ENTRY T0164 20241025 C242T016400000001 SUBENT T0164001 20241025 C242T016400100001 BIB 9 18 T016400100002 INSTITUTE (1USAYAL) T016400100003 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,21,2275,1980) T016400100004 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.21.2275 T016400100005 AUTHOR (M.H.Mortensen,R.R.Betts,C.K.Bockelman) T016400100006 TITLE W(p,t) reactions. I. Even targets. T016400100007 METHOD (SITA) T016400100008 REL-REF (N,T0256001,M.H.Mortensen+,J,PR/C,21,2288,1980) T016400100009 Data for 183W. T016400100010 ADD-RES (COMP).CCBA and DWBA Calculations. T016400100011 Nuclear Structure Analysis. T016400100012 STATUS (CURVE,,M.H.Mortensen+,J,PR/C,21,2275,1980) T016400100013 Scanned from figures by CAJAD. T016400100014 No reply from R. Betts to author proof. T016400100015 HISTORY (20010611C) SB+VM T016400100016 (20031219A) BIB update. MONITOR moved to data T016400100017 subentries. T016400100018 (20241019A) OS. 1st author's name corrected T016400100019 (20241214A) OG. REL-REF and STATUS changed. T016400100020 ENDBIB 18 0 T016400100021 COMMON 1 3 T016400100022 EN T016400100023 MEV T016400100024 21. T016400100025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T016400100026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 T016400199999 SUBENT T0164002 20031219 0000T016400200001 BIB 7 19 T016400200002 REACTION (74-W-180(P,T)74-W-178,PAR,DA) T016400200003 FACILITY (VDGT,1USAYAL) Beam of 21 MeV protons from the Yale T016400200004 MP tandem accelerator. T016400200005 SAMPLE Target of enriched 180W, 50 microg/cm**2 thick, T016400200006 fabricated by direct deposition of 180W on carbon T016400200007 backing. T016400200008 Isotopic enrichment not available, aproximately 100% T016400200009 180W. From analysis of spectrum, maximum impurity T016400200010 content 182W about 2%; no others detected. T016400200011 DETECTOR (TELES) Counter telescope. T016400200012 MONITOR (74-W-180(P,EL)74-W-180,,DA) T016400200013 Absolute cross section scale determined by measuring T016400200014 (p,t) and (p,p) using enriched isotopes and a counter T016400200015 telescope, and normalizing to results of optical modelT016400200016 calculations. T016400200017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty scanned from Figure. T016400200018 Data-point reader uncertainty in angle 0.5 degrees, in T016400200019 data value 2.5%. T016400200020 FLAG (1.) Maximum value taken from Table V. T016400200021 ENDBIB 19 0 T016400200022 NOCOMMON 0 0 T016400200023 DATA 5 62 T016400200024 E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR FLAG T016400200025 MEV ADEG MU-B/SR PER-CENT NO-DIM T016400200026 0. 4.5 309. T016400200027 0. 13. 47. 50. T016400200028 0. 19.8 523. T016400200029 0. 26.5 741. 1. T016400200030 0. 43.1 61.5 T016400200031 0. 50.7 314. T016400200032 0. 57.7 319. T016400200033 0. 64.3 102.4 T016400200034 0. 72.9 61.5 T016400200035 0. 79.2 117.3 T016400200036 0.105 5.9 294. 1. T016400200037 0.105 13.7 176. T016400200038 0.105 20.3 101.6 T016400200039 0.105 28.1 74.3 T016400200040 0.105 35.1 43.7 T016400200041 0.105 42.9 28.9 T016400200042 0.105 49.6 19.5 3. T016400200043 0.105 56.6 16. T016400200044 0.105 64.4 15. 