ENTRY T0132 20241025 C242T013200000001 SUBENT T0132001 20241025 C242T013200100001 BIB 14 63 T013200100002 INSTITUTE (1USAORL) T013200100003 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,15,196,1977) T013200100004 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.15.196 T013200100005 AUTHOR (C.H.Johnson,J.K.Bair,C.M.Jones,S.K.Penny,D.W.Smith) T013200100006 TITLE p-wave resonances observed by the (p,n) reaction for T013200100007 2.6- to 7-MeV protons incident on isotopes of Sn T013200100008 FACILITY (CCW,1USAORL) T013200100009 DETECTOR (BF3) 8 BF3 detectors placed within an 1.5 m graphite T013200100010 sphere giving 4pi geometry. The absolute efficiency T013200100011 was +-0.6% at an average energy of 500 keV . T013200100012 The detector response was constant to better than T013200100013 1% from a few keV to 1 MeV and to 7% from 1 to 5 MeV. T013200100014 The neutrons detected have mainly energies below 1 MeV.T013200100015 MONITOR Detector calibrated with a National Bureau of StandardsT013200100016 Ra-Be photoneutron source. T013200100017 Proton energy calibrated using the 19F(p,n) threshold T013200100018 at 4234.3+-0.8 keV (see J.B. Marion, Rev.Mod.Phys. T013200100019 38, 660 (1966)). T013200100020 METHOD (BCINT,SITA) T013200100021 CORRECTION Data were corrected for: T013200100022 . room background and background due to target T013200100023 contaminants; T013200100024 . counting losses at high neutron energies; T013200100025 . corrections for nonlinear excitation functions; T013200100026 . (p,n) yields from the minor Sn isotopes in the T013200100027 target. T013200100028 The nonlinearities made it necessary to convert the T013200100029 observed average cross section to a cross section at T013200100030 an average beam energy. T013200100031 ERR-ANALYS Errors given random errors and T013200100032 include uncertainties due to: T013200100033 . counting statistics, T013200100034 . energy reproducibility, T013200100035 . deadtime and background corrections, T013200100036 (ERR-SYS,,1.)Total systematic uncertainties <1%, T013200100037 including uncertainties due to: T013200100038 . correction due to finite target thickness. T013200100039 . areal density (0.1-0.3%) T013200100040 . isotopic corrections (<0.6%), T013200100041 . absolute detector efficiency (0.6%), T013200100042 . absolute current integration (0.15%), T013200100043 . target edge effects (0.3%). T013200100044 . absolute beam energy (0.24% for proton energies up T013200100045 to 3 MeV, 0.25% above 3 MeV up to 4 MeV, 0.45% above T013200100046 4 MeV). T013200100047 For proton energies above 4 MeV, the systematic and T013200100048 random uncertainties combine in quadrature to give T013200100049 <1%. Below 4 MeV, the uncertainties are larger T013200100050 because of the decreasing ratio of yield to T013200100051 background. T013200100052 (ERR-S) Random uncertainty T013200100053 REL-REF (I,,R.L.Macklin,J,NIM,1,335,1957) Description of T013200100054 detector. T013200100055 ADD-RES (THEO) Observation of p-wave size resonances. T013200100056 Statistical model and optical model analysis. T013200100057 STATUS (TABLE,,C.H.Johnson+,J,PR/C,15,196,1977) Table II. T013200100058 HISTORY (20001121C) Converted from data set B0119; T013200100059 updated at NNDC. Originally compiled by KaChaPaG and T013200100060 updated by CaJaD. T013200100061 (20120320A) SD: In Subents 3,5,6,7 flag -T in SF4 T013200100062 deleted from REACTION code. In Subents 2-4 SF5=IND T013200100063 deleted from REACTION code. Cosmetic corrections. T013200100064 (20241019A) OS. STATUS updated, minor BIB changes T013200100065 ENDBIB 63 0 T013200100066 NOCOMMON 0 0 T013200100067 ENDSUBENT 66 0 T013200199999 SUBENT T0132002 20241025 