ENTRY            R0021   20070909                             R022R002100000001 
SUBENT        R0021001   20070909                             R022R002100100001 
BIB                  9         21                                 R002100100002 
TITLE      Excitation of deep lying hole states in 11C,15O, 27Si, R002100100003 
           and 57Ni with the (3He,a) reaction at 216 MeV          R002100100004 
AUTHOR     (E.Gerlic, H.Langevin-Joliot, P.Roos, J.Van de Wiele,  R002100100005 
           J.P.Didelez, G.Duhamel)                                R002100100006 
INSTITUTE  (2FR PAR) Institut de Physique Nucleaire               R002100100007 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,12,(6),2106,197512)                            R002100100008 
FACILITY   (SYNCY)                                                R002100100009 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SOLST,GELI) 2.3 mm Si for dE, 8 mm Ge(Li) for E R002100100010 
INC-SPECT  The energy resolution was limited to 500-800 KeV,      R002100100011 
           due to the energy definition of the incident beam,     R002100100012 
           target thickness, and kinematical effects.             R002100100013 
ERR-ANALYS It was assumed that the angular distribution of        R002100100014 
           background continuum lying under the broad peak of     R002100100015 
           interest was similar to that observed near 50 MeV      R002100100016 
           excitation energy.                                     R002100100017 
HISTORY    (19850918C) RIKEN Nuclear Data Group                   R002100100018 
           (20070714A) On. Changed to lower case and 4-digit year.R002100100019 
                       EXP in SF9 deleted. FACILITY corrected.    R002100100020 
                       Part of sentence in ERR-ANALYS moved to    R002100100021 
                       COMMENT.                                   R002100100022 
           (20070815A) On. STATUS moved. INC-SPECT added.         R002100100023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 R002100100024 
COMMON               1          3                                 R002100100025 
EN                                                                R002100100026 
MEV                                                               R002100100027 
216.                                                              R002100100028 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 R002100100029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 R002100199999 
SUBENT        R0021002   20070909                             R022R002100200001 
BIB                  4         10                                 R002100200002 
REACTION   (14-SI-28(HE3,A)14-SI-27,,DA/DE)                       R002100200003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error bars do not include the           R002100200004 
                      systematic errors such as arising from the  R002100200005 
                      treatment of the backgroudnd continuum.     R002100200006 
                      The error bars of the figures indicated     R002100200007 
                      were read by a compiler.                    R002100200008 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.2, p2107 in reference         R002100200009 
HISTORY    (20070714A) On. IND in SF5 deleted.                    R002100200010 
                           Part of ERR-ANALYS moved to 001.       R002100200011 
           (20070815A) On. STATUS added. Heading corrected.       R002100200012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 R002100200013 
COMMON               1          3                                 R002100200014 
ANG                                                               R002100200015 
ADEG                                                              R002100200016 
7.                                                                R002100200017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 R002100200018 
DATA                 3         20                                 R002100200019 
E-EXC      DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    R002100200020 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   R002100200021 
  9.3         0.22                                                R002100200022 
 10.7         0.35                                                R002100200023 
 11.4         0.36                                                R002100200024 
 13.0         0.35                                                R002100200025 
 14.4         0.30                                                R002100200026 
 14.8         0.28                                                R002100200027 
 15.9         0.31                                                R002100200028 
 18.1         0.38                                                R002100200029 
 20.5         0.36                                                R002100200030 
 23.0         0.35                                                R002100200031 
 25.7         0.31                                                R002100200032 
 30.5         0.26                                                R002100200033 
 35.7         0.27                                                R002100200034 
 40.5         0.26                                                R002100200035 
 50.9         0.25        0.01                                    R002100200036 
 60.9         0.25                                                R002100200037 
 71.1         0.25                                                R002100200038 
 80.8         0.23                                                R002100200039 
 90.6         0.25                                                R002100200040 
100.5         0.23                                                R002100200041 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 R002100200042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 R002100299999 
SUBENT        R0021003   20070909                             R022R002100300001 
BIB                  3          5                                 R002100300002 
REACTION   (14-SI-28(HE3,A)14-SI-27,,DA/DE)                       R002100300003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.2, p2107 in reference         R002100300004 
HISTORY    (20070714A) On. IND in SF5 deleted.                    R002100300005 
                           ERR-ANALYS moved to 001.               R002100300006 
