ENTRY            S0085   20220925                             S032S008500000001 
SUBENT        S0085001   20220925                             S032S008500100001 
BIB                 11         52                                 S008500100002 
TITLE      Elastic scattering of the proton drip-line nucleus 8B  S008500100003 
           off a natPb target at 170.3 MeV                        S008500100004 
AUTHOR     (Y.Y.Yang,J.S.Wang,Q.Wang,D.Y.Pang,J.B.Ma,M.R.Huang,   S008500100005 
            J.L.Han,P.Ma,S.L.Jin,Z.Bai,Q.Hu,L.Jin,J.B.Chen,       S008500100006 
            N.Keeley,R.Rusek,R.Wada,S.Mukherjee,Z.Y.Sun,R.F.Chen, S008500100007 
            X.Y.Zhang,Z.G.Hu,X.H.Yuan,X.G.Cao,Z.G.Xu,S.W.Xu,      S008500100008 
            C.Zhen,Z.Q.Chen,Z.Chen,S.Z.Chen,C.M.Du,L.M.Duan,F.Fu, S008500100009 
            B.X.Gou,J.Hu,J.J.He,X.G.Lei,S.L.Li,Y.Li,Q.Y.Lin,      S008500100010 
            L.X.Liu,F.D.Shi,S.W.Tang,G.Xu,X.Xu,L.Y.Zhang,         S008500100011 
            X.H.Zhang,W.Zhang,M.H.Zhao,Z.Y.Guo,Y.H.Zhang,H.S.Xu,  S008500100012 
            G.Q.Xiao)                                             S008500100013 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,87,044613,2013)                                S008500100015 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.87.044613                        S008500100016 
SAMPLE     The natural Pb target is a self supporting foil with   S008500100017 
           a thickness of 4.2 mg/cm2.                             S008500100018 
DETECTOR   (PPAC) Two PPACs provided the position and timing of   S008500100019 
           the incoming beams with a position resolution of 1     S008500100020 
           mm. Each PPAC has 80 gold-plated tungsten wires in     S008500100021 
           both X and Y directions and a sensitive area of 80x80  S008500100022 
           mm2. The position information was then given by the    S008500100023 
           time difference between the signals from both ends.    S008500100024 
           The distances of PPAC1 and PPAC2 from the target were  S008500100025 
           500 mm and 100 mm, respectively.                       S008500100026 
           (TELES,SISD,SISD) Two dE-E silicon-detector            S008500100027 
           telescopes were used. Each telescope consisted of one  S008500100028 
           dE double-sided silicon strip detector (DSSD) with a   S008500100029 
           thickness of 150 um and an area of 48x48 mm2, and one  S008500100030 
           single silicon detector with a thickness of 1500 um    S008500100031 
           and an area of 50x50 mm2. The distances from the       S008500100032 
           target center to the center of the DSSDs were 250 and  S008500100033 
           120 mm, respectively.                                  S008500100034 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,3CPRIMP) The secondary beam was produced by     S008500100035 
           the fragmentation of a 54.2 MeV/nucleon 12C primary    S008500100036 
           beam, delivered by the Heavy Ion Research Facility of  S008500100037 
           Lanzhou (HIRFL), on a 2615 um Be target. The average   S008500100038 
           primary beam intensity during the measurements was     S008500100039 
           about 300 enA with a 12C charge state, producing 8B    S008500100040 
           and 7Be beams of 500 and 5000 particles per second,    S008500100041 
           respectively.                                          S008500100042 
METHOD     (EDE,TOF) Two dE-E silicon-detector telescopes,        S008500100043 
           covering the polar angles 4- 21 degree and 13-38       S008500100044 
           degree in the laboratory frame, respectively, were     S008500100045 
           used to measure the energy and angle of elastically    S008500100046 
           scattered particles. Secondary beam particle           S008500100047 
           identification was made using a combination of the     S008500100048 
           measured time of flight (TOF) and the magnetic         S008500100049 
           rigidity value.                                        S008500100050 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No detailed information on uncertainty.     S008500100051 
STATUS     (TABLE) Fig.5 of Phys.Rev.C 87(2013) 044613            S008500100052 
HISTORY    (20161003C) Compiled by X4 group (CNDC).               S008500100053 
           (20220925A) Jimin Wang: 002 updated.                   S008500100054 
ENDBIB              52          0                                 S008500100055 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 S008500100056 
ENDSUBENT           55          0                                 S008500199999 
SUBENT        S0085002   20220925                             S032S008500200001 
BIB                  3          6                                 S008500200002 
REACTION   (82-PB-0(5-B-8,EL)82-PB-0,,DA,,RTH)                    S008500200003 
CORRECTION The data set has not been corrected for some           S008500200004 
           inelastic scattering channels unresolved from the      S008500200005 
           elastic channel.                                       S008500200006 
HISTORY    (20220925R) Jimin Wang: Data received from Y.Y.Yang.   S008500200007 
           (20220925A) Jimin Wang: Data from Y.Y.Yang inserted.   S008500200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 S008500200009 
COMMON               1          3                                 S008500200010 
EN                                                                S008500200011 
MEV                                                               S008500200012 
      170.3                                                       S008500200013 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 S008500200014 
DATA                 3         16                                 S008500200015 
ANG-CM     DATA       DATA-ERR                                    S008500200016 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      S008500200017 
       4.67      1.037      0.096                                 S008500200018 
       5.71      0.960      0.073                                 S008500200019 
       6.75      0.986      0.067                                 S008500200020 
       7.79      1.008      0.066                                 S008500200021 
       8.83      1.047      0.068                                 S008500200022 
       9.86      1.004      0.069                                 S008500200023 
      10.90      0.962      0.074                                 S008500200024 
      11.94      0.999      0.084                                 S008500200025 
      12.98      1.169      0.105                                 S008500200026 
      14.01      1.278      0.124                                 S008500200027 
      15.05      1.109      0.127                                 S008500200028 
      16.09      0.861      0.123                                 S008500200029 
      17.13      0.770      0.128                                 S008500200030 
      18.68      0.545      0.087                                 S008500200031 
      20.75      0.281      0.085                                 S008500200032 
      22.83      0.143      0.064                                 S008500200033 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 S008500200034 
ENDSUBENT           33          0                                 S008500299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 S008599999999