ENTRY            S0063   20111121                             S015S006300000001 
SUBENT        S0063001   20111121                             S015S006300100001 
BIB                 10         26                                 S006300100002 
TITLE      Study of proton resonances in 18Ne via resonant        S006300100003 
           elastic scattering of 17F + p and its astrophysical    S006300100004 
           implication in the stellar reaction of 14O(a,p)17F     S006300100005 
AUTHOR     (J.J.He,J.Hu,S.W.Xu,Z.Q.Chen,X.Y.Zhang,J.S.Wang,       S006300100006 
            H.W.Wang,W.D.Tian,X.Q.Yu,L.Y.Zhang,L.Li,Y.Y.Yang,     S006300100007 
            P.Ma,X.H.Zhang,J.Su,E.T.Li,Z.G.Hu,Z.Y.Guo,X.Xu,       S006300100008 
            X.H.Yuan,W.Lu,Y.H.Yu,Y.D.Zang,S.W.Ye,R.P.Ye,          S006300100009 
            J.D.Chen,S.L.Jin,C.M.Du,S.T.Wang,J.B.Ma,L.X.Liu,      S006300100010 
            Z.Bai,X.Q.Li,X.G.Lei,Z.Y.Sun,Y.H.Zhang,X.H.Zhou,      S006300100011 
            H.S.Xu)                                               S006300100012 
INSTITUTE  (3CPRIMP,3CPRNRS,3CPRAEP,3CPRBJG)                      S006300100013 
           (3CPRCPR) Graduate School of Chinese Academy of        S006300100014 
           Sciences.                                              S006300100015 
REFERENCE  (J,EPJ/A,47,(5),67,201105)                             S006300100016 
           #doi:10.1140/epja/i2011-11067-6                        S006300100017 
FACILITY   (PRJFS,3CPRIMP) Experiment was performed at the        S006300100018 
           Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou(RIBLL).           S006300100019 
SAMPLE     (CH2)n target with thickness of 10.5 mg/cm2.           S006300100020 
DETECTOR   (PPAC,SCIN,TELES) Elastic and inelastically            S006300100021 
           scattered protons were detected in the laboratory      S006300100022 
           angular range 0-14 deg using two sets of silicon       S006300100023 
           telescope detection system.                            S006300100024 
METHOD     (EDE,TOF,TTM)                                          S006300100025 
INC-SOURCE A fully stripped 17F9+ ion beam was selected           S006300100026 
           to avoid intense isobaric contamination from 17O ions  S006300100027 
HISTORY    (20111115C) Compiled by You-Xiang Zhuang (CNDC)        S006300100028 
ENDBIB              26          0                                 S006300100029 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 S006300100030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 S006300199999 
SUBENT        S0063002   20091221                             S015S006300200001 
BIB                  3          6                                 S006300200002 
REACTION   ((1-H-1(9-F-17,EL)1-H-1,,DA,P)=                        S006300200003 
           (9-F-17(P,EL)9-F-17,,DA,RSD))                          S006300200004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 6 of the reference and  S006300200005 
           obtained from author (J.J.He)                          S006300200006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) the uncertainties are mainly the statisticalS006300200007 
           ones.                                                  S006300200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 S006300200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 S006300200010 
DATA                 5        110                                 S006300200011 
ANG-CM     ANG-ERR    EN-CM      DATA-CM    DATA-ERR              S006300200012 
ADEG       ADEG       MEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                 S006300200013 
152.       8.         2.500      107.100    14.893                S006300200014 
152.       8.         2.545       96.480    13.768                S006300200015 
152.       8.         2.590      114.660    15.689                S006300200016 
152.       8.         2.635      118.440    16.085                S006300200017 
152.       8.         2.680      112.680    15.481                S006300200018 
152.       8.         2.725      102.420    14.399                S006300200019 
152.       8.         2.770      110.700    15.272                S006300200020 
152.       8.         2.815      117.000    15.934                S006300200021 
152.       8.         2.860      108.000    14.988                S006300200022 
152.       8.         2.905      111.600    15.367                S006300200023 
152.       8.         2.951       90.000    13.077                S006300200024 
152.       8.         2.996       88.560    12.922                S006300200025 
152.       8.         3.040      100.980    14.246                S006300200026 
152.       8.         3.086      143.820    18.726                S006300200027 
152.       8.         3.131      172.980    21.730                S006300200028 
152.       8.         3.176      184.320    22.892                S006300200029 
152.       8.         3.221      174.420    21.878                S006300200030 
152.       8.         3.266      101.340    14.284                S006300200031 
152.       8.         3.311       75.420    11.502                S006300200032 
152.       8.         3.356       79.020    11.894                S006300200033 
152.       8.         3.401       86.580    12.710                S006300200034 
152.       8.         3.446       53.280     9.037                S006300200035 
152.       8.         3.491       56.880     9.446                S006300200036 
152.       8.         3.536       68.580    10.752                S006300200037 
152.       8.         3.581       72.000    11.128                S006300200038 
