ENTRY T0256 20241025 C242T025600000001 SUBENT T0256001 20241025 C242T025600100001 BIB 12 29 T025600100002 INSTITUTE (1USAYAL) T025600100003 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,21,2288,1980) T025600100004 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.21.2288 T025600100005 (J,PR/C,21,2275,1980) Details of experiment. T025600100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.21.2275 T025600100007 AUTHOR (M.H.Mortensen, R.R.Betts, C.K.Bockelman) T025600100008 TITLE W(p,t) reactions. II. Odd targets. T025600100009 FACILITY (VDGT,1USAYAL) Yale MP tandem accelerator. T025600100010 SAMPLE WO3 enriched to 90% in 183W, vacuum deposited on T025600100011 carbon backing. Target thickness 70 microg/cm**2. T025600100012 Other isotopes present in target: 182W (3.5%), T025600100013 184W (5.6%) and 180W (1.1%). T025600100014 DETECTOR (MAGSP,TRD) Tritons detected using photographic T025600100015 emulsions after momentum analysis in multi-angle T025600100016 spectrograph. Overall triton energy resolution of the T025600100017 order or 20 keV. T025600100018 METHOD (SITA) T025600100019 REL-REF (N,T0164001,M.H.Mortensen+,J,PR/C,21,2275,1980) T025600100020 Data for even W isotopes. T025600100021 ERR-ANALYS (ANG-ERR-D) Data-point reader uncertainty. T025600100022 (ERR-DIG) Data-point reader uncertainty. T025600100023 (ERR-1) Absolute normalization believed to be accurate T025600100024 to within 10%. T025600100025 STATUS (CURVE,,M.H.Mortensen+,J,PR/C,21,2288,1980) T025600100026 Data scanned from Fig. 2 in main reference at CAJaD. T025600100027 HISTORY (20000925C) CAJaD + VM. T025600100028 (20241023A) OS. 1st author's name corrected; ERR-1 T025600100029 added to COMMON T025600100030 (20241214A) OG. REL-REF added, STATUS changed. T025600100031 ENDBIB 29 0 T025600100032 COMMON 2 3 T025600100033 EN ERR-1 T025600100034 MEV PER-CENT T025600100035 21. 10. T025600100036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T025600100037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 T025600199999 SUBENT T0256002 20031219 0000T025600200001 BIB 4 10 T025600200002 REACTION (74-W-183(P,T)74-W-181,PAR,DA) T025600200003 MONITOR (74-W-183(P,EL)74-W-183,,DA) T025600200004 Relative ground-state (p,t) cross sections of W T025600200005 isotopes measured in the spectrograph using a natural T025600200006 W target. Absolute cross section scale determined by T025600200007 measuring (p,t) and (p,p) using enriched isotopes and T025600200008 a counter telescope, and normalizong to results of T025600200009 optical model calculations. T025600200010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty scanned from figure. T025600200011 FLAG (1.) Maximum value taken from Table 1. T025600200012 ENDBIB 10 0 T025600200013 COMMON 2 3 T025600200014 ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG T025600200015 ADEG PER-CENT T025600200016 0.5 5. T025600200017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 T025600200018 DATA 5 28 T025600200019 E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR FLAG T025600200020 MEV ADEG MU-B/SR PER-CENT NO-DIM T025600200021 0.365 13.05 70. 1. T025600200022 0.365 20.3 51.4 T025600200023 0.365 28.08 22. T025600200024 0.365 36.32 33.5 T025600200025 0.365 43.81 41.5 T025600200026 0.454 12.39 42.2 T025600200027 0.454 20.15 210.5 T025600200028 0.454 27.48 280. 1. T025600200029 0.454 35.55 107.1 T025600200030 0.454 42.77 34. T025600200031 0.531 5.89 32.19 T025600200032 0.531 13.86 34. 1. T025600200033 0.531 20.64 28.4 T025600200034 0.531 28.22 16.85 T025600200035 0.531 36.08 13.87 11. T025600200036 0.531 43.67 7.68 9. T025600200037 0.560 5.78 63. 1. T025600200038 0.560 12.7 53.8 T025600200039 0.560 20.74 33.3 T025600200040 0.560 27.91 13.87 11. T025600200041 0.560 35.74 12.97 10. T025600200042 0.560 43.8 6.68 9. T025600200043 1.864 3.89 27.4 T025600200044 1.864 11.41 4.72 11. T025600200045 1.864 19.36 36.9 T025600200046 1.864 25.68 44. 1. T025600200047 1.864 33.23 11.55 T025600200048 1.864 41.96 4.27 9. T025600200049 ENDDATA 30 0 T025600200050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 T025600299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 T025699999999