ENTRY T0119 20241025 C242T011900000001 SUBENT T0119001 20241025 C242T011900100001 BIB 9 16 T011900100002 INSTITUTE (1USAMHG) T011900100003 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,363,93,1981) T011900100004 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(81)90456-5 T011900100005 AUTHOR (D.J.Overway,W.C.Parkinson) T011900100006 TITLE The 12C(alpha,n)15O and 16O(alpha,n)19Ne reactions at T011900100007 E(alpha) = 41 MeV T011900100008 FACILITY (ISOCY,1USAMHG) 83-inch cyclotron T011900100009 DETECTOR (MAGSP) T011900100010 Practical limit on the neutron energy resolution is T011900100011 0.5 and 1% for 5 and 25 MeV neutrons, respectively, T011900100012 for a detector efficiency of approximately 0.06 and T011900100013 using a 2 MeV low energy cut-off. T011900100014 METHOD (TOF,EDE) T011900100015 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by W. Parkinson, 2 November 2000. T011900100016 HISTORY (20001018C) Converted from data set R0028 and updated. T011900100017 (20241018A) OS. REACTION in sub.5 revised T011900100018 ENDBIB 16 0 T011900100019 COMMON 1 3 T011900100020 EN T011900100021 MEV T011900100022 41. T011900100023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T011900100024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 T011900199999 SUBENT T0119002 20001018 0000T011900200001 BIB 5 13 T011900200002 REACTION (6-C-12(A,N)8-O-15,PAR,DA) T011900200003 SAMPLE Self-supporting natural carbon target, constructed by T011900200004 stacking 12 carbon foils, each nominally 40 microg/cm2T011900200005 (the thickness as measured using an 241Am alpha gauge T011900200006 was determined to be 480+-72 microg/cm2). T011900200007 ERR-ANALYS No information given on uncertainties. T011900200008 FLAG (1.) This peak probably contains a small contribution T011900200009 from the 5.18 MeV state. T011900200010 (2.) Contains contibutions from states at 6.79, 6.87, T011900200011 and 7.28 MeV. T011900200012 (3.) Contains contibutions from states at 9.48, 9.61, T011900200013 and 9.66 MeV. T011900200014 STATUS Data taken from table in reference. T011900200015 ENDBIB 13 0 T011900200016 COMMON 1 3 T011900200017 ANG T011900200018 ADEG T011900200019 15. T011900200020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T011900200021 DATA 3 11 T011900200022 E-EXC DATA FLAG T011900200023 MEV MB/SR NO-DIM T011900200024 5.24 0.70 1. T011900200025 6.89 0.27 T011900200026 7.26 0.42 2. T011900200027 8.91 0.04 T011900200028 9.63 0.40 3. T011900200029 10.48 0.58 T011900200030 11.71 0.80 T011900200031 12.85 1.15 T011900200032 14.27 0.17 T011900200033 15.05 1.20 T011900200034 15.65 0.32 T011900200035 ENDDATA 13 0 T011900200036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 T011900299999 SUBENT T0119003 20001018 0000T011900300001 BIB 4 7 T011900300002 REACTION (6-C-12(A,N)8-O-15,PAR,DA) T011900300003 SAMPLE Self-supporting natural carbon target, constructed by T011900300004 stacking 12 carbon foils, each nominally 40 microg/cm2T011900300005 (the thickness as measured using an 241Am alpha gauge T011900300006 was determined to be 480+-72 microg/cm2). T011900300007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Errors given are statistical uncertainties. T011900300008 STATUS (CURVE) Data scanned from Fig. 6 in reference. T011900300009 ENDBIB 7 0 T011900300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 T011900300011 DATA 5 84 T011900300012 E-EXC E-EXC ANG-CM DATA ERR-S T011900300013 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR T011900300014 5.24 0. 