152.       8.         3.626       99.360    14.074                S006300200039 
152.       8.         3.671       75.060    11.463                S006300200040 
152.       8.         3.716       86.220    12.671                S006300200041 
152.       8.         3.761       77.760    11.757                S006300200042 
152.       8.         3.806      123.660    16.631                S006300200043 
152.       8.         3.851      122.760    16.537                S006300200044 
152.       8.         3.896       99.000    14.036                S006300200045 
152.       8.         3.941       64.260    10.274                S006300200046 
175.       5.         0.940      191.88     23.7                  S006300200047 
175.       5.         0.980      176.22     22.1                  S006300200048 
175.       5.         1.020      154.26     19.8                  S006300200049 
175.       5.         1.060      112.86     15.5                  S006300200050 
175.       5.         1.100      137.88     18.1                  S006300200051 
175.       5.         1.140      129.96     17.3                  S006300200052 
175.       5.         1.180      167.4      21.2                  S006300200053 
175.       5.         1.220      203.76     24.9                  S006300200054 
175.       5.         1.260      176.22     22.1                  S006300200055 
175.       5.         1.300      161.82     20.6                  S006300200056 
175.       5.         1.340      178.38     22.3                  S006300200057 
175.       5.         1.380      145.98     18.9                  S006300200058 
175.       5.         1.420      192.6      23.7                  S006300200059 
175.       5.         1.460      148.86     19.2                  S006300200060 
175.       5.         1.500      176.94     22.1                  S006300200061 
175.       5.         1.540      198.36     24.3                  S006300200062 
175.       5.         1.580      144.36     18.8                  S006300200063 
175.       5.         1.620      137.34     18.1                  S006300200064 
175.       5.         1.660      158.58     20.2                  S006300200065 
175.       5.         1.700      117.72     16.0                  S006300200066 
175.       5.         1.740      172.08     21.6                  S006300200067 
175.       5.         1.780      170.46     21.5                  S006300200068 
175.       5.         1.820      119.88     16.2                  S006300200069 
175.       5.         1.860      118.8      16.1                  S006300200070 
175.       5.         1.900      160.38     20.4                  S006300200071 
175.       5.         1.940      127.26     17.0                  S006300200072 
175.       5.         1.980      136.62     18.0                  S006300200073 
175.       5.         2.020      156.24     20.0                  S006300200074 
175.       5.         2.060      144.54     18.8                  S006300200075 
175.       5.         2.100      122.76     16.5                  S006300200076 
175.       5.         2.140      101.34     14.3                  S006300200077 
175.       5.         2.180      125.64     16.8                  S006300200078 
175.       5.         2.220      149.58     19.3                  S006300200079 
175.       5.         2.260      138.42     18.2                  S006300200080 
175.       5.         2.300      161.64     20.6                  S006300200081 
175.       5.         2.340      165.24     20.9                  S006300200082 
175.       5.         2.380      130.14     17.3                  S006300200083 
175.       5.         2.420      114.84     15.7                  S006300200084 
175.       5.         2.460      123.3      16.6                  S006300200085 
175.       5.         2.500      112.86     15.5                  S006300200086 
175.       5.         2.540       88.74     12.9                  S006300200087 
175.       5.         2.580      129.6      17.2                  S006300200088 
175.       5.         2.620      126.       16.9                  S006300200089 
175.       5.         2.660      108.       15.0                  S006300200090 
175.       5.         2.700       90.       13.1                  S006300200091 
175.       5.         2.740      108.       15.0                  S006300200092 
175.       5.         2.780       99.       14.0                  S006300200093 
175.       5.         2.820      117.       15.9                  S006300200094 
175.       5.         2.860      109.8      15.2                  S006300200095 
175.       5.         2.900      104.58     14.6                  S006300200096 
175.       5.         2.940      129.78     17.3                  S006300200097 
175.       5.         2.980      163.26     20.7                  S006300200098 
175.       5.         3.020      191.88     23.7                  S006300200099 
175.       5.         3.060      169.38     21.4                  S006300200100 
175.       5.         3.100      222.66     26.8                  S006300200101 
175.       5.         3.140      254.52     30.0                  S006300200102 
175.       5.         3.180      174.06     21.8                  S006300200103 
175.       5.         3.220      144.       18.7                  S006300200104 
175.       5.         3.260       98.1      13.9                  S006300200105 
175.       5.         3.300      113.58     15.6                  S006300200106 
175.       5.         3.340      129.06     17.2                  S006300200107 
175.       5.         3.380      128.16     17.1                  S006300200108 
