ENTRY            S0075   20130605                             S018S007500000001 
SUBENT        S0075001   20130605                             S018S007500100001 
BIB                 11         35                                 S007500100002 
TITLE      New determination of the proton spectroscopic factor   S007500100003 
           in 9Be from the 13C(9Be,8Li)14N angular distribution   S007500100004 
AUTHOR     (Z.H.Li, Y.J.Li, J.Su, B.Guo, E.T.Li, K.J.Dong,        S007500100005 
            X.X.Bai, Z.C.Li, J.C.Liu, S.Q.Yan, Y.B.Wang, S.Zeng,  S007500100006 
            G.Lian, B.X.Wang, S.J.Jin, X.Liu, W.J.Zhang,          S007500100007 
            W.Z.Huang, Q.W.Fan, L.Gan, Z.D.Wu, W.P.Liu)           S007500100008 
INSTITUTE  (3CPRAEP)                                              S007500100009 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,87,017601,2013)                                S007500100010 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.87.017601                        S007500100011 
FACILITY   (VDGT,3CPRAEP) HI-13 tandem accelerator                S007500100012 
SAMPLE     (6-C-13,ENR=0.94) A 90 ug/cm2 self-supporting 13C      S007500100013 
           target was impinged by 150 enA 7Li beam. A 12C target  S007500100014 
           with the same thickness served as the background       S007500100015 
           measurement.                                           S007500100016 
METHOD     (EDE) The relative normalization of measurements at    S007500100017 
           angles of theta-lab less than 6 deg. was carried out   S007500100018 
           by monitoring the elastic scattering events.           S007500100019 
           (BCINT) The Beam current was measured by a Faraday     S007500100020 
           cup covering an angular range of +/-6 deg. in Lab      S007500100021 
           frame and used for the absolute normalization of the   S007500100022 
           cross sections at > 6 deg.                             S007500100023 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP,SI) The reaction products were focused and      S007500100024 
            separated by a Q3D magnetic spectrometer (0.34 msr),  S007500100025 
            and measured by a 50 x 50 mm two-dimensional position S007500100026 
            sensitive silicon detector (PSSD) on the focal plane. S007500100027 
           (TELES) The elastic scattering events (> 6 deg) were   S007500100028 
            measured by a counter telescope placed at 25 deg.     S007500100029 
            downstream of the target.                             S007500100030 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainty is mainly come from the   S007500100031 
           statistics and nonuniformity of the target thickness.  S007500100032 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.2 and Fig.3 of the reference) were   S007500100033 
           received from author.                                  S007500100034 
HISTORY    (20130502R) Data were received from author.            S007500100035 
           (20130605C) Compiled by Zhuang Youxiang and            S007500100036 
           Chen Guochang (CNDC).                                  S007500100037 
ENDBIB              35          0                                 S007500100038 
COMMON               1          3                                 S007500100039 
EN                                                                S007500100040 
MEV                                                               S007500100041 
        40.                                                       S007500100042 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 S007500100043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 S007500199999 
SUBENT        S0075002   20130605                             S018S007500200001 
BIB                  2          3                                 S007500200002 
REACTION   (6-C-13(4-BE-9,3-LI-8)7-N-14,PAR,DA)                   S007500200003 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL1,3-LI-8)                                        S007500200004 
           (E-LVL2,7-N-14)                                        S007500200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 S007500200006 
COMMON               2          3                                 S007500200007 
E-LVL1     E-LVL2                                                 S007500200008 
MEV        MEV                                                    S007500200009 
         0.         0.                                            S007500200010 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 S007500200011 
DATA                 3         21                                 S007500200012 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    S007500200013 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       S007500200014 
       3.62      0.982      0.097                                 S007500200015 
       5.54      0.851      0.098                                 S007500200016 
       7.24      1.014      0.117                                 S007500200017 
       9.23      0.656      0.075                                 S007500200018 
      10.95      0.664      0.067                                 S007500200019 
      12.67      0.505      0.050                                 S007500200020 
      13.67      0.466      0.050                                 S007500200021 
      14.48      0.334      0.034                                 S007500200022 
      16.38      0.245      0.026                                 S007500200023 
      18.09      0.216      0.024                                 S007500200024 
      19.90      0.237      0.025                                 S007500200025 
      21.70      0.212      0.024                                 S007500200026 
      23.51      0.227      0.029                                 S007500200027 
      25.31      0.193      0.026                                 S007500200028 
      27.11      0.154      0.023                                 S007500200029 
      28.91      0.101      0.013                                 S007500200030 
      30.71      0.090      0.016                                 S007500200031 
