ENTRY            S0040   20210113                             S029S004000000001 
SUBENT        S0040001   20210113                             S029S004000100001 
BIB                 13         32                                 S004000100002 
TITLE      Investigation of 89Y(p,n)89Zr, 89Y(p,2n)88Zr and       S004000100003 
            89Y(p,pn)88Y reactions up to 22 MeV                   S004000100004 
AUTHOR     (Zhao Wenrong, Shen Qingbiao, Lu Hanlin, Yu Weixiang)  S004000100005 
INSTITUTE  (3CPRAEP)                                              S004000100006 
EXP-YEAR   (1990)                                                 S004000100007 
REFERENCE  (J,CNP,14,7,1992)                                      S004000100008 
SAMPLE     Yttrium metal foil of high purity (13 mm in diam.,     S004000100009 
            5-10 mg/cm2 thick.)                                   S004000100010 
FACILITY   (VDGT,3CPRAEP) 13 MV tandem, typical proton beam       S004000100011 
            currents were about 400 nA.                           S004000100012 
METHOD     (ACTIV,STTA)                                           S004000100013 
           A typical foil stack consisted of 5 to 10 yttrium      S004000100014 
            foils and the energy degraders were Al foils.         S004000100015 
           The proton energy on the samples was overlapped for    S004000100016 
            four stacks.                                          S004000100017 
           (BCINT) Beam currents determined by an ORTEC model 439 S004000100018 
            digital integrator.                                   S004000100019 
MONITOR    The currents were monitored by Faraday cup.            S004000100020 
DETECTOR   (GELI)                                                 S004000100021 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The dominant uncertainties include:            S004000100022 
             * 0.5%-4% for statistics                             S004000100023 
           (ERR-1) efficiency calibration                   (1.5%)S004000100024 
           (ERR-2) foil uniformity                            (2%)S004000100025 
           (ERR-3) activation determination                   (1%)S004000100026 
           (ERR-4) charge current collection                (1.5%)S004000100027 
           (ERR-5) correction of scattering and other items (1.5%)S004000100028 
           The total uncertainty is 3.3%-5%.                      S004000100029 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from the authors.                   S004000100030 
HISTORY    (19950420C) Zhuang                                     S004000100031 
           (20080228A) NDS(SD): BIB section updated, deleted EXP  S004000100032 
            - from reaction code.                                 S004000100033 
           (20210113A) On. Major revision in 004.                 S004000100034 
ENDBIB              32          0                                 S004000100035 
COMMON               5          3                                 S004000100036 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5                 S004000100037 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              S004000100038 
 1.5        2.         1.         1.5        1.5                  S004000100039 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 S004000100040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 S004000199999 
SUBENT        S0040002   20080311                             Y006S004000200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 S004000200002 
REACTION   (39-Y-89(P,N)40-ZR-89,,SIG)                            S004000200003 
DECAY-DATA (40-ZR-89-G,3.268D,G,909.2,0.9901)                     S004000200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 S004000200005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 S004000200006 
DATA                 4         43                                 S004000200007 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            S004000200008 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               S004000200009 
  7.437      0.065      279.7        8.9                          S004000200010 
  8.165      0.100      376.3       12.0                          S004000200011 
  8.916      0.121      475.4       15.0                          S004000200012 
  9.599      0.068      556.6       17.7                          S004000200013 
 10.250      0.111      598.0       19.0                          S004000200014 
 10.904      0.095      624.0       19.9                          S004000200015 
 11.455      0.078      708.1       22.5                          S004000200016 
 12.019      0.072      725.3       23.1                          S004000200017 
 12.585      0.092      731.3       23.1                          S004000200018 
 13.148      0.083      752.8       24.0                          S004000200019 
 13.646      0.042      773.3       24.6                          S004000200020 
 14.094      0.042      777.0       24.7                          S004000200021 
 14.364      0.077      715.9       22.8                          S004000200022 
 14.531      0.042      741.0       23.6                          S004000200023 
 14.863      0.071      683.9       21.8                          S004000200024 
 14.955      0.072      696.7       22.2                          S004000200025 
 14.958      0.069      673.0       21.4                          S004000200026 
 15.344      0.069      617.9       19.7                          S004000200027 
 15.438      0.070      589.6       18.8                          S004000200028 
 15.814      0.069      564.6       18.0                          S004000200029 
 15.908      0.068      571.7       18.2                          S004000200030 
 16.267      0.058      520.0       16.6                          S004000200031 
 16.361      0.060      505.2       16.1                          S004000200032 
 16.709      0.058      433.4       13.8                          S004000200033 
 16.806      0.067      423.7       13.5                          S004000200034 
 17.151      0.064      374.9       11.7                          S004000200035 
 17.252      0.068      359.9       11.2                          S004000200036 
 17.575      0.054      318.0        9.0                          S004000200037 
 17.692      0.066      299.3        9.3                          S004000200038 
 17.964      0.034      281.4        8.8                          S004000200039 
 18.123      0.066      254.1        7.9                          S004000200040 
 18.535      0.054      219.0        6.8                          S004000200041 
 18.636      0.062      199.9        6.2                          S004000200042 
 18.939      0.061      185.0        5.8                          S004000200043 
 19.027      0.041      180.0        5.6                          S004000200044 
 19.403      0.052      159.8        4.6                          S004000200045 
 19.800      0.066      140.9        4.1                          S004000200046 
 20.179      0.038      130.6        3.8                          S004000200047 
 20.505      0.039      121.4        3.5                          S004000200048 
 20.869      0.038      112.0        3.5                          S004000200049 
 21.208      0.037      103.5        3.0                          S004000200050 
