ENTRY T0122 20241025 C242T012200000001 SUBENT T0122001 20241025 C242T012200100001 BIB 10 22 T012200100002 TITLE Proton Strength Functions from (p,n) Cross Sections T012200100003 AUTHOR (C.H.Johnson, A.Galonsky, J.P.Ulrich) T012200100004 REFERENCE (J,PR,109,1243,1958) T012200100005 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.109.1243 T012200100006 INSTITUTE (1USAORL) T012200100007 FACILITY (VDG,1USAORL) T012200100008 METHOD (SITA,EXTB,BCINT,PHD) T012200100009 DETECTOR (BF3) T012200100010 MONITOR Efficiency of BF3 neutron counter-system calibrated T012200100011 by comparing experimental cross sections Of the T012200100012 51V(p,n)51Cr reaction to values obtained with a T012200100013 Mn bath. T012200100014 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by A. Galonsky, 8 January 2001. T012200100015 (CPX) Data errors not given in McGowen compilation T012200100016 but shown in the figure were added by the Karlsruhe T012200100017 compiler. T012200100018 HISTORY (20001121C) Converted from data set B0046; updated at T012200100019 NNDC. Originally compiled by KaChaPaG and updated by T012200100020 CaJaD. T012200100021 (20230518A) BP: Added doi, updated subentries 2-7,9,10 T012200100022 and 13 per WP2023-21. T012200100023 (20241018A) OS. Corrections in sub.13 T012200100024 ENDBIB 22 0 T012200100025 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012200100026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 T012200199999 SUBENT T0122002 20240405 C232T012200200001 BIB 5 15 T012200200002 REACTION (17-CL-37(P,N)18-AR-37,,SIG) T012200200003 SAMPLE Natural NaCl target of 0.193 mg/cm**2, corresponding T012200200004 to about 20 keV energy loss, evaporated onto 0.01 T012200200005 inch Pt backing. T012200200006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty. Where no errors are T012200200007 given, the errors are less than the point diameter in T012200200008 the figures. Average standard error of about 10% from T012200200009 all other sources, e.g., target thickness and T012200200010 nonuniformity, beam measurement, detector efficiency, T012200200011 and neglection of excited state neutrons. T012200200012 STATUS (COREL,T0126029) T012200200013 Remeasurement of this reaction with thicker target T012200200014 and with energies up to about 6 MeV. T012200200015 HISTORY (20230518U) BP: Updated REL-REF. T012200200016 (20240405U) On. REL-REF -> STATUS T012200200017 ENDBIB 15 0 T012200200018 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012200200019 DATA 3 45 T012200200020 EN DATA ERR-S T012200200021 MEV MB MB T012200200022 1.65 0.5 T012200200023 1.658 0.2 T012200200024 1.673 0.2 T012200200025 1.682 1.7 T012200200026 1.693 1.5 T012200200027 1.707 2. T012200200028 1.722 2.6 T012200200029 1.73 2.1 T012200200030 1.741 3.8 T012200200031 1.756 7.7 T012200200032 1.764 8.2 0.3 T012200200033 1.78 6.2 T012200200034 1.792 4.1 0.3 T012200200035 1.804 7.2 0.3 T012200200036 1.816 9.7 T012200200037 1.83 9.8 T012200200038 1.839 12.4 0.5 T012200200039 1.853 9.8 T012200200040 1.867 10. T012200200041 1.877 10.3 T012200200042 1.905 6.1 T012200200043 1.918 8.2 0.3 T012200200044 1.929 24.7 0.6 T012200200045 1.946 22.9 0.6 T012200200046 1.958 18.2 0.6 T012200200047 1.97 33.8 0.7 T012200200048 1.984 47.6 0.8 T012200200049 1.998 23. 0.6 T012200200050 2.011 17.1 0.7 T012200200051 2.024 36.9 0.6 T012200200052 2.038 40.6 0.8 T012200200053 2.048 25.9 0.6 T012200200054 2.065 10.3 0.4 T012200200055 2.079 17.7 0.5 T012200200056 2.09 44.1 0.8 T012200200057 2.105 25. 