ENTRY T0121 20241025 C242T012100000001 SUBENT T0121001 20241025 C242T012100100001 BIB 15 24 T012100100002 INSTITUTE (1USALRL) T012100100003 REFERENCE (J,NP,30,389,1962) T012100100004 #doi:10.1016/0029-5582(62)90062-7 T012100100005 AUTHOR (L.F.Hansen, R.C.Jopson, H.Mark, C.D.Swift) T012100100006 TITLE Ta181(p,n)W181 and Au197(p,n)Hg197 Excitation T012100100007 Functions Between 4 and 13 MeV T012100100008 FACILITY (ISOCY,1USALRL) T012100100009 INC-SPECT Incident beam energy about 200 keV. T012100100010 SAMPLE Stacks of 24 foils mounted in brass holder used for T012100100011 relative measurement; each foil had a thickness of T012100100012 10 mg/cm2. T012100100013 METHOD (BCINT,STTA) T012100100014 DETECTOR (NAICR).Pulses from 2 NaI spectrometers set at 180 T012100100015 degrees were summed up to reduce errors from sample T012100100016 positioning. T012100100017 CORRECTION Corrected for background. T012100100018 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of error is given. T012100100019 REL-REF (R,,M.Rich+,R,UCRL-2301,1954) Range-energy tables. T012100100020 ADD-RES (COMP) T012100100021 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by L.F. Hansen, 29 December 2000. T012100100022 HISTORY (20001121C) Converted from data set B0045; T012100100023 updated at NNDC. Originally compiled by KaChaPaG and T012100100024 updated by CaJaD. T012100100025 (20241018A) OS. DECAY-DATA in sub.2 corrected T012100100026 ENDBIB 24 0 T012100100027 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012100100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 T012100199999 SUBENT T0121002 20241025 C242T012100200001 BIB 8 13 T012100200002 REACTION (73-TA-181(P,N)74-W-181,,SIG) T012100200003 SAMPLE Additional measurement made on a single foil for T012100200004 normalization purposes. T012100200005 MONITOR (73-TA-181(P,N)74-W-181,,SIG) T012100200006 DECAY-DATA (74-W-181,145.D,XR) T012100200007 RAD-DET (74-W-181,XR) Measured L and K x-rays. T012100200008 - COMMENT BY CAJAD - According to ENSDF-96, K X-Ray T012100200009 abundance is 0.66. T012100200010 FLAG (1.) Single foil measurement. T012100200011 STATUS (CURVE,,L.F.Hansen+,J,NP,30,389,1962) T012100200012 Scanned By KaChaPaG, except for point at T012100200013 10.6 MeV which was taken from text of reference. T012100200014 HISTORY (20241018A) DECAY-DATA: Radiation filed replaced T012100200015 ENDBIB 13 0 T012100200016 COMMON 1 3 T012100200017 EN-NRM T012100200018 MEV T012100200019 10.6 T012100200020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T012100200021 DATA 4 16 T012100200022 EN DATA DATA-ERR FLAG T012100200023 MEV MB MB NO-DIM T012100200024 4.5 0.11 T012100200025 5. 0.33 T012100200026 5.5 1. T012100200027 6. 3. T012100200028 7. 16. T012100200029 7.5 30. T012100200030 8. 49. T012100200031 8.5 76. T012100200032 9. 97. T012100200033 9.5 105. T012100200034 10. 104. T012100200035 10.5 100. T012100200036 10.6 96. 10. 1. T012100200037 11. 93. T012100200038 11.5 86. T012100200039 12. 77. T012100200040 ENDDATA 18 0 T012100200041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 T012100299999 SUBENT T0121003 20001127 0000T012100300001 BIB 4 18 T012100300002 REACTION M(79-AU-197(P,N)80-HG-197-M,,SIG) T012100300003 G(79-AU-197(P,N)80-HG-197-G,,SIG) T012100300004 S(79-AU-197(P,N)80-HG-197,,SIG) T012100300005 DECAY-DATAM(80-HG-197-M,24.HR,DG,133.,0.31) T012100300006 Total conversion coefficient of 2.1 used. T012100300007 (COMMENT BY KACHAPAG COMPILER) Measurement was T012100300008 started about 130 hours after the end of irradiation;T012100300009 24-hr activity contributed only about 5% of the T012100300010 total counting rate. T012100300011 G(80-HG-197-G,65.HR, DG,77.,0.28, XR) T012100300012 Measured K X-rays and 77-keV gammas. T012100300013 K-capture fraction computed by the authors is 0.79. T012100300014 Internal conversion coefficient for 77-keV gamma of T012100300015 2.5 used by authors. T012100300016 Photon abundances calculated BY THE KACHAPAG COMPILER T012100300017 from the data given by the authors. T012100300018 STATUS Taken from Table 1 of reference. T012100300019 ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) Energy uncertainty. T012100300020 ENDBIB 18 0 T012100300021 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012100300022 DATA 8 8 T012100300023 EN EN-ERR DATA MDATA-ERR MDATA GDATA-ERR GT012100300024 DATA SDATA-ERR S T012100300025 MEV MEV MB MB MB MB T012100300026 MB MB T012100300027 7.0 0.4 1.2 0.2 3.6 0.5T012100300028 4.8 0.6 T012100300029 8.6 0.3 12. 2. 31. 5. T012100300030 43. 6. T012100300031 9.3 0.2 26. 4. 48. 7. T012100300032 74. 8. T012100300033 10.0 0.2 38. 6. 52. 8. T012100300034 90. 10. T012100300035 11.3 0.2 53. 8. 40. 6. T012100300036 93. 10. T012100300037 11.7 0.2 51. 8. 34. 5. T012100300038 85. 9. T012100300039 12.3 0.2 46. 7. 30. 4. T012100300040 76. 8. T012100300041 12.7 0.2 40. 6. 23. 4. T012100300042 63. 8. T012100300043 ENDDATA 20 0 T012100300044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 T012100399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 T012199999999