From: SMTP%"" "Mark A. Kellett" 10-SEP-1998 11:53:30.08 To: SMTP%"LAMMER@IAEAND" "Meinhart Lammer", SMTP%"schwerer@IAEAND" "Otto Schwerer", SMTP%"" "Vicki McLane", SMTP%"" "Claes Nordborg", SMTP%"" "Dr. Charles L. Dunford", SMTP%"kellett@nea CC: Subj: Memo CP-N/11 Return-path: MEMO CP-N/11 ----------------- NEA Data Bank Le Seine St-Germain 12, Bld des Iles 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux DATE : 10 Sept 1998 To: Distribution From: M. A. Kellett Subject: New Institute and Report Codes for Dictionaries _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1) 2TUKYTU for Turkish Yildiz Technical University. 2) FZKA- for Karlsruhe Forschungszentrum "TECHNIK und UMWELT" Wissen- schaftliche Berichte (Karlsruhe Research Centre's "Technic and Environment" Scientific Reports). This is as on the cover of the report. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I assume these are acceptable for inclusion in the EXFOR dictionary. Thanks, Mark Distribution: O.Schwerer V.McLane C.Dunford C.Nordborg M.Kellett V.Varlamov F.Chukreev M.Lammer