ENTRY T0123 20230823 C232T012300000001 SUBENT T0123001 20230823 C232T012300100001 BIB 13 28 T012300100002 TITLE (p,He3) and (p,t) Cross-Section Measurements T012300100003 AUTHOR (G.H.McCormick,H.G.Blosser,B.L.Cohen,E.Newman) T012300100004 REFERENCE (J,JIN,2,269,1956) T012300100005 #doi:10.1016/0022-1902(56)80079-1 T012300100006 INSTITUTE (1USAORL) T012300100007 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAORL) 86-inch cyclotron T012300100008 DETECTOR (GEMUC) T012300100009 METHOD (ACTIV,CHSEP) T012300100010 Beam current was measured by using a monitor for T012300100011 which no details were given. T012300100012 ANALYSIS (DECAY) The residual nuclei were identified from a T012300100013 graphical analysis of the complex decay curves. T012300100014 DECAY-DATA Decay data taken from J.M. Hollander et al. T012300100015 REL-REF (R,,J.M.Hollander+,J,RMP,25,469,1953) Decay data. T012300100016 This reference reports experimental values and does T012300100017 not give recommended values for half-lives and decays.T012300100018 COMMENT The main purpose of this work was testing of the order T012300100019 of magnitude of the cross sections for a comparison T012300100020 with theoretical calculations and not an exact T012300100021 determination of the cross sections. T012300100022 STATUS (TABLE,,G.H.McCormick+,J,JIN,2,269,1956) table 1 T012300100023 HISTORY (20001121C) Converted from data set B0062; T012300100024 updated at NNDC. Originally compiled by KaChaPaG and T012300100025 updated by CaJaD. T012300100026 (20120318A) SD: In Subents 004-005 SF3 changed to T012300100027 SF3=X and SF5=(DEF) deleted in REACTION code T012300100028 (20230823A) BP: Updated reaction string in subentry 3 T012300100029 per WP2023-21. Added doi. T012300100030 ENDBIB 28 0 T012300100031 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012300100032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 T012300199999 SUBENT T0123002 20001127 0000T012300200001 BIB 2 2 T012300200002 REACTION (20-CA-40(P,HE3)19-K-38-G,,SIG) T012300200003 ERR-ANALYS Data is uncertain by as much as a factor of 3. T012300200004 ENDBIB 2 0 T012300200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012300200006 DATA 2 1 T012300200007 EN DATA-MAX T012300200008 MEV MB T012300200009 22.4 2. T012300200010 ENDDATA 3 0 T012300200011 ENDSUBENT 10 0 T012300299999 SUBENT T0123003 20230823 C232T012300300001 BIB 3 3 T012300300002 REACTION (20-CA-44(P,X)19-K-42,,SIG) T012300300003 ERR-ANALYS Data is uncertain by as much as a factor of 3. T012300300004 HISTORY (20230823A) BP: SF3: HE3 -> X. T012300300005 ENDBIB 3 0 T012300300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012300300007 DATA 2 1 T012300300008 EN DATA-MAX T012300300009 MEV MB T012300300010 22.4 1. T012300300011 ENDDATA 3 0 T012300300012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 T012300399999 SUBENT T0123004 20120318 T022T012300400001 BIB 4 6 T012300400002 REACTION M(31-GA-71(P,X)30-ZN-69-M,,SIG) T012300400003 G(31-GA-71(P,X)30-ZN-69-G,,SIG) T012300400004 RAD-DET (30-ZN-69-G,B-) T012300400005 ERR-ANALYS Data is uncertain by as much as a factor of 3. T012300400006 HISTORY (20120318A) SD: SF3=HE3 changed to SF3=X and SF5=(DEF) T012300400007 deleted in REACTION code. T012300400008 ENDBIB 6 0 T012300400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012300400010 DATA 3 1 T012300400011 EN DATA MDATA G T012300400012 MEV MB MB T012300400013 22.4 0.05 0.05 T012300400014 ENDDATA 3 0 T012300400015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 T012300499999 SUBENT T0123005 20120318 T022T012300500001 BIB 3 4 T012300500002 REACTION (29-CU-63(P,X)29-CU-61,,SIG) T012300500003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainty. T012300500004 HISTORY (20120318A) SD: SF3=HE3 changed to SF3=X and SF5=(DEF) T012300500005 deleted in REACTION code. T012300500006 ENDBIB 4 0 T012300500007 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012300500008 DATA 3 2 T012300500009 EN DATA DATA-ERR T012300500010 MEV MB MB T012300500011 20. 2.2 0.8 T012300500012 22.4 3.5 0.9 T012300500013 ENDDATA 4 0 T012300500014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 T012300599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 T012399999999