ENTRY P0115 20230112 C227P011500000001 SUBENT P0115001 20230112 C227P011500100001 BIB 8 23 P011500100002 TITLE Compound-statistical features of deuteron-induced P011500100003 reactions: (II). The compound nucleus and stripping- P011500100004 evaporation mechanisms in (d,2n) reactions P011500100005 AUTHOR (F.W.Pement,R.L.Wolke) P011500100006 REFERENCE (J,NP,86,429,1966) P011500100007 #doi:10.1016/0029-5582(66)90550-5 P011500100008 (R,NYO-2771,13,1966) Tabulated data. P011500100009 (R,TID-21525,1965) Tabulated data. P011500100010 REL-REF (M,,F.W.Pement+,J,NP,86,417,1966) - The same beam P011500100011 monitoring methods were used. P011500100012 INSTITUTE (1USAPUP) P011500100013 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAPUP) P011500100014 METHOD (CHSEP,ACTIV) After the irradiations, the targets P011500100015 were subjected to adaptations of standard P011500100016 radiochemical procedures. Absolute beta or gamma P011500100017 counting was accomplished with proportional counter P011500100018 and NaI crystal. P011500100019 HISTORY (19830620T) Converted to Exfor format by IAEA-NDS. P011500100020 (20000815A) Converted to new date formats; BIB updated.P011500100021 (20111116U) SD: title corrected. P011500100022 (20230112A) BP: Updated entry, added doi and subentriesP011500100023 8-13, replaced CPX with tabulated data from the P011500100024 R,NYO-2771,13,1966 and R,TID-21525,1965. P011500100025 ENDBIB 23 0 P011500100026 NOCOMMON 0 0 P011500100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 P011500199999 SUBENT P0115002 20230112 C227P011500200001 BIB 8 26 P011500200002 REACTION 1(55-CS-133(D,2N)56-BA-133-M,,SIG) P011500200003 2(55-CS-133(D,2N)56-BA-133,,SIG) P011500200004 SAMPLE Reagent-grade CsCl powder deposited on glass-fiber P011500200005 paper. P011500200006 ANALYSIS These data have been expanded and corrected as P011500200007 follows: (1) additional bombardments have been P011500200008 performed, (2) the total (d,2n) cross-sections P011500200009 (i.e., for the isomer + ground state) have also been P011500200010 obtained, a procedure which required counting the P011500200011 7.2y Ba133 after all of the isomer had decayed, and P011500200012 (3) a re-evaluation of the Ba133m yields on the basis P011500200013 of newer internal conversion coefficients which P011500200014 differ appreciably from those used in the earlier P011500200015 calculations. P011500200016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The data processing included a detailed P011500200017 evaluation of the errors in both the cross sections P011500200018 and the bombarding energies, as well as a P011500200019 re-evaluation of all previously reported results. P011500200020 DECAY-DATA (56-BA-133-G,7.2YR) Today's value is 10.5 yr. P011500200021 FLAG (1.)2 sets of values are given for 5.8 MeV and for 14.9P011500200022 MeV without explanation. P011500200023 STATUS (TABLE) Table 10, page 35 of R,NYO-2771,13,1966. P011500200024 HISTORY (19850829A) Corrected by NNDC. P011500200025 (20230112A) BP: Replaced CPX with tabulated data from P011500200026 the R,NYO-2771,13,1966. Added DECAY-DATA, P011500200027 ANALYSIS, ERR-ANALYS, updated REACTION. P011500200028 ENDBIB 26 0 P011500200029 NOCOMMON 0 0 P011500200030 DATA 6 19 P011500200031 EN DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2FLAG P011500200032 MEV MB MB MB MB NO-DIM P011500200033 3.8 0.11 0.01 P011500200034 4.2 0.08 0.01 P011500200035 5.4 1.0 0.1 P011500200036 5.8 5.8 0.7 13.0 2.0 1.P011500200037 5.8 1.6 0.2 1.P011500200038 6.3 9.0 1.0 40.0 5.0 P011500200039 6.7 17.0 2.0 62.0 7.0 P011500200040 7.8 85.0 10.0 P011500200041 8.2 87.0 10.0 150.0 20.0 P011500200042 8.8 120.0 15.0 200.0 20.0 P011500200043 9.4 150.0 20.0 300.0 40.0 P011500200044 