C242T013200200001 BIB 4 8 T013200200002 REACTION (50-SN-117(P,N)51-SB-117,,SIG) T013200200003 SAMPLE Sn metal, enriched to 78.81% 117Sn, evaporated onto T013200200004 58Ni backings. Areal density 3.578 mg/cm**2. T013200200005 (50-SN-117,ENR=0.7881) T013200200006 STATUS (COREL,C0773004) Ealier experiment with lower T013200200007 resolution T013200200008 HISTORY (20120320A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. T013200200009 (20241019A) STATUS added T013200200010 ENDBIB 8 0 T013200200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 T013200200012 DATA 3 33 T013200200013 EN DATA ERR-S T013200200014 KEV MB PER-CENT T013200200015 2829. 0.014 16. T013200200016 2944. 0.027 11. T013200200017 3062. 0.051 5.7 T013200200018 3181. 0.089 4.2 T013200200019 3302. 0.155 3.2 T013200200020 3425. 0.258 2.2 T013200200021 3550. 0.412 1.8 T013200200022 3677. 0.636 1.4 T013200200023 3806. 0.950 1.0 T013200200024 3938. 1.388 0.8 T013200200025 4071. 2.039 0.6 T013200200026 4206. 2.923 0.5 T013200200027 4343. 4.144 0.48 T013200200028 4482. 7.045 0.43 T013200200029 4623. 7.743 0.45 T013200200030 4767. 10.29 0.42 T013200200031 4911. 13.68 0.37 T013200200032 5059. 17.90 0.33 T013200200033 5178. 21.84 0.30 T013200200034 5298. 26.67 0.29 T013200200035 5418. 32.01 0.29 T013200200036 5540. 38.25 0.27 T013200200037 5664. 46.31 0.26 T013200200038 5789. 53.79 0.26 T013200200039 5916. 62.31 0.25 T013200200040 6043. 72.25 0.23 T013200200041 6172. 84.29 0.23 T013200200042 6302. 94.01 0.23 T013200200043 6433. 106.7 0.23 T013200200044 6565. 119.9 0.24 T013200200045 6699. 132.7 0.25 T013200200046 6901. 157.6 0.25 T013200200047 7071. 173.6 0.25 T013200200048 ENDDATA 35 0 T013200200049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 T013200299999 SUBENT T0132003 20241025 C242T013200300001 BIB 4 9 T013200300002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,N)51-SB-118,,SIG) T013200300003 SAMPLE Sn metal, enriched to 96.61% 118Sn, evaporated onto T013200300004 58Ni backings. Areal density 2.579 mg/cm**2. T013200300005 (50-SN-118,ENR=0.9661) T013200300006 STATUS (COREL,C0773005) Ealier experiment with lower T013200300007 resolution T013200300008 HISTORY (20120320A) SD: flag -T in SF4 and SF5=IND deleted T013200300009 from REACTION code. T013200300010 (20241019A) STATUS added T013200300011 ENDBIB 9 0 T013200300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 T013200300013 DATA 3 22 T013200300014 EN DATA ERR-S T013200300015 KEV MB PER-CENT T013200300016 4531. 1.38 2.1 T013200300017 4573. 2.50 0.8 T013200300018 4644. 4.08 0.5 T013200300019 4787. 7.59 0.36 T013200300020 4931. 11.54 0.29 T013200300021 5078. 15.73 0.26 T013200300022 5227. 21.00 0.22 T013200300023 5317. 24.61 0.20 T013200300024 5438. 30.26 0.22 T013200300025 5561. 36.61 0.22 T013200300026 5684. 44.35 0.21 T013200300027 5809. 52.82 0.21 T013200300028 5936. 62.29 0.20 T013200300029 6063. 72.05 0.20 T013200300030 6191. 82.79 0.19 T013200300031 6321. 94.05 0.18 T013200300032 6452. 105.9 0.19 T013200300033 6584. 118.2 0.23 T013200300034 6617. 122.0 0.24 T013200300035 6718. 132.1 0.21 T013200300036 6785. 139.6 0.22 T013200300037 6920. 154.6 0.20 T013200300038 ENDDATA 24 0 T013200300039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 T013200399999 SUBENT T0132004 20241025 C242T013200400001 BIB 4 8 T013200400002 REACTION (50-SN-119(P,N)51-SB-119,,SIG) T013200400003 SAMPLE Sn metal, enriched to 83.98% 119Sn, evaporated onto T013200400004 58Ni backings. Areal density 3.197 mg/cm**2. T013200400005 (50-SN-119,ENR=0.8398) T013200400006 STATUS (COREL,C0773006) Ealier experiment with lower T013200400007 resolution T013200400008 HISTORY (20120320A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. T013200400009 (20241019A) STATUS added T013200400010 ENDBIB 8 0 T013200400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 T013200400012 DATA 3 34 T013200400013 EN DATA ERR-S T013200400014 KEV MB PER-CENT T013200400015 2619. 