ENTRY T0120 20230823 C232T012000000001 SUBENT T0120001 20230823 C232T012000100001 BIB 10 25 T012000100002 TITLE Excitation Functions For 3He Induced Nuclear T012000100003 Reactions in Cu T012000100004 AUTHOR (N.W.Golchert,J.Sedlet,D.G.Gardner) T012000100005 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,152,419,1970) T012000100006 (T,GOLCHERT,1969) T012000100007 INSTITUTE (1USAANL,1USAIIT) T012000100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) 35 MeV 3He ion beam of the Argonne T012000100009 National Laboratory 152 cm cyclotron. T012000100010 (CYCLO,1USABRK) 70 MeV 3He ions at the Berkeley 224 T012000100011 cm cyclotron. T012000100012 INC-SPECT Energy spread of the degraded beam was 0.9 MeV (FWHM) T012000100013 at 20 MeV and 1.5 MeV (FWHM) at 10 MeV, respectively. T012000100014 METHOD (STTA,EXTB,BCINT,EDEG,CHSEP) T012000100015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Overall uncertainty in cross section. T012000100016 Overall uncertainty approximately decay scheme T012000100017 uncertainty plus 10%, and includes uncertainties due T012000100018 to decay data, chemical yield, radioactivity T012000100019 measurement (calibration and statistics) and beam T012000100020 current determination. T012000100021 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from T,GOLCHERT,1969. T012000100022 HISTORY (20001121C) Converted from data set B0039; T012000100023 updated at NNDC. Originally compiled by KaChaPaG and T012000100024 updated by CaJaD. T012000100025 (20230823A) BP: Updated reaction strings in subentries T012000100026 9,10,21 per WP2023-21. Added doi, FACILITY.T012000100027 ENDBIB 25 0 T012000100028 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012000100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 T012000199999 SUBENT T0120002 20010131 0000T012000200001 BIB 5 8 T012000200002 REACTION (29-CU-0(HE3,X)4-BE-7,,SIG) T012000200003 FACILITY (ISOCY,1USABRK) Pole face diameter 224 cm. Beam energy T012000200004 70 MeV. T012000200005 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012000200006 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012000200007 DECAY-DATA (4-BE-7,53.D,DG,477.,0.10) T012000200008 Decay scheme error is 2%. T012000200009 COMMENT Run of November 14, 1968. T012000200010 ENDBIB 8 0 T012000200011 COMMON 1 3 T012000200012 DATA-ERR T012000200013 PER-CENT T012000200014 12. T012000200015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012000200016 DATA 2 20 T012000200017 EN DATA T012000200018 MEV MB T012000200019 38.70 0.178 T012000200020 40.00 0.134 T012000200021 42.95 0.163 T012000200022 44.15 0.280 T012000200023 46.65 0.207 T012000200024 47.95 0.195 T012000200025 50.20 0.244 T012000200026 51.40 0.253 T012000200027 53.65 0.369 T012000200028 54.65 0.316 T012000200029 56.80 0.245 T012000200030 57.75 0.321 T012000200031 59.80 0.366 T012000200032 60.85 0.333 T012000200033 62.60 0.373 T012000200034 63.55 0.383 T012000200035 65.40 0.455 T012000200036 66.30 0.404 T012000200037 68.20 0.256 T012000200038 69.40 0.211 T012000200039 ENDDATA 22 0 T012000200040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 T012000299999 SUBENT T0120003 20010131 0000T012000300001 BIB 7 14 T012000300002 REACTION (29-CU-63(HE3,X)30-ZN-63,CUM,SIG) T012000300003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012000300004 35 MeV. T012000300005 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012000300006 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012000300007 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-63,38.3MIN,DG,669.,0.08) T012000300008 Decay scheme error is 5%. T012000300009 DETECTOR (GELI) T012000300010 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 63Cu abundance. T012000300011 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012000300012 via 65Cu reactions. T012000300013 FLAG (1.) Run of October 25, 1966. T012000300014 (2.) Run of March 6, 1968. T012000300015 (3.) Run of June 18, 1968. T012000300016 ENDBIB 14 0 T012000300017 COMMON 1 3 T012000300018 DATA-ERR T012000300019 PER-CENT T012000300020 12. T012000300021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012000300022 DATA 3 24 T012000300023 EN DATA FLAG T012000300024 MEV MB NO-DIM T012000300025 19.35 93.9 2. T012000300026 19.70 89. 3. T012000300027 20.80 111. 2. T012000300028 22.25 148. 2. T012000300029 22.60 173. 3. T012000300030 23.65 245. 2. T012000300031 24.9 167. 1. T012000300032 25.05 249. 2. T012000300033 25.30 296. 3. T012000300034 26.2 217. 1. T012000300035 27.35 293. 2. T012000300036 27.4 242. 1. T012000300037 27.80 375. 3. T012000300038 28.6 304. 1. T012000300039 29.20 305. 3. T012000300040 29.7 316. 1. T012000300041 29.70 307. 2. T012000300042 30.70 348. 3. T012000300043 30.8 394. 1. T012000300044 31.8 387. 1. T012000300045 32.10 398. 3. T012000300046 32.30 322. 2. T012000300047 32.9 457. 1. T012000300048 33.35 369. 3. T012000300049 ENDDATA 26 0 T012000300050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 T012000399999 SUBENT T0120004 20010131 0000T012000400001 BIB 7 18 T012000400002 REACTION (29-CU-63(HE3,X)30-ZN-62,CUM,SIG) T012000400003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012000400004 about 35 MeV. T012000400005 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012000400006 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012000400007 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-62,9.3HR,DG,595.,0.22) T012000400008 Decay scheme error is 5%. T012000400009 DETECTOR (GELI) T012000400010 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 63Cu abundance. T012000400011 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012000400012 via 65Cu reactions. T012000400013 FLAG (2.) Run of October 25, 1966. T012000400014 (3.) Run of January 19, 1967. T012000400015 (4.) Run of March 9, 1967. T012000400016 (5.) Run of December 12, 1967. T012000400017 (6.) Run of March 6, 1968. T012000400018 (7.) Run of June 18, 1968. T012000400019 (8.) Run of October 9, 1968. T012000400020 ENDBIB 18 0 T012000400021 COMMON 1 3 T012000400022 DATA-ERR T012000400023 PER-CENT T012000400024 17. T012000400025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012000400026 DATA 3 41 T012000400027 EN DATA FLAG T012000400028 MEV MB NO-DIM T012000400029 22.60 0.397 7. T012000400030 23.5 0.399 3. T012000400031 23.9 0.688 4. T012000400032 24.65 0.790 5. T012000400033 24.9 0.477 2. T012000400034 25.05 0.799 6. T012000400035 25.30 0.947 7. T012000400036 25.4 1.08 4. T012000400037 26.05 1.14 5. T012000400038 26.2 0.771 2. T012000400039 26.4 0.857 3. T012000400040 26.8 1.59 4. T012000400041 27.30 1.69 5. T012000400042 27.35 1.50 6. T012000400043 27.4 1.06 2. T012000400044 27.80 2.21 7. T012000400045 28.2 2.19 4. T012000400046 28.55 2.49 5. T012000400047 28.6 1.62 2. T012000400048 28.85 3.15 8. T012000400049 29.2 2.00 3. T012000400050 29.20 2.49 7. T012000400051 29.6 3.52 4. T012000400052 29.7 2.80 2. T012000400053 29.70 3.40 6. T012000400054 29.80 3.88 5. T012000400055 30.70 4.81 7. T012000400056 30.8 4.06 2. T012000400057 31.0 5.50 4. T012000400058 31.05 6.05 5. T012000400059 31.8 5.76 2. T012000400060 32.1 4.24 3. T012000400061 32.10 7.72 7. T012000400062 32.30 7.39 6. T012000400063 32.35 8.64 5. T012000400064 32.4 8.30 4. T012000400065 32.60 9.76 8. T012000400066 32.9 7.67 2. T012000400067 33.35 10.8 7. T012000400068 33.65 11.3 5. T012000400069 33.8 11.5 4. T012000400070 ENDDATA 43 0 T012000400071 ENDSUBENT 70 0 T012000499999 SUBENT T0120005 20010131 0000T012000500001 BIB 7 14 T012000500002 REACTION (29-CU-63(HE3,X)30-ZN-62,CUM,SIG) T012000500003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012000500004 35 MeV. T012000500005 SAMPLE Copper oxide foils, enriched to 99.62% 63Cu, T012000500006 electroplated onto gold backing. 