0.6 T012200200058 2.118 34.7 T012200200059 2.132 25.6 T012200200060 2.149 8.1 T012200200061 2.159 12.3 T012200200062 2.174 13.5 T012200200063 2.187 18.6 T012200200064 2.203 22.8 T012200200065 2.214 45.7 T012200200066 2.229 47.6 T012200200067 ENDDATA 47 0 T012200200068 ENDSUBENT 67 0 T012200299999 SUBENT T0122003 20240405 C232T012200300001 BIB 5 15 T012200300002 REACTION (22-TI-49(P,N)23-V-49,,SIG) T012200300003 SAMPLE Natural Ti target of 0.159 mg/cm**2, corresponding to T012200300004 about 20 keV energy loss, evaporated onto 0.01 inch T012200300005 Pt backing. T012200300006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty. Where no errors are T012200300007 given, the errors are less than the point diameter in T012200300008 the figures. Average standard error of 10% from all T012200300009 other sources, e.g., target thickness and T012200300010 nonuniformity, beam measurement, detector efficiency, T012200300011 and neglection of excited state neutrons. T012200300012 STATUS (COREL,T0126004) T012200300013 Remeasurement of this reaction with thicker target T012200300014 and with energies up to about 6 MeV. T012200300015 HISTORY (20230518U) BP: Updated REL-REF. T012200300016 (20240405U) On. REL-REF -> STATUS T012200300017 ENDBIB 15 0 T012200300018 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012200300019 DATA 3 42 T012200300020 EN DATA ERR-S T012200300021 MEV MB MB T012200300022 1.414 0.13 T012200300023 1.425 0.11 T012200300024 1.437 0.39 T012200300025 1.449 0.46 T012200300026 1.462 0.65 T012200300027 1.472 0.71 T012200300028 1.485 0.96 T012200300029 1.495 0.77 T012200300030 1.507 1.41 T012200300031 1.519 1.37 T012200300032 1.531 1.15 T012200300033 1.543 1.53 T012200300034 1.554 1.0 T012200300035 1.566 1.67 T012200300036 1.575 1.24 T012200300037 1.587 1.5 T012200300038 1.602 2.13 T012200300039 1.613 2.73 T012200300040 1.625 2.24 T012200300041 1.638 3.05 T012200300042 1.649 3.46 T012200300043 1.662 2.8 0.08 T012200300044 1.674 2.76 0.07 T012200300045 1.684 4.2 0.09 T012200300046 1.697 5.57 0.11 T012200300047 1.709 4.3 0.1 T012200300048 1.72 2.99 0.08 T012200300049 1.733 2.93 0.08 T012200300050 1.746 3.52 0.08 T012200300051 1.76 3.12 0.08 T012200300052 1.771 4.65 0.1 T012200300053 1.785 4.33 0.1 T012200300054 1.797 2.9 0.07 T012200300055 1.809 5.69 0.13 T012200300056 1.823 5.55 0.11 T012200300057 1.837 5.39 0.11 T012200300058 1.851 4.19 0.12 T012200300059 1.862 5.44 0.11 T012200300060 1.871 3.86 0.09 T012200300061 1.887 5.5 0.11 T012200300062 1.898 5.99 0.11 T012200300063 1.912 3.79 0.09 T012200300064 ENDDATA 44 0 T012200300065 ENDSUBENT 64 0 T012200399999 SUBENT T0122004 20240405 C232T012200400001 BIB 5 14 T012200400002 REACTION (23-V-51(P,N)24-CR-51,,SIG) T012200400003 SAMPLE Natural V target of 0.230 mg/cm**2, corresponding to T012200400004 about 20 keV energy loss, evaporated onto 0.01 inch T012200400005 Pt backing. T012200400006 ERR-ANALYS In all cases, statistical errors are less than the T012200400007 data point diameter. Average standard error of 10% T012200400008 from all other sources, e.g., target thickness and T012200400009 nonuniformity, beam measurement, detector efficiency, T012200400010 and neglection of excited state neutrons. T012200400011 STATUS (COREL,T0126005) T012200400012 Remeasurement of this reaction with with energies up T012200400013 to about 6 MeV. T012200400014 HISTORY (20230518U) BP: Updated REL-REF. T012200400015 (20240405U) On. REL-REF -> STATUS T012200400016 ENDBIB 14 0 T012200400017 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012200400018 DATA 2 59 T012200400019 EN DATA T012200400020 MEV MB T012200400021 1.569 0.55 T012200400022 1.573 0.72 T012200400023 1.58 0.57 T012200400024 1.59 0.52 T012200400025 1.596 0.82 T012200400026 1.607 1.03 T012200400027 1.612 1.02 T012200400028 1.623 1.26 T012200400029 1.637 1.3 T012200400030 1.647 0.93 T012200400031 1.662 0.85 T012200400032 1.673 0.98 T012200400033 1.686 1.21 T012200400034 1.697 1.29 T012200400035 1.71 1.35 T012200400036 1.722 1.29 T012200400037 1.736 1.26 T012200400038 1.747 1.6 T012200400039 1.758 1.44 T012200400040 1.769 1.96 T012200400041 1.782 2.53 T012200400042 1.794 2.44 T012200400043 1.808 2.41 T012200400044 1.818 2.84 T012200400045 1.831 2.86 T012200400046 1.845 2.48 T012200400047 1.86 2.48 T012200400048 1.871 