           (20070815A) On. STATUS added. Heading corrected.       R002100300007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 R002100300008 
COMMON               1          3                                 R002100300009 
ANG                                                               R002100300010 
ADEG                                                              R002100300011 
9.                                                                R002100300012 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 R002100300013 
DATA                 2         16                                 R002100300014 
E-EXC      DATA-CM                                                R002100300015 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV                                              R002100300016 
 10.7         0.34                                                R002100300017 
 11.4         0.28                                                R002100300018 
 15.9         0.25                                                R002100300019 
 18.1         0.32                                                R002100300020 
 20.5         0.33                                                R002100300021 
 23.0         0.30                                                R002100300022 
 25.7         0.25                                                R002100300023 
 30.5         0.25                                                R002100300024 
 35.7         0.22                                                R002100300025 
 40.5         0.20                                                R002100300026 
 50.9         0.20                                                R002100300027 
 60.9         0.19                                                R002100300028 
 71.1         0.20                                                R002100300029 
 80.8         0.19                                                R002100300030 
 90.6         0.20                                                R002100300031 
100.5         0.20                                                R002100300032 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 R002100300033 
ENDSUBENT           32          0                                 R002100399999 
SUBENT        R0021004   20070909                             R022R002100400001 
BIB                  4         10                                 R002100400002 
REACTION   (14-SI-28(HE3,A)14-SI-27,,DA/DE)                       R002100400003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error bars do not include the           R002100400004 
                      systematic errors such as arising from the  R002100400005 
                      treatment of the backgroudnd continuum.     R002100400006 
                      The error bars of the figures indicated     R002100400007 
                      were read by a compiler.                    R002100400008 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.2, p2107 in reference         R002100400009 
HISTORY    (20070714A) On. IND in SF5 deleted.                    R002100400010 
                           Part of ERR-ANALYS moved to 001.       R002100400011 
           (20070815A) On. STATUS added. Heading corrected.       R002100400012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 R002100400013 
COMMON               1          3                                 R002100400014 
ANG                                                               R002100400015 
ADEG                                                              R002100400016 
12.5                                                              R002100400017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 R002100400018 
DATA                 3         18                                 R002100400019 
E-EXC      DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    R002100400020 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   R002100400021 
 10.7         0.22                                                R002100400022 
 11.4         0.191                                               R002100400023 
 13.0         0.20                                                R002100400024 
 14.4         0.20                                                R002100400025 
 15.9         0.186                                               R002100400026 
 18.1         0.21                                                R002100400027 
 20.5         0.22        0.01                                    R002100400028 
 23.0         0.21                                                R002100400029 
 25.7         0.195                                               R002100400030 
 30.5         0.174                                               R002100400031 
 35.7         0.162                                               R002100400032 
 40.5         0.162                                               R002100400033 
 50.9         0.162                                               R002100400034 
 60.9         0.170                                               R002100400035 
 71.1         0.170       0.010                                   R002100400036 
 80.8         0.170                                               R002100400037 
 90.6         0.174                                               R002100400038 
100.5         0.186                                               R002100400039 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 R002100400040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 R002100499999 
SUBENT        R0021005   20070909                             R022R002100500001 
BIB                  4         10                                 R002100500002 
REACTION   (14-SI-28(HE3,A)14-SI-27,,DA/DE)                       R002100500003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error bars do not include the           R002100500004 
                      systematic errors such as arising from the  R002100500005 
                      treatment of the backgroudnd continuum.     R002100500006 
                      The error bars of the figures indicated     R002100500007 
                      were read by a compiler.                    R002100500008 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.2, p2107 in reference         R002100500009 
HISTORY    (20070714A) On. IND in SF5 deleted.                    R002100500010 
                           Part of ERR-ANALYS moved to 001.       R002100500011 
