The following sample charts are available from the chart file menu.
Half-life chart (toihalf.chr) a chart colored by half-life (seconds) from the
Table of Isotopes
Half-life chart (molhalf.chr) a chart colored by half-life (seconds) calculated by
Moller et al
Beta-, EC-, and Alpha-decay branchings(decay.chr) a chart colored by decay branching
intensities from the Table of Isotopes
Nuclear spin and parity chart (jpi.chr) a chart colored by Spin and parity from the
Table of Isotopes
Neutron separation energy chart (toisn.chr) a chart colored by neutron separtation energy
from the tables of Audi et al
Beta2 deformtation(molb2.chr) a chart colored by beta2 deformation calculated by
Moller et al
ENSDF datasets(dataset.chr) a chart colored by the number of ENSDF datasets for
each isotope. This chart containts the dataset names and can be used to open the individual datasets in Isotope Explorer
Gammas with E=1200-1250 keV(findgam.chr) a chart colored by the number of gammas
for each isotope with E=1200-1250 from the Adopted Gammas of ENSDF. This chart is an example of a nuclear
data search with Isotope Explorer.
Liquid-drop model binding energies (binde.chr) a chart colored by the difference
between experimental atomic binding energies, from Audi et al, and binding energies calculated with the
liquid-drop model using Isotope Explorer
Liquid-drop model (Weizsacker) model masses (masscal.chr) a chart colored by the
difference between atomic masses (MeV) from Audi et al and atomic masses calculated with the liquid-drop model
using Isotope Explorer.