0.009 11. T013200400016 2842. 0.030 6. T013200400017 3073. 0.086 2.6 T013200400018 3192. 0.141 1.9 T013200400019 3313. 0.226 1.6 T013200400020 3436. 0.347 1.2 T013200400021 3561. 0.532 1.0 T013200400022 3688. 0.803 0.77 T013200400023 3817. 1.184 0.60 T013200400024 3948. 1.705 0.48 T013200400025 4081. 2.449 0.42 T013200400026 4216. 3.447 0.36 T013200400027 4353. 4.799 0.37 T013200400028 4492. 6.660 0.35 T013200400029 4633. 11.50 0.29 T013200400030 4776. 11.78 0.30 T013200400031 4921. 15.35 0.28 T013200400032 5068. 19.95 0.27 T013200400033 5187. 24.24 0.26 T013200400034 5307. 29.24 0.23 T013200400035 5428. 35.20 0.25 T013200400036 5551. 41.60 0.25 T013200400037 5674. 49.11 0.25 T013200400038 5799. 58.49 0.26 T013200400039 5925. 66.31 0.27 T013200400040 6053. 76.15 0.30 T013200400041 6182. 87.13 0.30 T013200400042 6312. 98.79 0.30 T013200400043 6442. 112.0 0.43 T013200400044 6573. 123.5 0.40 T013200400045 6674. 134.1 0.51 T013200400046 6807. 148.3 0.55 T013200400047 6943. 164.4 0.30 T013200400048 7079. 186.4 0.23 T013200400049 ENDDATA 36 0 T013200400050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 T013200499999 SUBENT T0132005 20241025 C242T013200500001 BIB 4 9 T013200500002 REACTION (50-SN-120(P,N)51-SB-120,,SIG) T013200500003 SAMPLE Sn metal, enriched to 98.39% 120Sn, evaporated onto T013200500004 58Ni backings. Areal density 3.537 mg/cm**2. T013200500005 (50-SN-120,ENR=0.9839) T013200500006 STATUS (COREL,C0773007) Ealier experiment with lower T013200500007 resolution T013200500008 HISTORY (20120320A) SD: flag -T in SF4 and SF5=IND deleted T013200500009 from REACTION code. T013200500010 (20241019A) STATUS added T013200500011 ENDBIB 9 0 T013200500012 NOCOMMON 0 0 T013200500013 DATA 3 28 T013200500014 EN DATA ERR-S T013200500015 KEV MB PER-CENT T013200500016 3681. 0.596 0.67 T013200500017 3811. 1.043 0.43 T013200500018 3942. 1.602 0.36 T013200500019 4075. 2.358 0.30 T013200500020 4210. 3.380 0.27 T013200500021 4347. 4.761 0.25 T013200500022 4486. 6.528 0.23 T013200500023 4627. 8.817 0.21 T013200500024 4770. 11.92 0.21 T013200500025 4916. 15.63 0.19 T013200500026 5062. 20.33 0.18 T013200500027 5212. 25.90 0.18 T013200500028 5302. 29.73 0.22 T013200500029 5362. 32.40 0.24 T013200500030 5423. 35.30 0.17 T013200500031 5546. 41.72 0.18 T013200500032 5670. 49.13 0.18 T013200500033 5795. 57.08 0.18 T013200500034 5922. 66.16 0.23 T013200500035 5953. 68.39 0.22 T013200500036 6049. 76.03 0.15 T013200500037 6178. 86.95 0.15 T013200500038 6308. 98.67 0.16 T013200500039 6439. 110.7 0.16 T013200500040 6571. 124.0 0.16 T013200500041 6705. 137.8 0.20 T013200500042 6839. 152.1 0.25 T013200500043 6975. 167.7 0.22 T013200500044 ENDDATA 30 0 T013200500045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 T013200599999 SUBENT T0132006 20241025 C242T013200600001 BIB 5 15 T013200600002 REACTION (50-SN-122(P,N)51-SB-122,,SIG) T013200600003 SAMPLE Sn metal, enriched to 92.25% 122Sn, evaporated onto T013200600004 58Ni backings. Areal density 2.448 mg/cm**2. T013200600005 (50-SN-122,ENR=0.9225) T013200600006 CORRECTION By calculating the ratio of 117,118,119,120,122,124Sn T013200600007 cross sections to a smooth fit to the 124Sn(p,n) T013200600008 data an anomalous behaviour for 122Sn below 3.5 MeV T013200600009 compared to the other even isotopes was observed. T013200600010 This could arise from systematic errors in T013200600011 subtracting background in either 122Sn or 124Sn. T013200600012 STATUS (COREL,C0773008) Ealier experiment with lower T013200600013 resolution T013200600014 HISTORY (20120320A) SD: flag -T in SF4 deleted from T013200600015 REACTION code. T013200600016 (20241019A) STATUS added T013200600017 ENDBIB 15 0 T013200600018 NOCOMMON 0 0 T013200600019 DATA 3 34 T013200600020 EN DATA ERR-S T013200600021 KEV MB PER-CENT T013200600022 2638. 