           (20070815A) On. STATUS added. Heading corrected.       R002100500012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 R002100500013 
COMMON               1          3                                 R002100500014 
ANG                                                               R002100500015 
ADEG                                                              R002100500016 
15.                                                               R002100500017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 R002100500018 
DATA                 3         19                                 R002100500019 
E-EXC      DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    R002100500020 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   R002100500021 
  9.3         0.091                                               R002100500022 
 10.7         0.132                                               R002100500023 
 11.4         0.115                                               R002100500024 
 13.0         0.135                                               R002100500025 
 14.8         0.126                                               R002100500026 
 15.9         0.120                                               R002100500027 
 18.1         0.135       0.008                                   R002100500028 
 20.5         0.155                                               R002100500029 
 23.0         0.155                                               R002100500030 
 25.7         0.145                                               R002100500031 
 30.5         0.138                                               R002100500032 
 35.7         0.123                                               R002100500033 
 40.5         0.123                                               R002100500034 
 50.9         0.126       0.007                                   R002100500035 
 60.9         0.129                                               R002100500036 
 71.1         0.132                                               R002100500037 
 80.8         0.135                                               R002100500038 
 90.6         0.145                                               R002100500039 
100.5         0.151                                               R002100500040 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 R002100500041 
ENDSUBENT           40          0                                 R002100599999 
SUBENT        R0021006   20070909                             R022R002100600001 
BIB                  3          5                                 R002100600002 
REACTION   (14-SI-28(HE3,A)14-SI-27,,DA/DE)                       R002100600003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.2, p2107 in reference         R002100600004 
HISTORY    (20070714A) On. IND in SF5 deleted.                    R002100600005 
                           ERR-ANALYS moved to 001.               R002100600006 
           (20070815A) On. STATUS added. Heading corrected.       R002100600007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 R002100600008 
COMMON               1          3                                 R002100600009 
ANG                                                               R002100600010 
ADEG                                                              R002100600011 
18.                                                               R002100600012 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 R002100600013 
DATA                 2         12                                 R002100600014 
E-EXC      DATA-CM                                                R002100600015 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV                                              R002100600016 
 15.0         0.074                                               R002100600017 
 20.5         0.087                                               R002100600018 
 25.7         0.093                                               R002100600019 
 30.5         0.085                                               R002100600020 
 35.7         0.091                                               R002100600021 
 40.5         0.085                                               R002100600022 
 50.9         0.100                                               R002100600023 
 60.9         0.095                                               R002100600024 
 71.1         0.102                                               R002100600025 
 80.8         0.112                                               R002100600026 
 90.6         0.120                                               R002100600027 
100.5         0.135                                               R002100600028 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 R002100600029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 R002100699999 
SUBENT        R0021007   20070909                             R022R002100700001 
BIB                  4         10                                 R002100700002 
REACTION   (14-SI-28(HE3,A)14-SI-27,,DA/DE)                       R002100700003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error bars do not include the           R002100700004 
                      systematic errors such as arising from the  R002100700005 
                      treatment of the backgroudnd continuum.     R002100700006 
                      The error bars of the figures indicated     R002100700007 
                      were read by a compiler.                    R002100700008 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.2, p2107 in reference         R002100700009 
HISTORY    (20070714A) On. IND in SF5 deleted.                    R002100700010 
                           Part of ERR-ANALYS moved to 001.       R002100700011 
           (20070815A) On. STATUS added. Heading corrected.       R002100700012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 R002100700013 
COMMON               1          3                                 R002100700014 
ANG                                                               R002100700015 
ADEG                                                              R002100700016 
21.                                                               R002100700017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 R002100700018 
DATA                 3         12                                 R002100700019 
E-EXC      DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    R002100700020 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   R002100700021 
