ENTRY            R0046   20241120                             R031R004600000001 
SUBENT        R0046001   20241120                             R031R004600100001 
BIB                 15         44                                 R004600100002 
TITLE      Excitation functions for deuteron reactions with 75As  R004600100003 
AUTHOR     (H.F.Roehm, H.Muenzel)                                 R004600100004 
INSTITUTE  (2GERKFK)                                              R004600100005 
REFERENCE  (J,JIN,34,1773,1972)                                   R004600100006 
           (R,KFK-1447,1971)                                      R004600100007 
REL-REF    (A,,L.H.Bowen+,J,PR,127,1698,1962)                     R004600100008 
           (R,,C.F.Williamson+,R,CEA-R-3042,1966)                 R004600100009 
           Range-energy data                                      R004600100010 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2GERKFK) 52+/-0.3 MeV deuteron beam             R004600100011 
METHOD     (STTA,EXTB,BCINT,ACTIV,MOSEP,GSPEC)                    R004600100012 
DETECTOR   (GELI,SOLST) 30cc Ge(Li) and 3mm thick Si(Li)          R004600100013 
SAMPLE     As powder targets were made by deposition from an      R004600100014 
            ethanol suspension.                                   R004600100015 
           The thickness (~60 mg/cm2) was calculated from the     R004600100016 
            known weight of the As powder and the diameter of the R004600100017 
            deposit.                                              R004600100018 
           An acetone-Zapon solution was used to fix the As       R004600100019 
            deposit to the filter paper backing.                  R004600100020 
           The filter paper was glued to an Al frame which was as R004600100021 
            thick as the deposit and had a centered hole.         R004600100022 
           The remaining open side was covered with a thin Mylar  R004600100023 
            foil to prevent any target material from sticking to  R004600100024 
            the adjacent Al degrader foil.                        R004600100025 
MONITOR    (13-AL-27(D,X)11-NA-24,,SIG)                           R004600100026 
DECAY-MON  (11-NA-24,15.05HR,DG,1369.)                            R004600100027 
MONIT-REF  (B0142004,U.Martens+,R,KFK-1083,1969)                  R004600100028 
           (B0099004,H.F.Roehm+,J,JIN,31,3345,1969)               R004600100029 
ERR-ANALYS Overall relative standard deviation is ~7% excluding   R004600100030 
            errors due to the branching ratios.                   R004600100031 
           Errors of (d,4n) and (d,3n+p) cross sections are       R004600100032 
            expected to be larger due to subtraction methods.     R004600100033 
           (ERR-1)     monitor cross section               (~3%)  R004600100034 
           (ERR-2)     beam flux determined by monitor     (~3%)  R004600100035 
           (ERR-3)     arsenic target non-uniformity       (~4%)  R004600100036 
           (ERR-4)     efficiency curve                    (~2%)  R004600100037 
           (ERR-5,,2.) EOB activity from decay curve       (<2%)  R004600100038 
STATUS     (TABLE,,H.F.Roehm,J,JIN,34,1773,1972) Table 2          R004600100039 
HISTORY    (19930723C)                                            R004600100040 
           (20060310A) On. REFERENCE corrected. REL-REF and       R004600100041 
            MONIT-REF corrected. EXP in SF9 deleted.              R004600100042 
           (20150224A) MA: REFERENCE modified and added.          R004600100043 
            STATUS modified.                                      R004600100044 
           (20241120A) On. Major revision in 002. 003-009 added.  R004600100045 
            ERR-ANALYS updated. ERR-1 to ERR-4 added in COMMON.   R004600100046 
ENDBIB              44          0                                 R004600100047 
COMMON               4          3                                 R004600100048 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4                            R004600100049 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         R004600100050 
 3.         3.         4.         2.                              R004600100051 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 R004600100052 
ENDSUBENT           51          0                                 R004600199999 
SUBENT        R0046002   20241120                             R031R004600200001 
BIB                  3          6                                 R004600200002 
REACTION   (33-AS-75(D,2N)34-SE-75,,SIG)                          R004600200003 
DECAY-DATA (34-SE-75,120.4D,DG,121.1,0.263,                       R004600200004 
                            DG,135.9,0.962,                       R004600200005 
                            DG,264.6,1.0,                         R004600200006 
                            DG,279.5,0.42)                        R004600200007 
HISTORY    (20241120T) On. DATA-ERR deleted. Split to 002-009.    R004600200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 R004600200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 R004600200010 
DATA                 2         15                                 R004600200011 
EN         DATA                                                   R004600200012 
MEV        MB                                                     R004600200013 
 10.2       108.                                                  R004600200014 
 12.1       216.                                                  R004600200015 
 14.5       390.                                                  R004600200016 
 16.8       523.                                                  R004600200017 
 19.8       513.                                                  R004600200018 
 23.2       407.                                                  R004600200019 
 26.4       243.                                                  R004600200020 
 29.7       150.                                                  R004600200021 
 31.1       108.                                                  R004600200022 
 33.1       108.                                                  R004600200023 
 36.4       106.                                                  R004600200024 
