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Cross Section Evaluation Working Group Manuals and Reports
October 21, 1998
Manuals and reports prepared by the Cross Section Evaluation Group (CSEWG), the
producers of the ENDF/B Evaluated Nuclear Data File. The current contents are:
- MEAS95US.PS - Measurement Committee of the U.S. Cross Section Evaluation
Working Group Annual Report 1995 by Donald L. Smith, Chairman (Argonne National
Laboratory) and Victoria McLane (Brookhaven National Laboratory).
First annual report by the Measurements Committee of the Cross Section
Evaluation Working Group containing voluntary contributions from 10 laboratories in the U.S. The contents are:
- Introduction
- Reports from the Laboratories
- Argonne National Laboratory (D.L. Smith)
- Colorado School of Mines (E.F. Cecil)
- Los Alamos National Laboratory (R.C. Haight)
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (O.A. Wasson)
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory (D.C. Larson)
- Ohio University (S.M. Grimes)
- Pacific Northwest Laboratory (P.L. Reeder)
- University of California-Davis (F.P. Brady and J.L. Romero)
- University of Kentucky-Lexington (M.T. McEllistrem)
- University of Massachusetts-Lowell (J.J. Egan)
- CSEWG Measurement Committee Membership
File Type: Postscript generated by Wordperfect 5.1 for UNIX
File size: 196,046 bytes. 10,637 records.
Printed pages: 23
- MEAS96US.PS - Measurement and Basic Physics Committee of the U.S.
Cross-Section Evaluation Working Group Annual Report 1996 by Donald L. Smith,
Chairman (Argonne National Laboratory) and Victoria McLane (Brookhaven National
Second annual report by the Measurement and Basic Physics
Committee of the Cross-Section Evaluation Working Group containing voluntary
contributions from 11 laboratories in the U.S. The contents are:
- Introduction
- Reports from the Laboratories
- Argonne National Laboratory (D.L. Smith)
- Colorado School of Mines (E.F. Cecil)
- Los Alamos National Laboratory (R.C. Haight)
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (A.D. Carlson)
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory (M.S. Smith)
- Ohio University (S.M. Grimes and T.N. Massey)
- Pacific Northwest Laboratory (P.L. Reeder)
- University of California-Davis (J.L. Romero)
- University of Kentucky-Lexington (M.T. McEllistrem)
- University of Massachusetts-Lowell (J.J. Egan)
- University of Wisconsin-Madison (H.H. Barschall)
- CSEWG Measurement and Basic Science Committee Membership
File Type: Postscript generated by Wordperfect 6.1 for Windows
File size: 487405 bytes. 18,312 records.
Printed pages: 31
MEAS97US - Measurement and Basic Physics Committee of the U.S.
Cross-Section Evaluation Working Group Annual Report 1997 by Donald L. Smith,
Chairman (Argonne National Laboratory) and Victoria McLane (Brookhaven National
Third annual report by the Measurement and Basic Physics
Committee of the Cross-Section Evaluation Working Group containing voluntary
contributions from 8 laboratories in the U.S. The contents are:
- Introduction
- Reports from the Laboratories
- Argonne National Laboratory (D.L. Smith)
- Colorado School of Mines (E.F. Cecil)
- Los Alamos National Laboratory (R.C. Haight)
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (A.D. Carlson)
- Ohio University (S.M. Grimes and T.N. Massey)
- University of California-Davis (J.L. Romero)
- University of Kentucky-Lexington (M.T. McEllistrem)
- University of Massachusetts-Lowell (J.J. Egan)
- CSEWG Communications Directory
- Files:
- File Type: Postscript
- File size: 1,084,764 bytes. 70,759 records.
- Printed pages: 42
- File Type: Portable Document Format
- File size: 223,340 bytes. 1,564 records.
- Printed pages: 42