63Cu areal density T012000500007 5-7 mg/cm2. T012000500008 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-62,9.3HR,DG,595.,0.22) T012000500009 Decay scheme error is 5%. T012000500010 DETECTOR (GELI) T012000500011 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 63Cu abundance. T012000500012 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012000500013 via 65Cu reactions. T012000500014 FLAG (1.) Run of March 6, 1968. T012000500015 (2.) Run of June 18, 1968. T012000500016 ENDBIB 14 0 T012000500017 COMMON 1 3 T012000500018 DATA-ERR T012000500019 PER-CENT T012000500020 17. T012000500021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012000500022 DATA 3 3 T012000500023 EN DATA FLAG T012000500024 MEV MB NO-DIM T012000500025 26.75 0.326 2. T012000500026 31.20 9.69 1. T012000500027 33.85 14.1 1. T012000500028 ENDDATA 5 0 T012000500029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 T012000599999 SUBENT T0120006 20010131 0000T012000600001 BIB 7 12 T012000600002 REACTION (29-CU-63(HE3,2P)29-CU-64,,SIG) T012000600003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012000600004 35 MeV. T012000600005 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012000600006 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012000600007 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-64,12.85HR,B-,570.,0.39,B+,660.,0.19) T012000600008 Decay scheme error is 5%. T012000600009 DETECTOR (COIN,NAICR,NAICR) T012000600010 CORRECTION At higher energies, cross sections are corrected for T012000600011 production of 64Cu through the 65Cu(3He,alpha)64Cu T012000600012 reaction. Adjusted to 100% 63Cu abundance. T012000600013 COMMENT Data from run of December 12, 1967 T012000600014 ENDBIB 12 0 T012000600015 COMMON 1 3 T012000600016 DATA-ERR T012000600017 PER-CENT T012000600018 11. T012000600019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012000600020 DATA 2 8 T012000600021 EN DATA T012000600022 MEV MB T012000600023 24.65 105. T012000600024 26.05 98.6 T012000600025 27.30 94.2 T012000600026 28.55 91.0 T012000600027 29.80 87.7 T012000600028 31.05 84.5 T012000600029 32.35 84.7 T012000600030 33.65 80.2 T012000600031 ENDDATA 10 0 T012000600032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 T012000699999 SUBENT T0120007 20010131 0000T012000700001 BIB 7 14 T012000700002 REACTION (29-CU-63(HE3,2P)29-CU-64,,SIG) T012000700003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012000700004 35 MeV. T012000700005 SAMPLE Copper oxide foils, enriched to 99.62% 63Cu, T012000700006 electroplated onto gold backing. 63Cu areal density T012000700007 5-7 mg/cm2. T012000700008 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-64,12.85HR,B-,570.,0.39,B+,660.,0.19) T012000700009 Decay scheme error is 5%. T012000700010 DETECTOR (COIN,NAICR,NAICR) T012000700011 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 63Cu abundance. T012000700012 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012000700013 via 65Cu reactions. T012000700014 FLAG (1.) Data from run of March 6, 1968 T012000700015 (2.) Data from run of June 18, 1968 T012000700016 ENDBIB 14 0 T012000700017 COMMON 1 3 T012000700018 DATA-ERR T012000700019 PER-CENT T012000700020 10. T012000700021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012000700022 DATA 3 7 T012000700023 EN DATA FLAG T012000700024 MEV MB NO-DIM T012000700025 21.35 125. 2. T012000700026 24.20 120. 2. T012000700027 26.40 110. 1. T012000700028 26.75 108. 2. T012000700029 28.65 101. 1. T012000700030 31.20 88.7 1. T012000700031 33.85 80.9 1. T012000700032 ENDDATA 9 0 T012000700033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 T012000799999 SUBENT T0120008 20010131 0000T012000800001 BIB 7 13 T012000800002 REACTION (29-CU-63(HE3,X)29-CU-62,CUM,SIG) T012000800003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012000800004 35 MeV. T012000800005 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012000800006 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012000800007 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-62,9.8MIN,B+,2910.,0.99) T012000800008 Decay scheme error is 2%. T012000800009 DETECTOR (PROPC) T012000800010 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 63Cu abundance. T012000800011 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012000800012 via 65Cu reactions, such as 65Cu(He3,2n+alpha)62Cu T012000800013 at higher energies. T012000800014 COMMENT Run of January 19, 1967. T012000800015 ENDBIB 13 0 T012000800016 COMMON 1 3 T012000800017 DATA-ERR T012000800018 PER-CENT T012000800019 16. T012000800020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012000800021 DATA 2 8 T012000800022 EN DATA T012000800023 MEV MB T012000800024 8.1 10.7 T012000800025 11.8 19.6 T012000800026 16.3 15.8 T012000800027 20.2 29.9 T012000800028 23.5 42.1 T012000800029 26.4 60.0 T012000800030 29.2 70.3 T012000800031 32.1 89.8 T012000800032 ENDDATA 10 0 T012000800033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 T012000899999 SUBENT T0120009 20230823 C232T012000900001 BIB 8 18 T012000900002 REACTION (29-CU-63(HE3,X)29-CU-61,,SIG) T012000900003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012000900004 35 MeV. T012000900005 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012000900006 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012000900007 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-61,3.32HR,B+,560.,0.035,B+,940.,0.055, T012000900008 B+,1210.,0.62) T012000900009 decay scheme error is 15%. T012000900010 DETECTOR (NAICR) T012000900011 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 63Cu abundance. T012000900012 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012000900013 via 65Cu reactions, such as 65Cu(He3,3n+a)61Cu T012000900014 at higher energies. T012000900015 FLAG (1.) Run of March 9, 1967. T012000900016 (2.) run of December 12, 1967. T012000900017 (3.) run of March 6, 1968. T012000900018 HISTORY (20230823A) BP: Updated reaction string N+A -> X T012000900019 per WP2023-21. T012000900020 ENDBIB 18 0 T012000900021 COMMON 1 3 T012000900022 DATA-ERR T012000900023 PER-CENT T012000900024 20. T012000900025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012000900026 DATA 3 24 T012000900027 EN DATA FLAG T012000900028 MEV MB NO-DIM T012000900029 19.35 79.6 3. T012000900030 20.80 76.7 3. T012000900031 22.25 71.3 3. T012000900032 23.65 65.3 3. T012000900033 23.9 63.7 1. T012000900034 24.65 62.6 2. T012000900035 25.05 51.3 3. T012000900036 25.4 60.1 1. T012000900037 26.05 57.8 2. T012000900038 26.8 49.0 1. T012000900039 27.30 49.2 2. T012000900040 27.35 41.0 3. T012000900041 28.2 42.2 1. T012000900042 28.55 43.8 2. T012000900043 29.6 36.5 1. T012000900044 29.70 35.2 3. T012000900045 29.80 40.4 2. T012000900046 31.0 33.5 1. T012000900047 31.05 34.2 2. T012000900048 32.30 30.8 3. T012000900049 32.35 32.8 2. T012000900050 32.4 31.7 1. T012000900051 33.65 33.4 2. T012000900052 33.8 32.8 1. T012000900053 ENDDATA 26 0 T012000900054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 T012000999999 SUBENT T0120010 20230823 C232T012001000001 BIB 8 17 T012001000002 REACTION (29-CU-63(HE3,X)29-CU-61,,SIG) T012001000003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012001000004 35 MeV. T012001000005 SAMPLE Copper oxide foils, enriched to 99.62% 63Cu, T012001000006 electroplated onto gold backing. 