ENTRY T0124 20241025 C242T012400000001 SUBENT T0124001 20241025 C242T012400100001 BIB 12 47 T012400100002 INSTITUTE (1USAANL) T012400100003 REFERENCE (J,PR,128,280,1962) T012400100004 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.128.280 T012400100005 (R,TID-12696,1961) Values Superseded T012400100006 AUTHOR (J.Wing,J.R.Huizenga) T012400100007 TITLE (p,n) Cross Sections of V51, Cr52, Cu63, Cu65, Ag107, T012400100008 Ag109, Cd111, Cd114, and La139 from 5 to 10.5 MeV T012400100009 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) T012400100010 SAMPLE Many of the targets included an additional Cu foil T012400100011 in order to compare directly between the Cu65(p,n) T012400100012 cross sections and those of the other target foils. T012400100013 In a few runs V, Cr, Cu, and Ag foils were irradiated T012400100014 together in order to cross check the results. T012400100015 METHOD (ACTIV,BCINT,STTA,EDEG) T012400100016 Incident proton energy of 10.5 MeV was degraded by T012400100017 metallic absorbers of known thicknesses placed in T012400100018 front of the target foils. The energy degradation was T012400100019 calculated according to R.M.Sternheimer, Phys.Rev. T012400100020 115, 137 (1959). T012400100021 CORRECTION The loss of reaction products by recoil was very small T012400100022 and therefore neglected. T012400100023 Corrections were made for the escape-peak probability, T012400100024 self-absorption in the target foil and absorption in T012400100025 the detector window. T012400100026 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Data errors given include uncertainties in T012400100027 . beam current measurements, T012400100028 . target weights, T012400100029 . counting efficiencies, T012400100030 . counting statistics, T012400100031 . conversion coefficients, T012400100032 . decay branching ratios, T012400100033 . half-life values. T012400100034 The total errors in the cross sections are thought to T012400100035 be 10% or less for most of the targets. T012400100036 (EN-ERR) Uncertainties in the proton energy; about T012400100037 0.5 MeV at 5 MeV and increasing tP about 0.15 MeV at T012400100038 10 MeV. T012400100039 ADD-RES (TRCS) The experimental cross sections were compared T012400100040 with some total proton reaction cross sections T012400100041 obtained from Optical-Model caculations. T012400100042 STATUS (TABLE,,J.Wing+,J,PR,128,280,1962) T012400100043 Data taken from Table II in main reference. T012400100044 HISTORY (20001121C) Converted from data set B0065; T012400100045 updated at NNDC. Originally compiled by KaChaPaG and T012400100046 updated by CaJaD. T012400100047 (20241019A) OS. Important correction in sub.3, several T012400100048 BIB updates T012400100049 ENDBIB 47 0 T012400100050 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012400100051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 T012400199999 SUBENT T0124002 20001127 0000T012400200001 BIB 5 6 T012400200002 REACTION (23-V-51(P,N)24-CR-51,,SIG) T012400200003 SAMPLE Natural V foils, thickness approximately 5 mg/cm**2. T012400200004 DETECTOR (NAICR) T012400200005 DECAY-DATA (24-CR-51,27.8D,DG,325.,0.09) T012400200006 ANALYSIS Assuming the range-energy relationship for V to be T012400200007 equal to Cu. T012400200008 ENDBIB 6 0 T012400200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012400200010 DATA 4 16 T012400200011 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR T012400200012 MEV MEV MB MB T012400200013 3.1 34. T012400200014 3.7 145. T012400200015 4.7 286. T012400200016 5. 351. T012400200017 5.65 0.3 430. 42. T012400200018 6.65 0.2 515. 42. T012400200019 7. 544. T012400200020 7.7 559. T012400200021 8. 578. T012400200022 8.65 0.15 596. 51. T012400200023 9.5 631. T012400200024 9.6 632. T012400200025 9.93 632. T012400200026 10.1 650. T012400200027 10.1 623. T012400200028 10.4 0.1 645. 