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NRDC 2013

IAEA Headquarters (Room A0742), Vienna, Austria
(23-25 April 2013)
Scientific Secretary: N.Otsuka


INDC(NDS)-0633 (Editor: N.Otsuka)


#1 #2 #3

Progress Reports

NumberCentreTypeSize (kb)
P2013-01CDFE (Moscow, Russia)pdf27
P2013-02ATOMKI (Debrecen, Hungary)pdf10
P2013-03NEADB (Paris, France)pdf437
P2013-04CAJaD (Moscow, Russia)pdf23
P2013-05NDPCI (Mumbai, India)pdf609
P2013-06UkrNDC (Kyiv, Ukraine)pdf29
P2013-07CNPD (Sarov, Russia)pdf10
P2013-08NDS (Vienna, Austria)pdf230
P2013-09JCPRG (Sapporo, Japan)pdf50
P2013-10CNDC (Beijing, China)pdf382
P2013-11CJD (Obninsk, Russia)pdf15
P2013-12KNDC (Taejon, Korea)pdf209
NNDC (Brookhaven, USA)--
JAEA (Tokai-mura, Japan)--

Working Papers

NumberTitleFromTypeSize (kb)
WP2013-01Conclusions and action of the 2012 NRDC Meeting pdf81
WP2013-02New and revised entries / subentries since the 2012 NRDC meetingV.Semkova pdf205
WP2013-03Some statistics of EXFOR compilationV.Zerkin pdf182
WP2013-04Scanning of new publicationsV.Semkova pdf19
WP2013-05Status of New Articles for EXFOR Compilation (A7)N.Otsuka pdf145
WP2013-06Corrections of entries in Feedback List (A3)N.Otsuka pdf37
WP2013-07Statistics of checking the preliminary filesV.Semkova pdf57
WP2013-08Toward More Complete and Accurate Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data Library (EXFOR) - International Collaboration Between Nuclear Reaction Data Centres (NRDC)N.Otsuka pdf623
WP2013-09Questionnaire on dictionary (A18)N.Otsuka pdf16
WP2013-10CINDA transmission statisticsV.Zerkin pdf7
WP2013-11Compilation of articles with a priority (A26-A29)V.Semkova pdf47
WP2013-12Isotope production cross sections in Landolt-Bönstein compilation (A30, CP-D/757)N.Otsuka pdf109
WP2013-13Monitor reactions and medical isotope production reactionsN.Otsuka pdf105
WP2013-14Corrections requested in the last meeting (A33,A35-A38,A50)N.Otsuka pdf54
WP2013-15English translation of Yad. Konst. (CP-D/777)N.Otsuka pdf34
WP2013-16Analysis of JANIS Import Log (A41,42,A43)N.Otsuka pdf11
WP2013-17Duplication of EXFOR Entries (CP-D/751, CP-D/762)N.Otsuka pdf16
WP2013-18Recommendation from the 28th and 29th INDC MeetingsS.P.Simakov pdf10
WP2013-19Proposal to introduce a "Quality Score" in EXFORE.Dupont pdf7366
WP2013-20Probability for emitting N particles: Proposal for new coding (CP-C/406)O.Schwerer pdf49
WP2013-21Heading for averaged resonance parameter energy range (CP-D/763)M.Mikhaylyukova pdf9
WP2013-22CRL (correlation) for detection of fission fragments in coincidence (CP-D/748)N.Otsuka pdf190
WP2013-23Prompt fission cross section (PR,SIG) (CP-D/767)N.Otsuka pdf62
WP2013-24Resonance parameter for light-nuclei reaction (REACTION SF3) (CP-D/774)N.Otsuka pdf101
WP2013-25Partial reaction and isomer production (CP-D/781rev, CP-C/417)N.Otsuka, O.Schwerer pdf61
WP2013-26LEXFOR "Independent and cumulative data" (CP-D/783rev)N.Otsuka pdf104
WP2013-27Irradiation time for production thick target yield (CP-D/784)N.Otsuka pdf89
WP2013-28Thick target production yield in charged-particle induced reaction (CP-D/785)N.Otsuka pdf65
WP2013-29CM on "Benchmarking of Digitization Software" (November 2012)V.Semkova pdf14
WP2013-30Estimation of digitized data errorM.Mikhaylyukova pdf250
WP2013-31Development of software to input and edit experimental data in EXFOR formatG.Pikulina pdf15
WP2013-32Developments of the EXFOR database: possible new formatsV.Zerkin pdf330
WP2013-33Asian collaboration on nuclear reaction data compilationM.Aikawa pdf172
WP2013-34(Superseded by WP2013-34rev) pdf31
WP2013-34 (Rev.)(Superseded by WP2013-34rev2) pdf61
WP2013-34 (Rev.2)Indication in EXFOR database and Web interface the full coincidence of values of independent variables of different data points in one datasetV.Zerkin pdf61
WP2013-35Extension of EXFOR Formats ManualV.Zerkin pdf32
WP2013-36Converting EXFOR data to C5M - computational format with correlation matricesV.Zerkin pdf40


TitleFromTypeSize (kb)
NEA Data Bank Progress Report 2012-2013E.Dupont pdf35
A brief progress report on EXFOR compilations by Nuclear Data Physics Centre of India (NDPCI)B.Lalremruata pdf6540
Ukrainian Nuclear Data Centre Progress ReportO.Gritzay pdf71
Center of Nuclear Physics DataS.M.Taova pdf858
Activity ReportM.Aikawa pdf575
2012/13 Status Report of China Nuclear Data CenterGe Zhigang pdf1454
Russian Nuclear Data Center (CJD, IPPE, Obninsk)M.Mikhaylyukova pdf156
Area #1 EXFOR Report 2013B.Pritychenko pdf641
New and revised entries/subentries since the 2012 NRDC meetingV.Semkova pdf166
Scanning of new publicationsV.Semkova pdf267
Statistics of checking the preliminary filesV.Semkova pdf190
Compilation of articles with priority (Action A26-A29)V.Semkova pdf140
EXFOR checking and quality scoresE.Dupont pdf408
Development of software package to input and edit experimental data in EXFOR formatG.Pikulina pdf2378
(no title)S.Charisopoulos pdf3151
EXFOR, the nuclear physics perspectiveB.Pritychenko pdf1383
Asian collaboration on nuclear reaction data compilationM.Aikawa pdf315
NRDC 2014 Smolenice castle 6-9 May 2014S.Hlavac pdf688
 Last Updated: 02/07/2025 10:52:36