63Cu areal density T012001000007 5-7 mg/cm2. T012001000008 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-61,3.32HR,B+,560.,0.035, T012001000009 B+,940.,0.055, T012001000010 B+,1210.,0.62) T012001000011 decay scheme error is 15%. T012001000012 DETECTOR (NAICR) T012001000013 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 63Cu abundance. T012001000014 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012001000015 via 65Cu reactions. T012001000016 COMMENT Run of March 6, 1968. T012001000017 HISTORY (20230823A) BP: Updated reaction string N+A -> X T012001000018 per WP2023-21. T012001000019 ENDBIB 17 0 T012001000020 COMMON 1 3 T012001000021 DATA-ERR T012001000022 PER-CENT T012001000023 20. T012001000024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012001000025 DATA 2 4 T012001000026 EN DATA T012001000027 MEV MB T012001000028 26.40 42.6 T012001000029 28.65 34.0 T012001000030 31.20 28.2 T012001000031 33.85 23.4 T012001000032 ENDDATA 6 0 T012001000033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 T012001099999 SUBENT T0120011 20010131 0000T012001100001 BIB 7 15 T012001100002 REACTION (29-CU-63(HE3,X)29-CU-60,CUM,SIG) T012001100003 Attributed by authors to 63Cu(3He,alpha+2n). T012001100004 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012001100005 35 MeV. T012001100006 SAMPLE Copper oxide foils, enriched to 99.62% 63Cu, T012001100007 electroplated onto gold backing. 63Cu areal density T012001100008 5-7 mg/cm2. T012001100009 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-60,24.MIN,DG,1330.,0.897) T012001100010 Decay scheme error is 10%. T012001100011 DETECTOR (NAICR) T012001100012 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 63Cu abundance. T012001100013 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012001100014 via 65Cu reactions. T012001100015 FLAG (1.) Run of March 6, 1968. T012001100016 (2.) Run of June 18, 1968. T012001100017 ENDBIB 15 0 T012001100018 COMMON 1 3 T012001100019 DATA-ERR T012001100020 PER-CENT T012001100021 16. T012001100022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012001100023 DATA 3 7 T012001100024 EN DATA FLAG T012001100025 MEV MB NO-DIM T012001100026 21.35 0.899 2. T012001100027 24.20 3.27 2. T012001100028 26.40 3.65 1. T012001100029 26.75 8.97 2. T012001100030 28.65 5.04 1. T012001100031 31.20 8.50 1. T012001100032 33.85 12.2 1. T012001100033 ENDDATA 9 0 T012001100034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 T012001199999 SUBENT T0120012 20010131 0000T012001200001 BIB 7 16 T012001200002 REACTION (29-CU-63(HE3,X)29-CU-57,CUM,SIG) T012001200003 FACILITY (ISOCY,1USABRK) Pole face diameter 224 cm. Beam energy T012001200004 70 MeV. T012001200005 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012001200006 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012001200007 DECAY-DATA (28-NI-57,36.0HR,DG,1370.,0.86) T012001200008 Decay scheme error is 10%. T012001200009 The authors adopt 57Ni to be completely formed by beta T012001200010 decay of the short-lived 57Cu, since no 56Ni activity T012001200011 has been found, and therefore, direct production of T012001200012 57Ni seemed unlikely. T012001200013 DETECTOR (NAICR).Well Crystal T012001200014 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 63Cu abundance. T012001200015 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012001200016 via 65Cu reactions. T012001200017 COMMENT Run of November 14, 1968. T012001200018 ENDBIB 16 0 T012001200019 COMMON 1 3 T012001200020 DATA-ERR T012001200021 PER-CENT T012001200022 15. T012001200023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012001200024 DATA 2 12 T012001200025 EN DATA T012001200026 MEV MB T012001200027 53.65 0.117 T012001200028 54.65 0.198 T012001200029 56.80 0.246 T012001200030 57.75 0.336 T012001200031 59.80 0.402 T012001200032 60.85 0.633 T012001200033 62.60 0.896 T012001200034 63.55 1.02 T012001200035 65.40 1.33 T012001200036 66.30 1.84 T012001200037 68.20 2.15 T012001200038 69.40 2.25 T012001200039 ENDDATA 14 0 T012001200040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 T012001299999 SUBENT T0120013 20010131 0000T012001300001 BIB 8 20 T012001300002 REACTION (29-CU-63(HE3,X)27-CO-60,,SIG) T012001300003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012001300004 35 MeV. T012001300005 (ISOCY,1USABRK) Pole face diameter 224 cm. Beam energy T012001300006 70 MeV. T012001300007 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012001300008 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012001300009 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-60-G,5.27YR,B-,319.,1.0) T012001300010 Decay scheme error is 2%. T012001300011 DETECTOR (PROPC).For Beta-counting at low projectile energies T012001300012 (GELI).For Gamma-counting at high projectile energies T012001300013 ANALYSIS (DECAY) For Beta-counting a discrimination between T012001300014 58Co and 60Co activities from their half-Lives was T012001300015 performed by means of a computer program. Cobalt T012001300016 fractions were counted every month between 9 and T012001300017 15 months. T012001300018 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 65Cu abundance. T012001300019 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012001300020 via 65Cu reactions. T012001300021 COMMENT Run of October 25, 1966. T012001300022 ENDBIB 20 0 T012001300023 COMMON 1 3 T012001300024 DATA-ERR T012001300025 PER-CENT T012001300026 6. T012001300027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012001300028 DATA 2 8 T012001300029 EN DATA T012001300030 MEV MB T012001300031 24.9 4.34 T012001300032 26.2 6.37 T012001300033 27.4 8.16 T012001300034 28.6 10.7 T012001300035 29.7 12.2 T012001300036 30.8 15.6 T012001300037 31.8 17.6 T012001300038 32.9 18.4 T012001300039 ENDDATA 10 0 T012001300040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 T012001399999 SUBENT T0120014 20010131 0000T012001400001 BIB 7 17 T012001400002 REACTION (29-CU-63(HE3,X)27-CO-58,,SIG) T012001400003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012001400004 35 MeV. T012001400005 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012001400006 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012001400007 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-58-G,71.3D,B+,474.,0.15,DG,810.) T012001400008 Decay scheme error is 5%. T012001400009 DETECTOR (GELI).For Gamma-Counting at High Projectile Energies T012001400010 (PROPC).For Beta-Counting at Low Projectile Energies T012001400011 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 63Cu abundance. T012001400012 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012001400013 via 65Cu reactions. T012001400014 FLAG (1.) Run of March 28, 1966. T012001400015 (2.) Run of October 25, 1966. T012001400016 (3.) Run of January 19, 1967. T012001400017 (4.) Run of March 9, 1967. T012001400018 (5.) Run of October 24, 1967. T012001400019 ENDBIB 17 0 T012001400020 COMMON 1 3 T012001400021 DATA-ERR T012001400022 PER-CENT T012001400023 8. T012001400024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012001400025 