ENTRY            T0200   20241025                             C242T020000000001 
SUBENT        T0200001   20241025                             C242T020000100001 
BIB                 11         32                                 T020000100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USAPUR,1USAMSU)                                      T020000100003 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,39,2227,1989)                                  T020000100004 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.39.2227                          T020000100005 
AUTHOR     (S.Y.Cho,N.T.Porile,D.J.Morrissey)                     T020000100006 
TITLE      Target residues from the interaction of copper with    T020000100007 
            15-45 MeV/nucleon 12C ions.                           T020000100008 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAMSU)                                        T020000100009 
           (CYCLO,1USAANL) Atlas Facility used to repeat          T020000100010 
            experiment at 180 MeV.                                T020000100011 
INC-SPECT  Beam energies given are for energies at center of      T020000100012 
            targets.                                              T020000100013 
METHOD     (BCINT)                                                T020000100014 
           (ACTIV) Irradiated for either 0.5 or 3.5 hours.        T020000100015 
PART-DET   (DG) No information on decay data.                     T020000100016 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Tabulated uncertainties are the larger of      T020000100017 
            standard deviation in the mean value and estimated    T020000100018 
            uncertainty of the individual determinations.         T020000100019 
           The latter are based on the propagation of the errors  T020000100020 
            in the fits and, in addition, include:                T020000100021 
           (ERR-1) a 5% uncertainty in detector efficiencies.     T020000100022 
           (ERR-2) An additional 5% uncertainty has been folded   T020000100023 
            into the overall uncertainty of cross sections based  T020000100024 
            on a single determination of a single gamma-ray.      T020000100025 
STATUS     (TABLE,,S.Y.Cho+,J,PR/C,39,2227,1989)                  T020000100026 
           Data taken from Table I of PR/C,39,2227,1989           T020000100027 
HISTORY    (20020614C) SD                                         T020000100028 
           (20120320A) SD: In Subent 006 value in DATA section    T020000100029 
             without heading deleted. ERR-ANALYS was upgraded.    T020000100030 
           (20210816A) OS. ISOMER coding corrected in subs.2,3    T020000100031 
           (20241023A) OS. Subs. 6,7 split in two; REACTION in    T020000100032 
            subs. 4,5 modified                                    T020000100033 
           (20241214A) OG. REACTION updated in subs.006-007.      T020000100034 
ENDBIB              32          0                                 T020000100035 
COMMON               2          3                                 T020000100036 
ERR-1      ERR-2                                                  T020000100037 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               T020000100038 
  5.0         5.0                                                 T020000100039 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 T020000100040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 T020000199999 
SUBENT        T0200002   20210828                             C203T020000200001 
BIB                  5          8                                 T020000200002 
REACTION   (29-CU-0(6-C-12,X)ELEM/MASS,CUM,SIG)                   T020000200003 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAANL) Atlas Facility                         T020000200004 
SAMPLE     Target stacks containing 20.7 millig/cm**2 copper foil T020000200005 
            surrounded by carbon foils.                           T020000200006 
DETECTOR   (GELI,GE-IN)                                           T020000200007 
            Samples assayed at Purdue beginning several hours     T020000200008 
            after irradiations.                                   T020000200009 
HISTORY    (20210816A) ISOMER column deleted                      T020000200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 T020000200011 
COMMON               1          3                                 T020000200012 
EN                                                                T020000200013 
MEV                                                               T020000200014 
 151.                                                             T020000200015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 T020000200016 
DATA                 4         19                                 T020000200017 
ELEMENT    MASS       DATA       ERR-T                            T020000200018 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB                               T020000200019 
   11.        24.       1.12       0.19                           T020000200020 
   12.        28.       0.05                                      T020000200021 
   19.        43.       0.19       0.06                           T020000200022 
   23.        48.       0.87       0.04                           T020000200023 
   24.        49.       0.69       0.19                           T020000200024 
   24.        51.       3.68       0.63                           T020000200025 
   25.        56.       0.69       0.05                           T020000200026 
   26.        59.       0.75       0.09                           T020000200027 
   27.        55.       0.17       0.05                           T020000200028 
   27.        56.       3.94       0.3                            T020000200029 
   27.        57.      28.8        4.5                            T020000200030 
   28.        57.       0.26       0.03                           T020000200031 
   29.        60.       5.96       0.32                           T020000200032 
   29.        61.      49.1        2.7                            T020000200033 
   30.        62.      11.1        0.8                            T020000200034 