2.84 T012200400049 1.883 3.02 T012200400050 1.896 3.17 T012200400051 1.91 2.83 T012200400052 1.923 3.5 T012200400053 1.936 3.93 T012200400054 1.949 3.71 T012200400055 1.963 3.8 T012200400056 1.975 3.99 T012200400057 2.0 3.94 T012200400058 2.014 5.32 T012200400059 2.026 5.93 T012200400060 2.039 5.97 T012200400061 2.052 6.06 T012200400062 2.067 5.7 T012200400063 2.078 7.05 T012200400064 2.094 6.39 T012200400065 2.11 6.66 T012200400066 2.122 7.28 T012200400067 2.137 7.88 T012200400068 2.15 6.02 T012200400069 2.163 6.15 T012200400070 2.178 7.93 T012200400071 2.191 8.81 T012200400072 2.206 11.01 T012200400073 2.216 14.22 T012200400074 2.231 8.02 T012200400075 2.246 8.65 T012200400076 2.26 10.36 T012200400077 2.271 12.85 T012200400078 2.286 12.98 T012200400079 2.295 13.18 T012200400080 ENDDATA 61 0 T012200400081 ENDSUBENT 80 0 T012200499999 SUBENT T0122005 20240405 C232T012200500001 BIB 6 17 T012200500002 REACTION (24-CR-53(P,N)25-MN-53,,SIG) T012200500003 SAMPLE Natural Cr target of 0.147 mg/cm**2, corresponding to T012200500004 about 20 keV energy loss, evaporated onto 0.01 inch T012200500005 Pt backing. T012200500006 CORRECTION Data corrected by 10% for the contribution of T012200500007 lower-energy neutrons leading to excited states. T012200500008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty. Where no errors are T012200500009 given, the errors are less than the point diameter in T012200500010 the figures. Average standard error of 10% from all T012200500011 other sources, e.g., target thickness and T012200500012 nonuniformity, beam measurement, detector efficiency, T012200500013 and neglection of excited state neutrons. T012200500014 STATUS (COREL,T0126006) T012200500015 Remeasurement of this reaction with thicker target T012200500016 and with energies up to about 6 MeV. T012200500017 HISTORY (20230518U) BP: Updated REL-REF. T012200500018 (20240405U) On. REL-REF -> STATUS T012200500019 ENDBIB 17 0 T012200500020 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012200500021 DATA 3 41 T012200500022 EN DATA ERR-S T012200500023 MEV MB MB T012200500024 1.417 0.04 T012200500025 1.424 0.07 T012200500026 1.43 0.09 T012200500027 1.449 0.12 T012200500028 1.457 0.11 T012200500029 1.474 0.17 T012200500030 1.484 0.2 T012200500031 1.498 0.24 T012200500032 1.509 0.23 T012200500033 1.52 0.34 T012200500034 1.532 0.36 T012200500035 1.543 0.29 T012200500036 1.556 0.3 T012200500037 1.566 0.39 T012200500038 1.578 0.38 T012200500039 1.589 0.33 T012200500040 1.602 0.39 T012200500041 1.612 0.42 T012200500042 1.626 0.62 T012200500043 1.639 0.77 T012200500044 1.65 0.94 T012200500045 1.661 1.54 T012200500046 1.673 1.96 T012200500047 1.686 1.29 T012200500048 1.697 1.05 T012200500049 1.711 1.13 T012200500050 1.723 0.85 T012200500051 1.735 0.83 T012200500052 1.749 0.87 T012200500053 1.76 1.21 T012200500054 1.774 1.04 T012200500055 1.783 0.91 T012200500056 1.797 1.1 T012200500057 1.811 1.55 T012200500058 1.824 1.76 0.04 T012200500059 1.837 2.57 0.04 T012200500060 1.849 2.46 0.05 T012200500061 1.862 2.19 0.04 T012200500062 1.876 2.08 0.05 T012200500063 1.888 2.66 0.04 T012200500064 1.902 2.55 0.05 T012200500065 ENDDATA 43 0 T012200500066 ENDSUBENT 65 0 T012200599999 SUBENT T0122006 20240405 C232T012200600001 BIB 5 15 T012200600002 REACTION (25-MN-55(P,N)26-FE-55,,SIG) T012200600003 SAMPLE Natural Mn target of 0.114 mg/cm**2, corresponding to T012200600004 about 20 keV energy loss, evaporated onto 0.01 inch T012200600005 Pt backing. T012200600006 ERR-ANALYS In all cases, the statistical uncertainty is less T012200600007 than the point diameter in the figures. Average T012200600008 standard error 10% from all other sources, e.g., T012200600009 target thickness and nonuniformity, beam measurement, T012200600010 detector efficiency, and neglection of excited state T012200600011 neutrons. T012200600012 STATUS (COREL,T0126007) T012200600013 Remeasurement