DATA 3 40 T012001400026 EN DATA FLAG T012001400027 MEV MB NO-DIM T012001400028 8.1 0.0653 3. T012001400029 11.8 1.96 3. T012001400030 12.85 1.88 5. T012001400031 13.4 2.71 1. T012001400032 14.95 3.32 5. T012001400033 16.3 5.71 3. T012001400034 16.8 5.76 1. T012001400035 16.95 5.18 5. T012001400036 18.80 7.06 5. T012001400037 19.5 7.91 1. T012001400038 20.2 8.75 3. T012001400039 20.55 7.91 5. T012001400040 22.1 10.38 1. T012001400041 22.15 8.87 5. T012001400042 23.5 10.0 3. T012001400043 23.65 10.5 5. T012001400044 23.9 10.8 4. T012001400045 24.5 9.73 1. T012001400046 24.9 11.0 2. T012001400047 25.1 10.2 5. T012001400048 25.4 11.8 4. T012001400049 26.2 11.0 2. T012001400050 26.4 9.45 3. T012001400051 26.7 9.60 1. T012001400052 26.8 10.1 4. T012001400053 27.4 9.95 2. T012001400054 28.2 9.96 4. T012001400055 28.6 10.1 2. T012001400056 28.9 8.83 1. T012001400057 29.2 7.61 3. T012001400058 29.6 8.71 4. T012001400059 29.7 8.65 2. T012001400060 30.8 8.34 2. T012001400061 31.0 7.06 1. T012001400062 31.0 8.14 4. T012001400063 31.8 7.48 2. T012001400064 32.1 6.64 3. T012001400065 32.4 7.38 4. T012001400066 32.9 7.18 2. T012001400067 33.8 6.15 4. T012001400068 ENDDATA 42 0 T012001400069 ENDSUBENT 68 0 T012001499999 SUBENT T0120015 20010131 0000T012001500001 BIB 7 15 T012001500002 REACTION (29-CU-63(HE3,X)27-CO-57,,SIG) T012001500003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012001500004 35 MeV. T012001500005 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012001500006 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012001500007 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-57,270.D,XR,6.4,,DG,14.4,,DG,120.) T012001500008 Decay scheme error is 5%. T012001500009 DETECTOR (PROPC). For x-ray counting. T012001500010 (GELI). For gamma counting at high projectile energies.T012001500011 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 63Cu abundance. T012001500012 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012001500013 via 65Cu reactions. T012001500014 FLAG (1.) Run of October 25, 1966. T012001500015 (2.) Run of January 19, 1967. T012001500016 (3.) Run of March 9, 1967. T012001500017 ENDBIB 15 0 T012001500018 COMMON 1 3 T012001500019 DATA-ERR T012001500020 PER-CENT T012001500021 11. T012001500022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012001500023 DATA 3 22 T012001500024 EN DATA FLAG T012001500025 MEV MB NO-DIM T012001500026 11.8 0.742 2. T012001500027 16.3 2.06 2. T012001500028 23.5 6.50 2. T012001500029 23.9 8.50 3. T012001500030 24.9 7.18 1. T012001500031 25.4 10.3 3. T012001500032 26.2 8.44 1. T012001500033 26.4 10.0 2. T012001500034 26.8 12.2 3. T012001500035 27.4 10.1 1. T012001500036 28.2 14.6 3. T012001500037 28.6 12.4 1. T012001500038 29.2 13.1 2. T012001500039 29.6 15.7 3. T012001500040 29.7 13.8 1. T012001500041 30.8 15.4 1. T012001500042 31.0 16.4 3. T012001500043 31.8 16.4 1. T012001500044 32.1 16.6 2. T012001500045 32.4 18.3 3. T012001500046 32.9 16.8 1. T012001500047 33.8 16.2 3. T012001500048 ENDDATA 24 0 T012001500049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 T012001599999 SUBENT T0120016 20010131 0000T012001600001 BIB 7 12 T012001600002 REACTION (29-CU-63(HE3,X)25-MN-52,CUM,SIG) T012001600003 FACILITY (ISOCY,1USABRK) Pole face diameter 224 cm. Beam energy T012001600004 70 MeV. T012001600005 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012001600006 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012001600007 DECAY-DATA (25-MN-52-G,5.7D,DG,1430.,1.0) T012001600008 Decay scheme error is 10%. T012001600009 DETECTOR (NAICR) T012001600010 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 63Cu abundance. T012001600011 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012001600012 via 65Cu reactions. T012001600013 COMMENT Run of November 14, 1968. T012001600014 ENDBIB 12 0 T012001600015 COMMON 1 3 T012001600016 DATA-ERR T012001600017 PER-CENT T012001600018 18. T012001600019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012001600020 DATA 2 14 T012001600021 EN DATA T012001600022 MEV MB T012001600023 50.20 0.0276 T012001600024 51.40 0.0331 T012001600025 53.65 0.0656 T012001600026 54.65 0.100 T012001600027 56.80 0.151 T012001600028 57.75 0.210 T012001600029 59.80 0.288 T012001600030 60.85 0.391 T012001600031 62.60 0.568 T012001600032 63.55 0.601 T012001600033 65.40 0.786 T012001600034 66.30 0.902 T012001600035 68.20 0.986 T012001600036 69.40 1.04 T012001600037 ENDDATA 16 0 T012001600038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 T012001699999 SUBENT T0120017 20010131 0000T012001700001 BIB 7 16 T012001700002 REACTION (29-CU-63(HE3,X)24-CR-51,CUM,SIG) T012001700003 Authors assume the reaction 63Cu(He3,3n+3alpha)51Mn T012001700004 with subsequent beta-decay to 51Cr to be the T012001700005 predominant reaction and not the direct production T012001700006 of 51Cr. T012001700007 FACILITY (ISOCY,1USABRK) Pole face diameter 224 cm. Beam energy T012001700008 70 MeV. T012001700009 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012001700010 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012001700011 DETECTOR (NAICR).Well Crystal T012001700012 DECAY-DATA (24-CR-51,27.8D,DG,320.,0.09) T012001700013 Decay scheme error is 4%. T012001700014 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 63Cu abundance. T012001700015 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012001700016 via 65Cu reactions. T012001700017 COMMENT Run of November 14, 1968. T012001700018 ENDBIB 16 0 T012001700019 COMMON 1 3 T012001700020 DATA-ERR T012001700021 PER-CENT T012001700022 11. T012001700023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012001700024 DATA 2 11 T012001700025 EN DATA T012001700026 MEV MB T012001700027 54.65 0.0527 T012001700028 56.80 0.0563 T012001700029 57.75 0.105 T012001700030 59.80 0.0949 T012001700031 60.85 0.0835 T012001700032 62.60 0.134 T012001700033 63.55 0.177 T012001700034 65.40 0.225 T012001700035 66.30 0.262 T012001700036 68.20 0.312 T012001700037 69.40 0.356 T012001700038 ENDDATA 13 0 T012001700039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 T012001799999 SUBENT T0120018 20010131 0000T012001800001 BIB 7 23 T012001800002 REACTION (29-CU-65(HE3,N)31-GA-67,,SIG) T012001800003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012001800004 35 MeV. T012001800005 (ISOCY,1USABRK) Pole face diameter 224 cm. Beam energy T012001800006 70 MeV. T012001800007 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012001800008 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012001800009 DECAY-DATA (31-GA-67,78.HR,DG,296.,0.228) T012001800010 Decay scheme error is 15%. T012001800011 DETECTOR (NAICR) T012001800012 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 65Cu abundance. T012001800013 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012001800014 via 63Cu reactions. T012001800015 FLAG (1.) Run of March 28, 1966. T012001800016 (2.) Run of October 25, 1966. T012001800017 (3.) Run of January 19, 1967. T012001800018 (4.) Run of March 9, 1967. T012001800019 (5.) Run of October 24, 1967. T012001800020 (6.) Run of December 12, 1967. T012001800021 (7.) Run of August 1, 1968. T012001800022 (8.) Run of October 9, 1968. T012001800023 (9.) Run of October 10, 1968. T012001800024 (10.) Run of November 14, 1968. T012001800025 ENDBIB 23 0 T012001800026 COMMON 1 3 T012001800027 DATA-ERR T012001800028 