ENTRY            T0085   20120318                             T022T008500000001 
SUBENT        T0085001   20120318                             T022T008500100001 
BIB                 12         24                                 T008500100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USAPTN)                                              T008500100003 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,24,1775,198110)                                T008500100004 
AUTHOR     (R.T.Kouzes,M.M.Lowry,C.L.Bennett)                     T008500100005 
TITLE      Lowest isobaric analog states in 79Kr and 81Kr         T008500100006 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAPTN)                                        T008500100007 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP) The quadrupole-dipole-dipole-dipole (QDDD) specT008500100008 
REL-REF    (I,,R.T.Kouzes+,J,NP/A,307,71,1978) - description of   T008500100009 
                                                QDDD spectrograph T008500100010 
SAMPLE     130 microg/cm**2 natural NaBr and approximately        T008500100011 
            100 microg/cm**2 of NaBr enriched in 79Br and 81Br,   T008500100012 
            evaporated onto carbon.                               T008500100013 
MONITOR    Spectrograph was calibrated using 300 mu-g/cm2 58Ni andT008500100014 
            100 mu-g/cm2 49Ti targets.                            T008500100015 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG) Digitizing error of data                     T008500100016 
           (ANG-ERR-D) Digitizing error of angle                  T008500100017 
           (Q-VAL-ERR) The errors arise principally from          T008500100018 
             calibration inconsistencies (10 keV)                 T008500100019 
             and the beam energy uncertainty (10 keV).            T008500100020 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data scanned from Fig. 3 of PR/C,24,1775,1981  T008500100021 
                                                   at RFNC-VNIIEF.T008500100022 
           No reply from R.T. Kouzes to author proof.             T008500100023 
HISTORY    (20001227C) SD + VM                                    T008500100024 
           (20120318A) SD: ERR-ANALYS updated. In Subents 002,003 T008500100025 
           SF5=PAR added to reaction code; Q-VAL added to COMMON. T008500100026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 T008500100027 
COMMON               3          3                                 T008500100028 
EN         ANG-ERR-D  ERR-DIG                                     T008500100029 
MEV        ADEG       PER-CENT                                    T008500100030 
  24.5       0.5        0.4                                       T008500100031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 T008500100032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 T008500199999 
SUBENT        T0085002   20120318                             T022T008500200001 
BIB                  2          5                                 T008500200002 
REACTION   (35-BR-79(HE3,T)36-KR-79,PAR,DA,,REL)                  T008500200003 
            Angular distributions for the 79Br(3He,t)79Kr         T008500200004 
           reaction leading to the isobaric analog states         T008500200005 
HISTORY    (20120318A) SD: SF5=PAR added to reaction code;        T008500200006 
                           Q-VAL added to COMMON.                 T008500200007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 T008500200008 
COMMON               2          3                                 T008500200009 
Q-VAL      Q-VAL-ERR                                              T008500200010 
KEV        KEV                                                    T008500200011 
 -10058.     15.                                                  T008500200012 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 T008500200013 
DATA                 2          8                                 T008500200014 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM                                                T008500200015 
ADEG       ARB-UNITS                                              T008500200016 
   7.1       5.1                                                  T008500200017 
  10.4       1.4                                                  T008500200018 
  21.9       2.7                                                  T008500200019 
  26.8       0.59                                                 T008500200020 
  31.3       0.42                                                 T008500200021 
  36.2       0.82                                                 T008500200022 
  41.3       0.48                                                 T008500200023 
  47.0       0.14                                                 T008500200024 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 T008500200025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 T008500299999 
SUBENT        T0085003   20120318                             T022T008500300001 
BIB                  2          5                                 T008500300002 
REACTION   (35-BR-81(HE3,T)36-KR-81,PAR,DA,,REL)                  T008500300003 
            Angular distributions for the 81Br(3He,t)81Kr         T008500300004 
           reaction leading to the isobaric analog states         T008500300005 
HISTORY    (20120318A) SD: SF5=PAR added to reaction code;        T008500300006 
                           Q-VAL added to COMMON.                 T008500300007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 T008500300008 
COMMON               2          3                                 T008500300009 
Q-VAL      Q-VAL-ERR                                              T008500300010 
KEV        KEV                                                    T008500300011 
 -10016.     15.                                                  T008500300012 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 T008500300013 
DATA                 2          7                                 T008500300014 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM                                                T008500300015 
ADEG       ARB-UNITS                                              T008500300016 
   8.0       1.7                                                  T008500300017 
   8.1       1.6                                                  T008500300018 
  11.0       0.40                                                 T008500300019 
  22.0       0.83                                                 T008500300020 
  26.5       0.37                                                 T008500300021 
  31.5       0.20                                                 T008500300022 
  41.5       0.25                                                 T008500300023 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 T008500300024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 T008500399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 T008599999999