27-30 May 2019 | Tokyo | Consultancy Meeting on Fission Product Yield Experimental Database | INDC(NDS)-793 | M.Fleming, T.Kawano, N.Otuka |
2-4 November 2015 | Vienna | Consultants' Meeting on EXFOR Compilation of Thermal Neutron Scattering Data | INDC(NDS)-697 | J.I.Marquez Damian, V.Semkova |
8-10 October 2013 | Vienna | Consultants' Meeting on EXFOR Data in Resonance Region and Spectrometer's Response Function | INDC(NDS)-647 | F.Gunsing, P.Schillebeeckx, V.Semkova |
5-7 November 2012 | Vienna | Consultants' Meeting on Benchmarking of Digitizing Software | INDC(NDS)-629 | N.Otuka, V.Semkova |
6-9 Mar 2012 | Vienna | Consultants' Meeting on Further Development of EXFOR | INDC(NDS)-614 | D.Brown, S.Simakov |
13-15 Apr 2011 | Vienna | Consultants' Meeting on Neutron Sources Spectra for EXFOR | INDC(NDS)-590 | S.P.Simakov, F.Käppeler |
10-11 Oct 2007 | Vienna | First Meeting of the SG30 WPEC on Quality Improvement of EXFOR | NEA/NSC/DOC(2007)25 | A.Koning, A.Mengoni |
25-29 Oct 1999 | Tokai | Third Research Coordination Meeting on Compilation and Evaluation of Photonuclear Data for Applications | INDC(NDS)-409 | P.Oblozinsky
23-26 June 1998 | Los Alamos | Second Research Coordination Meeting on Compilation and Evaluation of Photonuclear Data for Applications | INDC(NDS)-384 | P.Oblozinsky
3-6 December 1996 | Obninsk | First Research Coordination Meeting on Compilation and Evaluation of Photonuclear Data for Applications | INDC(NDS)-364 | P.Oblozinsky
27-29 Sept 1989 | Vienna | Consultants' Meeting on Compilation and Evaluation of Fission Yield Nuclear Data | INDC(NDS)-261 | M.Lammer
10-14 Feb 1969 | Brookhaven | Panel on Neutron Data Compilation Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA | INDC(NDU)-11 | IAEA NDU