11.1 260.0 30.0 400.0 50.0 P011500200045 11.7 310.0 40.0 400.0 50.0 P011500200046 12.2 350.0 40.0 450.0 50.0 P011500200047 12.4 330.0 40.0 500.0 60.0 P011500200048 13.5 420.0 50.0 580.0 70.0 P011500200049 14.6 420.0 50.0 530.0 60.0 P011500200050 14.9 410.0 50.0 560.0 70.0 1.P011500200051 14.9 440.0 50.0 490.0 60.0 1.P011500200052 ENDDATA 21 0 P011500200053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 P011500299999 SUBENT P0115003 20230112 C227P011500300001 BIB 5 11 P011500300002 REACTION (29-CU-65(D,2N)30-ZN-65,,SIG) P011500300003 SAMPLE The target was a stack of high-purity (>99.99%) Cu P011500300004 foils, either 3 or 11.8 mg/cm2 thick. P011500300005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The data processing included a detailed P011500300006 evaluation of the errors in both the cross sections P011500300007 and the bombarding energies, as well as a P011500300008 re-evaluation of all previously reported results. P011500300009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 7, page 32 of R,NYO-2771,13,1966. P011500300010 HISTORY (20230112A) BP: Replaced CPX with tabulated data from P011500300011 the R,NYO-2771,13,1966. Updated SAMPLE, P011500300012 added ERR-ANALYS. P011500300013 ENDBIB 11 0 P011500300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 P011500300015 DATA 3 18 P011500300016 EN DATA DATA-ERR P011500300017 MEV MB MB P011500300018 6.2 242.0 28.0 P011500300019 6.9 326.0 37.0 P011500300020 7.5 428.0 49.0 P011500300021 8.1 476.0 54.0 P011500300022 8.8 542.0 62.0 P011500300023 9.5 620.0 71.0 P011500300024 10.0 680.0 78.0 P011500300025 10.3 688.0 79.0 P011500300026 10.6 710.0 81.0 P011500300027 11.0 747.0 85.0 P011500300028 11.6 770.0 88.0 P011500300029 12.2 770.0 88.0 P011500300030 12.8 757.0 86.0 P011500300031 13.0 822.0 94.0 P011500300032 13.3 826.0 94.0 P011500300033 13.6 822.0 94.0 P011500300034 14.1 805.0 92.0 P011500300035 14.6 832.0 95.0 P011500300036 ENDDATA 20 0 P011500300037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 P011500399999 SUBENT P0115004 20230112 C227P011500400001 BIB 6 12 P011500400002 REACTION (52-TE-0(D,X)53-I-126,,SIG) P011500400003 SAMPLE Natural tellurium powder deposited on glass-fiber P011500400004 paper. P011500400005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The data processing included a detailed P011500400006 evaluation of the errors in both the cross sections P011500400007 and the bombarding energies, as well as a P011500400008 re-evaluation of all previously reported results. P011500400009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 9, page 34 of R,NYO-2771,13,1966. P011500400010 DECAY-DATA (53-I-126,13.2D) P011500400011 HISTORY (20230112A) BP: Replaced CPX with tabulated data from P011500400012 the R,NYO-2771,13,1966. Updated REACTION, added P011500400013 DECAY-DATA, ERR-ANALYS. P011500400014 ENDBIB 12 0 P011500400015 NOCOMMON 0 0 P011500400016 DATA 3 7 P011500400017 EN DATA DATA-ERR P011500400018 MEV MB MB P011500400019 6.1 7.3 0.8 P011500400020 7.6 91.0 10.0 P011500400021 9.2 374.0 41.0 P011500400022 9.3 361.0 40.0 P011500400023 10.7 500.0 55.0 P011500400024 12.3 783.0 86.0 P011500400025 14.0 792.0 87.0 P011500400026 ENDDATA 9 0 P011500400027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 P011500499999 SUBENT P0115005 20230112 C227P011500500001 BIB 6 12 P011500500002 REACTION (52-TE-128(D,2N)53-I-128,,SIG) P011500500003 SAMPLE (52-TE-128,ENR=0.918) Tellurium powder, enriched to P011500500004 91.8% in 128Te, deposited on glass-fiber paper. P011500500005 DECAY-DATA (53-I-128,25.0MIN) P011500500006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The data processing included a detailed P011500500007 evaluation of the errors in both the cross sections P011500500008 and