of this reaction with thicker target T012200600014 and with energies up to about 6 MeV. T012200600015 HISTORY (20230518U) BP: Updated REL-REF. T012200600016 (20240405U) On. REL-REF -> STATUS T012200600017 ENDBIB 15 0 T012200600018 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012200600019 DATA 2 46 T012200600020 EN DATA T012200600021 MEV MB T012200600022 1.035 0.0011 T012200600023 1.035 0.0012 T012200600024 1.043 0.0035 T012200600025 1.056 0.0038 T012200600026 1.065 0.0036 T012200600027 1.075 0.006 T012200600028 1.083 0.0085 T012200600029 1.094 0.0065 T012200600030 1.104 0.0093 T012200600031 1.115 0.012 T012200600032 1.127 0.018 T012200600033 1.135 0.014 T012200600034 1.145 0.0095 T012200600035 1.154 0.018 T012200600036 1.163 0.018 T012200600037 1.176 0.024 T012200600038 1.183 0.038 T012200600039 1.196 0.04 T012200600040 1.205 0.031 T012200600041 1.215 0.022 T012200600042 1.226 0.031 T012200600043 1.237 0.047 T012200600044 1.247 0.044 T012200600045 1.257 0.061 T012200600046 1.268 0.058 T012200600047 1.279 0.059 T012200600048 1.288 0.082 T012200600049 1.299 0.092 T012200600050 1.311 0.079 T012200600051 1.319 0.066 T012200600052 1.331 0.064 T012200600053 1.343 0.16 T012200600054 1.352 0.15 T012200600055 1.364 0.24 T012200600056 1.375 0.4 T012200600057 1.386 0.25 T012200600058 1.398 0.14 T012200600059 1.408 0.14 T012200600060 1.421 0.2 T012200600061 1.43 0.22 T012200600062 1.442 0.75 T012200600063 1.454 0.3 T012200600064 1.467 0.16 T012200600065 1.477 0.29 T012200600066 1.488 0.3 T012200600067 1.499 0.41 T012200600068 ENDDATA 48 0 T012200600069 ENDSUBENT 68 0 T012200699999 SUBENT T0122007 20240405 C232T012200700001 BIB 6 20 T012200700002 REACTION (27-CO-59(P,N)28-NI-59,,SIG) T012200700003 SAMPLE Natural Co target of 0.261 mg/cm**2, corresponding to T012200700004 about 20 keV energy loss, evaporated onto 0.01 inch T012200700005 Pt backing. T012200700006 CORRECTION Data above 2.246 MeV are corrected in the publication T012200700007 by 15% for the contribution of lower-energy neutrons T012200700008 leading to excited states. This correction, T012200700009 erroneously not applied in CPX, was performed by the T012200700010 KACHAPAG compiler. T012200700011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty. Where no errors are T012200700012 given, the errors are less than the point diameter in T012200700013 the figures. Average standard error of 10% from all T012200700014 other sources, e.g., target thickness and T012200700015 nonuniformity, beam measurement, detector efficiency, T012200700016 and neglection of excited state neutrons. T012200700017 STATUS (COREL,T0126009) T012200700018 Remeasurement of this reaction with thicker target T012200700019 and with energies up to about 6 MeV. T012200700020 HISTORY (20230518U) BP: Updated REL-REF. T012200700021 (20240405U) On. REL-REF -> STATUS T012200700022 ENDBIB 20 0 T012200700023 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012200700024 DATA 3 43 T012200700025 EN DATA ERR-S T012200700026 MEV MB MB T012200700027 1.886 0.004 T012200700028 1.894 0.02 T012200700029 1.904 0.03 T012200700030 1.919 0.08 T012200700031 1.929 0.14 T012200700032 1.946 0.17 T012200700033 1.959 0.2 T012200700034 1.973 0.24 T012200700035 1.986 0.33 T012200700036 1.998 0.3 T012200700037 2.01 0.34 T012200700038 2.026 0.44 T012200700039 2.04 0.38 T012200700040 2.051 0.5 T012200700041 2.067 0.59 T012200700042 2.08 0.68 T012200700043 2.096 0.94 T012200700044 2.109 0.85 T012200700045 2.122 0.94 T012200700046 2.136 1.04 T012200700047 2.149 1.77 T012200700048 2.161 1.66 T012200700049 2.176 1.11 T012200700050 2.189 1.04 T012200700051 2.204 1.7 T012200700052 2.218 2.12 T012200700053 2.231 2.19 T012200700054 2.246 1.88 T012200700055 2.259 2.33 T012200700056 2.274 2.86 T012200700057 2.289 2.67 T012200700058 2.304 2.52 0.07 T012200700059 2.321 2.41 0.07 T012200700060 2.331 2.81 0.08 T012200700061 2.345 3.22 0.09 