49. T012400200029 ENDDATA 18 0 T012400200030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 T012400299999 SUBENT T0124003 20241025 C242T012400300001 BIB 7 11 T012400300002 REACTION M(24-CR-52(P,N)25-MN-52-M,,SIG) T012400300003 G(24-CR-52(P,N)25-MN-52-G,,SIG) T012400300004 SAMPLE Natural Cr foils, thickness approximately 5 mg/cm**2. T012400300005 DETECTOR (NAICR) T012400300006 DECAY-DATAM(25-MN-52-M,21.3MIN,DG,1430.,0.99) T012400300007 G(25-MN-52-G,5.6D,DG,1430.,1.0) From sum of decay T012400300008 abundances given in reference. T012400300009 ANALYSIS Assuming the range-energy relationship for Cr to be T012400300010 equal to Cu. T012400300011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1,,10.) Estimated total error T012400300012 HISTORY (20241019A) REACTION S deleted (not from authors) T012400300013 ENDBIB 11 0 T012400300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012400300015 DATA 4 18 T012400300016 EN EN-ERR DATA MDATA G T012400300017 MEV MEV MB MB T012400300018 5.8 4.2 0.2 T012400300019 5.8 7.7 0.4 T012400300020 5.9 20. 1.3 T012400300021 6. 28. 1.1 T012400300022 6.4 158. 11. T012400300023 7. 210. 23. T012400300024 7. 220. 23. T012400300025 7.4 0.3 224. 31. T012400300026 8. 260. 41. T012400300027 8. 250. 44. T012400300028 8.4 281. 51. T012400300029 8.9 0.2 296. 60. T012400300030 9. 288. 65. T012400300031 9.1 344. 84. T012400300032 9.2 350. 69. T012400300033 9.9 0.15 326. 79. T012400300034 10.1 365. 88. T012400300035 10.5 0.1 370. 98. T012400300036 ENDDATA 20 0 T012400300037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 T012400399999 SUBENT T0124004 20001127 0000T012400400001 BIB 5 10 T012400400002 REACTION (29-CU-63(P,N)30-ZN-63,,SIG) T012400400003 SAMPLE Natural Cu foils, thickness approximately 5 mg/cm**2. T012400400004 DETECTOR (PROPC) Beta counting. T012400400005 (COIN,NAICR,NAICR) Annihilation radiation counting. T012400400006 Counting efficiency determined using 22Na standard. T012400400007 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-63,38.3MIN,B+,,0.93,AR,511.) T012400400008 REL-REF (C,B0057002,R.COLLE+,J,PR/C,9,1819,1974) T012400400009 According to Colle et al. the cross sections have to T012400400010 be multiplied with a factor of 1.002 due to a change T012400400011 in the beta+ abundance from 0.93 to 0.928. T012400400012 ENDBIB 10 0 T012400400013 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012400400014 DATA 4 22 T012400400015 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR T012400400016 MEV MEV MB MB T012400400017 4.5 55. T012400400018 5.6 184. T012400400019 5.6 187. T012400400020 6.4 237. T012400400021 6.6 248. T012400400022 6.8 0.3 268. 22. T012400400023 7.6 313. T012400400024 7.7 320. T012400400025 8.6 360. T012400400026 8.87 377. T012400400027 8.9 0.2 377. 33. T012400400028 9.6 399. T012400400029 9.83 390. T012400400030 9.83 391. T012400400031 9.85 407. T012400400032 9.9 405. T012400400033 9.9 402. T012400400034 9.92 420. T012400400035 9.92 392. T012400400036 10.1 440. T012400400037 10.3 423. T012400400038 10.5 443. T012400400039 ENDDATA 24 0 T012400400040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 T012400499999 SUBENT T0124005 20001127 0000T012400500001 BIB 5 8 T012400500002 REACTION (29-CU-65(P,N)30-ZN-65,,SIG) T012400500003 SAMPLE Natural Cu foils, thickness approximately 5 mg/cm**2. T012400500004 DETECTOR (NAICR) T012400500005 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-65,245.D,DG,1120.,0.49) T012400500006 REL-REF (C,B0057003,R.COLLE+,J,PR/C,9,1819,1974) T012400500007 According to Colle et al. the cross sections have to T012400500008 be multiplied with a factor of 0.968 due to a change T012400500009 in the gamma ray abundance from 0.49 to 0.506. T012400500010 ENDBIB 8 0 T012400500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012400500012 DATA 4 42 T012400500013 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR T012400500014 MEV MEV MB MB T012400500015 4.5 0.4 175. 30. T012400500016 5.1 0.3 306. 