Workshop 2024

IAEA Headquarters (Room M0E27), Vienna, Austria (EVT2103368)
(03-06 December 2024)
Scientific Secretary: N.Otsuka


INDC(NDS)-0911 (Editor: Naohiko Otsuka, Vidya Devi)



Working Papers

NumberTitleFromTypeSize (kb)
WS2024-01Comparison of digitized datasets presented in E2254 and F0164S.Dunaeva pdf503
WS2024-02Zero and negative values coded under the headings PARITY, EN, ERR-T and DATA-ERR in the EXFOR library (NRDC2024 A47)M.Mikhailiukova pdf152
WS2024-03Exercises at EXFOR Workshop 3-6 December 2024 (Agenda 2.20)M.Mikhailiukova pdf77
WS2024-04Examples of exchange file processing by EXFOR-Editor 4.02G.Pikulina pdf5502
WS2024-05EXFOR check itemsN.Otsuka pdf122


TitleFromTypeSize (kb)
Comments and suggestions related to the use of EXFOR in the preparation of proton activation data file PADFA.Konobeyev pdf2248
JSON Tree EditorV.Zerkin pdf3246
X5 - Enriched EXFOR in JSONV,Zerkin pdf2325
X5json discussion - future of x5jsonV.Zerkin pdf830
EXFOR-C5: recent development, versions, distributionV.Zerkin pdf1985
Tables of neutron thermal cross sections, Westcott factors, resonance integrals, Maxwellian averaged cross sections, astrophysical reaction rates, and r-process abundances calculated from the ENDF/B-VIII.1, JEFF-3.3, JENDL-5.0, BROND-3.1, and CENDL-3.2 evaluated data librariesB.Pritychenko pdf2212
Activation cross section measurements for 7Li-induced monitor reactionsM.Aikawa pdf2886
Simultaneous evaluation of 232Th and 237Np fast neutron-induced fission cross sections up to 200 MeV using EXFOR libraryV.Devi pdf2146
Manipulation of experimental data with NDPlotY.L.Jin pdf3515
ForEX: Utility Codes for EXFORN.Otsuka pdf1218
Comparison of two different data digitization presented in E2254 and F0164S.Dunaeva pdf1126
From Paper to data: GSYS and the digital transformationM.Odsuren pdf12665
AI-driven approaches to indexing and analytical insightsK.Ono pdf4071
Examples of exchange file processing by EXFOR-Editor 4.02G.Pikulina pdf856
Status of references collection project for EXFOR - Overview and progressL.Vrapcenjak pdf969
EXFOR PDFs archiving improvementsA.Martinez pdf1237
Introduction to collaboration and automation tools - Getting the most out of the git ecosystemJ.Sprenger