T012200700062 2.36 3.34 0.08 T012200700063 2.374 3.64 0.08 T012200700064 2.39 5.09 0.12 T012200700065 2.406 5.38 0.11 T012200700066 2.422 5.3 0.12 T012200700067 2.433 3.9 0.1 T012200700068 2.452 6.71 0.11 T012200700069 2.46 4.18 0.11 T012200700070 ENDDATA 45 0 T012200700071 ENDSUBENT 70 0 T012200799999 SUBENT T0122008 20001127 0000T012200800001 BIB 5 22 T012200800002 REACTION (29-CU-65(P,N)30-ZN-65,,SIG) T012200800003 SAMPLE Natural Cu target of 0.243 mg/cm**2, corresponding to T012200800004 about 20 keV energy loss, evaporated onto 0.01 inch T012200800005 Pt backing. T012200800006 CORRECTION Data are obtained by assuming that all neutrons go to T012200800007 the ground state. It is estimated by the authors that T012200800008 the points at the upper energy limit should be T012200800009 lowered by 5+-3% because of lower energy neutron T012200800010 groups. T012200800011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty. Where no errors are T012200800012 given, the errors are less than the point diameter T012200800013 in the figures. T012200800014 Average standard error 10% from all other T012200800015 sources, e.g., target thickness and nonuniformity, T012200800016 beam measurement, detector efficiency, and neglection T012200800017 of excited state neutrons. T012200800018 REL-REF (N,B0057003,COLLE+,J,PR/C,9,1819,1974) T012200800019 Recent compilation by Colle et al.: present data are T012200800020 compared to later measurements. T012200800021 (N,B0068006,JOHNSON+,P,ORNL-2910,25,1960) T012200800022 Remeasurement of this reaction with enriched and T012200800023 thicker target and with energies up to about 6 MeV. T012200800024 ENDBIB 22 0 T012200800025 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012200800026 DATA 3 45 T012200800027 EN DATA ERR-S T012200800028 MEV MB MB T012200800029 2.171 0.39 T012200800030 2.178 0.61 T012200800031 2.186 0.94 T012200800032 2.194 1.02 T012200800033 2.201 1.36 T012200800034 2.21 1.73 T012200800035 2.218 1.44 T012200800036 2.226 1.22 T012200800037 2.237 1.78 T012200800038 2.245 1.89 T012200800039 2.252 2.06 T012200800040 2.26 2.6 T012200800041 2.268 2.69 T012200800042 2.276 2.6 T012200800043 2.287 2.85 T012200800044 2.297 2.9 T012200800045 2.304 2.82 T012200800046 2.31 2.73 0.08 T012200800047 2.318 3.19 0.08 T012200800048 2.327 3.02 0.09 T012200800049 2.337 3.38 0.09 T012200800050 2.344 3.67 0.08 T012200800051 2.354 3.63 0.08 T012200800052 2.361 3.23 0.09 T012200800053 2.372 3.71 0.09 T012200800054 2.379 4.02 0.08 T012200800055 2.386 4.31 0.11 T012200800056 2.398 4.47 0.11 T012200800057 2.406 4.96 0.11 T012200800058 2.412 5.52 0.1 T012200800059 2.421 5.51 0.11 T012200800060 2.43 4.59 0.1 T012200800061 2.441 5.02 0.11 T012200800062 2.446 5.56 0.1 T012200800063 2.456 5.42 0.11 T012200800064 2.467 5.0 0.11 T012200800065 2.476 5.23 0.11 T012200800066 2.483 5.88 0.1 T012200800067 2.49 8.85 0.11 T012200800068 2.499 8.38 0.13 T012200800069 2.508 7.99 0.13 T012200800070 2.518 7.41 0.15 T012200800071 2.529 6.82 0.1 T012200800072 2.537 6.98 0.11 T012200800073 2.544 8.18 0.13 T012200800074 ENDDATA 47 0 T012200800075 ENDSUBENT 74 0 T012200899999 SUBENT T0122009 20240405 C232T012200900001 BIB 6 20 T012200900002 REACTION (31-GA-71(P,N)32-GE-71,,SIG) T012200900003 SAMPLE Natural Ga target of 0.204 mg/cm**2, corresponding to T012200900004 about 20 keV energy loss, evaporated onto 0.01 inch T012200900005 Pt backing. T012200900006 CORRECTION Data are obtained by assuming that all neutrons go to T012200900007 the ground state. It is estimated by the authors that T012200900008 the points at the upper energy limit should be T012200900009 lowered by 5+-3% because of lower energy neutron T012200900010 groups. T012200900011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty. Where no errors are T012200900012 given, the errors are less than the point diameter in T012200900013 the figures. Average standard error