Nuclear Data Section
CRP on Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra of Actinides
The second Research Coordination Meeting will be held at IAEA headquarters, Vienna, Austria on 13-16 December, 2011.
The energy spectrum of prompt neutrons emitted in fission plays an important role in many applications in nuclear science. The
Co-ordinated Research Project on "Prompt fission neutron spectra of actinides" has been initiated to provide data on prompt
fission neutron spectra for major actinides in ENDF forma. The outcome would be a recommended evaluation of prompt fission
spectra with covariances from thermal to 20 MeV of incident neutron energy for U-233,235,238, Pu-239 and Th-232 nuclei, including
validation against integral critical assembly and dosimetry data.
Selected minor actinides (e.g. Np-237, Am-241, Pu-240, Cm-245, etc) may be also considered. Reactor operators and designers
will draw upon data generated from this CRP to improve both operational safety and efficiency.
Modelling efforts will use these data in diagnosing reactors and critical devices and in optimising
design parameters in future reactors.
- To improve the description of prompt fission neutron spectra (PFNS) allowing for a more accurate neutron balance calculation in reactor applications.
- make available existing experimental information on PFNS relevant to fission reactors' applications, which can be processed and used by users worldwide,
- incorporate available experimental information on PFNS for major actinides into evaluated nuclear data files,
- recommend evaluations of PFNS with covariances from thermal to 20 MeV of incident neutron energy.
Overall Objective
Specific Research Objectives
DURATION: 2010-2014; CRP CODE: F4.10.26
PARTICIPANTS: Stephan Oberstedt (EC-JRC-IRMM), Vladimir Maslov (Belorrusia), Takaaki Ohsawa (Japan), Nengchuan Shu (China), Patrick Talou (USA), Benjamin Morillon (France), Anabella C. Tudora (Romania), Nikolai Kornilov (USA), Gennady Manturov (Russia), Aloks Saxena (India), Alexander S. Vorobyev (Russia), Ivan Kodeli (Slovenia), Denise Neudecker (USA), Olivier Serot (France), Ramona Vogt (USA), and Karl-Heinz Schmidt (Germany).