Memo 4C-4

Russian Nuclear Data Center (CJD)

disc:for discussion; m:to be in manual; M:added into manual; l:to be in error list; L:added into error list; a:to be in article list; A:added into article list; wd: withdrawn

0242doc4182024-12-02Zero and negative values coded under the headings PARITY, EN, ERR-T and DATA-ERR in the EXFOR library (NRDC2024 A47) - -
0241doc662024-04-19Progress report for NRDC2024 - -
0240doc702024-04-18CJD status information. Action A1 of NRDC2023 - -
0239doc2812024-04-18Zero values in EXFOR data base - -
0238doc732023-08-24Compilation of Legendre zero order coefficient and "Duplication" for LEXFOR - -
0237doc622023-03-31New code for dictionary 207 (books) - SNR 9128-
0236doc662023-03-16New combinations ,DA,,LEG/4PI and PAR,DA,,LEG/4PI for EXFOR dictionary 236 9128L
0235doc612022-12-29New combinations EXL,DA and EXL,DA,,LEG for EXFOR dictionary 236 9128-
0234doc612022-10-12New combination EXL,SIG for EXFOR dictionary 236 9127-
0233doc632022-06-29Reply to CP-D/1021 (=WP2022-30) - -
0232doc612022-06-09Reply to memos CP-D/1044 & CP-D/1045 - -
0231doc762022-06-09Progress report for NRDC2022 - -
0230doc542022-04-21New journal code EPJ/N for EXFOR dictionary 5 9126-
0229doc542021-12-23New code for EXFOR dictionary 236 9126-
0228doc762021-04-20Progress report for NRDC2021 - -
0227doc362020-12-29New codes for Dictionary 236: SEC,FY/DE,*F and TER,FY/DE,*F 9124-
0226doc342020-10-30New codes to Dictionary 023 9123-
0225doc552020-08-28New codes TER,KE/TKE, PRE/PR,KE,* for EXFOR dictionary 236 9123-
0224doc542020-05-15Addition to Dictionary 031 (SF5 branches), Dictionary 236 9122m
0223doc542019-06-17Additional information for Institute code 4ZZZDUB (dict.003) - -
0222doc4792019-04-03Discussion of data from Subents 41202.002 and 41224.002 - -
0221doc512019-03-25New coding for dictionary 236 9120-
0220doc742019-03-27Report for NRDC2019 - -
0219doc562019-02-06Chapter "Kerma factor" for LEXFOR - m
0218doc1962018-04-27Progress in correction for memo 4C-4/216 9118-
0217doc902018-04-23Report for NRDC2018 - -
0216doc2292017-12-11NRDC2017 Action A70 - L
0215doc612017-05-19CJD progress report for NRDC2017 - -
0214docx202017-05-15A64 of NRDC2016, PTE volume correction list - L
0213doc702016-06-02CJD progress report for NRDC2016 - -
0212revdoc1182019-03-29Reply to memo 4C3/401 - -
0212doc1132016-05-13(Superseded by 4C-4/212(Rev.)) - A
0211doc752015-04-15CJD progress report for NRDC2015 - -
0210doc602015-03-30Units of quantities with SF8=NPD 9111-
0209doc2082015-02-25Reply to memo CP-D/868 Coding rule for PTE - -
0208doc572014-04-21CJD Progress Report for NRDC2014 - -
0207revdoc532014-04-29Free entries numbers in EXFOR - -
0207doc502013-01-23(Superseded by 4C/4-207(Rev.)) - -
0206doc422013-01-09New codes for dictionary 36/236 9108-
0205doc412013-06-21New codes for dictionary 36/236 9106-
0204doc452013-05-22Reply to draft of NRDC2013 Conclusion C6 - -
0203doc602013-04-19CJD Progress Report for NRDC2013 - -
0202doc562012-12-21New journal code (dictionary 5) 9104-
0201doc502012-09-21New combinations for dictionary 36/236 9104-
0200doc432012-09-21New code for EXFOR dictionary 7 9104-
0199doc602012-07-03Reply to memo Memo CP-D/724, NRDC2012 A12 and C9 -
0198doc3042012-04-12INC-SOURCE coding. For NRDC2012 discussion - LM
0197doc592012-04-09Addition to Protocol. For NRDC2012 discussion. - M
0196doc432012-01-26New combination of codes for dictionary 236 9104-
0195doc1062012-01-16SAMPLE coding, for NRDC2012 discussion - LM
0194doc1662012-01-16Reply to CP-D/711, for NRDC2012 discussion - -
0193doc452011-11-02New code 2011SAROV wd -
0192doc752011-10-20Coding of C,70HELSINKI and R,CN- - L
0191doc482011-10-03Reply to Memo CP-D/699 9103-
0190doc902011-05-20Reply to Memo CP-D/702 - -