0.61 0.09 T011900300015 5.24 6. 0.66 0.09 T011900300016 5.24 12. 0.73 0.08 T011900300017 5.24 18. 0.69 0.06 T011900300018 5.24 24. 0.69 0.06 T011900300019 5.24 30. 0.66 0.05 T011900300020 5.24 36. 0.38 0.04 T011900300021 5.24 42. 0.34 0.04 T011900300022 5.24 48. 0.30 0.03 T011900300023 5.24 54. 0.32 0.03 T011900300024 5.24 60. 0.24 0.04 T011900300025 5.24 72. 0.18 0.03 T011900300026 6.89 7.26 0. 0.42 0.08 T011900300027 6.89 7.26 6. 0.74 0.10 T011900300028 6.89 7.26 12. 0.74 0.07 T011900300029 6.89 7.26 18. 1.13 0.11 T011900300030 6.89 7.26 24. 0.63 0.06 T011900300031 6.89 7.26 30. 0.45 0.05 T011900300032 6.89 7.26 36. 0.37 0.04 T011900300033 6.89 7.26 42. 0.38 0.04 T011900300034 6.89 7.26 48. 0.32 0.04 T011900300035 6.89 7.26 54. 0.26 0.04 T011900300036 6.89 7.26 60. 0.16 0.04 T011900300037 6.89 7.26 72. 0.21 0.03 T011900300038 9.63 0. 0.24 0.06 T011900300039 9.63 6. 0.74 0.11 T011900300040 9.63 12. 0.42 0.05 T011900300041 9.63 18. 0.38 0.03 T011900300042 9.63 24. 0.62 0.08 T011900300043 9.63 30. 0.33 0.04 T011900300044 9.63 36. 0.34 0.04 T011900300045 9.63 42. 0.34 0.04 T011900300046 9.63 48. 0.24 0.03 T011900300047 9.63 54. 0.36 0.05 T011900300048 9.63 60. 0.37 0.05 T011900300049 9.63 72. 0.21 0.04 T011900300050 10.48 0. 0.87 0.09 T011900300051 10.48 6. 1.08 0.16 T011900300052 10.48 12. 0.60 0.06 T011900300053 10.48 18. 0.48 0.04 T011900300054 10.48 24. 0.40 0.05 T011900300055 10.48 30. 0.45 0.05 T011900300056 10.48 36. 0.32 0.04 T011900300057 10.48 42. 0.48 0.05 T011900300058 10.48 48. 0.42 0.04 T011900300059 10.48 54. 0.39 0.04 T011900300060 10.48 60. 0.40 0.05 T011900300061 10.48 72. 0.23 0.03 T011900300062 11.71 0. 0.72 0.08 T011900300063 11.71 6. 0.94 0.12 T011900300064 11.71 12. 0.79 0.09 T011900300065 11.71 18. 0.85 0.07 T011900300066 11.71 24. 0.60 0.06 T011900300067 11.71 30. 0.57 0.06 T011900300068 11.71 36. 0.37 0.04 T011900300069 11.71 42. 0.28 0.03 T011900300070 11.71 48. 0.23 0.03 T011900300071 11.71 54. 0.30 0.04 T011900300072 11.71 60. 0.25 0.04 T011900300073 11.71 72. 0.12 0.02 T011900300074 12.85 0. 1.00 0.10 T011900300075 12.85 6. 1.64 0.15 T011900300076 12.85 12. 1.23 0.12 T011900300077 12.85 18. 0.86 0.08 T011900300078 12.85 24. 0.68 0.05 T011900300079 12.85 30. 0.61 0.06 T011900300080 12.85 36. 0.52 0.05 T011900300081 12.85 42. 0.27 0.03 T011900300082 12.85 48. 0.36 0.04 T011900300083 12.85 54. 0.39 0.04 T011900300084 12.85 60. 0.41 0.06 T011900300085 12.85 72. 0.37 0.04 T011900300086 15.05 0. 1.02 0.11 T011900300087 15.05 6. 1.35 0.15 T011900300088 15.05 12. 1.08 0.11 T011900300089 15.05 18. 1.17 0.11 T011900300090 15.05 24. 1.04 0.06 T011900300091 15.05 30. 1.06 0.09 T011900300092 15.05 36. 0.75 0.05 T011900300093 15.05 42. 0.64 0.05 T011900300094 15.05 48. 0.71 0.06 T011900300095 15.05 54. 0.75 0.07 T011900300096 15.05 60. 0.79 0.06 T011900300097 15.05 72. 