      32.51      0.091      0.016                                 S007500200032 
      34.30      0.075      0.014                                 S007500200033 
      36.01      0.070      0.014                                 S007500200034 
      37.89      0.047      0.014                                 S007500200035 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 S007500200036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 S007500299999 
SUBENT        S0075003   20130605                             S018S007500300001 
BIB                  1          1                                 S007500300002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(4-BE-9,EL)6-C-12,,DA)                          S007500300003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 S007500300004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 S007500300005 
DATA                 3         24                                 S007500300006 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    S007500300007 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       S007500300008 
       8.93    7055.15     102.86                                 S007500300009 
      10.50    3772.44      84.50                                 S007500300010 
      12.25    5036.35      93.76                                 S007500300011 
      14.00    2120.55      33.85                                 S007500300012 
      15.75    1127.81      20.39                                 S007500300013 
      17.49     889.40      16.57                                 S007500300014 
      19.33     732.72      13.50                                 S007500300015 
      20.98     503.09       9.74                                 S007500300016 
      22.73     263.36       5.67                                 S007500300017 
      24.47     100.47       2.38                                 S007500300018 
      26.21      53.01       1.50                                 S007500300019 
      27.95      51.29       1.40                                 S007500300020 
      29.68      67.74       1.96                                 S007500300021 
      31.51      66.72       2.09                                 S007500300022 
      33.15      46.90       0.84                                 S007500300023 
      34.88      25.15       0.65                                 S007500300024 
      36.61       9.47       0.31                                 S007500300025 
      38.34       4.29       0.18                                 S007500300026 
      40.06       6.28       0.28                                 S007500300027 
      41.79      10.21       0.45                                 S007500300028 
      43.51      11.23       0.23                                 S007500300029 
      45.22       9.53       0.38                                 S007500300030 
      46.93       6.99       0.32                                 S007500300031 
      48.65       3.65       0.19                                 S007500300032 
ENDDATA             26          0                                 S007500300033 
ENDSUBENT           32          0                                 S007500399999 
SUBENT        S0075004   20130605                             S018S007500400001 
BIB                  1          1                                 S007500400002 
REACTION   (6-C-13(4-BE-9,EL)6-C-13,,DA)                          S007500400003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 S007500400004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 S007500400005 
DATA                 3         28                                 S007500400006 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    S007500400007 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       S007500400008 
      16.96     702.77      56.22                                 S007500400009 
      18.72     626.40      50.11                                 S007500400010 
      20.20     464.29      37.14                                 S007500400011 
      21.97     278.96      22.32                                 S007500400012 
      23.65     121.97       9.76                                 S007500400013 
      25.42      50.61       4.05                                 S007500400014 
      27.01      29.37       2.35                                 S007500400015 
      28.86      41.50       3.32                                 S007500400016 
      30.15      43.40       3.47                                 S007500400017 
      31.81      39.00       3.12                                 S007500400018 
      33.46      24.50       1.96                                 S007500400019 
      35.11      11.96       0.96                                 S007500400020 
      36.76       3.15       0.25                                 S007500400021 
      38.41       2.21       0.18                                 S007500400022 
      40.05       4.34       0.35                                 S007500400023 
      41.69       6.11       0.49                                 S007500400024 
      43.32       6.98       0.56                                 S007500400025 
      45.04       5.23       0.42                                 S007500400026 
      46.58       3.10       0.25                                 S007500400027 
      48.21       1.43       0.11                                 S007500400028 
      49.82       0.59       0.05                                 S007500400029 
      51.44       0.73       0.06                                 S007500400030 
      53.05       0.99       0.08                                 S007500400031 
      54.66       1.26       0.10                                 S007500400032 
      56.26       1.17       0.09                                 S007500400033 
      57.86       0.97       0.08                                 S007500400034 
      59.45       0.65       0.05                                 S007500400035 
      61.04       0.22       0.02                                 S007500400036 
ENDDATA             30          0                                 S007500400037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 S007500499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 S007599999999