 15.0         0.042                                               R002100700022 
 20.5         0.052                                               R002100700023 
 25.7         0.059                                               R002100700024 
 30.5         0.059                                               R002100700025 
 35.7         0.059                                               R002100700026 
 40.5         0.066       0.006                                   R002100700027 
 50.9         0.068                                               R002100700028 
 60.9         0.069                                               R002100700029 
 71.1         0.076                                               R002100700030 
 80.8         0.083       0.007                                   R002100700031 
 90.6         0.095                                               R002100700032 
100.5         0.107                                               R002100700033 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 R002100700034 
ENDSUBENT           33          0                                 R002100799999 
SUBENT        R0021008   20070909                             R022R002100800001 
BIB                  4          9                                 R002100800002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(HE3,A)6-C-11,PAR,DA)                           R002100800003 
COMMENT    The angular distribution of the broad bump resting     R002100800004 
           on a smooth continuum is measured. It is suggested     R002100800005 
           that the bump arises from neutron pickup in the        R002100800006 
           deeper shell 1s for 12C.                               R002100800007 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.3, p2109 in reference         R002100800008 
HISTORY    (20070714A) On. IND in SF5 deleted.                    R002100800009 
                           ERR-ANALYS moved to 001.               R002100800010 
           (20070815A) On. STATUS added. Heading corrected.       R002100800011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 R002100800012 
COMMON               1          3                                 R002100800013 
E-EXC                                                             R002100800014 
MEV                                                               R002100800015 
15.3                                                              R002100800016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 R002100800017 
DATA                 2          4                                 R002100800018 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM                                                R002100800019 
ADEG       MB/SR                                                  R002100800020 
  9.2      0.60                                                   R002100800021 
 13.3      0.42                                                   R002100800022 
 16.5      0.27                                                   R002100800023 
 20.0      0.158                                                  R002100800024 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 R002100800025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 R002100899999 
SUBENT        R0021009   20070909                             R022R002100900001 
BIB                  5         14                                 R002100900002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(HE3,A)6-C-11,PAR,DA)                           R002100900003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error bars do not include the           R002100900004 
                      systematic errors such as arising from the  R002100900005 
                      treatment of the backgroudnd continuum.     R002100900006 
                      The error bars of the figures indicated     R002100900007 
                      were read by a compiler.                    R002100900008 
COMMENT    The angular distribution of the broad bump resting     R002100900009 
           on a smooth continuum is measured. It is suggested     R002100900010 
           that the bump arises from neutron pickup in the        R002100900011 
           deeper shell 1s for 12C.                               R002100900012 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.3, p2109 in reference         R002100900013 
HISTORY    (20070714A) On. IND in SF5 deleted.                    R002100900014 
                           Part of ERR-ANALYS moved to 001.       R002100900015 
           (20070815A) On. STATUS added. Heading corrected.       R002100900016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 R002100900017 
COMMON               2          3                                 R002100900018 
E-EXC-MIN  E-EXC-MAX                                              R002100900019 
MEV        MEV                                                    R002100900020 
17.4       45.                                                    R002100900021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 R002100900022 
DATA                 3          4                                 R002100900023 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    R002100900024 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       R002100900025 
  9.2      2.1         0.1                                        R002100900026 
 13.4      1.15        0.08                                       R002100900027 
 16.6      0.60        0.06                                       R002100900028 
 20.0      0.42        0.07                                       R002100900029 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 R002100900030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 R002100999999 
SUBENT        R0021010   20070909                             R022R002101000001 
BIB                  5         14                                 R002101000002 
REACTION   (8-O-16(HE3,A)8-O-15,PAR,DA)                           R002101000003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error bars do not include the           R002101000004 
                      systematic errors such as arising from the  R002101000005 
                      treatment of the backgroudnd continuum.     R002101000006 
                      The error bars of the figures indicated     R002101000007 
                      were read by a compiler.                    R002101000008 
