ENTRY            T0173   20011119                             0000T017300000001 
SUBENT        T0173001   20011119                             0000T017300100001 
BIB                 10         14                                 T017300100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USADKE,1USANCA,1USATNL)                              T017300100003 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,32,2155,198512)                                T017300100004 
TITLE      3H(p,g)4He reaction at Ep=9.0 MeV                      T017300100006 
FACILITY   (VDGT,1USATNL)                                         T017300100007 
INC-SOURCE (LAMB). Beam polarization typically 0.74+-0.03.        T017300100008 
SAMPLE     5 microm tritiated titanium foil target containing     T017300100009 
            about 60 microg/cm**2 of tritium.                     T017300100010 
DETECTOR   (NAICR) Two gamma-ray spectrometers, each consisting   T017300100011 
            of a 25.4*25.4 cm NaI(Tl) crystal mounted within a    T017300100012 
            well-type plastic scintillating anticoincidence       T017300100013 
            shield.                                               T017300100014 
STATUS     No reply from H. Weller to author proof.               T017300100015 
HISTORY    (20010329C) RFNC-VNIIEF                                T017300100016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 T017300100017 
COMMON               1          3                                 T017300100018 
EN                                                                T017300100019 
MEV                                                               T017300100020 
  9.0                                                             T017300100021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 T017300100022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 T017300199999 
SUBENT        T0173002   20011018                             0000T017300200001 
BIB                  3          7                                 T017300200002 
REACTION   (1-H-3(P,G)2-HE-4,,DA,,RS)                             T017300200003 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty read from graph. Where T017300200004 
            error is not given, errors are smaller than the size  T017300200005 
            of the points.                                        T017300200006 
           Digitizing error in angle 0.5 degrees.                 T017300200007 
           Digitizing error in data 0.02.                         T017300200008 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.2 of reference by RFNC-VNIIEF.T017300200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 T017300200010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 T017300200011 
DATA                 3         16                                 T017300200012 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-S                                       T017300200013 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      T017300200014 
 25.         0.38                                                 T017300200015 
 30.         0.54                                                 T017300200016 
 33.         0.60       0.02                                      T017300200017 
 40.         0.86                                                 T017300200018 
 51.         1.14                                                 T017300200019 
 61.         1.36                                                 T017300200020 
 71.         1.50                                                 T017300200021 
 81.         1.54                                                 T017300200022 
 91.         1.48                                                 T017300200023 
102.         1.32                                                 T017300200024 
111.         1.09                                                 T017300200025 
121.         0.87                                                 T017300200026 
132.         0.64                                                 T017300200027 
141.         0.45                                                 T017300200028 
149.         0.31                                                 T017300200029 
152.         0.27                                                 T017300200030 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 T017300200031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 T017300299999 
SUBENT        T0173003   20011018                             0000T017300300001 
BIB                  3          8                                 T017300300002 
REACTION   ((1-H-3(P,G)2-HE-4,,POL/DA,,ANA)*                      T017300300003 
           (1-H-3(P,G)2-HE-4,,DA,,RS))                            T017300300004 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty read from graph. Where T017300300005 
            error is not given, errors are smaller than the size  T017300300006 
            of the points.                                        T017300300007 
           Digitizing error in angle 0.5 degrees.                 T017300300008 
           Digitizing error in data 0.005.                        T017300300009 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.2 of reference by RFNC-VNIIEF.T017300300010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 T017300300011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 T017300300012 
DATA                 3         12                                 T017300300013 
ANG-CM     DATA       ERR-S                                       T017300300014 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      T017300300015 
 31.         0.098      0.011                                     T017300300016 
 40.         0.117      0.014                                     T017300300017 
 51.         0.089      0.019                                     T017300300018 
 61.         0.067      0.021                                     T017300300019 
 71.         0.033      0.024                                     T017300300020 
 82.        -0.018      0.026                                     T017300300021 
 92.        -0.020      0.010                                     T017300300022 
102.        -0.049      0.023                                     T017300300023 
112.        -0.073      0.019                                     T017300300024 
122.        -0.081      0.017                                     T017300300025 
131.        -0.086      0.012                                     T017300300026 
141.        -0.078      0.010                                     T017300300027 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 T017300300028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 T017300399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 T017399999999