   30.        63.      63.1        9.6                            T020000200035 
   30.        65.     188.        21.                             T020000200036 
   31.        66.     114.        10.                             T020000200037 
   31.        67.     129.         7.                             T020000200038 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 T020000200039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 T020000299999 
SUBENT        T0200003   20210828                             C203T020000300001 
BIB                  5         11                                 T020000300002 
REACTION   (29-CU-0(6-C-12,X)ELEM/MASS,CUM,SIG)                   T020000300003 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAMSU)                                        T020000300004 
SAMPLE     Target stacks containing 20.7 millig/cm**2 copper foil T020000300005 
            surrounded by Mylar forward and backward catcher      T020000300006 
            foils.                                                T020000300007 
DETECTOR   (GELI,GE-IN)                                           T020000300008 
            Samples from short irradiations assayed for about 1 d.T020000300009 
            Those from longer irradiations were assayed starting  T020000300010 
            1 d after irradiation and continuing for several      T020000300011 
            months.                                               T020000300012 
HISTORY    (20210816A) ISOMER flag deleted for Na-24              T020000300013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 T020000300014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 T020000300015 
DATA                 6         49                                 T020000300016 
EN         ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DATA       ERR-T      T020000300017 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB         T020000300018 
 280.         11.        22.                  1.52       0.23     T020000300019 
 280.         11.        24.                  1.14       0.13     T020000300020 
 280.         12.        28.                  0.07       0.01     T020000300021 
 280.         17.        34.         1.       0.16       0.05     T020000300022 
 280.         18.        41.                  0.12       0.03     T020000300023 
 280.         19.        43.                   0.3       0.02     T020000300024 
 280.         23.        48.                   11.        0.6     T020000300025 
 280.         24.        48.                   0.2       0.03     T020000300026 
 280.         24.        49.                  2.52       0.27     T020000300027 
 280.         24.        51.                  53.3        14.     T020000300028 
 280.         25.        52.         1.       2.15       0.24     T020000300029 
 280.         25.        56.                  6.22       0.36     T020000300030 
 280.         26.        59.                  2.95       0.15     T020000300031 
 280.         27.        55.                  3.63       0.23     T020000300032 
 280.         27.        56.                  29.4        1.6     T020000300033 
 280.         27.        57.                  115.         9.     T020000300034 
 280.         27.        61.                   5.4        0.3     T020000300035 
 280.         28.        57.                  2.87       0.15     T020000300036 
 280.         29.        60.                  16.3         1.     T020000300037 
 280.         29.        61.                   64.        6.4     T020000300038 
 280.         30.        62.                  11.9        1.3     T020000300039 
 280.         30.        63.                  46.4         3.     T020000300040 
 280.         30.        65.                  74.2        7.4     T020000300041 
 280.         31.        66.                  34.8        0.8     T020000300042 
 280.         31.        67.                  30.2        0.8     T020000300043 
 528.         11.        22.                  1.32       0.15     T020000300044 
 528.         11.        24.                   1.7       0.17     T020000300045 
 528.         12.        28.                  0.17       0.01     T020000300046 
 528.         17.        34.         1.       0.49       0.07     T020000300047 
 528.         17.        39.                   0.3       0.03     T020000300048 
 528.         18.        41.                  0.66       0.07     T020000300049 
 528.         19.        43.                   1.3       0.07     T020000300050 
 528.         23.        48.                  24.4        1.4     T020000300051 
 528.         24.        48.                  0.68       0.05     T020000300052 
 528.         24.        49.                  6.05       0.66     T020000300053 
 528.         24.        51.                  71.4        7.2     T020000300054 
 528.         25.        52.         1.       3.97       0.52     T020000300055 
 528.         25.        56.                  5.75       0.31     T020000300056 
 528.         26.        59.                  2.86       0.15     T020000300057 
 528.         27.        55.                  2.56       0.28     T020000300058 
 528.         27.        56.                  19.4        1.2     T020000300059 
 528.         27.        57.                  68.9        4.3     T020000300060 
 528.         27.        61.                  3.54       0.39     T020000300061 
 528.         28.        57.                  1.93       0.11     T020000300062 
 528.         29.        60.                  8.41       0.51     T020000300063 
 528.         29.        61.                  33.2         3.     T020000300064 
 528.         30.        62.                   3.8       0.26     T020000300065 
 528.         30.        63.                  13.1        0.9     T020000300066 
 528.         30.        65.                  14.3        1.4     T020000300067 
ENDDATA             51          0                                 T020000300068 
ENDSUBENT           67          0                                 T020000399999 
SUBENT        T0200004   20241025                             C242T020000400001 
BIB                  5          8                                 T020000400002 