0189doc702011-05-17Comments of CHEX, for NRDC2011 - -
0188doc572011-05-11New code for dictionary 027 -
0187doc922011-04-20Proposals to improve, update and modernize the EXFOR Compilation Control System Webpage - -
0186doc562011-03-15Codes combinations for dictionary 36/236 9102-
0185doc552010-11-15Conference code 2006KIEV wd -
0184doc572010-07-20New codes for dictionary 236 9102-
0183doc552010-07-15Conference code 2006SAROV 9102-
0182revdoc952010-03-12Actions A16, A17 of NRDC2009 - -
0182doc932010-03-12(Superseded by Memo 4C/4182rev) - -
0181doc812010-03-12Fission yields, for discussion at NRDC2010 Agenda 9.8 - -
0180doc862010-02-26Statistics for Subents with NODATA - -
0179doc552010-02-26HISTORY lines - -
0178doc542010-02-26Authors e-mail addresses list - -
0177doc372009-10-29STATUS lines - -
0176doc402009-05-14Reply to Memo CP-D/530rev - -
0175revdoc592009-05-22SIG/SUM correction for NRDC2009 discussion - L
0175doc492009-04-23(Superseded by Memo 4C4/175rev) - -
0174doc322009-04-23New code of Conference -Dictionary 007 9099-
0173revdoc312008-02-18New codes for Dictionaries 36/23 9099-
0173doc302008-12-18(Superseded by Memo 4C-4173 (Rev.)) - -
0172doc332008-09-18Working paper to NRDC2008 - -
0171doc302008-02-11New codes for: Preprint (Dictionary 6) 9097-
0170doc492007-10-05Progress Report to NRDC2007 Technical Meeting - -
0169doc312007-09-28New codes for:Institute (Dictionary 3), Data Headings (Dictionary 24) wd -
0168doc282007-08-15New codes for Errors (Dictionary 24) 9096-
0167doc302006-12-22New codes for Errors (Dictionary 24)
0166doc312006-11-23Reply to Memos CP-E/104 and CP-D/476
0165doc252006-05-11New code for Dictionary 36 (236)
0164doc312006-05-04New code for Dictionary 24
0163doc282005-09-28New code for Diction 7:
0162revdoc282005-09-30New code for Dictionary 3
0161doc292005-07-08New code for Diction 36
0160doc282005-06-05New code for Dictionary 3
0159doc282005-06-03New code for Diction 36
0158doc292005-02-18New code for Diction 7: Books & Conferences
0157doc292005-02-18New code for Diction 36
0156doc272005-01-13New code for Diction 20
0155doc272004-12-12Addition for Dictionary 36
0154revdoc292004-11-09New code for AREA-4 Institute Addition to Dict.3
0153revdoc272004-05-21Modified update format for Dict. 36
0152doc272004-04-14New Interpretation of code in Dict. 32
0151doc292004-03-24New Quantity code for Dict. 36
0150doc272004-03-23New metastable level
0149doc272004-02-12New Compound codes
0148doc272004-01-30New Conference code
0147doc222004-01-22New Report code
0146doc232003-12-15New Data Headings
0145doc222003-11-25New Data Headings
0144doc222003-10-16New code for the Conference Addition to Dictionary 7
0143doc222003-07-21New code for the Book - Addition to Dictionary 207
0142doc222003-07-14New code for Quantity - Addition to Dictionary 36
0141doc222003-05-29New code for the Data-Heading Addition to Dictionary 24
0140doc222003-04-17New code for the Conference
0139doc242003-02-14New Fundamental particles Codes
0138doc242003-01-16Addition to Dictionaries 19, 36
0137doc282002-12-27Addition of Dictionary 3
0136doc292002-12-11Addition of Dictionaries 36, 31
0135doc282002-12-02Correction of Dictionary 1
0134doc282002-12-02Addition to Dictionary 36
0133doc252002-10-31Addition to Dictionaries
0132doc272002-10-01Addition to Dictionaries
0131doc262002-09-28Addition to Dictionaries
0130doc262002-08-28Addition to Dictionary 36
0129doc272002-08-17Addition to Dictionary 7
0128doc272002-07-12Addition to Dictionary 22
0127doc242002-07-04Addition to Dictionaries 5, 7
0126doc222002-05-18Comments Memos CP-C/305, CP-C/306
0125doc222002-04-17Addition to Dictionaries 3, 24
0124revdoc222002-04-17Addition to Dictionaries
0124doc232002-01-14(Superseded by Memo 4C-4/124(Rev.))