of 10% from all T012200900014 other sources, e.g., target thickness and T012200900015 nonuniformity, beam measurement, detector efficiency, T012200900016 and neglection of excited state neutrons. T012200900017 STATUS (COREL,T0126016) T012200900018 Remeasurement of this reaction with thicker target T012200900019 and with energies up to about 6 MeV. T012200900020 HISTORY (20230518U) BP: Updated REL-REF. T012200900021 (20240405U) On. REL-REF -> STATUS T012200900022 ENDBIB 20 0 T012200900023 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012200900024 DATA 3 25 T012200900025 EN DATA ERR-S T012200900026 MEV MB MB T012200900027 1.038 6.4E-05 0.4E-05 T012200900028 1.05 7.7E-05 0.5E-05 T012200900029 1.072 1.2E-04 T012200900030 1.092 1.8E-04 T012200900031 1.112 2.3E-04 T012200900032 1.131 3.3E-04 T012200900033 1.152 5.1E-04 T012200900034 1.172 6.5E-04 T012200900035 1.192 8.0E-04 T012200900036 1.212 0.0017 T012200900037 1.233 0.0028 T012200900038 1.252 0.0034 T012200900039 1.274 0.0047 T012200900040 1.299 0.0058 T012200900041 1.319 0.0072 T012200900042 1.339 0.0091 T012200900043 1.362 0.011 T012200900044 1.382 0.013 T012200900045 1.406 0.016 T012200900046 1.425 0.021 T012200900047 1.448 0.026 T012200900048 1.468 0.029 T012200900049 1.494 0.033 T012200900050 1.513 0.046 T012200900051 1.535 0.052 T012200900052 ENDDATA 27 0 T012200900053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 T012200999999 SUBENT T0122010 20240405 C232T012201000001 BIB 6 21 T012201000002 REACTION (33-AS-75(P,N)34-SE-75,,SIG) T012201000003 SAMPLE Natural as target of 0.202 mg/cm**2, corresponding to T012201000004 about 20 keV energy loss, evaporated onto 0.01 inch T012201000005 Pt backing. T012201000006 CORRECTION Data are obtained by assuming that all neutrons go to T012201000007 the ground state. It is estimated by the authors that T012201000008 the points at the upper energy limit should Be T012201000009 lowered by 5+-3% because of lower energy neutron T012201000010 groups. T012201000011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty. Where no errors are T012201000012 given, the errors are less than the point diameter in T012201000013 the figures. Average standard error of 10% from all T012201000014 other sources, e.g., target thickness and T012201000015 nonuniformity, beam measurement, detector efficiency, T012201000016 and neglection of excited state neutrons. T012201000017 STATUS (COREL,T0126019) T012201000018 Remeasurement of this reaction with energies up to T012201000019 about 6 MeV. T012201000020 HISTORY (20230518U) BP: Updated REL-REF (Entry B068 was T012201000021 converted into T0126) per WP2023-21. T012201000022 (20240405U) On. REL-REF -> STATUS T012201000023 ENDBIB 21 0 T012201000024 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012201000025 DATA 3 66 T012201000026 EN DATA ERR-S T012201000027 MEV MB MB T012201000028 1.671 0.0057 0.0006 T012201000029 1.675 0.0063 0.0005 T012201000030 1.681 0.0045 0.0003 T012201000031 1.684 0.006 T012201000032 1.694 0.0089 T012201000033 1.704 0.011 T012201000034 1.71 0.014 T012201000035 1.717 0.016 T012201000036 1.725 0.019 T012201000037 1.733 0.02 T012201000038 1.74 0.021 T012201000039 1.747 0.023 T012201000040 1.756 0.025 T012201000041 1.764 0.03 T012201000042 1.77 0.032 T012201000043 1.776 0.033 T012201000044 1.785 0.032 T012201000045 1.793 0.036 T012201000046 1.799 0.045 T012201000047 1.807 0.046 T012201000048 1.816 0.053 T012201000049 1.821 0.056 T012201000050 1.827 0.059 T012201000051 1.836 0.058 T012201000052 1.844 0.063 T012201000053 1.852 0.07 T012201000054 1.86 0.073 T012201000055 1.867 0.078 T012201000056 1.876 0.085 T012201000057 1.882 0.094 T012201000058 1.89 0.09 T012201000059 1.897 0.095 T012201000060 1.905 0.1 T012201000061 1.915 0.11 T012201000062 1.923 0.12 T012201000063 1.93 0.12 T012201000064 1.937 0.13 T012201000065 1.948 0.13 T012201000066 1.955 0.15 T012201000067 1.962 0.16 