0.54 0.04 T011900300098 ENDDATA 86 0 T011900300099 ENDSUBENT 98 0 T011900399999 SUBENT T0119004 20001018 0000T011900400001 BIB 4 12 T011900400002 REACTION (8-O-16(A,N)10-NE-19,PAR,DA) T011900400003 SAMPLE Solid molybdenum oxide (MoO3) on a thin nickel backing T011900400004 used for measurements of line intensities relative to T011900400005 the 4.62 MeV level in 19Ne. These targets were T011900400006 prepared by vacuum evaporation of natural molybdenum T011900400007 oxide onto a 900 microg/cm2 nickel backing. T011900400008 Oxygen gas cell containing 2.2 mg/cm2 oxygen used to T011900400009 obtain the absolute angular distribution for the T011900400010 strong 4.62 MeV level. The gas cell has a chamber 2.5 T011900400011 cm thick and windows of 0.0003 inch tantalum. T011900400012 ERR-ANALYS No information given on uncertainties. T011900400013 STATUS Data taken from table in reference. T011900400014 ENDBIB 12 0 T011900400015 COMMON 1 3 T011900400016 ANG T011900400017 ADEG T011900400018 15. T011900400019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T011900400020 DATA 2 12 T011900400021 E-EXC DATA T011900400022 MEV MB/SR T011900400023 0.19 0.50 T011900400024 1.55 0.32 T011900400025 2.78 0.75 T011900400026 4.63 1.75 T011900400027 5.43 0.50 T011900400028 6.2 0.55 T011900400029 6.80 0.43 T011900400030 7.61 0.44 T011900400031 8.42 0.34 T011900400032 8.95 0.80 T011900400033 9.88 1.10 T011900400034 12.49 0.98 T011900400035 ENDDATA 14 0 T011900400036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 T011900499999 SUBENT T0119005 20241025 C242T011900500001 BIB 5 14 T011900500002 REACTION (8-O-16(A,N)10-NE-19,PAR,DA) T011900500003 SAMPLE Solid molybdenum oxide (MoO3) on a thin nickel backing T011900500004 used for measurements of line intensities relative to T011900500005 the 4.62 MeV level in 19Ne. These targets were T011900500006 prepared by vacuum evaporation of natural molybdenum T011900500007 oxide onto a 900 microg/cm2 nickel backing. T011900500008 Oxygen gas cell containing 2.2 mg/cm2 oxygen used to T011900500009 obtain the absolute angular distribution for the T011900500010 strong 4.62 MeV level. The gas cell has a chamber 2.5 T011900500011 cm thick and windows of 0.0003 inch tantalum. T011900500012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Errors given are statistical uncertainties. T011900500013 STATUS (CURVE,,D.J.Overway+,J,NP/A,363,93,1981) T011900500014 Data scanned from Fig. 4. T011900500015 HISTORY (20241018A) REACTION SF9 deleted T011900500016 ENDBIB 14 0 T011900500017 NOCOMMON 0 0 T011900500018 DATA 5 129 T011900500019 E-EXC E-EXC ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S T011900500020 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR T011900500021 0.0 0.24 0. 0.43 0.06 T011900500022 0.0 0.24 6. 0.32 0.05 T011900500023 0.0 0.24 12. 0.39 0.05 T011900500024 0.0 0.24 18. 0.57 0.07 T011900500025 0.0 0.24 24. 0.52 0.06 T011900500026 0.0 0.24 30. 0.61 0.05 T011900500027 0.0 0.24 36. 0.50 0.06 T011900500028 0.0 0.24 42. 0.40 0.05 T011900500029 0.0 0.24 48. 0.39 0.05 T011900500030 0.0 0.24 54. 0.26 0.04 T011900500031 0.0 0.24 60. 0.32 0.05 T011900500032 1.55 0. 0.60 0.06 T011900500033 1.55 6. 0.53 0.06 T011900500034 1.55 12. 0.47 0.05 T011900500035 1.55 18. 0.45 0.05 T011900500036 1.55 23. 0.39 0.04 T011900500037 1.55 29. 0.50 0.05 T011900500038 1.55 35. 0.42 0.04 T011900500039 1.55 41. 0.45 0.07 T011900500040 1.55 46. 0.52 0.04 T011900500041 1.55 52. 0.33 0.05 T011900500042 1.55 56. 0.29 0.04 T011900500043 2.78 0. 1.17 0.08 T011900500044 2.78 6. 1.11 0.09 T011900500045 2.78 12. 1.13 0.09 T011900500046 2.78 18. 0.67 0.07 T011900500047 2.78 24. 0.58 0.07 T011900500048 2.78 30. 0.70 0.06 T011900500049 2.78 36. 0.40 0.05 T011900500050 2.78 42. 