5. T016400200045 0.105 72.2 13.2 T016400200046 0.105 79.3 11. T016400200047 0.343 5.5 14.6 2.9 T016400200048 0.343 11.9 18.9 2.9 T016400200049 0.343 20. 18. 2.9 T016400200050 0.343 27.9 21. 2.9 1. T016400200051 0.343 34.5 10.31 2.9 T016400200052 0.343 42.3 7.54 2.9 T016400200053 0.343 49.3 4.3 16. T016400200054 0.343 56.8 5.6 16. T016400200055 0.343 63.1 4.8 15. T016400200056 0.343 71.2 2. 30. T016400200057 0.343 79.1 4. 23. T016400200058 0.997 4. 30. T016400200059 0.997 11.7 11.4 6. T016400200060 0.997 19.7 55.3 T016400200061 0.997 25.9 63. 1. T016400200062 0.997 35.2 9.8 T016400200063 0.997 43.1 6.77 5. T016400200064 0.997 49.2 31.8 5. T016400200065 0.997 57.9 29.1 6. T016400200066 0.997 64.3 8.9 6. T016400200067 0.997 73.5 7.9 9. T016400200068 1.356 4.2 15.9 6. T016400200069 1.356 10. 3.9 23. T016400200070 1.356 19.1 15.5 5. T016400200071 1.356 25.4 22. 6. 1. T016400200072 1.356 34.8 4.78 5. T016400200073 1.356 40.9 3.29 7. T016400200074 1.356 50.7 14.6 6. T016400200075 1.356 56.2 13. 7. T016400200076 1.356 63.6 1.7 24. T016400200077 1.356 70.4 1.8 17. T016400200078 1.643 2.1 9. 6. 1. T016400200079 1.643 10.8 1.5 40. T016400200080 1.643 17.4 6.6 8. T016400200081 1.643 24.8 5.2 15. T016400200082 1.643 33.9 3. 13. T016400200083 1.643 39.2 1.3 23. T016400200084 1.643 47.8 7.4 9. T016400200085 1.643 55.2 6.2 8. T016400200086 1.643 63.1 4.17 6. T016400200087 1.643 70.5 3.5 11. T016400200088 ENDDATA 64 0 T016400200089 ENDSUBENT 88 0 T016400299999 SUBENT T0164003 20031219 0000T016400300001 BIB 7 24 T016400300002 REACTION (74-W-182(P,T)74-W-180,PAR,DA) T016400300003 FACILITY (VDGT,1USAYAL) Beam of 21 MeV protons from the Yale T016400300004 MP tandem accelerator. T016400300005 SAMPLE Target of enriched 182W, 130 microg/cm**2 thick, T016400300006 fabricated by direct vacuum deposition of a T016400300007 suboxide of W onto 20 microg/cm**2 carbon backings. T016400300008 Isotopic composition 182W (94.3%), 180W (<0.05%), T016400300009 183W (2.5%), 184W (2.3%), 186W (0.8%). T016400300010 DETECTOR (MAGSP,PLATE) Tritons detected using photographic T016400300011 emulsions after momentum analysis in a multi-angle T016400300012 spectrograph. Overall resolution about 20 keV. T016400300013 (TELES) Used for absolute normalization measurement. T016400300014 MONITOR (74-W-182(P,EL)74-W-182,,DA) T016400300015 Relative ground-state (p,t) cross sections of W T016400300016 isotopes measured in the spectrograph using a natural T016400300017 W target. T016400300018 Absolute cross section scale determined by measuring T016400300019 (p,t) and (p,p) using enriched isotopes and a counter T016400300020 telescope, and normalizing to results of optical modelT016400300021 calculations. T016400300022 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty scanned from Figure. T016400300023 Data-point reader uncertainty in angle 0.5 degrees, in T016400300024 data value 2.5%. T016400300025 FLAG (1.) Maximum value taken from Table IV. T016400300026 ENDBIB 24 0 T016400300027 NOCOMMON 0 0 T016400300028 DATA 5 63 T016400300029 E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR FLAG T016400300030 MEV ADEG MU-B/SR PER-CENT NO-DIM T016400300031 0. 11.7 40.7 T016400300032 0. 19.7 394. T016400300033 0. 26.7 500. 1. T016400300034 0. 35.5 150. T016400300035 0. 