T012201000068 1.97 0.18 T012201000069 1.978 0.2 T012201000070 1.986 0.21 T012201000071 1.993 0.24 T012201000072 2.005 0.25 T012201000073 2.012 0.24 T012201000074 2.017 0.26 T012201000075 2.027 0.26 T012201000076 2.035 0.28 T012201000077 2.043 0.29 T012201000078 2.05 0.3 T012201000079 2.058 0.3 T012201000080 2.065 0.3 T012201000081 2.073 0.34 T012201000082 2.082 0.35 T012201000083 2.085 0.37 T012201000084 2.095 0.39 T012201000085 2.106 0.39 T012201000086 2.111 0.42 T012201000087 2.121 0.42 T012201000088 2.128 0.45 T012201000089 2.136 0.47 T012201000090 2.147 0.46 T012201000091 2.155 0.45 T012201000092 2.161 0.49 T012201000093 2.169 0.51 T012201000094 ENDDATA 68 0 T012201000095 ENDSUBENT 94 0 T012201099999 SUBENT T0122011 20001127 0000T012201100001 BIB 5 22 T012201100002 REACTION (34-SE-77(P,N)35-BR-77,,SIG) T012201100003 SAMPLE Targets enriched to 49.4% 77Se evaporated onto 0.01 T012201100004 inch Pt backing, target thickness 0.240 and 0.218 T012201100005 mg/cm**2, respectively, corresponding to about 20 keV T012201100006 energy loss. T012201100007 CORRECTION Data are obtained by assuming that all neutrons go to T012201100008 the ground state. It is estimated by the authors T012201100009 that the points at the upper energy limit should be T012201100010 lowered by 5+-3% because of lower energy neutron T012201100011 groups. T012201100012 Correction for: T012201100013 . contribution of 3% 82Se in target (about 7%), T012201100014 . target evaporation below 2450 keV. T012201100015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty. Where no errors are T012201100016 given, the errors are less than the point diameter T012201100017 in the figures. T012201100018 Average uncertainty in target thickness - 7%; T012201100019 . due to 80Se (19.6%) and 82Se (3%) impurities, T012201100020 . evaporation correction (5%). T012201100021 REL-REF (N,B0068017,JOHNSON+,P,ORNL-2910,25,1960) T012201100022 Remeasurement of this reaction with energies up to T012201100023 about 6 MeV. T012201100024 ENDBIB 22 0 T012201100025 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012201100026 DATA 3 36 T012201100027 EN DATA ERR-S T012201100028 MEV MB MB T012201100029 2.178 0.03 T012201100030 2.182 0.08 T012201100031 2.192 0.13 T012201100032 2.208 0.15 T012201100033 2.221 0.16 T012201100034 2.234 0.16 T012201100035 2.249 0.24 T012201100036 2.265 0.27 T012201100037 2.277 0.31 T012201100038 2.29 0.3 T012201100039 2.306 0.29 T012201100040 2.317 0.37 T012201100041 2.334 0.43 T012201100042 2.35 0.56 T012201100043 2.363 0.65 T012201100044 2.377 0.72 T012201100045 2.391 0.74 T012201100046 2.408 0.96 T012201100047 2.422 0.73 T012201100048 2.436 0.95 T012201100049 2.451 1.09 T012201100050 2.466 1.17 T012201100051 2.482 1.3 T012201100052 2.496 1.4 T012201100053 2.507 1.53 T012201100054 2.524 1.58 T012201100055 2.543 1.62 0.02 T012201100056 2.555 1.81 0.03 T012201100057 2.571 1.82 0.02 T012201100058 2.586 2.0 0.02 T012201100059 2.602 2.24 0.02 T012201100060 2.615 2.4 0.03 T012201100061 2.629 2.32 0.02 T012201100062 2.646 2.32 0.02 T012201100063 2.66 2.4 0.02 T012201100064 2.679 2.51 0.03 T012201100065 ENDDATA 38 0 T012201100066 ENDSUBENT 65 0 T012201199999 SUBENT T0122012 20001127 0000T012201200001 BIB 5 22 T012201200002 REACTION (34-SE-82(P,N)35-BR-82,,SIG) T012201200003 SAMPLE Se-82-Targets Enriched to 75.74% Evaporated T012201200004 Onto 0.01 Inch Pt-Backing, Target Thickness 0.175 and T012201200005 0.185 Mg/Cm**2, Respectively, Corresponding to About T012201200006 20 KeV Energy Loss. T012201200007 CORRECTION Data below 1100 keV are corrected by 20% for target T012201200008 evaporation losses. T012201200009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty. Where no errors are T012201200010 given, the errors are less than the point diameter T012201200011 in the figures. T012201200012 Average uncertainty in target thickness - 7%; T012201200013 . due to target