0123doc222001-08-13Addition to Dictionary 36
0122doc242001-07-21Addition to Dictionary 36
0121doc242001-06-12Addition to Dictionaries 25, 36
0120doc212001-04-251. Isobaric Analog States 2. Addition to Dictionary 30
0119doc232001-04-17Exfor Dictionary 3 correction
0118doc222001-03-14Exfor Dictionary 27 update
0117doc232001-02-19Exfor Dictionary 27 update
0116doc222001-02-13Exfor Dictionaries 6, 27 and 36 updates
0115doc362001-02-01Addition to Dictionaries 25, 36
0114doc322001-01-29Exfor Dictionaries 24 and 36 update
0113doc432000-12-18Exfor Dictionary 09 and Daniel Dictionary 27 update
0112doc552000-12-09Addition to Dictionaries 3, 13
0111doc342000-11-21Addition to Dictionaries 3, 5, 18, 21
0110doc232000-09-19Addition to Dictionary 36
0109adoc232000-09-19Addition to Dictionary 6
0109doc222000-09-19Addition to Dictionary 6
0108adoc382000-09-12Addition to Dictionary 3
0108doc232000-09-12Addition to Dictionary 3
0107doc242000-09-11Addition to Dictionary 36
0106doc362000-09-11Addition to Dictionaries 6, 27
0105doc352000-06-20Addition to Dictionary 27
0104doc122000-06-20Addition to Dictionary 2
0103doc272000-04-06New Quantity codes, Addition to Dictionary 36 LEXFOR (proposed in addition to MEMO CP-C/254, 4C-4/101)
0101txt22000-03-07New Quantity code, Addition to Dictionary 36
0100doc222000-02-21New Reference Codes.Addition to Dictionaries 06, 07
0098doc272000-02-07New Reference Codes.Addition to Diction 07 For discussion during AGV meeting 2000
0095doc391999-06-28Additions to LEXFOR Manual for the codes proposed by Area-4 Center - CJD (Conclusion C16 of 1999 NRDC Meeting)
0093doc251999-05-11Proposals for 1999 NRDC meeting.
0092doc331999-02-10New Codes for Dictionaries 07 and 36.
0091doc261999-01-281. New JINR- Report codes to be added to Dictionary 06 2. New REACTION Combination codes to be added to Dictionary 36
0090doc321999-01-18New Conference and book codes added to Dictionary 07
0087txt31998-10-29New Code for Dictionary 36. -txt.
0087doc391998-10-29New Code for Dictionary 36. -txt.
0086txt61998-10-22New REACTION Quantity codes for SF5-SF8 in Diction 36. -txt.
0086doc251998-10-22New REACTION Quantity codes for SF5-SF8 in Diction 36. -txt.
0085txt31998-10-22New Codes for Dictionaries. -txt.
0085doc231998-10-22New Codes for Dictionaries. -txt.
0083txt41998-09-09New REACTION Quantity codes for Diction 36. - txt.
0083doc251998-09-09New REACTION Quantity codes for Diction 36. - txt.
