Area H EXFOR entries (Relativistic heavy-ion collision data)

US National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) compiled relativistic proton and heavy-ion induced reaction data measured by the BNL AGS E802 Colaboration in the EXFOR format on a trial basis in 1994-1996. Required extensions of the dictionaries were proposed in Memo CP-C/208 and approved in the NRDC 1995 meeting. However, the NRDC 1996 meeting concluded to cancel the extensions, and hence the seven entries created in this arrangement (area H entries) is not a part of the official EXFOR library. As they are not accessible through the usual EXFOR retrieval tools, the seven entries are distributed from this website. Visit HEPData for the relativistic heavy-ion collision data measured by the groups which have the coordinators for submission of data to HEPData (e.g., PHENIX, STAR).


H0001T.Abbott+J,PR/D,45,3906,1992Measurement of particle production in proton-induced reactions at 14.6 GeV/c
H0002T.Abbott+J,PR/C,50,1024,1994Charged hadron distributions in central and peripheral Si+A collisions at 14.6A GeV/c
H0003T.Abbott+J,PL/B,271,447,1991Antiproton production in 14.6A GeV/c Si+A collisions
H0004T.Abbott+J,PR/C,47,R1351,1993Antiproton production in p+A collisions at 14.6 GeV/c
H0005L.Ahle+J,PL/B,332,258,1994Global transverse energy distributions in Si+Al, Au at 14.6A GeV/c and Au+Au at 11.6A GeV/c</td>
H0006T.Abbott+J,PR/C,45,2933,1992Global transverse energy distributions in relativistic nuclear collisions at 14.6A GeV/c
H0007T.Abbott+J,PL/B,291,341,1992Centrality dependence of K+ and π+ multiplicities from Si+A collisions at 14.6A GeV/c

Dictionary (Heading)

Code Expansion
E-TPB Transverse kinetic energy in Pb glass detector
E-TPB-MAX Upper limit of transverse kinetic energy in Pb glass detector
E-TPB-MIN Lower limit of transverse kinetic energy in Pb glass detector
E-ZCAL Transverse kinetic energy in zero-degree calorimeter
MSS-TK Transverse mass - rest mass
PRJ-AV Average number of participating projectiles
RAP Rapidity
RAP-MAX Upper limit of rapidity
RAP-MIN Lower limit of rapidity
RAP-PS Pseudo rapidity
RAP-PS-MAX Upper limit of pseudo rapidity
RAP-PS-MIN Lower limit of pseudo rapidity

Dictionary (Quantity)

Code Expansion
MNB Minimum bias
PER Peripheral
DET Differential with transverse energy
DMT Differential with transverse mass
DPR Differential with pseudo-rapidity
DPT Differential with transverse momentum
DR Differential with rapidity
ETR Transverse energy
ISP Inverse slope parameter
PB in lead glass detector
ZCAL in zero-degree calorimeter
2MT times 2pi * trans. sec. mass
2PT times 2pi * trans. sec. momentum
PER Peripheral