43.5 39.9 3. T016400300036 0. 50.5 240. T016400300037 0. 57.6 253. T016400300038 0. 65.8 85.5 T016400300039 0. 73.2 55.5 T016400300040 0. 80.2 107.3 T016400300041 0. 93.1 60.9 T016400300042 0. 101.9 31.7 2.6 T016400300043 0. 108.9 38.5 T016400300044 0. 123.7 32.5 2.2 T016400300045 0.109 5.9 180. 1. T016400300046 0.109 13.6 135.9 T016400300047 0.109 21.1 72.3 T016400300048 0.109 28.2 50. T016400300049 0.109 35.7 33.1 T016400300050 0.109 43.1 23.7 6. T016400300051 0.109 51.3 10.3 9. T016400300052 0.109 58.3 14.4 10. T016400300053 0.109 65. 15. 6. T016400300054 0.109 73.3 16.5 6. T016400300055 0.109 81.4 11.65 17. T016400300056 0.109 93. 11. 4. T016400300057 0.109 102. 9.18 9. T016400300058 0.109 108.4 6.9 12. T016400300059 0.332 4.8 10. 10. T016400300060 0.332 12.1 16. 2.5 T016400300061 0.332 19.7 22. 4. 1. T016400300062 0.332 27.8 16.6 3. T016400300063 0.332 34.9 12.2 5. T016400300064 0.332 43. 7.6 7. T016400300065 0.332 50.4 7. 7. T016400300066 0.332 57.8 5.6 11. T016400300067 0.332 64.9 3.8 13. T016400300068 0.332 72.4 2.5 24. T016400300069 0.332 80.7 3.6 11. T016400300070 0.332 93.2 2.9 28. T016400300071 0.332 101.2 3.2 22. T016400300072 0.332 108. 2.4 25. T016400300073 0.332 123.1 2.1 19. T016400300074 1.516 4.4 33.1 T016400300075 1.516 13.7 4.5 7. T016400300076 1.516 19.5 33.9 T016400300077 1.516 26.1 36. 1. T016400300078 1.516 34.5 11. T016400300079 1.516 42.3 8.8 11. T016400300080 1.516 49.9 24.7 T016400300081 1.516 57.4 17.6 T016400300082 1.516 65.9 5.9 5. T016400300083 1.516 72.9 6.96 6. T016400300084 1.516 79.1 9.5 5. T016400300085 1.695 4.6 11. 5. 1. T016400300086 1.695 13.9 3.09 12. T016400300087 1.695 19.4 6.76 T016400300088 1.695 26.7 7.3 T016400300089 1.695 34.9 4.08 5. T016400300090 1.695 42.2 2.95 6. T016400300091 1.695 50.5 5.42 6. T016400300092 1.695 57.3 2.7 7. T016400300093 1.695 65.5 1.24 9. T016400300094 ENDDATA 65 0 T016400300095 ENDSUBENT 94 0 T016400399999 SUBENT T0164004 20031219 0000T016400400001 BIB 7 24 T016400400002 REACTION (74-W-184(P,T)74-W-182,PAR,DA) T016400400003 FACILITY (VDGT,1USAYAL) Beam of 21 MeV protons from the Yale T016400400004 MP tandem accelerator. T016400400005 SAMPLE Target of enriched 184W, 160 microg/cm**2 thick, T016400400006 fabricated by direct vacuum deposition of a T016400400007 suboxide of W onto 20 microg/cm**2 carbon backings. T016400400008 Isotopic composition 184W (94.2%), 180W (<0.05%), T016400400009 182W (1.8%), 183W (2.0%), 186W (1.9%). T016400400010 DETECTOR (MAGSP,PLATE) Tritons detected using photographic T016400400011 emulsions after momentum analysis in a multi-angle T016400400012 spectrograph. Overall resolution about 20 keV. T016400400013 (TELES) Used for absolute normalization measurement. T016400400014 MONITOR (74-W-184(P,EL)74-W-184,,DA) T016400400015 Relative ground-state (p,t) cross sections of W T016400400016 isotopes measured in the spectrograph using a natural T016400400017 W target. T016400400018 Absolute cross section scale determined by measuring T016400400019 (p,t) and (p,p) using enriched isotopes and a counter T016400400020 telescope, and normalizing to results of optical modelT016400400021 calculations. T016400400022 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty scanned from Figure. T016400400023 Data-point reader uncertainty in angle 0.5 degrees, in T016400400024 data value 2.5%. T016400400025 FLAG (1.) Maximum value taken from Table III. T016400400026 ENDBIB 24 0 T016400400027 NOCOMMON 0 0 T016400400028 DATA 5 69 T016400400029 E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR FLAG T016400400030 MEV ADEG MU-B/SR PER-CENT NO-DIM T016400400031 0. 