the bombarding energies, as well as a P011500500009 re-evaluation of all previously reported results. P011500500010 STATUS (TABLE) Table 8, page 33 of R,NYO-2771,13,1966. P011500500011 HISTORY (20230112A) BP: Replaced CPX with tabulated data from P011500500012 the R,NYO-2771,13,1966. Updated SAMPLE, P011500500013 added DECAY-DATA, ERR-ANALYS. P011500500014 ENDBIB 12 0 P011500500015 NOCOMMON 0 0 P011500500016 DATA 3 15 P011500500017 EN DATA DATA-ERR P011500500018 MEV MB MB P011500500019 6.1 8.4 0.8 P011500500020 6.1 18.0 2.0 P011500500021 7.6 92.0 10.0 P011500500022 8.4 223.0 24.0 P011500500023 8.4 228.0 25.0 P011500500024 9.2 453.0 50.0 P011500500025 9.3 394.0 43.0 P011500500026 10.0 407.0 45.0 P011500500027 10.7 538.0 59.0 P011500500028 11.4 468.0 52.0 P011500500029 11.6 646.0 71.0 P011500500030 12.3 804.0 88.0 P011500500031 13.1 638.0 70.0 P011500500032 14.0 635.0 70.0 P011500500033 14.1 616.0 68.0 P011500500034 ENDDATA 17 0 P011500500035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 P011500599999 SUBENT P0115006 20230112 C227P011500600001 BIB 6 13 P011500600002 REACTION (52-TE-130(D,2N)53-I-130-G,M+,SIG) P011500600003 SAMPLE (52-TE-130,ENR=0.96) Tellurium powder, enriched to P011500600004 96.0% in 130Te. deposited on glass-fiber paper. P011500600005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The data processing included a detailed P011500600006 evaluation of the errors in both the cross sections P011500600007 and the bombarding energies, as well as a P011500600008 re-evaluation of all previously reported results. P011500600009 DECAY-DATA (53-I-130-G,12.5HR) P011500600010 STATUS (TABLE) Table 8, page 33 of R,NYO-2771,13,1966. P011500600011 HISTORY (20000815A) Reaction corrected. P011500600012 (20230112A) BP: Replaced CPX with tabulated data from P011500600013 the R,NYO-2771,13,1966. Updated REACTION SF4, SF5, P011500600014 SAMPLE, added DECAY-DATA, ERR-ANALYS. P011500600015 ENDBIB 13 0 P011500600016 NOCOMMON 0 0 P011500600017 DATA 3 17 P011500600018 EN DATA DATA-ERR P011500600019 MEV MB MB P011500600020 4.5 2.2 0.2 P011500600021 6.1 24.0 3.0 P011500600022 6.7 101.0 11.0 P011500600023 7.6 106.0 12.0 P011500600024 8.4 249.0 27.0 P011500600025 9.2 482.0 53.0 P011500600026 9.3 443.0 49.0 P011500600027 10.0 533.0 59.0 P011500600028 10.1 562.0 62.0 P011500600029 10.7 577.0 63.0 P011500600030 11.6 615.0 68.0 P011500600031 12.3 740.0 81.0 P011500600032 12.6 693.0 76.0 P011500600033 13.0 618.0 68.0 P011500600034 13.1 470.0 52.0 P011500600035 14.0 594.0 65.0 P011500600036 14.1 540.0 59.0 P011500600037 ENDDATA 19 0 P011500600038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 P011500699999 SUBENT P0115007 20230112 C227P011500700001 BIB 3 4 P011500700002 REACTION (74-W-186(D,2N)75-RE-186-G,,SIG) P011500700003 SAMPLE (74-W-186,ENR=0.972) WO3 powder, enriched to 97.2% in P011500700004 186W, deposited on glass-fiber paper. P011500700005 STATUS (TABLE) Table XII, page 40 of R,TID-21525,1965. P011500700006 ENDBIB 4 0 P011500700007 NOCOMMON 0 0 P011500700008 DATA 2 9 P011500700009 EN DATA P011500700010 MEV MB P011500700011 6.0 8.7 P011500700012 7.3 28.7 P011500700013 7.6 41.0 P011500700014 8.7 97.8 P011500700015 10.0 198.0 P011500700016 11.5 331.0 P011500700017 11.8 340.0 P011500700018 12.9 357.0 P011500700019 14.1 351.0 P011500700020 ENDDATA 11 0 P011500700021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 P011500799999 SUBENT P0115008 20230112 C227P011500800001 BIB 5 8 P011500800002 REACTION (74-W-0(D,X)75-RE-184-G,,SIG) P011500800003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The data processing included a detailed P011500800004 evaluation of the errors in both the cross sections P011500800005 and the bombarding energies, as well as a P011500800006 