A) Corrected by NNDC P000900300007 (20160806A) Isomer code changed to L in REACTION and P000900300008 DECAY-DATA, half-life corrected according to article, P000900300009 ERR-HL added to COMMON. P000900300010 (20241016A) Energy in DECAY-DATA corrected P000900300011 ENDBIB 9 0 P000900300012 COMMON 1 3 P000900300013 ERR-HL P000900300014 MSEC P000900300015 0.4 P000900300016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 P000900300017 DATA 4 23 P000900300018 EN DATA DATA-ERR FLAG P000900300019 MEV MB MB NO-DIM P000900300020 8.82 15. P000900300021 9.96 37. 11.5 P000900300022 10.9 231. 23. 2. P000900300023 11.0 133. 16. P000900300024 11.8 187. 18. P000900300025 12.6 215. P000900300026 13.0 354. 25. 2. P000900300027 13.4 290. P000900300028 13.8 331. 29.5 P000900300029 15.2 444. 36. P000900300030 15.4 475. P000900300031 15.5 458. P000900300032 15.9 511. P000900300033 16.3 579. 46. 2. P000900300034 16.8 527. P000900300035 16.8 539. 43.5 P000900300036 17.5 563. P000900300037 17.5 630. P000900300038 18.2 523. P000900300039 18.2 615. P000900300040 18.6 660. P000900300041 18.7 571. P000900300042 19.2 635. 60. P000900300043 ENDDATA 25 0 P000900300044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 P000900399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 P000999999999