impurities, T012201200014 . evaporation correction (5%). T012201200015 COMMENT Authors state that due to the large spin change (0+ T012201200016 to 6-), the transition to the ground state T012201200017 contributes only very little to the measured cross T012201200018 section. They assume the population of low-lying, T012201200019 low-spin states in 82Br. T012201200020 - BY KACHAPAG COMPILER - It is uncertain, if the T012201200021 measured values are valid for the formation of 82(m)BrT012201200022 (46 keV,2-) or if other low-lying states are also T012201200023 populated (e.g., 78 keV, 1 or 2+). T012201200024 ENDBIB 22 0 T012201200025 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012201200026 DATA 3 29 T012201200027 EN DATA ERR-S T012201200028 MEV MB MB T012201200029 0.9342 3.9E-06 1.4E-06 T012201200030 0.9438 4.1E-06 2.E-06 T012201200031 0.963 6.7E-06 3.E-06 T012201200032 0.9804 2.0E-05 3.7E-06 T012201200033 0.9981 2.7E-05 3.9E-06 T012201200034 1.018 4.0E-05 4.5E-06 T012201200035 1.039 4.2E-05 6.3E-06 T012201200036 1.057 6.5E-05 8.E-06 T012201200037 1.077 8.1E-05 T012201200038 1.099 1.5E-04 T012201200039 1.115 1.3E-04 T012201200040 1.137 1.8E-04 T012201200041 1.156 2.6E-04 T012201200042 1.177 3.1E-04 T012201200043 1.194 3.5E-04 T012201200044 1.214 4.4E-04 T012201200045 1.235 6.2E-04 T012201200046 1.254 6.1E-04 T012201200047 1.277 7.6E-04 T012201200048 1.298 0.0013 T012201200049 1.32 0.0016 T012201200050 1.34 0.0014 T012201200051 1.363 0.0022 T012201200052 1.384 0.0034 T012201200053 1.404 0.004 T012201200054 1.426 0.0048 T012201200055 1.451 0.0046 T012201200056 1.474 0.0063 T012201200057 1.495 0.0089 T012201200058 ENDDATA 31 0 T012201200059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 T012201299999 SUBENT T0122013 20241025 C242T012201300001 BIB 6 18 T012201300002 REACTION (41-NB-93(P,N)42-MO-93,,SIG,,,DERIV) T012201300003 SAMPLE Thick natural Nb target without backing T012201300004 ANALYSIS (TTUNF) Derived from four thick target yields. T012201300005 Cross sections given in the data section were T012201300006 obtained by differentiating a thick-target excitation T012201300007 function. Each data point results from 4 thick-target T012201300008 yields. T012201300009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty. Where no errors are T012201300010 given, the errors are less than the point diameter in T012201300011 the figures. Target error is the uncertainty in the T012201300012 atomic stopping power for Nb of +-5%, found by T012201300013 interpolation between Cu and Ag. T012201300014 STATUS (COREL,T0126021) T012201300015 Remeasurement of this reaction with thicker target T012201300016 and with energies up to about 6 MeV. T012201300017 HISTORY (20230518U) BP: Updated REL-REF. T012201300018 (20240405U) On. REL-REF -> STATUS T012201300019 (20241018A) ANALYSIS updated, REACTION SF9 added T012201300020 ENDBIB 18 0 T012201300021 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012201300022 DATA 3 21 T012201300023 EN DATA ERR-S T012201300024 MEV MB MB T012201300025 1.265 1.0E-06 0.6E-06 T012201300026 1.307 2.7E-06 9.3E-07 T012201300027 1.343 5.8E-06 3.6E-06 T012201300028 1.352 7.3E-06 1.2E-06 T012201300029 1.377 1.6E-05 5.7E-06 T012201300030 1.395 1.0E-05 1.8E-06 T012201300031 1.418 2.6E-05 7.8E-06 T012201300032 1.463 2.2E-05 1.1E-05 T012201300033 1.509 8.5E-05 1.6E-05 T012201300034 1.557 1.1E-04 2.2E-05 T012201300035 1.602 3.7E-04 9.2E-05 T012201300036 1.649 2.6E-04 1.1E-04 T012201300037 1.698 5.4E-04 1.4E-04 T012201300038 1.747 6.5E-04 1.9E-04 T012201300039 1.797 0.0013 2.0E-04 T012201300040 1.844 0.0021 2.4E-04 T012201300041 1.894 0.0021 2.7E-04 T012201300042 1.95 0.004 4.7E-04 T012201300043 2.003 0.0056 4.9E-04 T012201300044 2.054 0.0068 5.7E-04 T012201300045 2.108 0.011 9.9E-04 T012201300046 ENDDATA 23 0 T012201300047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 T012201399999 ENDENTRY 13 0 T012299999999