ENTRY P0121 20240215 C239P012100000001 SUBENT P0121001 20240215 C239P012100100001 BIB 7 11 P012100100002 TITLE Excitation function for the reaction O16(alpha,pn)F18 P012100100003 AUTHOR (M.Furukawa,S.Tanaka) P012100100004 REFERENCE (J,JPJ,16,129,1961) P012100100005 INSTITUTE (2JPNTOK) P012100100006 FACILITY (CYCLO,2JPNTOK) P012100100007 STATUS (CPX) Data from CPX file compiled in 1964/67 by P012100100008 F.K. McGowan et al. P012100100009 HISTORY (19830620T) Converted to EXFOR format by IAEA-NDS. P012100100010 (19850215U) OS. Country code corrected. P012100100011 (20000815A) Converted to new date formats; BIB updated.P012100100012 (20240215D) BP: Deleted as a duplicate of E1953. P012100100013 ENDBIB 11 0 P012100100014 NOCOMMON 0 0 P012100100015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 P012100199999 NOSUBENT P0121002 20240215 C239P012100200001 ENDENTRY 2 0 P012199999999