COMMENT    The angular distribution of the broad bump resting     R002101000009 
           on a smooth continuum is measured. It is suggested     R002101000010 
           that the bump arises from neutron pickup in the        R002101000011 
           deeper shell 1s for 16O.                               R002101000012 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.3, p2109 in reference         R002101000013 
HISTORY    (20070714A) On. IND in SF5 deleted.                    R002101000014 
                           Part of ERR-ANALYS moved to 001.       R002101000015 
           (20070815A) On. STATUS added. Heading corrected.       R002101000016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 R002101000017 
COMMON               2          3                                 R002101000018 
E-EXC-MIN  E-EXC-MAX                                              R002101000019 
MEV        MEV                                                    R002101000020 
19.        50.                                                    R002101000021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 R002101000022 
DATA                 3          4                                 R002101000023 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    R002101000024 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       R002101000025 
  8.2      0.50       0.01                                        R002101000026 
 11.0      0.42       0.03                                        R002101000027 
 14.6      0.32       0.02                                        R002101000028 
 18.4      0.26       0.03                                        R002101000029 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 R002101000030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 R002101099999 
SUBENT        R0021011   20070909                             R022R002101100001 
BIB                  5         14                                 R002101100002 
REACTION   (14-SI-28(HE3,A)14-SI-27,PAR,DA)                       R002101100003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error bars do not include the           R002101100004 
                      systematic errors such as arising from the  R002101100005 
                      treatment of the backgroudnd continuum.     R002101100006 
                      The error bars of the figures indicated     R002101100007 
                      were read by a compiler.                    R002101100008 
COMMENT    The angular distribution of the broad bump resting     R002101100009 
           on a smooth continuum is measured. It is suggested     R002101100010 
           that the bump arises from neutron pickup in the        R002101100011 
           deeper shell 1p-3/2 for 28Si.                          R002101100012 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.3, p2109 in reference         R002101100013 
HISTORY    (20070714A) On. IND in SF5 deleted.                    R002101100014 
                           Part of ERR-ANALYS moved to 001.       R002101100015 
           (20070815A) On. STATUS added. Heading corrected.       R002101100016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 R002101100017 
COMMON               2          3                                 R002101100018 
E-EXC-MIN  E-EXC-MAX                                              R002101100019 
MEV        MEV                                                    R002101100020 
9.         15.4                                                   R002101100021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 R002101100022 
DATA                 3          7                                 R002101100023 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    R002101100024 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       R002101100025 
  7.1      1.74        0.20                                       R002101100026 
  8.0      1.32        0.18                                       R002101100027 
 10.2      1.35        0.18                                       R002101100028 
 13.8      0.65        0.10                                       R002101100029 
 17.3      0.36        0.06                                       R002101100030 
 20.7      0.098       0.027                                      R002101100031 
 24.1      0.091       0.039                                      R002101100032 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 R002101100033 
ENDSUBENT           32          0                                 R002101199999 
SUBENT        R0021012   20070909                             R022R002101200001 
BIB                  5         14                                 R002101200002 
REACTION   (14-SI-28(HE3,A)14-SI-27,PAR,DA)                       R002101200003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error bars do not include the           R002101200004 
                      systematic errors such as arising from the  R002101200005 
                      treatment of the backgroudnd continuum.     R002101200006 
                      The error bars of the figures indicated     R002101200007 
                      were read by a compiler.                    R002101200008 
COMMENT    The angular distribution of the broad bump resting     R002101200009 
           on a smooth continuum is measured. It is suggested     R002101200010 
           that the bump arises from neutron pickup in the        R002101200011 
           deeper shell 1p-3/2 for 28Si.                          R002101200012 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.3, p2109 in reference         R002101200013 
HISTORY    (20070714A) On. IND in SF5 deleted.                    R002101200014 
                           Part of ERR-ANALYS moved to 001.       R002101200015 
           (20070815A) On. STATUS added. Heading corrected.       R002101200016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 R002101200017 
COMMON               2          3                                 R002101200018 
E-EXC-MIN  E-EXC-MAX                                              R002101200019 
MEV        MEV                                                    R002101200020 
15.4       40.                                                    R002101200021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 R002101200022 
DATA                 3          7                                 R002101200023 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    R002101200024 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       R002101200025 