 21.567      0.061       89.5        2.6                          S004000200051 
 21.942      0.058       82.8        2.4                          S004000200052 
ENDDATA             45          0                                 S004000200053 
ENDSUBENT           52          0                                 S004000299999 
SUBENT        S0040003   20080311                             Y006S004000300001 
BIB                  2          2                                 S004000300002 
REACTION   (39-Y-89(P,2N)40-ZR-88,,SIG)                           S004000300003 
DECAY-DATA (40-ZR-88,83.4D,G,392.9,0.973)                         S004000300004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 S004000300005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 S004000300006 
DATA                 4         34                                 S004000300007 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            S004000300008 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               S004000300009 
 13.148      0.083        2.4        0.2                          S004000300010 
 13.646      0.042       15.4        0.3                          S004000300011 
 14.094      0.042       44.3        2.0                          S004000300012 
 14.364      0.077       76.6        2.7                          S004000300013 
 14.531      0.042       87.3        3.0                          S004000300014 
 14.863      0.071      132.4        4.1                          S004000300015 
 14.955      0.072      137.8        4.2                          S004000300016 
 14.958      0.069      132.0        4.1                          S004000300017 
 15.344      0.069      198.3        6.2                          S004000300018 
 15.438      0.070      191.3        5.8                          S004000300019 
 15.814      0.069      268.5        8.4                          S004000300020 
 15.908      0.068      276.5        8.3                          S004000300021 
 16.267      0.058      358.1       11.1                          S004000300022 
 16.361      0.060      365.0       11.2                          S004000300023 
 16.709      0.058      420.8       13.1                          S004000300024 
 16.806      0.067      427.7       13.3                          S004000300025 
 17.151      0.064      487.3       15.2                          S004000300026 
 17.252      0.068      494.1       14.7                          S004000300027 
 17.575      0.054      534.9       16.7                          S004000300028 
 17.692      0.066      544.3       16.8                          S004000300029 
 17.964      0.034      589.6       18.4                          S004000300030 
 18.123      0.066      594.6       18.5                          S004000300031 
 18.535      0.054      620.1       18.7                          S004000300032 
 18.636      0.062      627.4       19.6                          S004000300033 
 18.939      0.061      664.0       19.5                          S004000300034 
 19.027      0.041      673.6       21.0                          S004000300035 
 19.403      0.052      697.2       21.8                          S004000300036 
 19.800      0.066      691.1       21.6                          S004000300037 
 20.179      0.038      725.8       22.6                          S004000300038 
 20.505      0.039      752.9       23.5                          S004000300039 
 20.869      0.038      754.0       23.5                          S004000300040 
 21.208      0.037      782.1       24.4                          S004000300041 
 21.567      0.061      750.0       23.4                          S004000300042 
 21.942      0.058      758.0       23.6                          S004000300043 
ENDDATA             36          0                                 S004000300044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 S004000399999 
SUBENT        S0040004   20210113                             S029S004000400001 
BIB                  3          3                                 S004000400002 
REACTION   (39-Y-89(P,X)39-Y-88,,SIG)                             S004000400003 
DECAY-DATA (39-Y-88,106.6D,G,898.1,0.927)                         S004000400004 
HISTORY    (20210113A) On. REACTION(SF3): N+P -> X.               S004000400005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 S004000400006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 S004000400007 
DATA                 4         31                                 S004000400008 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            S004000400009 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               S004000400010 
 14.364     0.077        3.3      0.2                             S004000400011 
 14.531     0.042        3.8      0.2                             S004000400012 
 14.863     0.071        6.4      0.3                             S004000400013 
 14.955     0.072        8.5      0.3                             S004000400014 
 14.958     0.069        8.2      0.3                             S004000400015 
 15.344     0.069       17.0      0.5                             S004000400016 
 15.438     0.070       15.5      0.5                             S004000400017 
 15.814     0.069       27.1      0.9                             S004000400018 
 15.908     0.068       31.2      1.0                             S004000400019 
 16.267     0.058       40.5      1.3                             S004000400020 
 16.361     0.060       41.3      1.3                             S004000400021 
 16.709     0.058       50.5      1.6                             S004000400022 
 16.806     0.067       49.8      1.6                             S004000400023 
 17.151     0.064       61.4      2.0                             S004000400024 
 17.252     0.068       62.4      2.0                             S004000400025 
 17.575     0.054       69.7      2.2                             S004000400026 
 17.692     0.066       75.0      2.4                             S004000400027 
 17.964     0.034       81.0      2.6                             S004000400028 
 18.123     0.066       84.0      2.7                             S004000400029 
 18.535     0.054      100.7      3.2                             S004000400030 
 18.636     0.062      101.8      3.1                             S004000400031 
 18.939     0.061      108.2      3.4                             S004000400032 
 19.027     0.041      109.4      3.4                             S004000400033 
 19.403     0.052      117.6      3.7                             S004000400034 
 19.800     0.066      126.5      4.0                             S004000400035 
 20.179     0.038      134.8      4.3                             S004000400036 
 20.505     0.039      145.4      4.6                             S004000400037 
 20.869     0.038      157.8      5.0                             S004000400038 
 21.208     0.037      165.7      5.3                             S004000400039 
 21.567     0.061      162.5      5.2                             S004000400040 
 21.942     0.058      183.7      5.8                             S004000400041 
ENDDATA             33          0                                 S004000400042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 S004000499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 S004099999999