ENTRY            T0060   20001101                             0000T006000000001 
SUBENT        T0060001   20001101                             0000T006000100001 
BIB                 10         18                                 T006000100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USATNL,1USADKE)                                      T006000100003 
REFERENCE  (J,NIM,80,304,1970)                                    T006000100004 
AUTHOR     (TH.STAMMBACH,G.SPALEK,J.TAYLOR,R.L.WALTER)            T006000100005 
TITLE      9Be(alpha,n)12C as a source of polarized 7.8 MeV       T006000100006 
            neutrons                                              T006000100007 
FACILITY   (VDG,1USATNL)                                          T006000100008 
SAMPLE     Natural Be evaporated onto a Ta backing from a BeO     T006000100009 
            cruble. Target was 100 keV thick.                     T006000100010 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Side detectors were NE213 scintillators 21.5cm  T006000100011 
            from He cell for measurement with the 100 keV target  T006000100012 
            and NE102 at 16.5cm for the calibration measurement   T006000100013 
            with the 300 keV target.                              T006000100014 
METHOD     Target thicknesses were determined by weighing the     T006000100015 
            backings before and after the evaporation.            T006000100016 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Comparative yield measurements with different  T006000100017 
            targets showed a mean square deviation in target      T006000100018 
            thickness of about 20% for the targets employed.      T006000100019 
HISTORY    (20001024C) SD                                         T006000100020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 T006000100021 
COMMON               1          3                                 T006000100022 
ERR-1                                                             T006000100023 
PER-CENT                                                          T006000100024 
  20.0                                                            T006000100025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 T006000100026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 T006000199999 
SUBENT        T0060002   20001018                             0000T006000200001 
BIB                  3          3                                 T006000200002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(A,N)6-C-12,PAR,POL/DA)                         T006000200003 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainties                      T006000200004 
STATUS     Data taken from Table 1 of reference.                  T006000200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 T006000200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 T006000200007 
DATA                 6         48                                 T006000200008 
E-LVL      EN         ANG        E-EXC      DATA       ERR-S      T006000200009 
MEV        MEV        ADEG       MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     T006000200010 
  0.0        2.35       30.0       3.37       0.41       0.06     T006000200011 
  0.0        2.35       40.0       3.28       0.35       0.06     T006000200012 
  0.0        2.35       50.0       3.16       0.35       0.06     T006000200013 
  0.0        2.35       60.0       3.03       0.14       0.07     T006000200014 
  0.0        2.40       45.0       3.26       0.41       0.06     T006000200015 
  0.0        2.45       30.0       3.46       0.64       0.06     T006000200016 
  0.0        2.45       40.0       3.36       0.60       0.06     T006000200017 
  0.0        2.45       50.0       3.24       0.57       0.07     T006000200018 
  0.0        2.45       60.0       3.11       0.14       0.07     T006000200019 
  0.0        2.50       45.0       3.34       0.61       0.05     T006000200020 
  0.0        2.55       30.0       3.55       0.52       0.05     T006000200021 
  0.0        2.55       40.0       3.44       0.50       0.06     T006000200022 
  0.0        2.55       50.0       3.32       0.56       0.05     T006000200023 
  0.0        2.55       60.0       3.18       0.39       0.06     T006000200024 
  0.0        2.60       45.0       3.42       0.42       0.05     T006000200025 
  0.0        2.655      40.0       3.53       0.36       0.05     T006000200026 
  0.0        2.655      50.0       3.40       0.49       0.05     T006000200027 
  0.0        2.655      60.0       3.26       0.46       0.06     T006000200028 
  0.0        2.705      45.0       3.51       0.41       0.04     T006000200029 
  0.0        2.755      40.0       3.61       0.27       0.06     T006000200030 
  0.0        2.755      50.0       3.48       0.37       0.08     T006000200031 
  0.0        2.755      60.0       3.33       0.49       0.09     T006000200032 
  0.0        2.805      45.0       3.59       0.30       0.06     T006000200033 
  0.0        2.855      50.0       3.56       0.25       0.05     T006000200034 
  4.44       2.35       30.0       7.86       0.38       0.03     T006000200035 
  4.44       2.35       40.0       7.71       0.37       0.04     T006000200036 
  4.44       2.35       50.0       7.54       0.35       0.04     T006000200037 
  4.44       2.35       60.0       7.35       0.25       0.04     T006000200038 
  4.44       2.40       45.0       7.67       0.46       0.04     T006000200039 
  4.44       2.45       30.0       7.95       0.39       0.04     T006000200040 
  4.44       2.45       40.0       7.80       0.55       0.04     T006000200041 
  4.44       2.45       50.0       7.63       0.44       0.04     T006000200042 
  4.44       2.45       60.0       7.43       0.31       0.04     T006000200043 
  4.44       2.50       45.0       7.76       0.63       0.04     T006000200044 
  4.44       2.55       30.0       8.04       0.42       0.05     T006000200045 
  4.44       2.55       40.0       7.89       0.59       0.04     T006000200046 
  4.44       2.55       50.0       7.71       0.52       0.04     T006000200047 
  4.44       2.55       60.0       7.51       0.42       0.05     T006000200048 
  4.44       2.60       45.0       7.85       0.60       0.04     T006000200049 
  4.44       2.655      40.0       7.98       0.45       0.05     T006000200050 
  4.44       2.655      50.0       7.79       0.60       0.05     T006000200051 
  4.44       2.655      60.0       7.58       0.52       0.05     T006000200052 
  4.44       2.705      45.0       7.93       0.44       0.05     T006000200053 
  4.44       2.755      40.0       8.07       0.38       0.06     T006000200054 
  4.44       2.755      50.0       7.88       0.54       0.08     T006000200055 
  4.44       2.755      60.0       7.66       0.51       0.06     T006000200056 
  4.44       2.805      45.0       8.02       0.45       0.06     T006000200057 
  4.44       2.855      50.0       7.96       0.56       0.06     T006000200058 
ENDDATA             50          0                                 T006000200059 
ENDSUBENT           58          0                                 T006000299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 T006099999999