0.45 0.05 T011900500051 2.78 48. 0.60 0.07 T011900500052 2.78 54. 0.56 0.07 T011900500053 2.78 60. 0.42 0.05 T011900500054 4.63 0. 1.65 0.17 T011900500055 4.63 6. 2.00 0.19 T011900500056 4.63 12. 1.72 0.14 T011900500057 4.63 18. 1.50 0.12 T011900500058 4.63 24. 1.50 0.12 T011900500059 4.63 30. 1.33 0.11 T011900500060 4.63 36. 0.83 0.07 T011900500061 4.63 42. 0.74 0.07 T011900500062 4.63 48. 0.44 0.06 T011900500063 4.63 54. 0.48 0.06 T011900500064 4.63 60. 0.51 0.06 T011900500065 5.43 0. 0.44 0.03 T011900500066 5.43 6. 0.63 0.06 T011900500067 5.43 12. 0.68 0.07 T011900500068 5.43 18. 0.56 0.08 T011900500069 5.43 24. 0.49 0.06 T011900500070 5.43 30. 0.53 0.06 T011900500071 5.43 36. 0.36 0.06 T011900500072 5.43 42. 0.48 0.09 T011900500073 5.43 48. 0.28 0.05 T011900500074 5.43 54. 0.28 0.05 T011900500075 5.43 60. 0.33 0.05 T011900500076 6.2 0. 0.66 0.09 T011900500077 6.2 6. 0.76 0.08 T011900500078 6.2 12. 0.59 0.07 T011900500079 6.2 18. 0.73 0.08 T011900500080 6.2 24. 0.67 0.07 T011900500081 6.2 30. 0.45 0.07 T011900500082 6.2 36. 0.45 0.06 T011900500083 6.2 42. 0.49 0.06 T011900500084 6.2 48. 0.48 0.06 T011900500085 6.2 54. 0.54 0.06 T011900500086 6.2 60. 0.48 0.05 T011900500087 6.8 0. 0.58 0.08 T011900500088 6.8 6. 0.56 0.09 T011900500089 6.8 12. 0.62 0.08 T011900500090 6.8 18. 0.57 0.06 T011900500091 6.8 24. 0.47 0.06 T011900500092 6.8 30. 0.31 0.06 T011900500093 6.8 36. 0.30 0.06 T011900500094 6.8 48. 0.30 0.06 T011900500095 6.8 54. 0.35 0.07 T011900500096 6.8 60. 0.37 0.05 T011900500097 7.61 0. 0.76 0.08 T011900500098 7.61 6. 0.49 0.07 T011900500099 7.61 12. 0.66 0.09 T011900500100 7.61 18. 0.49 0.06 T011900500101 7.61 24. 0.51 0.07 T011900500102 7.61 30. 0.59 0.08 T011900500103 7.61 36. 0.33 0.07 T011900500104 7.61 42. 0.52 0.07 T011900500105 7.61 60. 0.28 0.05 T011900500106 8.42 0. 0.45 0.06 T011900500107 8.42 6. 0.54 0.08 T011900500108 8.42 12. 0.56 0.08 T011900500109 8.42 18. 0.38 0.08 T011900500110 8.42 24. 0.60 0.09 T011900500111 8.42 30. 0.42 0.06 T011900500112 8.42 36. 0.42 0.07 T011900500113 8.42 42. 0.56 0.07 T011900500114 8.42 48. 0.49 0.06 T011900500115 8.42 54. 0.31 0.04 T011900500116 8.42 60. 0.28 0.04 T011900500117 8.95 0. 1.30 0.13 T011900500118 8.95 6. 1.27 0.12 T011900500119 8.95 12. 0.94 0.10 T011900500120 8.95 18. 0.67 0.07 T011900500121 8.95 24. 0.48 0.07 T011900500122 8.95 30. 0.21 0.05 T011900500123 8.95 36. 0.18 0.04 T011900500124 8.95 42. 0.16 0.05 T011900500125 8.95 48. 0.22 0.05 T011900500126 8.95 54. 0.13 0.06 T011900500127 8.95 60. 0.18 0.03 T011900500128 9.88 0. 1.70 0.13 T011900500129 9.88 6. 1.41 0.11 T011900500130 9.88 12. 1.32 0.11 T011900500131 9.88 18. 0.97 0.09 T011900500132 9.88 24. 0.95 0.08 T011900500133 9.88 30. 0.83 0.06 T011900500134 9.88 36. 0.75 0.08 T011900500135 9.88 42. 0.76 0.07 T011900500136 9.88 48. 0.60 0.06 T011900500137 9.88 54. 0.55 0.06 T011900500138 9.88 60. 0.62 0.06 T011900500139 12.49 0. 1.36 0.13 T011900500140 12.49 6. 1.41 0.16 T011900500141 12.49 12. 1.03 0.11 T011900500142 12.49 18. 0.89 0.09 T011900500143 12.49 24. 1.29 0.12 T011900500144 12.49 30. 0.93 0.11 T011900500145 12.49 36. 0.89 0.11 T011900500146 12.49 42. 0.66 0.07 T011900500147 12.49 48. 0.67 0.08 T011900500148 12.49 54. 0.84 0.10 T011900500149 12.49 60. 0.95 0.11 T011900500150 ENDDATA 131 0 T011900500151 ENDSUBENT 150 0 T011900599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 T011999999999