0.013 14. T013200600023 2860. 0.430 7. T013200600024 2974. 0.071 5. T013200600025 3090. 0.120 2.7 T013200600026 3209. 0.195 1.8 T013200600027 3329. 0.297 1.6 T013200600028 3451. 0.459 1.2 T013200600029 3576. 0.683 0.93 T013200600030 3703. 1.019 0.75 T013200600031 3831. 1.449 0.59 T013200600032 3961. 2.094 0.50 T013200600033 4094. 2.947 0.40 T013200600034 4229. 4.154 0.35 T013200600035 4365. 5.686 0.31 T013200600036 4504. 7.656 0.30 T013200600037 4645. 10.18 0.29 T013200600038 4787. 13.33 0.26 T013200600039 4932. 17.32 0.24 T013200600040 5078. 22.22 0.22 T013200600041 5227. 27.95 0.23 T013200600042 5317. 31.96 0.19 T013200600043 5440. 38.05 0.21 T013200600044 5562. 44.78 0.20 T013200600045 5684. 52.46 0.23 T013200600046 5809. 60.73 0.23 T013200600047 5935. 70.36 0.21 T013200600048 6062. 79.84 0.21 T013200600049 6191. 90.70 0.21 T013200600050 6320. 103.1 0.20 T013200600051 6451. 114.7 0.21 T013200600052 6583. 127.7 0.22 T013200600053 6716. 141.9 0.20 T013200600054 6851. 156.4 0.20 T013200600055 6986. 171.6 0.27 T013200600056 ENDDATA 36 0 T013200600057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 T013200699999 SUBENT T0132007 20241025 C242T013200700001 BIB 5 15 T013200700002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,N)51-SB-124,,SIG) T013200700003 SAMPLE Sn metal, enriched to 94.47% 124Sn, evaporated onto T013200700004 58Ni backings. Areal density 3.634 mg/cm**2. T013200700005 (50-SN-124,ENR=0.9447) T013200700006 CORRECTION By calculating the ratio of 117,118,119,120,122,124Sn T013200700007 cross sections to a smooth fit to the 124Sn(p,n) T013200700008 data an anomalous behaviour for 122Sn below 3.5 MeV T013200700009 compared to the other even isotopes was observed. T013200700010 This could arise from systematic errors in T013200700011 subtracting background in either 122Sn or 124Sn. T013200700012 STATUS (COREL,C0773009) Ealier experiment with lower T013200700013 resolution T013200700014 HISTORY (20120320A) SD: flag -T in SF4 deleted from T013200700015 REACTION code. T013200700016 (20241019A) STATUS added T013200700017 ENDBIB 15 0 T013200700018 NOCOMMON 0 0 T013200700019 DATA 3 34 T013200700020 EN DATA ERR-S T013200700021 KEV MB PER-CENT T013200700022 2609. 0.013 10. T013200700023 2948. 0.070 4. T013200700024 3064. 0.115 2.5 T013200700025 3183. 1.187 1.9 T013200700026 3304. 0.294 1.6 T013200700027 3427. 0.451 1.2 T013200700028 3552. 0.689 1.0 T013200700029 3679. 1.029 0.8 T013200700030 3808. 1.499 0.62 T013200700031 3939. 2.148 0.52 T013200700032 4072. 3.046 0.41 T013200700033 4207. 4.272 0.36 T013200700034 4344. 5.830 0.42 T013200700035 4483. 7.820 0.35 T013200700036 4624. 10.45 0.33 T013200700037 4767. 13.60 0.31 T013200700038 4912. 17.69 0.29 T013200700039 5059. 22.66 0.27 T013200700040 5178. 27.25 0.24 T013200700041 5298. 32.63 0.23 T013200700042 5420. 38.60 0.23 T013200700043 5543. 45.43 0.24 T013200700044 5666. 53.26 0.24 T013200700045 5791. 61.32 0.22 T013200700046 5918. 70.89 0.21 T013200700047 6045. 80.82 0.20 T013200700048 6174. 91.65 0.20 T013200700049 6304. 102.7 0.20 T013200700050 6435. 115.1 0.20 T013200700051 6567. 128.3 0.21 T013200700052 6700. 141.8 0.22 T013200700053 6835. 155.7 0.21 T013200700054 6971. 170.8 0.25 T013200700055 7107. 187.1 0.31 T013200700056 ENDDATA 36 0 T013200700057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 T013200799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 T013299999999