REACTION   (29-CU-0(6-C-12,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG)                      T020000400003 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAANL) Atlas Facility                         T020000400004 
SAMPLE     Target stacks containing 20.7 millig/cm**2 copper foil T020000400005 
            surrounded by carbon foils.                           T020000400006 
DETECTOR   (GELI,GE-IN)                                           T020000400007 
            Samples assayed at Purdue beginning several hours     T020000400008 
            after irradiations.                                   T020000400009 
HISTORY    (20241023A) REACTION SF5 deleted                       T020000400010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 T020000400011 
COMMON               1          3                                 T020000400012 
EN                                                                T020000400013 
MEV                                                               T020000400014 
 151.                                                             T020000400015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 T020000400016 
DATA                 5          6                                 T020000400017 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DATA       ERR-T                 T020000400018 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB                    T020000400019 
   21.        44.         1.       0.42       0.08                T020000400020 
   21.        46.                  0.82       0.12                T020000400021 
   21.        47.                  0.48       0.05                T020000400022 
   25.        52.         0.       1.14       0.07                T020000400023 
   25.        54.                  9.34         1.                T020000400024 
   29.        64.                  102.         9.                T020000400025 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 T020000400026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 T020000499999 
SUBENT        T0200005   20241025                             C242T020000500001 
BIB                  5         11                                 T020000500002 
REACTION   (29-CU-0(6-C-12,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG)                      T020000500003 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAMSU)                                        T020000500004 
SAMPLE     Target stacks containing 20.7 millig/cm**2 copper foil T020000500005 
            surrounded by Mylar forward and backward catcher      T020000500006 
            foils.                                                T020000500007 
DETECTOR   (GELI,GE-IN)                                           T020000500008 
            Samples from short irradiations assayed for about 1 d.T020000500009 
            Those from longer irradiations were assayed starting  T020000500010 
            1 d after irradiation and continuing for several      T020000500011 
            months.                                               T020000500012 
HISTORY    (20241023A) REACTION SF5 deleted                       T020000500013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 T020000500014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 T020000500015 
DATA                 6         17                                 T020000500016 
EN         ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DATA       ERR-T      T020000500017 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB         T020000500018 
   280.        19.        42.                  1.23       0.14    T020000500019 
   280.        21.        44.         0.       0.88       0.09    T020000500020 
   280.        21.        44.         1.       3.46       0.35    T020000500021 
   280.        21.        46.                  4.36       0.22    T020000500022 
   280.        21.        47.                  1.86       0.19    T020000500023 
   280.        21.        48.                  0.25       0.05    T020000500024 
   280.        25.        52.         0.       22.3        1.3    T020000500025 
   280.        25.        54.                  71.4        7.2    T020000500026 
   528.        19.        42.                  4.51       0.46    T020000500027 
   528.        21.        44.         0.       5.36       0.81    T020000500028 
   528.        21.        44.         1.       12.1        1.3    T020000500029 
   528.        21.        46.                  13.4        0.7    T020000500030 
   528.        21.        47.                  5.25       0.53    T020000500031 
   528.        21.        48.                  0.74       0.14    T020000500032 
   528.        25.        52.         0.       23.7        1.6    T020000500033 
   528.        25.        54.                  59.6         6.    T020000500034 
   528.        29.        64.                  60.9        3.8    T020000500035 
ENDDATA             19          0                                 T020000500036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 T020000599999 
SUBENT        T0200006   20241025                             C242T020000600001 
BIB                  5         11                                 T020000600002 
REACTION   (29-CU-0(6-C-12,X)27-CO-60,,SIG)                       T020000600003 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAANL) Atlas Facility                         T020000600004 
SAMPLE     Target stacks containing 20.7 millig/cm**2 copper foil T020000600005 
            surrounded by carbon foils.                           T020000600006 
DETECTOR   (GELI,GE-IN)                                           T020000600007 
            Samples assayed at Purdue beginning several hours     T020000600008 
            after irradiations.                                   T020000600009 
HISTORY    (20120320A) SD: Value in DATA section                  T020000600010 
                                         without heading deleted. T020000600011 
           (20241023A) Data for 58Co production moved to sub.8    T020000600012 
           (20241214A) OG. REACTION updated.                      T020000600013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 T020000600014 