PER-CENT T012001800029 20. T012001800030 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012001800031 DATA 3 80 T012001800032 EN DATA FLAG T012001800033 MEV MB NO-DIM T012001800034 8.1 4.24 3. T012001800035 11.75 7.05 9. T012001800036 11.8 7.68 3. T012001800037 12.85 7.62 5. T012001800038 13.4 7.18 1. T012001800039 13.95 6.12 9. T012001800040 14.95 7.79 5. T012001800041 16.00 5.47 9. T012001800042 16.3 5.44 3. T012001800043 16.8 5.88 1. T012001800044 16.95 6.19 5. T012001800045 18.00 4.56 9. T012001800046 18.80 4.54 5. T012001800047 19.5 4.97 1. T012001800048 20.2 4.37 3. T012001800049 20.55 3.99 5. T012001800050 22.05 3.83 8. T012001800051 22.1 4.42 1. T012001800052 22.15 4.22 5. T012001800053 23.5 3.63 3. T012001800054 23.55 3.61 8. T012001800055 23.65 4.16 5. T012001800056 23.9 3.85 4. T012001800057 24.5 3.74 1. T012001800058 24.65 3.67 6. T012001800059 24.9 3.67 2. T012001800060 25.00 3.10 8. T012001800061 25.10 3.34 5. T012001800062 25.4 3.48 4. T012001800063 26.05 3.17 6. T012001800064 26.2 3.27 2. T012001800065 26.35 3.58 8. T012001800066 26.4 3.19 3. T012001800067 26.7 3.29 1. T012001800068 26.8 3.49 4. T012001800069 27.30 3.18 6. T012001800070 27.4 3.24 2. T012001800071 28.2 3.30 4. T012001800072 28.55 2.98 6. T012001800073 28.6 3.11 2. T012001800074 28.9 3.05 1. T012001800075 29.2 2.87 3. T012001800076 29.55 3.12 7. T012001800077 29.6 2.98 4. T012001800078 29.7 3.17 2. T012001800079 29.80 2.80 6. T012001800080 30.8 2.99 2. T012001800081 30.85 2.93 7. T012001800082 31.0 2.78 1. T012001800083 31.0 3.23 4. T012001800084 31.05 2.73 6. T012001800085 31.8 2.86 2. T012001800086 32.1 2.50 3. T012001800087 32.1 3. 7. T012001800088 32.35 2.85 6. T012001800089 32.4 2.66 4. T012001800090 32.9 2.67 2. T012001800091 33.35 2.64 7. T012001800092 33.65 2.47 6. T012001800093 33.8 2.55 4. T012001800094 38.70 1.84 10. T012001800095 40.00 1.85 10. T012001800096 42.95 1.72 10. T012001800097 44.15 1.69 10. T012001800098 46.65 1.42 10. T012001800099 47.95 1.35 10. T012001800100 50.20 1.35 10. T012001800101 51.40 1.32 10. T012001800102 53.65 1.23 10. T012001800103 54.65 1.19 10. T012001800104 56.80 1.07 10. T012001800105 57.75 0.973 10. T012001800106 59.80 1.00 10. T012001800107 60.85 0.982 10. T012001800108 62.60 0.929 10. T012001800109 63.55 0.887 10. T012001800110 65.40 0.912 10. T012001800111 66.30 0.883 10. T012001800112 68.20 0.796 10. T012001800113 69.40 0.731 10. T012001800114 ENDDATA 82 0 T012001800115 ENDSUBENT 114 0 T012001899999 SUBENT T0120019 20010131 0000T012001900001 BIB 7 19 T012001900002 REACTION (29-CU-65(HE3,2N)31-GA-66,,SIG) T012001900003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012001900004 35 MeV. T012001900005 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012001900006 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012001900007 DECAY-DATA (31-GA-66,9.4HR,DG,1037.,0.37) T012001900008 Decay scheme error is 10%. T012001900009 DETECTOR (NAICR) T012001900010 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 65Cu abundance. T012001900011 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012001900012 via 63Cu reactions. T012001900013 FLAG (1.) Run of October 25, 1966. T012001900014 (2.) Run of January 19, 1967. T012001900015 (3.) Run of March 9, 1967. T012001900016 (4.) Run of October 24, 1967. T012001900017 (5.) Run of December 12, 1967. T012001900018 (6.) Run of August 1, 1968. T012001900019 (7.) Run of October 9, 1968. T012001900020 (8.) Run of October 10, 1968. T012001900021 ENDBIB 19 0 T012001900022 COMMON 1 3 T012001900023 DATA-ERR T012001900024 PER-CENT T012001900025 10. T012001900026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012001900027 DATA 3 52 T012001900028 EN DATA FLAG T012001900029 MEV MB NO-DIM T012001900030 8.1 31.4 2. T012001900031 11.75 183. 8. T012001900032 11.8 117. 2. T012001900033 12.85 71.0 4. T012001900034 13.95 201. 8. T012001900035 14.95 172. 4. T012001900036 16.00 187. 8. T012001900037 16.3 113. 2. T012001900038 16.95 158. 4. T012001900039 18.00 162. 8. T012001900040 18.80 126. 4. T012001900041 20.2 86.3 2. T012001900042 20.55 94.7 4. T012001900043 22.05 92.1 7. T012001900044 22.15 71.4 4. T012001900045 23.5 62.3 2. T012001900046 23.55 76.9 7. T012001900047 23.65 64.9 4. T012001900048 23.9 60.7 3. T012001900049 24.65 67.8 5. T012001900050 24.9 54.3 1. T012001900051 25.00 59.4 7. T012001900052 25.10 47.6 4. T012001900053 25.4 51.6 3. T012001900054 26.05 55.9 5. T012001900055 26.2 41.3 1. T012001900056 26.35 56.3 7. T012001900057 26.4 40.4 2. T012001900058 26.8 41.9 3. T012001900059 27.30 48.0 5. T012001900060 27.4 37.0 1. T012001900061 28.2 35.2 3. T012001900062 28.55 40.1 5. T012001900063 28.6 33.6 1. T012001900064 29.2 29.6 2. T012001900065 29.55 33.0 6. T012001900066 29.6 30.0 3. T012001900067 29.7 30.7 1. T012001900068 29.80 35.0 5. T012001900069 30.8 27.1 1. T012001900070 30.85 29.0 6. T012001900071 31.0 26.7 3. T012001900072 31.05 30.4 5. T012001900073 31.8 24.6 1. T012001900074 32.1 21.1 2. T012001900075 32.1 26.4 6. T012001900076 32.35 27.4 5. T012001900077 32.4 22.7 3. T012001900078 32.9 21.7 1. T012001900079 33.35 22.5 6. T012001900080 33.65 23.5 5. T012001900081 33.8 20.1 3. T012001900082 ENDDATA 54 0 T012001900083 ENDSUBENT 82 0 T012001999999 SUBENT T0120020 20010131 0000T012002000001 BIB 8 15 T012002000002 REACTION (29-CU-65(HE3,3N)31-GA-65,,SIG) T012002000003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012002000004 35 MeV. T012002000005 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012002000006 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012002000007 DECAY-DATA (31-GA-65,15.2MIN,DG,115.,0.54) T012002000008 Decay scheme error is 5%. T012002000009 DETECTOR (GELI) T012002000010 CORRECTION Corrected for 65Ga production via 63Cu(3He,n)65Ga T012002000011 reaction and adjusted to 100% 65Cu abundance. T012002000012 FLAG (1.) Run of January 19, 1967. T012002000013 (2.) Run of August 1, 1968. T012002000014 (3.) Run of October 9, 1968. T012002000015 (4.) Run of October 10, 1968. T012002000016 STATUS Data below 14.5 MeV threshold omitted. T012002000017 ENDBIB 15 0 T012002000018 COMMON 1 3 T012002000019 DATA-ERR T012002000020 PER-CENT T012002000021 15. T012002000022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012002000023 DATA 3 16 T012002000024 EN DATA FLAG T012002000025 MEV MB NO-DIM T012002000026 16.00 2.42 4. T012002000027 16.3 14.7 1. T012002000028 18.00 11.3 4. T012002000029 20.2 26.2 1. T012002000030 22.05 36.7 2. T012002000031 23.5 44.2 1. T012002000032 23.55 45.0 2. T012002000033 25.00 48.0 2. T012002000034 26.35 55.6 2. T012002000035 26.4 56.0 1. T012002000036 29.2 49.6 1. T012002000037 29.55 65.1 2. T012002000038 30.85 62.6 2. T012002000039 32.1 61.8 1. T012002000040 32.1 58.6 2. T012002000041 33.35 49.1 2. T012002000042 ENDDATA 18 0 T012002000043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 T012002099999 SUBENT T0120021 20230823 C232T012002100001 BIB 8 23 T012002100002 REACTION (29-CU-65(HE3,X)30-ZN-65,CUM,SIG) T012002100003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012002100004 35 MeV. T012002100005 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012002100006 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012002100007 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-65,245.D,DG,1115.,0.49) T012002100008 decay scheme error is 7%. T012002100009 DETECTOR (NAICR) T012002100010 