re-evaluation of all previously reported results. P011500800007 DECAY-DATA (75-RE-184-G,33.0D) P011500800008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 11, page 36 of R,NYO-2771,13,1966. P011500800009 HISTORY (20230112C) BP P011500800010 ENDBIB 8 0 P011500800011 NOCOMMON 0 0 P011500800012 DATA 3 6 P011500800013 EN DATA DATA-ERR P011500800014 MEV MB MB P011500800015 7.3 34.0 6.0 P011500800016 8.7 75.0 12.0 P011500800017 10.0 171.0 28.0 P011500800018 11.5 249.0 41.0 P011500800019 12.9 413.0 68.0 P011500800020 14.1 456.0 75.0 P011500800021 ENDDATA 8 0 P011500800022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 P011500899999 SUBENT P0115009 20230112 C227P011500900001 BIB 6 12 P011500900002 REACTION 1(56-BA-0(D,X)57-LA-135,,SIG) P011500900003 2(56-BA-0(D,X)57-LA-135,,SIG) P011500900004 REL-REF 1(R,,H.A.Grench+,J,PR,137,B483,1965) Scheme1 P011500900005 2(R,,S.Morinobu+,J,NP,61,613,1965) Scheme 2 P011500900006 ANALYSIS 1Decay Scheme 1 analysis P011500900007 2Decay Scheme 2 analysis P011500900008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The data processing included a detailed P011500900009 evaluation of the errors in both the cross sections P011500900010 and the bombarding energies, as well as a P011500900011 re-evaluation of all previously reported results. P011500900012 STATUS (TABLE) Table 12, page 37 of R,NYO-2771,13,1966. P011500900013 HISTORY (20230112C) BP P011500900014 ENDBIB 12 0 P011500900015 NOCOMMON 0 0 P011500900016 DATA 5 11 P011500900017 EN DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 P011500900018 MEV MB MB MB MB P011500900019 5.6 41.0 6.0 60.0 8.0 P011500900020 7.4 140.0 20.0 210.0 25.0 P011500900021 7.6 170.0 25.0 250.0 30.0 P011500900022 9.4 210.0 30.0 320.0 40.0 P011500900023 9.9 200.0 30.0 300.0 40.0 P011500900024 10.1 190.0 30.0 290.0 40.0 P011500900025 11.9 240.0 35.0 360.0 45.0 P011500900026 13.0 290.0 45.0 440.0 55.0 P011500900027 13.4 300.0 45.0 450.0 60.0 P011500900028 13.9 290.0 45.0 440.0 55.0 P011500900029 14.4 320.0 50.0 480.0 60.0 P011500900030 ENDDATA 13 0 P011500900031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 P011500999999 SUBENT P0115010 20230112 C227P011501000001 BIB 6 12 P011501000002 REACTION ((52-TE-130(D,N)53-I-131,,SIG)+ P011501000003 (52-TE-130(D,P)52-TE-131-G,,SIG,,FCT)) Factor P011501000004 FCT = 0.29 P011501000005 ANALYSIS (d,n) + Cross section for Te130(d,p)Te131g, 25 min. P011501000006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The data processing included a detailed P011501000007 evaluation of the errors in both the cross sections P011501000008 and the bombarding energies, as well as a P011501000009 re-evaluation of all previously reported results. P011501000010 DECAY-DATA (52-TE-131-G,25.0MIN) P011501000011 (52-TE-131-M,1.2D) P011501000012 STATUS (TABLE) Table 13, page 38 of R,NYO-2771,13,1966. P011501000013 HISTORY (20230112C) BP P011501000014 ENDBIB 12 0 P011501000015 NOCOMMON 0 0 P011501000016 DATA 3 8 P011501000017 EN DATA DATA-ERR P011501000018 MEV MB MB P011501000019 6.1 33.0 5.0 P011501000020 7.6 90.0 14.0 P011501000021 9.2 170.0 25.0 P011501000022 9.3 170.0 25.0 P011501000023 10.1 165.0 25.0 P011501000024 10.7 140.0 21.0 P011501000025 12.3 155.0 23.0 P011501000026 14.0 140.0 21.0 P011501000027 ENDDATA 10 0 P011501000028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 P011501099999 SUBENT P0115011 20230112 C227P011501100001 BIB 6 12 P011501100002 REACTION ((52-TE-130(D,N)53-I-131,,SIG)+ P011501100003 (52-TE-130(D,P)52-TE-131-G,,SIG)+ P011501100004 (52-TE-130(D,P)52-TE-131-M,,SIG,,FCT)) FCT=0.14 P011501100005 ANALYSIS (d,n) + Cross section for Te130(d,p)Te131m, 1.2 days. P011501100006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The data processing included a detailed