  7.1      2.3         0.2                                        R002101200026 
  8.1      2.6         0.3                                        R002101200027 
 10.3      2.5         0.2                                        R002101200028 
 13.7      1.45        0.17                                       R002101200029 
 17.2      0.87        0.10                                       R002101200030 
 20.8      0.29        0.05                                       R002101200031 
 24.1      0.18        0.05                                       R002101200032 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 R002101200033 
ENDSUBENT           32          0                                 R002101299999 
SUBENT        R0021013   20070909                             R022R002101300001 
BIB                  5         14                                 R002101300002 
REACTION   (28-NI-58(HE3,A)28-NI-57,PAR,DA)                       R002101300003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error bars do not include the           R002101300004 
                      systematic errors such as arising from the  R002101300005 
                      treatment of the backgroudnd continuum.     R002101300006 
                      The error bars of the figures indicated     R002101300007 
                      were read by a compiler.                    R002101300008 
COMMENT    The angular distribution of the broad bump resting     R002101300009 
           on a smooth continuum is measured. It is suggested     R002101300010 
           that the bump arises from neutron pickup in the        R002101300011 
           deeper shell 1d+(1p) for 58Ni.                         R002101300012 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.3, p2109 in reference         R002101300013 
HISTORY    (20070714A) On. IND in SF5 deleted.                    R002101300014 
                           Part of ERR-ANALYS moved to 001.       R002101300015 
           (20070815A) On. STATUS added. Heading corrected.       R002101300016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 R002101300017 
COMMON               2          3                                 R002101300018 
E-EXC-MIN  E-EXC-MAX                                              R002101300019 
MEV        MEV                                                    R002101300020 
2.56       5.23                                                   R002101300021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 R002101300022 
DATA                 3         12                                 R002101300023 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    R002101300024 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       R002101300025 
  6.7      7.9         0.5                                        R002101300026 
  7.4      6.3         0.4                                        R002101300027 
  8.5      5.4         0.3                                        R002101300028 
  8.5      4.9         0.3                                        R002101300029 
  9.7      5.0         0.3                                        R002101300030 
 10.7      4.2         0.3                                        R002101300031 
 10.7      3.8         0.3                                        R002101300032 
 12.2      3.4         0.2                                        R002101300033 
 13.9      2.5         0.2                                        R002101300034 
 16.8      1.29        0.09                                       R002101300035 
 21.3      0.51        0.04                                       R002101300036 
 26.7      0.108       0.009                                      R002101300037 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 R002101300038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 R002101399999 
SUBENT        R0021014   20070909                             R022R002101400001 
BIB                  5         14                                 R002101400002 
REACTION   (28-NI-58(HE3,A)28-NI-57,PAR,DA)                       R002101400003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error bars do not include the           R002101400004 
                      systematic errors such as arising from the  R002101400005 
                      treatment of the backgroudnd continuum.     R002101400006 
                      The error bars of the figures indicated     R002101400007 
                      were read by a compiler.                    R002101400008 
COMMENT    The angular distribution of the broad bump resting     R002101400009 
           on a smooth continuum is measured. It is suggested     R002101400010 
           that the bump arises from neutron pickup in the        R002101400011 
           deeper shell 1d+(1p) for 58Ni.                         R002101400012 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.3, p2109 in reference         R002101400013 
HISTORY    (20070714A) On. IND in SF5 deleted.                    R002101400014 
                           Part of ERR-ANALYS moved to 001.       R002101400015 
           (20070815A) On. STATUS added. Heading corrected.       R002101400016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 R002101400017 
COMMON               2          3                                 R002101400018 
E-EXC-MIN  E-EXC-MAX                                              R002101400019 
MEV        MEV                                                    R002101400020 
10.8       50.                                                    R002101400021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 R002101400022 
DATA                 3          5                                 R002101400023 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    R002101400024 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       R002101400025 
  6.4      6.9         0.5                                        R002101400026 
  8.6      6.5         0.5                                        R002101400027 
 11.1      4.2         0.3                                        R002101400028 
 14.0      3.6         0.3                                        R002101400029 
 17.1      1.6         0.1                                        R002101400030 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 R002101400031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 R002101499999 
ENDENTRY            14          0                                 R002199999999