CORRECTION Corrected for 63Cu contribution to 65Zn production via T012002100011 63Cu(3He,p)65Zn and adjusted to 100% 65Cu abundance. T012002100012 FLAG (1.) Run of March 28, 1966. T012002100013 (2.) run of October 25, 1966. T012002100014 (3.) run of January 19, 1967. T012002100015 (4.) run of March 9, 1967. T012002100016 (5.) run of October 24, 1967. T012002100017 (6.) run of December 12, 1967. T012002100018 (7.) run of March 6, 1968. T012002100019 (8.) run of June 18, 1968. T012002100020 (9.) run of August 1, 1968. T012002100021 (10.) run of October 9, 1968. T012002100022 (11.) run of October 10, 1968. T012002100023 HISTORY (20230823A) BP: Updated reaction string T -> X T012002100024 per WP2023-21. T012002100025 ENDBIB 23 0 T012002100026 COMMON 1 3 T012002100027 DATA-ERR T012002100028 PER-CENT T012002100029 10. T012002100030 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012002100031 DATA 3 100 T012002100032 EN DATA FLAG T012002100033 MEV MB NO-DIM T012002100034 11.75 13.7 11. T012002100035 11.8 10.4 3. T012002100036 12.85 22.8 5. T012002100037 13.4 33.7 1. T012002100038 13.95 68.9 11. T012002100039 14.95 67.1 5. T012002100040 16.00 171. 11. T012002100041 16.3 220. 3. T012002100042 16.8 235. 1. T012002100043 18.00 325. 11. T012002100044 18.80 352. 5. T012002100045 19.35 488. 7. T012002100046 19.5 430. 1. T012002100047 19.70 419. 8. T012002100048 20.2 456. 3. T012002100049 20.55 472. 5. T012002100050 20.80 679. 7. T012002100051 20.90 526. 11. T012002100052 22.05 589. 10. T012002100053 22.1 593. 1. T012002100054 22.15 564. 5. T012002100055 22.25 578. 7. T012002100056 22.60 651. 8. T012002100057 23.5 654. 3. T012002100058 23.55 778. 10. T012002100059 23.65 683. 5. T012002100060 23.65 710. 7. T012002100061 23.9 783. 4. T012002100062 24.5 725. 1. T012002100063 24.65 818. 6. T012002100064 24.80 781. 11. T012002100065 24.9 632. 2. T012002100066 25.00 751. 10. T012002100067 25.05 785. 7. T012002100068 25.19 745. 5. T012002100069 25.30 729. 8. T012002100070 25.4 819. 4. T012002100071 26.05 868. 6. T012002100072 26.2 762. 2. T012002100073 26.35 823. 10. T012002100074 26.4 767. 3. T012002100075 26.7 782. 1. T012002100076 26.8 844. 4. T012002100077 27.30 917. 6. T012002100078 27.35 808. 7. T012002100079 27.4 791. 2. T012002100080 27.80 815. 8. T012002100081 28.2 890. 4. T012002100082 28.55 912. 6. T012002100083 28.6 826. 2. T012002100084 28.70 788. 11. T012002100085 28.85 798. 10. T012002100086 28.9 808. 1. T012002100087 29.2 807. 3. T012002100088 29.20 659. 8. T012002100089 29.55 900. 9. T012002100090 29.6 877. 4. T012002100091 29.7 759. 2. T012002100092 29.70 805. 7. T012002100093 29.80 912. 6. T012002100094 30.70 797. 8. T012002100095 30.8 810. 2. T012002100096 30.85 900. 9. T012002100097 31.0 787. 1. T012002100098 31.0 896. 4. T012002100099 31.05 905. 6. T012002100100 31.8 760. 2. T012002100101 32.1 763. 3. T012002100102 32.10 779. 8. T012002100103 32.1 890. 9. T012002100104 32.30 768. 7. T012002100105 32.35 892. 6. T012002100106 32.4 842. 4. T012002100107 32.55 776. 11. T012002100108 32.60 766. 10. T012002100109 32.9 739. 2. T012002100110 33.35 756. 8. T012002100111 33.35 755. 9. T012002100112 33.65 829. 6. T012002100113 33.8 737. 4. T012002100114 38.70 614. 11. T012002100115 40.00 583. 11. T012002100116 42.95 498. 11. T012002100117 44.15 471. 11. T012002100118 46.65 402. 11. T012002100119 47.95 379. 11. T012002100120 50.20 364. 11. T012002100121 51.40 341. 11. T012002100122 53.65 318. 11. T012002100123 54.65 311. 11. T012002100124 56.80 294. 11. T012002100125 57.75 275. 11. T012002100126 59.80 268. 11. T012002100127 60.85 254. 11. T012002100128 62.60 246. 11. T012002100129 63.55 234. 11. T012002100130 65.40 231. 11. T012002100131 66.30 223. 11. T012002100132 68.20 207. 11. T012002100133 69.40 198. 11. T012002100134 ENDDATA 102 0 T012002100135 ENDSUBENT 134 0 T012002199999 SUBENT T0120022 20010131 0000T012002200001 BIB 8 16 T012002200002 REACTION (29-CU-65(HE3,X)29-CU-64,,SIG) Shielded. T012002200003 At higher energies the cross sections T012002200004 originate mainly from the (He3,2n+2p) reaction. T012002200005 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012002200006 35 MeV. T012002200007 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012002200008 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012002200009 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-64,12.85HR,B+,660.,0.19) T012002200010 Decay scheme error is 5%. T012002200011 DETECTOR (NAICR) T012002200012 CORRECTION Subtracted cross sections measured with an enriched T012002200013 63Cu target from the total 64Cu production cross T012002200014 section in the natural Cu foils after proper T012002200015 adjustment. T012002200016 STATUS (DEP,B0039007) T012002200017 COMMENT Data from run of March 6, 1968. T012002200018 ENDBIB 16 0 T012002200019 COMMON 1 3 T012002200020 DATA-ERR T012002200021 PER-CENT T012002200022 11. T012002200023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012002200024 DATA 2 8 T012002200025 EN DATA T012002200026 MEV MB T012002200027 19.35 104. T012002200028 20.80 96.4 T012002200029 22.25 91.1 T012002200030 23.65 88.6 T012002200031 25.05 68.4 T012002200032 27.35 67.7 T012002200033 29.70 72.8 T012002200034 32.30 93.2 T012002200035 ENDDATA 10 0 T012002200036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 T012002299999 SUBENT T0120023 20010131 0000T012002300001 BIB 7 14 T012002300002 REACTION (29-CU-65(HE3,X)29-CU-61,CUM,SIG) T012002300003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012002300004 35 MeV. T012002300005 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012002300006 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012002300007 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-61,3.32HR,B+,560.,0.035,B+,940.,0.055, T012002300008 B+,1210.,0.62) T012002300009 Decay scheme error is 15%. T012002300010 DETECTOR (NAICR) T012002300011 CORRECTION Cross sections were obtained as the difference between T012002300012 high energy parts of excitation functions for 61Cu T012002300013 obtained from natural Cu foils and enriched 63Cu T012002300014 foils. T012002300015 COMMENT Run of March 6, 1968. T012002300016 ENDBIB 14 0 T012002300017 COMMON 1 3 T012002300018 DATA-ERR T012002300019 PER-CENT T012002300020 20. T012002300021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012002300022 DATA 2 4 T012002300023 EN DATA T012002300024 MEV MB T012002300025 25.05 2.93 T012002300026 27.35 5.53 T012002300027 29.70 8.29 T012002300028 32.30 9.98 T012002300029 ENDDATA 6 0 T012002300030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 T012002399999 SUBENT T0120024 20010131 0000T012002400001 BIB 8 20 T012002400002 REACTION (29-CU-65(HE3,3P)28-NI-65,,SIG) T012002400003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012002400004 35 MeV. T012002400005 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012002400006 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012002400007 DECAY-DATA (28-NI-65,2.56HR,B-,650.,0.29, T012002400008 B-,1020.,0.11, T012002400009 B-,2140.,0.58) T012002400010 Decay scheme error is 5%. T012002400011 DETECTOR (PROPC) T012002400012 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 65Cu abundance. T012002400013 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012002400014 via 63Cu reactions. T012002400015 COMMENT Production of 65Ni via the 65Cu(n,p) reaction