3.9 700. 1. T016400400032 0. 12.9 29. 3. T016400400033 0. 19.7 420. T016400400034 0. 26.5 735. T016400400035 0. 35.1 267. T016400400036 0. 43.8 59.4 T016400400037 0. 50.5 302. T016400400038 0. 58.1 353. T016400400039 0. 65.2 126. T016400400040 0. 72.9 93.6 T016400400041 0. 80.1 150. T016400400042 0.1 5.3 200. 1. T016400400043 0.1 12.2 161. T016400400044 0.1 20.7 105.6 T016400400045 0.1 28.4 81.1 T016400400046 0.1 35.8 58.1 T016400400047 0.1 43.2 31.4 T016400400048 0.1 50.5 20.2 T016400400049 0.1 58.1 34.8 T016400400050 0.1 64.2 39.3 T016400400051 0.1 73.2 18.5 T016400400052 0.1 81.3 15.2 T016400400053 0.33 5.6 24.3 T016400400054 0.33 12.5 24.3 T016400400055 0.33 20.6 26. 2.9 1. T016400400056 0.33 29. 25.8 T016400400057 0.33 36. 13.7 T016400400058 0.33 43.8 8.59 3. T016400400059 0.33 50. 6.10 5. T016400400060 0.33 57.2 9.77 2.9 T016400400061 0.33 65. 5.59 3.3 T016400400062 0.33 72.7 3.6 11. T016400400063 0.33 79.6 3.5 11. T016400400064 1.135 4.5 49.3 T016400400065 1.135 13.8 10.2 T016400400066 1.135 19.6 83. T016400400067 1.135 26.5 100. 1. T016400400068 1.135 34.3 23.8 T016400400069 1.135 42.6 10.5 T016400400070 1.135 49.1 48.9 T016400400071 1.135 57.5 39.8 T016400400072 1.135 65.3 12.2 T016400400073 1.135 72.2 11.1 T016400400074 2.52 4.7 12.5 T016400400075 2.52 13.3 3.25 14. T016400400076 2.52 19.3 11.2 T016400400077 2.52 26.2 14.0 1. T016400400078 2.52 34.5 3.97 5. T016400400079 2.52 42.8 3.65 5. T016400400080 2.52 49.5 5.45 7. T016400400081 2.52 57.9 3.86 7. T016400400082 2.52 65. 4.10 12. T016400400083 2.552 4.3 6.11 6. T016400400084 2.552 12.3 0.67 30. T016400400085 2.552 21. 9.10 6. T016400400086 2.552 27.2 10. 7. 1. T016400400087 2.552 35.8 1.90 21. T016400400088 2.552 45. 0.69 26. T016400400089 2.552 51.2 6.7 15. T016400400090 2.552 58. 3.6 8. T016400400091 2.725 6.2 22.0 1. T016400400092 2.725 11.1 9.6 T016400400093 2.725 22.2 17.9 T016400400094 2.725 29. 18.8 T016400400095 2.725 37. 2.5 24. T016400400096 2.725 44.4 6.8 9. T016400400097 2.725 51.8 15.3 7. T016400400098 2.725 59.9 7.7 10. T016400400099 2.725 67.3 2.7 15. T016400400100 ENDDATA 71 0 T016400400101 ENDSUBENT 100 0 T016400499999 SUBENT T0164005 20031219 0000T016400500001 BIB 7 24 T016400500002 REACTION (74-W-186(P,T)74-W-184,PAR,DA) T016400500003 FACILITY (VDGT,1USAYAL) Beam of 21 MeV protons from the Yale T016400500004 MP tandem accelerator. T016400500005 SAMPLE Target of enriched 186W, 120 microg/cm**2 thick, T016400500006 fabricated by direct vacuum deposition of a T016400500007 suboxide of W onto 20 microg/cm**2 carbon backings. T016400500008 Isotopic composition 186W (97.1%), 180W (<0.02%), T016400500009 182W (0.5%), 183W (0.3%), 184W (2.2%). T016400500010 DETECTOR (MAGSP,PLATE) Tritons detected using photographic T016400500011 emulsions after momentum analysis in a multi-angle T016400500012 