COMMON               1          3                                 T020000600015 
EN                                                                T020000600016 
MEV                                                               T020000600017 
 151.                                                             T020000600018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 T020000600019 
DATA                 2          1                                 T020000600020 
DATA       ERR-T                                                  T020000600021 
MB         MB                                                     T020000600022 
 151.       13.1                                                  T020000600023 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 T020000600024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 T020000699999 
SUBENT        T0200007   20241025                             C242T020000700001 
BIB                  5         12                                 T020000700002 
REACTION   (29-CU-0(6-C-12,X)27-CO-60,,SIG)                       T020000700003 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAMSU)                                        T020000700004 
SAMPLE     Target stacks containing 20.7 millig/cm**2 copper foil T020000700005 
            surrounded by Mylar forward and backward catcher      T020000700006 
            foils.                                                T020000700007 
DETECTOR   (GELI,GE-IN)                                           T020000700008 
            Samples from short irradiations assayed for about 1 d.T020000700009 
            Those from longer irradiations were assayed starting  T020000700010 
            1 d after irradiation and continuing for several      T020000700011 
            months.                                               T020000700012 
HISTORY    (20241023A) Data for 58Co production moved to sub.9    T020000700013 
           (20241214A) OG. REACTION updated.                      T020000700014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 T020000700015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 T020000700016 
DATA                 3          2                                 T020000700017 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       T020000700018 
MEV        MB         MB                                          T020000700019 
 280.       26.9         4.                                       T020000700020 
 528.       19.2         1.                                       T020000700021 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 T020000700022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 T020000799999 
SUBENT        T0200008   20241025                             C242T020000800001 
BIB                  5          8                                 T020000800002 
REACTION   (29-CU-0(6-C-12,X)27-CO-58,,SIG)                       T020000800003 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAANL) Atlas Facility                         T020000800004 
SAMPLE     Target stacks containing 20.7 millig/cm**2 copper foil T020000800005 
            surrounded by carbon foils.                           T020000800006 
DETECTOR   (GELI,GE-IN)                                           T020000800007 
            Samples assayed at Purdue beginning several hours     T020000800008 
            after irradiations.                                   T020000800009 
HISTORY    (20241023C) Data for 58Co production moved from sub.6  T020000800010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 T020000800011 
COMMON               1          3                                 T020000800012 
EN                                                                T020000800013 
MEV                                                               T020000800014 
 151.                                                             T020000800015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 T020000800016 
DATA                 2          1                                 T020000800017 
DATA       ERR-T                                                  T020000800018 
MB         MB                                                     T020000800019 
  43.2       12.4                                                 T020000800020 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 T020000800021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 T020000899999 
SUBENT        T0200009   20241025                             C242T020000900001 
BIB                  5         11                                 T020000900002 
REACTION   (29-CU-0(6-C-12,X)27-CO-58,,SIG)                       T020000900003 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAMSU)                                        T020000900004 
SAMPLE     Target stacks containing 20.7 millig/cm**2 copper foil T020000900005 
            surrounded by Mylar forward and backward catcher      T020000900006 
            foils.                                                T020000900007 
DETECTOR   (GELI,GE-IN)                                           T020000900008 
            Samples from short irradiations assayed for about 1 d.T020000900009 
            Those from longer irradiations were assayed starting  T020000900010 
            1 d after irradiation and continuing for several      T020000900011 
            months.                                               T020000900012 
HISTORY    (20241023C) Data for 58Co production moved from sub.7  T020000900013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 T020000900014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 T020000900015 
DATA                 3          2                                 T020000900016 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       T020000900017 
MEV        MB         MB                                          T020000900018 
 280.         134.        11.                                     T020000900019 
 528.          74.3        6.1                                    T020000900020 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 T020000900021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 T020000999999 
ENDENTRY             9          0                                 T020099999999