ENTRY S0240 20230911 S033S024000000001 SUBENT S0240001 20230911 S033S024000100001 BIB 12 29 S024000100002 TITLE Non-Rutherford elastic scattering cross sections for S024000100003 160 deg backscattering of 1.30 - 2.21 MeV protons on S024000100004 silicon S024000100005 AUTHOR (Li Gong-Ping,Zhang Xiao-Dong,Liu Zheng-Min) S024000100006 INSTITUTE (3CPRIMP) S024000100007 REFERENCE (J,CNPR,19,39,2002) S024000100008 FACILITY (VDGT,3CPRLNZ) 2*1.7 MV tandem accelerator S024000100009 INC-SOURCE Accelerator high voltage was scaled by the resonance S024000100010 991.1 and 1799.8 keV of 27Al(n,g)28Si. The ion beam S024000100011 energy at 1.0 MeV, the energy dispersion was less S024000100012 than 2 keV. S024000100013 SAMPLE The experimental target was made of graphite S024000100014 substrate. Purity of 99 99% of silicon was evaporated S024000100015 on the carbon substrate, and then 99.99% pure gold S024000100016 was evaporated on the silicon film. The thickness of S024000100017 silicon target and gold film obtained from 4He S024000100018 backscatter analysis were 4.7E8 and 2.4E17 atoms/cm2. S024000100019 METHOD The measurement angle was 160 deg. The beam was S024000100020 collimated through two apertures spaced 1.5 meters S024000100021 apart. The spot area on the target was 0.7mm *0.7 mm. S024000100022 The detection solid angle was 0.48 +- 0.01 msr. S024000100023 DETECTOR (SIBAR)The detector energy resolution was 12 keV. The S024000100024 gold silicon surface barrier detector energy S024000100025 spectrometer was used to measure the backscatter S024000100026 energy spectrum of each energy point. S024000100027 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The experimental standard deviation S024000100028 STATUS (TABLE) Data were obtained from TABLE 1 of S024000100029 Nucl.Phys.Rev.,19,39,2002 S024000100030 HISTORY (20230911C) Compiled by Xi Tao (CNDC) S024000100031 ENDBIB 29 0 S024000100032 NOCOMMON 0 0 S024000100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 S024000199999 SUBENT S0240002 20230911 S033S024000200001 BIB 1 1 S024000200002 REACTION (14-SI-0(P,EL)14-SI-0,,DA) S024000200003 ENDBIB 1 0 S024000200004 COMMON 1 3 S024000200005 ANG S024000200006 ADEG S024000200007 160. S024000200008 ENDCOMMON 3 0 S024000200009 DATA 3 48 S024000200010 EN DATA DATA-ERR S024000200011 KEV MB/SR PER-CENT S024000200012 1298. 160. 0. S024000200013 1320. 155. 0. S024000200014 1337. 150. 0. S024000200015 1358. 145. 3. S024000200016 1400. 132. 3. S024000200017 1420. 124. 3. S024000200018 1440. 118. 3. S024000200019 1460. 113. 3. S024000200020 1481. 107. 3. S024000200021 1501. 101. 3. S024000200022 1521. 93. 3. S024000200023 1541. 82. 3. S024000200024 1561. 68. 3. S024000200025 1581. 56. 3. S024000200026 1601. 49. 3. S024000200027 1621. 105. 3. S024000200028 1641. 224. 3. S024000200029 1647. 241. 3. S024000200030 1653. 243. 3. S024000200031 1661. 233. 3. S024000200032 1682. 188. 3. S024000200033 1702. 168. 3. S024000200034 1722. 153. 3. S024000200035 1742. 139. 3. S024000200036 1762. 133. 3. S024000200037 1783. 127. 3. S024000200038 1803. 120. 3. S024000200039 1823. 115. 3. S024000200040 1843. 113. 3. S024000200041 1863. 108. 3. S024000200042 1883. 105. 3. S024000200043 1903. 103. 3. S024000200044 1923. 102. 3. S024000200045 1943. 97. 3. S024000200046 1963. 92. 3. S024000200047 1984. 83. 3. S024000200048 2004. 77. 3. S024000200049 2024. 64. 3. S024000200050 2044. 54. 3. S024000200051 2054. 60. 3. S024000200052 2064. 83. 3. S024000200053 2084. 206. 3. S024000200054 2104. 137. 3. S024000200055 2124. 121. 3. S024000200056 2144. 105. 3. S024000200057 2164. 97. 3. S024000200058 2185. 89. 3. S024000200059 2205. 83. 3. S024000200060 ENDDATA 50 0 S024000200061 ENDSUBENT 60 0 S024000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 S024099999999