International Atomic
Energy Agency Nuclear Data Services DOCUMENTATION SERIES OF
(Version 2001-3)
Plot evaluated data from the ENDF/B format and/or
Experimental data which is in a computational format
Dermott E.Cullen and Andrej Trkov
Abstract: Experimental and evaluated
nuclear reaction data are world-wide compiled in EXFOR format (see document
IAEA-NDS-1) and ENDF format (see document IAEA-NDS-10), respectively. The computer program PLOTC4 described in the
present document plots data from both formats; EXFOR data must be converted
first to a "computation format" (see
document IAEA-NDS-80). The main enhancement from the previous version 87-1 is
the capability to plot differential and double differential data from ENDF
files. Some pre-processing of the files in ENDF data is required before
plotting. The ENDF Pre-Processing codes are used for the purpose (see document
The program is available upon request cost free
from the IAEA Nuclear Data Section.
March 2001
Nuclear Data Section International Atomic Energy
Agency P.O. Box 100 A-1400 Vienna Austria |
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Online: TELNET or FTP: iaeand.iaea.org username: IAEANDS for interactive
Nuclear Data Information System usernames: ANONYMOUS for FTP file
transfer; FENDL2 for FTP file transfer of FENDL-2.0; RIPL for FTP file transfer of RIPL; NDSONL for FTP
access to files sent to NDIS "open" area. Web: IAEA NDS |
The IAEA-NDS-reports should not be considered as
formal publications. When a nuclear
data library is sent out by the IAEA Nuclear Data Section, it will be
accompanied by an IAEA-NDS-report which should give the data user all necessary
documentation on contents, format and origin of the data library.
IAEA-NDS-reports are updated whenever there is
additional information of relevance to the users of the data library.
For citations care should be taken that credit is
given to the author of the data library and/or to the data center which issued
the data library. The editor of the
IAEA-NDS-report is usually not the author of the data library.
Neither the originator of the data libraries nor the
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Citation guidelines:
For citations care should be taken that credit is given to the author of the data library and/or to the data center which issued the data library. The editor of the IAEA-NDS-report is usually not the author of the data library.
This computer code package should be cited as follows: Dermott E. Cullen and Andrej Trkov, Program PLOTC4, report IAEA-NDS-79, Rev. 2, March, 2001
(Version 2001-3)
Plot evaluated data from the ENDF/B format and/or
Experimental data which is in a computational
Enclosed is the documentation for program PLOTC4. The program is designed to plot evaluated data from the ENDF formatted files and/or experimental data, which are in computation format.
The enclosed documentation includes,
1) A listing of the comment cards from the beginning of the program.
2) A listing of the software characters used by the program.
3) A listing of the three translation dictionaries used by the program.
4) A listing of an example output report.
5) A listing of example data in the computation format.
6) Plots of the data
The enclosed documentation is up to date as of March 2001. The program documentation on the comment cards at the beginning of the program and the translation dictionaries are continuously updated. Before using this program the user is advised to consult the comment cards at the beginning of the program and the translation dictionaries for the latest documentation.
Version 2001-3
The comments can be extracted using system search routines by copying to "plotc4.man" all records beginning with "C-". For example:
Unix: grep C-M
plotc4.f >plotc4.man
VMS search plotc4.f C-M /out=plotc4.man
Dos find C-M plotc4.for >plotc4.man
Compared to earlier versions of this code (87-1 and earlier) this version 2001-3 has the capability to plot differential and double differential data from ENDF files. The graphics interface is compatible with the Pre-Pro-2000 series of codes and is not described separately. It includes plotter independent characters.
Program PLOTC4
Comment cards
The function of the PLOTC4 program is to plot and compare
experimental data, which are in a computation format with
evaluated data in ENDF format.
This program has been designed to use the computation format
and conventions which are used by program X4TOC4 to translate
experimentally measured data from the EXFOR to a computation
The evaluated data in ENDF format need some pre-processing to
reduce the complexity of format representations, which are
allowed in the general ENDF format. The codes of the Pre-Pro
sequence are used for this purpose. It is recommended that
the following are executed:
LINEAR to convert all cross sections to linearly interpolable
RECENT to reconstruct the resonances from resonance parameters.
SIGMA1 to Doppler broaden the cross sections to room
temperature (optional but recommended when comparing
to experimental data since measurements are usually
done at room temperature).
ACTIVATE to generate cross sections for excitation into discrete
excited state (file MF10) from the data in files MF3
and MF9.
LEGEND to convert angular distributions in arbitrary ENDF
representation into tabular ENDF representation.
SIXTAB to convert doubel differential data in arbitrary ENDF
representation into tabular (law-7) ENDF representation.
This program uses a simple CALCOMP like graphics interface which
requires only 3 subroutines...PLOTS, PLOT and PEN (described in
detail below). All characters and symbols are drawn using tables
of pen strokes (supplied with this program). Using this method
the program should be simple to interface to virtually any plotter
or graphics terminal and the appearance and layout of the plots
should be independent of which plotter is used.
At the present time the following types of data can be plotted:
(1) MF = 3 - Cross sections. ENDF and EXFOR data can be
compared (only MF = 3 ENDF data can be compared).
(2) MF = 4 - Angular distributions. ENDF and EXFOR data can be
(3) MF = 5 - Energy distributions. ENDF and EXFOR data can be
(4) MF = 6 - Double differential cross sections. ENDF and EXFOR
data can be compared.
(5) MF = 154 - Legendre coefficients (only EXFOR).
(6) MF = 203 - Cross section ratios (only EXFOR).
(7) MF = 402 - Resonance parameters (only EXFOR).
(8) MF = 801 - Fission yield data (only EXFOR).
All other data will be skipped.