was T012002400016 excluded, since in this case, the 65Ni activity T012002400017 should have been observed in all foils of the stack T012002400018 due to the penetrability of the neutrons. T012002400019 FLAG (1.) Run of January 19, 1967. T012002400020 (2.) Run of March 9, 1967. T012002400021 (3.) Run of December 12, 1967. T012002400022 ENDBIB 20 0 T012002400023 COMMON 1 3 T012002400024 DATA-ERR T012002400025 PER-CENT T012002400026 10. T012002400027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012002400028 DATA 3 20 T012002400029 EN DATA FLAG T012002400030 MEV MB NO-DIM T012002400031 23.5 0.0169 1. T012002400032 23.9 0.0208 2. T012002400033 24.65 0.0220 3. T012002400034 25.4 0.0290 2. T012002400035 26.05 0.0312 3. T012002400036 26.4 0.0316 1. T012002400037 26.8 0.0402 2. T012002400038 27.30 0.0424 3. T012002400039 28.2 0.0535 2. T012002400040 28.55 0.0554 3. T012002400041 29.2 0.0620 1. T012002400042 29.6 0.0747 2. T012002400043 29.80 0.0744 3. T012002400044 31.0 0.0966 2. T012002400045 31.05 0.0982 3. T012002400046 32.1 0.0963 1. T012002400047 32.35 0.120 3. T012002400048 32.4 0.125 2. T012002400049 33.65 0.142 3. T012002400050 33.8 0.155 2. T012002400051 ENDDATA 22 0 T012002400052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 T012002499999 SUBENT T0120025 20010131 0000T012002500001 BIB 7 15 T012002500002 REACTION (29-CU-65(HE3,X)28-NI-63,CUM,SIG) T012002500003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012002500004 35 MeV. T012002500005 (ISOCY,1USABRK) Pole face diameter 224 cm. Beam energy T012002500006 70 MeV. T012002500007 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012002500008 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012002500009 DECAY-DATA (28-NI-63,92.YR,B-,67.,1.0) T012002500010 Decay scheme error is 20%. T012002500011 DETECTOR (SCIN) Liquid Scintillation Counter T012002500012 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 65Cu abundance. T012002500013 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012002500014 via 63Cu reactions. T012002500015 FLAG (1.) Data from run of October 10, 1968 T012002500016 (2.) Data from run of November 14, 1968 T012002500017 ENDBIB 15 0 T012002500018 COMMON 1 3 T012002500019 DATA-ERR T012002500020 PER-CENT T012002500021 30. T012002500022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012002500023 DATA 3 20 T012002500024 EN DATA FLAG T012002500025 MEV MB NO-DIM T012002500026 20.90 12.7 1. T012002500027 24.80 15.5 1. T012002500028 28.70 14.9 1. T012002500029 32.55 17.5 1. T012002500030 38.70 19.1 2. T012002500031 40.00 18.8 2. T012002500032 44.15 21.0 2. T012002500033 46.65 21.7 2. T012002500034 47.95 20.7 2. T012002500035 50.20 22.8 2. T012002500036 51.40 22.7 2. T012002500037 53.65 28.8 2. T012002500038 56.80 33.2 2. T012002500039 57.75 32.3 2. T012002500040 59.80 39.7 2. T012002500041 62.60 43.5 2. T012002500042 63.55 50.2 2. T012002500043 65.40 63.1 2. T012002500044 68.20 100. 2. T012002500045 69.40 81.7 2. T012002500046 ENDDATA 22 0 T012002500047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 T012002599999 SUBENT T0120026 20010131 0000T012002600001 BIB 8 26 T012002600002 REACTION (29-CU-65(HE3,X)27-CO-60,,SIG) T012002600003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) Pole face diameter 152 cm. Beam energy T012002600004 35 MeV. T012002600005 (ISOCY,1USABRK) Pole face diameter 224 cm. Beam energy T012002600006 70 MeV. T012002600007 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012002600008 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012002600009 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-60-G,5.27YR,B-,319.,1.0) T012002600010 Decay scheme error is 2%. T012002600011 DETECTOR (PROPC).For Beta-counting at low projectile energies T012002600012 (GELI).For Gamma-counting at high projectile energies T012002600013 ANALYSIS (DECAY) For Beta-counting a discrimination between T012002600014 58Co and 60Co activities from their half-Lives was T012002600015 performed by means of a computer program. Cobalt T012002600016 fractions were counted every month between 9 and T012002600017 15 months. T012002600018 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 65Cu abundance. T012002600019 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012002600020 via 63Cu reactions. A contribution from T012002600021 63Cu(He3,2p+alpha)60Co was excluded since it was not T012002600022 seen in the irradiation of enriched 63Cu foils. T012002600023 FLAG (1.) Run of March 28, 1966. T012002600024 (3.) Run of January 19, 1967. T012002600025 (4.) Run of March 9, 1967. T012002600026 (5.) Run of October 24, 1967. T012002600027 (6.) Run of November 14, 1968. T012002600028 ENDBIB 26 0 T012002600029 COMMON 1 3 T012002600030 DATA-ERR T012002600031 PER-CENT T012002600032 6. T012002600033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012002600034 DATA 3 50 T012002600035 EN DATA FLAG T012002600036 MEV MB NO-DIM T012002600037 8.1 0.0428 3. T012002600038 11.8 0.180 3. T012002600039 13.4 0.271 1. T012002600040 14.95 0.315 5. T012002600041 16.3 0.822 3. T012002600042 16.8 0.617 1. T012002600043 16.95 1.38 5. T012002600044 18.80 0.945 5. T012002600045 19.5 1.18 1. T012002600046 20.55 1.10 5. T012002600047 22.1 1.99 1. T012002600048 22.15 1.68 5. T012002600049 23.5 3.52 3. T012002600050 23.65 3.13 5. T012002600051 23.9 4.31 4. T012002600052 24.5 4.18 1. T012002600053 25.10 6.67 5. T012002600054 25.4 5.95 4. T012002600055 26.4 6.62 3. T012002600056 26.7 7.15 1. T012002600057 26.8 7.73 4. T012002600058 28.2 10.1 4. T012002600059 28.9 11.93 1. T012002600060 29.2 10.7 3. T012002600061 29.6 13.0 4. T012002600062 31.0 14.32 1. T012002600063 31.0 14.8 4. T012002600064 32.1 15.6 3. T012002600065 32.4 17.7 4. T012002600066 33.8 17.3 4. T012002600067 38.70 19.9 6. T012002600068 40.00 16.2 6. T012002600069 42.95 14.9 6. T012002600070 44.15 19.2 6. T012002600071 46.65 15.4 6. T012002600072 47.95 14.5 6. T012002600073 50.20 16.0 6. T012002600074 51.40 17.4 6. T012002600075 53.65 17.8 6. T012002600076 54.65 18.8 6. T012002600077 56.80 21.3 6. T012002600078 57.75 26.0 6. T012002600079 59.80 23.7 6. T012002600080 60.85 24.4 6. T012002600081 62.60 26.9 6. T012002600082 63.55 28.5 6. T012002600083 65.40 30.4 6. T012002600084 66.30 30.6 6. T012002600085 68.20 30.5 6. T012002600086 69.40 30.9 6. T012002600087 ENDDATA 52 0 T012002600088 ENDSUBENT 87 0 T012002699999 SUBENT T0120027 20010131 0000T012002700001 BIB 7 13 T012002700002 REACTION (29-CU-65(HE3,X)27-CO-58,,SIG) T012002700003 FACILITY (ISOCY,1USABRK) Pole face diameter 224 cm. Beam energy T012002700004 70 MeV. T012002700005 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012002700006 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012002700007 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-58-G,71.3D,B+,474.,0.15,DG,810.) T012002700008 Decay scheme error is 5%. T012002700009 DETECTOR (GELI).For Gamma-Counting at High Projectile Energies T012002700010 (PROPC).For Beta-Counting at Low Projectile Energies T012002700011 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 65Cu abundance. T012002700012 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012002700013 via 63Cu reactions. T012002700014 COMMENT Run of November 14, 1968. T012002700015 ENDBIB 13 0 T012002700016 COMMON 1 3 T012002700017 DATA-ERR T012002700018 PER-CENT T012002700019 