P011501100007 evaluation of the errors in both the cross sections P011501100008 and the bombarding energies, as well as a P011501100009 re-evaluation of all previously reported results. P011501100010 DECAY-DATA (52-TE-131-G,25.0MIN) P011501100011 (52-TE-131-M,1.2D) P011501100012 STATUS (TABLE) Table 13, page 38 of R,NYO-2771,13,1966. P011501100013 HISTORY (20230112C) BP P011501100014 ENDBIB 12 0 P011501100015 NOCOMMON 0 0 P011501100016 DATA 3 4 P011501100017 EN DATA DATA-ERR P011501100018 MEV MB MB P011501100019 4.5 11.0 1.0 P011501100020 6.7 120.0 13.0 P011501100021 12.6 165.0 18.0 P011501100022 14.1 135.0 15.0 P011501100023 ENDDATA 6 0 P011501100024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 P011501199999 SUBENT P0115012 20230112 C227P011501200001 BIB 4 9 P011501200002 REACTION (14-SI-30(D,G)15-P-32,,SIG) P011501200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The data processing included a detailed P011501200004 evaluation of the errors in both the cross sections P011501200005 and the bombarding energies, as well as a P011501200006 re-evaluation of all previously reported results. P011501200007 STATUS (TABLE) Table 5, page 30 of R,NYO-2771,13,1966. P011501200008 Partial data without error bars are given in Table P011501200009 XVII, page 38 of R, TID-21525,1965. P011501200010 HISTORY (20230112C) BP P011501200011 ENDBIB 9 0 P011501200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 P011501200013 DATA 3 12 P011501200014 EN DATA DATA-ERR P011501200015 MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B P011501200016 3.7 74.0 8.0 P011501200017 5.4 130.0 14.0 P011501200018 7.3 112.0 12.0 P011501200019 8.6 138.0 15.0 P011501200020 9.1 155.0 13.0 P011501200021 9.9 157.0 17.0 P011501200022 10.7 115.0 13.0 P011501200023 10.9 116.0 13.0 P011501200024 12.3 130.0 14.0 P011501200025 12.7 112.0 12.0 P011501200026 13.9 157.0 17.0 P011501200027 14.1 156.0 17.0 P011501200028 ENDDATA 14 0 P011501200029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 P011501299999 SUBENT P0115013 20230112 C227P011501300001 BIB 5 16 P011501300002 REACTION (56-BA-138(D,G)57-LA-140,,SIG) P011501300003 ANALYSIS No additional work has been undertaken on the P011501300004 previous measurement. However, the cross sections P011501300005 which were given in last year's TID-21525 report P011501300006 (Table XVIIl) have been re-evaluated on the basis of P011501300007 newer decay-scheme information. The corrected cross P011501300008 sections, which differ by 11% from those reported P011501300009 earlier, are shown. P011501300010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The data processing included a detailed P011501300011 evaluation of the errors in both the cross sections P011501300012 and the bombarding energies, as well as a P011501300013 re-evaluation of all previously reported results. P011501300014 STATUS (TABLE) Table 6, page 31 of R,NYO-2771,13,1966. P011501300015 Preliminary data without error bars are given in R, P011501300016 TID-21525,1965. P011501300017 HISTORY (20230112C) BP P011501300018 ENDBIB 16 0 P011501300019 NOCOMMON 0 0 P011501300020 DATA 4 11 P011501300021 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR P011501300022 MEV MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B P011501300023 5.6 0.4 6.0 0.6 P011501300024 7.4 0.3 18.5 2.1 P011501300025 7.6 0.3 18.5 2.1 P011501300026 8.3 0.3 18.1 2.0 P011501300027 8.5 0.3 20.7 2.4 P011501300028 10.1 0.3 21.8 2.5 P011501300029 10.9 0.3 21.9 2.5 P011501300030 11.9 0.3 17.5 2.0 P011501300031 13.0 0.2 11.5 1.3 P011501300032 13.4 0.2 10.1 1.2 P011501300033 13.9 0.2 12.7 1.5 P011501300034 ENDDATA 13 0 P011501300035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 P011501399999 ENDENTRY 13 0 P011599999999