 39.8        75.                                                  R004600200025 
 42.7        71.                                                  R004600200026 
 46.1        63.                                                  R004600200027 
 49.4        59.                                                  R004600200028 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 R004600200029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 R004600299999 
SUBENT        R0046003   20241120                             R031R004600300001 
BIB                  3          3                                 R004600300002 
REACTION   (33-AS-75(D,4N)34-SE-73-G,,SIG)                        R004600300003 
DECAY-DATA (34-SE-73-G,7.18HR,DG,361.1)                           R004600300004 
HISTORY    (20241120T) On. Separated from 002.                    R004600300005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 R004600300006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 R004600300007 
DATA                 2          7                                 R004600300008 
EN         DATA                                                   R004600300009 
MEV        MB                                                     R004600300010 
 27.4        4.4                                                  R004600300011 
 31.1       28.                                                   R004600300012 
 34.2       54.                                                   R004600300013 
 41.2       77.                                                   R004600300014 
 44.7       72.                                                   R004600300015 
 48.2       55.                                                   R004600300016 
 51.3       54.                                                   R004600300017 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 R004600300018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 R004600399999 
SUBENT        R0046004   20241120                             R031R004600400001 
BIB                  3          7                                 R004600400002 
REACTION   (33-AS-75(D,4N)34-SE-73-M,,SIG)                        R004600400003 
DECAY-DATA (34-SE-73-M,38.6MIN,DG,84.4,0.977,                     R004600400004 
                               DG,253.6,1.0,                      R004600400005 
                               DG,393.6,0.678,                    R004600400006 
                               DG,401.6,0.51,                     R004600400007 
                               DG,1077.8,0.235)                   R004600400008 
HISTORY    (20241120T) On. Separated from 002.                    R004600400009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 R004600400010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 R004600400011 
DATA                 2          7                                 R004600400012 
EN         DATA                                                   R004600400013 
MEV        MB                                                     R004600400014 
 27.4        3.7                                                  R004600400015 
 31.1       26.                                                   R004600400016 
 34.2       53.                                                   R004600400017 
 41.2       77.                                                   R004600400018 
 44.7       71.                                                   R004600400019 
 48.2       66.                                                   R004600400020 
 51.3       51.                                                   R004600400021 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 R004600400022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 R004600499999 
SUBENT        R0046005   20241120                             R031R004600500001 
BIB                  3          3                                 R004600500002 
REACTION   (33-AS-75(D,5N)34-SE-72,,SIG)                          R004600500003 
DECAY-DATA (34-SE-72,8.5D,DG,46.)                                 R004600500004 
HISTORY    (20241120T) On. Separated from 002.                    R004600500005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 R004600500006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 R004600500007 
DATA                 2          4                                 R004600500008 
EN         DATA                                                   R004600500009 
MEV        MB                                                     R004600500010 
 39.8        0.7                                                  R004600500011 
 42.7        4.2                                                  R004600500012 
 46.1       13.3                                                  R004600500013 
 49.4       26.1                                                  R004600500014 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 R004600500015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 R004600599999 
SUBENT        R0046006   20241120                             R031R004600600001 
BIB                  3          4                                 R004600600002 
REACTION   (33-AS-75(D,P)33-AS-76,,SIG)                           R004600600003 
DECAY-DATA (33-AS-76,26.05HR,DG,559.3,0.446,                      R004600600004 
                             DG,657.4,0.058)                      R004600600005 
HISTORY    (20241120T) On. Separated from 002.                    R004600600006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 R004600600007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 R004600600008 
DATA                 2         15                                 R004600600009 
EN         DATA                                                   R004600600010 
MEV        MB                                                     R004600600011 
 18.7       105.                                                  R004600600012 
 20.3       100.                                                  R004600600013 
 22.1        89.                                                  R004600600014 
 23.5        69.                                                  R004600600015 
 25.6        61.                                                  R004600600016 
 27.4        42.                                                  R004600600017 