8. T012002700020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012002700021 DATA 2 20 T012002700022 EN DATA T012002700023 MEV MB T012002700024 38.70 16.9 T012002700025 40.00 19.1 T012002700026 42.95 27.6 T012002700027 44.15 33.4 T012002700028 46.65 49.8 T012002700029 47.95 63.4 T012002700030 50.20 91.8 T012002700031 51.40 111. T012002700032 53.65 143. T012002700033 54.65 163. T012002700034 56.80 206. T012002700035 57.75 213. T012002700036 59.80 244. T012002700037 60.85 240. T012002700038 62.60 259. T012002700039 63.55 271. T012002700040 65.40 284. T012002700041 66.30 287. T012002700042 68.20 279. T012002700043 69.40 271. T012002700044 ENDDATA 22 0 T012002700045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 T012002799999 SUBENT T0120028 20010131 0000T012002800001 BIB 7 17 T012002800002 REACTION (29-CU-65(HE3,X)27-CO-57,,SIG) T012002800003 FACILITY (ISOCY,1USABRK) Pole face diameter 224 cm. Beam energy T012002800004 70 MeV. T012002800005 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012002800006 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012002800007 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-57,270.D,XR,6.4,,DG,14.4,,DG,120.) T012002800008 Decay scheme error is 5%. T012002800009 DETECTOR (PROPC). For x-ray counting. T012002800010 (GELI). For gamma counting at high projectile energies.T012002800011 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 65Cu abundance. T012002800012 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012002800013 via 63Cu reactions. T012002800014 COMMENT BY THE KACHAPAG COMPILER: T012002800015 Cross sections at higher energies are probably due to T012002800016 the 63Cu(He3,3n+2p+alpha)57Co reaction rather than to T012002800017 65Cu(He3,3n+2alpha) reaction as stated by the authors.T012002800018 COMMENT Run of November 14, 1968. T012002800019 ENDBIB 17 0 T012002800020 COMMON 1 3 T012002800021 DATA-ERR T012002800022 PER-CENT T012002800023 11. T012002800024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012002800025 DATA 2 20 T012002800026 EN DATA T012002800027 MEV MB T012002800028 38.70 14.5 T012002800029 40.00 13.7 T012002800030 42.95 11.6 T012002800031 44.15 11.2 T012002800032 46.65 9.64 T012002800033 47.95 8.84 T012002800034 50.20 9.32 T012002800035 51.40 9.97 T012002800036 53.65 9.87 T012002800037 54.65 11.8 T012002800038 56.80 14.4 T012002800039 57.75 17.3 T012002800040 59.80 20.7 T012002800041 60.85 22.5 T012002800042 62.60 28.1 T012002800043 63.55 32.7 T012002800044 65.40 42.6 T012002800045 66.30 42.8 T012002800046 68.20 53.0 T012002800047 69.40 55.1 T012002800048 ENDDATA 22 0 T012002800049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 T012002899999 SUBENT T0120029 20010131 0000T012002900001 BIB 7 12 T012002900002 REACTION (29-CU-65(HE3,X)27-CO-56,,SIG) T012002900003 FACILITY (ISOCY,1USABRK) Pole face diameter 224 cm. Beam energy T012002900004 70 MeV. T012002900005 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012002900006 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012002900007 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-56,77.D,DG,847.,1.0) T012002900008 Decay scheme error is 7%. T012002900009 DETECTOR (GELI) T012002900010 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 65Cu abundance. T012002900011 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012002900012 via 63Cu reactions. T012002900013 COMMENT Run of November 14, 1968. T012002900014 ENDBIB 12 0 T012002900015 COMMON 1 3 T012002900016 DATA-ERR T012002900017 PER-CENT T012002900018 14. T012002900019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012002900020 DATA 2 20 T012002900021 EN DATA T012002900022 MEV MB T012002900023 38.70 2.20 T012002900024 40.00 2.97 T012002900025 42.95 4.75 T012002900026 44.15 5.34 T012002900027 46.65 7.24 T012002900028 47.95 7.50 T012002900029 50.20 8.85 T012002900030 51.40 8.94 T012002900031 53.65 8.65 T012002900032 54.65 8.61 T012002900033 56.80 8.59 T012002900034 57.75 7.84 T012002900035 59.80 7.17 T012002900036 60.85 6.73 T012002900037 62.60 6.25 T012002900038 63.55 6.41 T012002900039 65.40 7.01 T012002900040 66.30 5.69 T012002900041 68.20 5.64 T012002900042 69.40 5.39 T012002900043 ENDDATA 22 0 T012002900044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 T012002999999 SUBENT T0120030 20010131 0000T012003000001 BIB 7 12 T012003000002 REACTION (29-CU-65(HE3,X)26-FE-59,CUM,SIG) T012003000003 FACILITY (ISOCY,1USABRK) Pole face diameter 224 cm. Beam energy T012003000004 70 MeV. T012003000005 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012003000006 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012003000007 DECAY-DATA (26-FE-59,45.D,DG,1095.,0.555) T012003000008 Decay scheme error is 3%. T012003000009 DETECTOR (NAICR) T012003000010 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 65Cu abundance. T012003000011 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012003000012 via 63Cu reactions. T012003000013 COMMENT Run of November 14, 1968. T012003000014 ENDBIB 12 0 T012003000015 COMMON 1 3 T012003000016 DATA-ERR T012003000017 PER-CENT T012003000018 15. T012003000019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012003000020 DATA 2 20 T012003000021 EN DATA T012003000022 MEV MB T012003000023 38.70 0.542 T012003000024 40.00 0.554 T012003000025 42.95 0.645 T012003000026 44.15 0.771 T012003000027 46.65 0.810 T012003000028 47.95 0.920 T012003000029 50.20 1.07 T012003000030 51.40 1.33 T012003000031 53.65 1.39 T012003000032 54.65 1.40 T012003000033 56.80 1.43 T012003000034 57.75 1.39 T012003000035 59.80 1.53 T012003000036 60.85 1.53 T012003000037 62.60 1.56 T012003000038 63.55 1.81 T012003000039 65.40 1.83 T012003000040 66.30 1.96 T012003000041 68.20 1.98 T012003000042 69.40 1.97 T012003000043 ENDDATA 22 0 T012003000044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 T012003099999 SUBENT T0120031 20010131 0000T012003100001 BIB 7 12 T012003100002 REACTION (29-CU-65(HE3,X)25-MN-54,,SIG) Shielded. T012003100003 FACILITY (ISOCY,1USABRK) Pole face diameter 224 cm. Beam energy T012003100004 70 MeV. T012003100005 SAMPLE Natural copper foils with thicknesses between 0.0063 T012003100006 and 0.0254 mm and a purity of 99.97%. T012003100007 DECAY-DATA (25-MN-54,303.D,DG,835.,1.0) T012003100008 Decay scheme error is 2%. T012003100009 DETECTOR (NAICR) T012003100010 CORRECTION Adjusted to 100% 65Cu abundance. T012003100011 Not corrected for any contributions from production T012003100012 via 63Cu reactions. T012003100013 COMMENT Run of November 14, 1968. T012003100014 ENDBIB 12 0 T012003100015 COMMON 1 3 T012003100016 DATA-ERR T012003100017 PER-CENT T012003100018 8. T012003100019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012003100020 DATA 2 20 T012003100021 EN DATA T012003100022 MEV MB T012003100023 38.70 1.67 T012003100024 40.00 1.76 T012003100025 42.95 1.59 T012003100026 44.15 1.85 T012003100027 46.65 1.56 T012003100028 47.95 1.81 T012003100029 50.20 1.48 T012003100030 51.40 1.46 T012003100031 53.65 1.65 T012003100032 54.65 1.61 T012003100033 56.80 2.11 T012003100034 57.75 2.18 T012003100035 59.80 2.44 T012003100036 60.85 2.95 T012003100037 62.60 3.97 T012003100038 63.55 4.97 T012003100039 65.40 6.76 T012003100040 66.30 8.10 T012003100041 68.20 11.0 T012003100042 69.40 12.6 T012003100043 ENDDATA 22 0 T012003100044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 T012003199999 ENDENTRY 31 0 T012099999999