spectrograph. Overall resolution about 20 keV. T016400500013 (TELES) Used for absolute normalization measurement. T016400500014 MONITOR (74-W-186(P,EL)74-W-186,,DA) T016400500015 Relative ground-state (p,t) cross sections of W T016400500016 isotopes measured in the spectrograph using a natural T016400500017 W target. T016400500018 Absolute cross section scale determined by measuring T016400500019 (p,t) and (p,p) using enriched isotopes and a counter T016400500020 telescope, and normalizing to results of optical modelT016400500021 calculations. T016400500022 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty scanned from Figure. T016400500023 Data-point reader uncertainty in angle 0.5 degrees, in T016400500024 data value 2.5%. T016400500025 FLAG (1.) Maximum value taken from Table II. T016400500026 ENDBIB 24 0 T016400500027 NOCOMMON 0 0 T016400500028 DATA 5 43 T016400500029 E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR FLAG T016400500030 MEV ADEG MU-B/SR PER-CENT NO-DIM T016400500031 0. 4.5 921. T016400500032 0. 13.1 39.6 T016400500033 0. 19.5 472. T016400500034 0. 26.9 740. 1. T016400500035 0. 34.6 349. T016400500036 0. 42.2 74.8 T016400500037 0. 49.3 324. T016400500038 0. 57.5 412. T016400500039 0. 65.5 132. T016400500040 0. 72.5 121. T016400500041 0. 79.9 183. T016400500042 0.109 4.5 159. T016400500043 0.109 12.6 144. 1. T016400500044 0.109 19.9 124. T016400500045 0.109 26.9 74.8 T016400500046 0.109 34.6 74.7 T016400500047 0.109 42.3 40.5 T016400500048 0.109 50.0 14.7 T016400500049 0.109 57.4 36.4 T016400500050 0.109 65.6 41.7 T016400500051 0.109 72.9 29.9 T016400500052 0.109 80.6 14.6 T016400500053 0.364 4.4 19.6 3. T016400500054 0.364 12.9 18.0 T016400500055 0.364 21.1 25.0 1. T016400500056 0.364 27.3 16.6 T016400500057 0.364 35.0 10.77 T016400500058 0.364 42.2 4.21 7. T016400500059 0.364 49.1 1.30 23. T016400500060 0.364 57.0 3.48 8. T016400500061 0.364 64.6 1.82 16. T016400500062 0.364 72.0 2.00 15. T016400500063 0.364 78.6 2.80 11. T016400500064 0.995 4.6 57.0 20. 1. T016400500065 0.995 13.1 1.21 T016400500066 0.995 19.5 55.9 T016400500067 0.995 26.9 47.8 T016400500068 0.995 34.7 16.1 T016400500069 0.995 42.6 8.3 T016400500070 0.995 49.5 25.3 T016400500071 0.995 57.6 23.1 T016400500072 0.995 65.4 5.94 T016400500073 0.995 72.6 10. T016400500074 ENDDATA 45 0 T016400500075 ENDSUBENT 74 0 T016400599999 SUBENT T0164006 20010612 0000T016400600001 BIB 4 9 T016400600002 REACTION (74-W-180(T,P)74-W-182,PAR,DA) T016400600003 FACILITY (VDGT,1USAPEN) Beam of 15 MeV tritons from the T016400600004 University of Pennsylvania FN tandem accelerator. T016400600005 SAMPLE Target of enriched 180W, 50 microg/cm**2 thick. T016400600006 Isotopic enrichment not available, aproximately 100% T016400600007 180W. From analysis of spectrum, maximum impurity T016400600008 content 182W about 2%; no others detected. T016400600009 STATUS Absolute cross section not measured. Data is quoted T016400600010 from Casten et al., Nucl.Phys. A261,445 (1976). T016400600011 ENDBIB 9 0 T016400600012 NOCOMMON 0 0 T016400600013 NODATA 0 0 T016400600014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 T016400699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 T016499999999