 28.2        45.                                                  R004600600018 
 31.0        41.                                                  R004600600019 
 31.1        37.                                                  R004600600020 
 33.9        34.                                                  R004600600021 
 34.2        29.                                                  R004600600022 
 41.2        27.                                                  R004600600023 
 44.7        22.                                                  R004600600024 
 48.2        20.                                                  R004600600025 
 51.3        17.                                                  R004600600026 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 R004600600027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 R004600699999 
SUBENT        R0046007   20241120                             R031R004600700001 
BIB                  3          4                                 R004600700002 
REACTION   (33-AS-75(D,X)33-AS-74,,SIG)                           R004600700003 
DECAY-DATA (33-AS-74,17.74D,DG,595.7,1.0,                         R004600700004 
                            DG,634.8,0.252)                       R004600700005 
HISTORY    (20241120T) On. Separated from 002. SF3: 2N+P -> X.    R004600700006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 R004600700007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 R004600700008 
DATA                 2         12                                 R004600700009 
EN         DATA                                                   R004600700010 
MEV        MB                                                     R004600700011 
 14.5         6.                                                  R004600700012 
 16.8         9.                                                  R004600700013 
 19.8        23.                                                  R004600700014 
 23.2        68.                                                  R004600700015 
 26.4       137.                                                  R004600700016 
 29.7       196.                                                  R004600700017 
 33.1       239.                                                  R004600700018 
 36.4       303.                                                  R004600700019 
 39.8       244.                                                  R004600700020 
 42.7       259.                                                  R004600700021 
 46.1       258.                                                  R004600700022 
 49.4       256.                                                  R004600700023 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 R004600700024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 R004600799999 
SUBENT        R0046008   20241120                             R031R004600800001 
BIB                  3          3                                 R004600800002 
REACTION   (33-AS-75(D,X)33-AS-73,,SIG)                           R004600800003 
DECAY-DATA (33-AS-73,76.D,DG,53.3)                                R004600800004 
HISTORY    (20241120T) On. Separated from 002. SF3: 3N+P -> X.    R004600800005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 R004600800006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 R004600800007 
DATA                 2          6                                 R004600800008 
EN         DATA                                                   R004600800009 
MEV        MB                                                     R004600800010 
 33.1        43.0                                                 R004600800011 
 36.4       216.                                                  R004600800012 
 39.8       279.                                                  R004600800013 
 42.7       421.                                                  R004600800014 
 46.1       463.                                                  R004600800015 
 49.4       462.                                                  R004600800016 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 R004600800017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 R004600899999 
SUBENT        R0046009   20241120                             R031R004600900001 
BIB                  3          3                                 R004600900002 
REACTION   (33-AS-75(D,2P)32-GE-75,,SIG)                          R004600900003 
DECAY-DATA (32-GE-75-G,82.78MIN,DG,264.6)                         R004600900004 
HISTORY    (20241120T) On. Separated from 002. SF4-SF5 revised.   R004600900005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 R004600900006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 R004600900007 
DATA                 2         14                                 R004600900008 
EN         DATA                                                   R004600900009 
MEV        MB                                                     R004600900010 
 20.3       0.8                                                   R004600900011 
 22.1       1.3                                                   R004600900012 
 23.5       1.5                                                   R004600900013 
 25.6       2.3                                                   R004600900014 
 27.4       2.5                                                   R004600900015 
 28.2       2.2                                                   R004600900016 
 31.0       3.0                                                   R004600900017 
 31.1       2.8                                                   R004600900018 
 33.9       2.4                                                   R004600900019 
 34.2       2.3                                                   R004600900020 
 41.2       2.3                                                   R004600900021 
 44.7       2.5                                                   R004600900022 
 48.2       2.7                                                   R004600900023 
 51.3       2.2                                                   R004600900024 
ENDDATA             16          0                                 R004600900025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 R004600999999 
ENDENTRY             9          0                                 R004699999999