175.       5.         3.420      111.42     15.3                  S006300200109 
175.       5.         3.460       90.9      13.2                  S006300200110 
175.       5.         3.500       90.18     13.1                  S006300200111 
175.       5.         3.540       93.6      13.5                  S006300200112 
175.       5.         3.580       54.18      9.1                  S006300200113 
175.       5.         3.620       53.82      9.1                  S006300200114 
175.       5.         3.660       80.28     12.0                  S006300200115 
175.       5.         3.700       87.3      12.8                  S006300200116 
175.       5.         3.740       86.76     12.7                  S006300200117 
175.       5.         3.780      101.34     14.3                  S006300200118 
175.       5.         3.820      119.34     16.2                  S006300200119 
175.       5.         3.860      107.46     14.9                  S006300200120 
175.       5.         3.900      114.12     15.6                  S006300200121 
175.       5.         3.940       69.48     10.9                  S006300200122 
175.       5.         4.020       57.78      9.5                  S006300200123 
ENDDATA            112          0                                 S006300200124 
ENDSUBENT          123          0                                 S006300299999 
SUBENT        S0063003   20111121                             S015S006300300001 
BIB                  3          7                                 S006300300002 
REACTION  1((1-H-1(9-F-17,0),,EN)=(9-F-17(P,0),,EN))              S006300300003 
            Centre-of-mass resonance energy calculated by         S006300300004 
            the compiler by subtraction of Sp(18Ne)=3.924 MeV     S006300300005 
            (given by the authors) from the excitation energy     S006300300006 
          2((1-H-1(9-F-17,EL),,WID/STR)=(9-F-17(P,EL),,WID/STR))  S006300300007 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Excitation energy given in Table 1              S006300300008 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in TABLE 1 of the reference.    S006300300009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 S006300300010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 S006300300011 
DATA                 7          5                                 S006300300012 
DATA-CM   1DATA-ERR  1MISC       DATA-CM   2DATA-ERR  2+DATA-ERR 2S006300300013 
-DATA-ERR 2                                                       S006300300014 
MEV        MEV        MEV        EV         EV         EV         S006300300015 
EV                                                                S006300300016 
 2.23        0.02      6.15          9.6                15.       S006300300017 
 6.                                                               S006300300018 
 3.13        0.03      7.05        936.      327.6                S006300300019 
 3.20        0.03      7.12        540.      189.                 S006300300021 
 3.43        0.02      7.35        200.      150.                 S006300300023 
 3.70        0.02      7.62       3000.      360.                 S006300300025 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 S006300300027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 S006300399999 
SUBENT        S0063004   20111121                             S015S006300400001 
BIB                  4          7                                 S006300400002 
REACTION   (8-O-14(A,P)9-F-17,,SGV,,MXW/MSC)                      S006300400003 
ANALYSIS   Reaction rate determined from resonance property       S006300400004 
           measured in this work                                  S006300400005 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in TABLE 2 of the reference     S006300400006 
           (DEP,S0083004) p+17F excitation function               S006300400007 
COMMENT    The 6.15 MeV of 18Ne compound resonance contribution   S006300400008 
           to the total reaction rate.                            S006300400009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 S006300400010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 S006300400011 
DATA                 2         13                                 S006300400012 
KT         DATA                                                   S006300400013 
K9         CM3/S/MOL                                              S006300400014 
  0.50        2.75E-05                                            S006300400015 
  0.60        1.15E-03                                            S006300400016 
  0.70        1.60E-02                                            S006300400017 
  0.80        1.12E-01                                            S006300400018 
  0.90        4.99E-01                                            S006300400019 
  1.00        1.62E+00                                            S006300400020 
  1.20        9.32E+00                                            S006300400021 
  1.40        3.26E+01                                            S006300400022 
  1.60        8.68E+01                                            S006300400023 
  1.80        2.00E+02                                            S006300400024 
  2.00        4.18E+02                                            S006300400025 
  2.50        1.94E+03                                            S006300400026 
  3.00        6.11E+03                                            S006300400027 
ENDDATA             15          0                                 S006300400028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 S006300499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 S006399999999