ENTRY S0239 20230917 S033S023900000001 SUBENT S0239001 20230917 S033S023900100001 BIB 12 30 S023900100002 TITLE Measurement of total reaction cross section of 6He on S023900100003 28Si S023900100004 AUTHOR (Chen Zhi-Qiang,Xiao Guo-Qing,Zhan Wen-Long, S023900100005 Guo Zhong-Yan, Sun Zhi-Yu,Li Jia-Xing,Wang Meng, S023900100006 Tian Wen-Dong, Wang Jian-Song,Wang Wu-Sheng, S023900100007 Mao Rui-Shi,Bai Jie, Hu Zheng-Guo,Chen Li-Xin,Li Chen) S023900100008 INSTITUTE (3CPRIMP) S023900100009 REFERENCE (J,CNPR,19,387,2002) S023900100010 FACILITY (CYCLO,3CPRIMP) The Heavy Ion Research Facility in S023900100011 Lanzhou (HIRFL) S023900100012 INC-SOURCE A 13C primary beam of 60 MeV/u at 50 enA supplied by S023900100013 HIRFL bombarded a 4 mm thick Be target in the primary S023900100014 target chamber of the Radioactive Ion Beam Line at S023900100015 Lanzhou (RIBLL), and the purity of 6He was 76%. S023900100016 SAMPLE The first 6 Si detectors act as both detectors and S023900100017 targets. S023900100018 DETECTOR (TELES,SIBAR,CSICR) The telescope is composed of 7 S023900100019 Gold silicon surface barrier semiconductor detectors S023900100020 and 1 CsI(T1) detector. The thickness of the 7 Si S023900100021 detectors are 1000, 700, 2000, 1000, 1000, 2000, 700 S023900100022 um. The effective area is 150 mm2. CsI(T1) detector S023900100023 is 10 mm in thickness and 70 x 70 mm2. S023900100024 METHOD (TOF) The time resolution of the TOF device is better S023900100025 than 200 ps. S023900100026 (EDE) The reaction products are identified by EDE S023900100027 method. S023900100028 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No detailed information on uncertainty S023900100029 STATUS (TABLE) Data are obtained from TABLE 1 of S023900100030 Nucl.Phys.Rev.,9,387,2002 S023900100031 HISTORY (20230917C) Compiled by Yangyang Liu (CNDC) S023900100032 ENDBIB 30 0 S023900100033 NOCOMMON 0 0 S023900100034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 S023900199999 SUBENT S0239002 20230917 S033S023900200001 BIB 1 1 S023900200002 REACTION (14-SI-28(2-HE-6,NON),,SIG) S023900200003 ENDBIB 1 0 S023900200004 NOCOMMON 0 0 S023900200005 DATA 4 6 S023900200006 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR S023900200007 MEV/A MEV/A MB MB S023900200008 36.5 0.7 1625. 70. S023900200009 33.7 2.1 1655. 75. S023900200010 30.4 1.2 1669. 80. S023900200011 28.0 1.2 1650. 80. S023900200012 24.0 2.8 1678. 80. S023900200013 20.1 1.1 1720. 100. S023900200014 ENDDATA 8 0 S023900200015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 S023900299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 S023999999999