36. T012400500017 5.5 317. T012400500018 5.6 341. T012400500019 6. 361. T012400500020 6.2 0.25 390. 36. T012400500021 6.5 428. T012400500022 6.6 430. T012400500023 6.8 420. T012400500024 7.3 550. T012400500025 7.4 535. T012400500026 7.6 518. T012400500027 7.73 572. T012400500028 7.9 528. T012400500029 8.1 0.2 560. 50. T012400500030 8.4 629. T012400500031 8.6 578. T012400500032 8.62 617. T012400500033 8.8 615. T012400500034 8.87 648. T012400500035 8.9 652. T012400500036 9. 624. T012400500037 9. 630. T012400500038 9.45 689. T012400500039 9.6 676. T012400500040 9.6 673. T012400500041 9.6 692. T012400500042 9.8 728. T012400500043 9.83 732. T012400500044 9.83 712. T012400500045 9.85 718. T012400500046 9.9 716. T012400500047 9.9 710. T012400500048 9.9 723. T012400500049 10.1 707. T012400500050 10.1 696. T012400500051 10.2 762. T012400500052 10.3 0.15 722. 49. T012400500053 10.4 760. T012400500054 10.5 751. T012400500055 10.5 760. T012400500056 10.5 735. T012400500057 ENDDATA 44 0 T012400500058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 T012400599999 SUBENT T0124006 20001127 0000T012400600001 BIB 5 14 T012400600002 REACTION (47-AG-107(P,N)48-CD-107,,SIG) T012400600003 SAMPLE Natural Ag foils, thickness approximately 5 mg/cm**2. T012400600004 DETECTOR (NAICR) T012400600005 DECAY-DATA (48-CD-107,6.7HR,DG,95.,0.0469) T012400600006 Abundance calculated by the KaChaPaG compiler using T012400600007 data given in the publication. T012400600008 REL-REF (C,B0057004,R.COLLE+,J,PR/C,9,1819,1974) T012400600009 According to Colle et al., the cross sections should T012400600010 be multiplied with a factor of 1.035 due to a change T012400600011 in the gamma ray abundance from 0.049 to 0.0476. T012400600012 ** COMMENT BY COMPILER ** This factor seems to be T012400600013 incorrect, since due to the decay data given, the T012400600014 gamma ray abundance used was 0.0469 and therefore, T012400600015 the resulting correction factor is 0.985. T012400600016 ENDBIB 14 0 T012400600017 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012400600018 DATA 4 24 T012400600019 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR T012400600020 MEV MEV MB MB T012400600021 1.9 0.06 T012400600022 3.2 0.5 T012400600023 4.9 19. T012400600024 5. 24. T012400600025 5.1 0.3 38. 6. T012400600026 6. 98. T012400600027 6.1 115. T012400600028 6.4 133. T012400600029 6.9 179. T012400600030 7.1 0.2 209. 30. T012400600031 8. 296. T012400600032 8.1 324. T012400600033 8.7 375. T012400600034 8.9 418. T012400600035 9. 440. T012400600036 9. 421. T012400600037 9.45 489. T012400600038 9.85 521. T012400600039 10.16 0.1 521. 66. T012400600040 10.33 562. T012400600041 10.35 576. T012400600042 10.43 590. T012400600043 10.45 589. T012400600044 10.5 581. T012400600045 ENDDATA 26 0 T012400600046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 T012400699999 SUBENT T0124007 20001127 0000T012400700001 BIB 4 4 T012400700002 REACTION (47-AG-109(P,N)48-CD-109,,SIG) T012400700003 SAMPLE Natural Ag foils, thickness approximately 5 mg/cm**2. T012400700004 DETECTOR (NAICR) T012400700005 DECAY-DATA (48-CD-109,470.D,DG,88.,1.0) T012400700006 ENDBIB 4 0 T012400700007 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012400700008 DATA 4 14 T012400700009 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR T012400700010 MEV MEV MB MB T012400700011 5. 32. T012400700012 5. 24. T012400700013 6. 95. T012400700014 6.5 0.25 130. 23. T012400700015 6.9 146. T012400700016 8. 280. T012400700017 8.7 332. T012400700018 8.9 365. T012400700019 9.1 362. T012400700020 9.4 353. T012400700021 9.85 342. T012400700022 10.2 0.1 320. 