0081txt21998-06-10New Conference Code for Dictionary 007
0080txt21998-06-08New Conference Code for Dictionary 007
0079pdf321998-03-25Correction of the Dictionary 027
0078pdf761998-03-25Correspondence of EXFOR 8-AREA Numbers series to the ordinary EXFOR 4-AREA Sequence
0077pdf681997-07-28Correspondence of EXFOR 8-AREA Numbers series to the ordinary EXFOR 4-AREA Sequence
0076pdf421997-07-28Change of 29-CU-64 Subfields in Dictionary 027
0075pdf651997-07-131)New Conference code added to Dictionary 07 2)New INstitute codes added to Dictionary 03
0074pdf481997-06-231)New Conference codes added to Dictionary 07
0073pdf291997-06-131)New Conference codes added to Dictionary 07
0072pdf581997-05-13New Journal code added to Dictionary 05
0071pdf221997-04-15New Institute code addition to Diction 003
0070pdf251997-02-27New INstitute code addition to Diction 003
0069pdf761996-12-19Correspondence of EXFOR 8-Number series to the ordinary Area-4 EXFOR sequence
0068pdf421996-12-17New code in diction 36
0063pdf351995-11-27Diction 3: New Institue Code
0062pdf391995-10-24Diction 3: Addition of new Institute Codes
0061pdf391995-09-151.Diction 7: Addition of new Conference Code 2.Diction 27: Addition of new nuclides
0060pdf291995-07-12Modification of nuclide parameters in Diction 27. Addition of new nuclides
0057pdf351995-04-20New REACTION Quantity codes for Diction 36
0056pdf241994-02-23New Conference Proceedings code
0055pdf681994-02-17Modification of nuclide parameters in Dict.27 New REACTION Quantity codes for Die. 36
0054pdf481994-02-16New laboratory codes for Area 4 Modification of nuclide parameters
0052pdf401991-05-21Additons to CINDA/EXFOR Dictionary
0051pdf941989-04-05CINDA-EXFOR Dictionary Addition
0050pdf411987-02-10Additions to CINDA Dictionary
0049pdf391987-01-19Additions to EXFOR Dictionary
0048pdf341987-01-08Additions to CINDA Dictionaries
0047pdf481986-06-25Corrections to EXFOR Library
0046pdf581986-06-16Dictionary Additions
0045pdf611985-08-28Proposals to Dictionaries
0044pdf681984-09-10EXFOR Library
0043pdf891934-05-10Additions to Dictionaries
0042pdf1191934-05-10EXFOR Library
0041pdf391984-02-22Information about changes in EXFOR entry 40051
0040pdf431984-02-20Additions to Dictionaries
0039pdf551984-02-15Additions to EXFOR dictionaries
0038pdf401983-08-19EXFOR Library
0037pdf621981-05-05Proposals to the EXFOR Dictionary 21
0036pdf481981-04-20Proposals to Dictionary 7
0035pdf501980-06-16Proposals to Dictionary 7
0034pdf441980-02-26Proposals to Dictionary 7
0033pdf4391979-09-14Proposals to Dictionary 7
0032pdf411979-07-10Answer to Memo 40-2/108
0031pdf531979-06-151. Answer to Memo CP-D/82 2. Proposals to Dictionary 7
0030pdf641979-02-23Updating of the EXFOR-Dictionaries
0029pdf2431978-05-25EXFOR Dictionary Additions
0028pdf431978-05-17Dictionary Addition
0027pdf601977-12-15EXFOR Dictionary Additions
0026pdf701977-01-20Magnetic tape specification for CJD
0025pdf7521976-04-02Application of EXFOR - format to fotoneutron reactions
0024pdf1401974-02-05Comments on EXFOR tape 1020
0022pdf1401973-06-251. Comments on the letter to Editors 2. Comments on the reporting of Four Centre Statistics
0021pdf951973-06-18Conversion from DASTAR into EXFOR, LEXFOR entry
0019pdf721973-04-12Energy spectra of fission-fragments
0017pdf1151972-05-15answers to memos
0016pdf361972-01-03Addition to EXFOR dictionaries
0015pdf381971-07-08Code for conference on neutron physics, Kiev, 24-28 May 1911
0014pdf531971-04-13addition to dictionary 14
0013pdf111 Fission product quantities
0012pdf24 Replay to Memos 4C-2/12, 4C-2/13
0009pdf2201970-05-08same remarks on fission products description in EXFOR
0006pdf381970-03-13Replay on Memo 4C-3/13
0005pdf681970-03-134-c-Memos Nr. 3/10, Nr. 1/8 and Nr. 2/1
0004pdf1061970-03-10Memo 4C-1/1
0003pdf991970-03-10Memo 4C-3/2
0002pdf311970-03-10Memos 4C-3/9 and 4C-1/9
0001pdf481970-02-10Memos 4C-3/1 and 14-1