48. T012400700023 10.4 305. T012400700024 10.5 305. T012400700025 ENDDATA 16 0 T012400700026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 T012400799999 SUBENT T0124008 20001127 0000T012400800001 BIB 5 6 T012400800002 REACTION (48-CD-111(P,N)49-IN-111,,SIG) T012400800003 SAMPLE Natural Cd foils, thickness approximately 5 mg/cm**2. T012400800004 DETECTOR (NAICR) T012400800005 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-111-G,2.81D,DG,247.,1.0) T012400800006 ANALYSIS Assuming the range-energy relationship for Cd to be T012400800007 equal to Ag. T012400800008 ENDBIB 6 0 T012400800009 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012400800010 DATA 5 10 T012400800011 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-MAX DATA-ERR T012400800012 MEV MEV MB MB MB T012400800013 2.1 0.04 T012400800014 3.3 0.9 T012400800015 4.4 12. T012400800016 5.4 0.4 45. 10. T012400800017 6.4 134. T012400800018 7.4 0.2 262. 44. T012400800019 8.4 366. T012400800020 9.5 508. T012400800021 9.75 526. T012400800022 10.1 0.15 540. 60. T012400800023 ENDDATA 12 0 T012400800024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 T012400899999 SUBENT T0124009 20001127 0000T012400900001 BIB 5 10 T012400900002 REACTION M(48-CD-114(P,N)49-IN-114-M,,SIG) T012400900003 G(48-CD-114(P,N)49-IN-114-G,,SIG) T012400900004 SAMPLE Natural Cd foils, thickness approximately 5 mg/cm**2. T012400900005 DETECTOR (PROPC) T012400900006 Counting efficiency determined relative to 90Y and T012400900007 32P standards. T012400900008 DECAY-DATAM(49-IN-114-M,50.0D,B-) 96.5% Isomeric Transition T012400900009 G(49-IN-114-G,72.SEC,B-,,0.98) T012400900010 ANALYSIS Assuming the range-energy relationship for Cd to be T012400900011 equal to Ag. T012400900012 ENDBIB 10 0 T012400900013 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012400900014 DATA 6 24 T012400900015 EN EN-ERR DATA MDATA-ERR MDATA GDATA-ERR GT012400900016 MEV MEV MB MB MB MB T012400900017 4.4 3. T012400900018 4.7 26. T012400900019 5.2 14. T012400900020 5.4 15. 3. T012400900021 5.8 91. T012400900022 5.9 0.4 94. 31.T012400900023 6.3 57. T012400900024 6.4 54. T012400900025 6.8 140. T012400900026 6.8 172. T012400900027 7.4 0.2 119. 20. T012400900028 7.5 135. T012400900029 7.8 215. T012400900030 7.8 228. T012400900031 8.4 215. T012400900032 8.4 201. T012400900033 8.9 268. 74.T012400900034 9.5 308. T012400900035 9.6 328. T012400900036 9.75 321. T012400900037 9.9 275. T012400900038 10. 264. T012400900039 10.1 340. 40. T012400900040 10.3 347. T012400900041 ENDDATA 26 0 T012400900042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 T012400999999 SUBENT T0124010 20001127 0000T012401000001 BIB 4 5 T012401000002 REACTION (57-LA-139(P,N)58-CE-139,,SIG) T012401000003 SAMPLE Metallic La volatized onto 12.7 micrometer thick T012401000004 Al foils. T012401000005 DETECTOR (NAICR) T012401000006 DECAY-DATA (58-CE-139-G,140.D,DG,166.,1.0) T012401000007 ENDBIB 5 0 T012401000008 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012401000009 DATA 4 8 T012401000010 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR T012401000011 MEV MEV MB MB T012401000012 4.5 0.2 T012401000013 5.2 4. T012401000014 6. 0.4 16. 4. T012401000015 6.6 33. T012401000016 7.4 0.2 66. 9. T012401000017 9.1 197. T012401000018 10.2 293. T012401000019 10.3 0.15 301. 55. T012401000020 ENDDATA 10 0 T012401000021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 T012401099999 SUBENT T0124011 20001127 0000T012401100001 BIB 4 8 T012401100002 REACTION (83-BI-209(P,N)84-PO-209,,SIG) T012401100003 SAMPLE Bi evaporated onto 12.7 micrometer thick Al foils. T012401100004 DECAY-DATA (84-PO-209,103.YR,A,4880.,0.99) T012401100005 REL-REF (N,,C.G.ANDRE+,J,PR,101,645,1956) T012401100006 209Bi data were measured to check previously T012401100007 published values of C.G.Andre et al. Experimental T012401100008 details and further cross sections between 6 and T012401100009 10.6 MeV are given in this reference. T012401100010 ENDBIB 8 0 T012401100011 NOCOMMON 0 0 T012401100012 DATA 2 2 T012401100013 EN DATA T012401100014 MEV MB T012401100015 9.78 90. T012401100016 10.3 114. T012401100017 ENDDATA 4 0 T012401100018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 T012401199999 ENDENTRY 11 0 T012499999999