Based on input options the user may specify whether the program
should plot only EXFOR data or EXFOR and ENDF data. In addition
the user may specify up to 100 ZA/MF/MT ranges to select data.
Each section of ENDF cross sections (MF =3, any MT) may contain
any number of data points. If a section contains MXPNT or fewer
points all of the data will be in core. If the section contains
more than MXPNT points the data will be written to a scratch file
and read as needed.
Parameter MXPNT is currently set at 90000.
Based on input parameters the user may control how much EXFOR data
will appear on each plot. This program allows the user to specify
that up to MXPGP data points may appear on each plot. If there are
more physically comparable points (e.g., same ZA, MF, MT) than
specified by the user the program will create a series of plots
each containing not more than the maximum number of points per
plot specified by the user.
Parameter MXPGP is currently set at 10000.
The program has been implemented on a variety of computers from
Cray and IBM mainframe to Sun workstations to a PC. THE
program is small enough to run on virtually any computer.
The program uses a simple Calcomp-like graphics interface
(described below) and allows the user specify the physical size
of the plotter being used, by input parameters. Using these
conventions this program can be easily interfaced to virtually
any plotter.
For special considerations see the sections below on,
(1) Computer dependent coding.
(2) Plotter/graphics terminal interface.
The computation format uses a classification system and units
which are compatible with ENDF. Data is classified by (1) ZA
of projectile, (2) ZA of target, (3) metastable state of target,
(4) MF - type of data, (5) MT - reaction, (6) metastable state
of residual nucleus. To identify the source of the data the first
author and year and the EXFOR accession and sub-accession number
are included in the format. In addition, fields are assigned to
define the status of the EXFOR data (e.g., S = superceded),
whether data is in the laboratory or center-of-mass frame of
reference and the physical significance of the last 2 output
fields (LVL = level energy, HL = half-life). Finally the format
includes 8 fields in which the output data are contained (e.g.,
incident energy, data, cosine, uncertainties, etc.)
Columns Description
------- -----------
1- 5 Projectile ZA (e.g. neutron =1, proton =1001)
6- 11 Target ZA (e.g. 26-Fe-56 = 26056)
12 Target metastable state (e.g. 26-FE-56m = M)
13- 15 MF (ENDF conventions, plus additions).
16- 19 MT (ENDF conventions, plus additions).
20 Product metastable state (e.g. 26-FE-56M = M)
21 EXFOR status
22 Center-of-mass flag (C=center-of-mass, blank=lab)
23- 94 8 data fields (each in E9.3 format). defined below.
95- 97 Identification of data fields 7 and 8
(e.g., LVL=level, HL=half-life, etc.)
98-122 Reference (first author and year)
123-127 EXFOR accession number
128-130 EXFOR sub-accession number
131 Multi-dimension table flag
In order to plot data this program assumes that the following
conventions have been used for data in the computation format.
Data Field Definition
---------- ----------
1 Projectile incident energy
2 Projectile incident energy uncertainty
3 Data, e.g., cross section, angular distribution, etc.
4 Data uncertainty
5 Cosine or legendre order
6 Cosine uncertainty
7 Identified by columns 95-97 (e.g.,level E, half-life)
8 Identified by columns 95-97 (e.g.,level E, uncertainty)
The physical significance of the first 6 data fields is defined by
the MF (data type). The physical significance of fields 7 and 8
are defined by columns 95 through 97 (e.g. LVL = level energy and
its uncertainty).
The above conventions are appropriate for most types of data
in the ENDF system. In order to allow this program to plot
additional types of data the following special conventions have
been adopted,
Cross section ratios - Field 5 = MT of denominator.
(MF = 203) Field 6 = ZA of denominator.
Fission yield data - Field 5 = ZA of fission fragment.
(MF = 801) Field 6 = mass of fission fragment.
Production - Field 6 = ZA of product.
(MT = 9000-9999)
See, remarks below on metastable state flags.
The 8 data fields on each computation format line are read as
characters and internally converted to floating point numbers
(see, subroutine FLOAT9). By testing before converting this
program can determine whether any given field is blank (no data
given) as opposed to zero. It is often important to make this
distinction, particularly for fields 7 and 8, e.g. the difference
between 0.0 indicating ground state as opposed to no data given.
The EXFOR to computation format conversion program X4TOC4 also
makes this distinction and leaves undefined fields blank (not
zero). Therefore, any data converted to the computation format
format using program X4TOC4 will follow the correct conventions.
However, if the user of this program directly codes data in the
computation format it is important to maintain this convention.
Remember---any undefined fields should be left blank and not set
to zero.
In order to plot data this program assumes that the following
units have been used for data in the computation format.
eV = energy
barns = cross section
steradians = solid angle
seconds = time
kelvin = temperature
For example double differential data (MF=6) will be in,
The computation format allows the metastable state of the target
and residual nucleus to be identified. For ratio data metastable
state of both numerator and denominator of the ratio should be
The metastable state of the target is identified in column 12 and
the metastable state of the residual nuclues in column 20. For
ratio data the metastable state of the denominator target and
residual nucleus are identified by having the denominator ZA and
MT in the form ZA.m AND MT.m (e.g., 26056.9 and 102.1). Columns
12 and 20 may contain characters such as M, but to maintain the
eight output fields in strictly numerical form the denominator
ZA.m and MT.m will be in numerical form. The possible characters
that may appear in columns 12 or 20 and their numerical
equivalents used with ratio denominator za and mt include:
Definition Column 12 or 20 Equivalent Plotted as
---------- --------------- ---------- ----------
ground G 0 -G
m1 1 1 -M1
m2 2 2 -M2
m3 3 3 -M3
m4 4 4 -M4
m5 5 5 -M5
unknown ? 6 -M?
m M 7 -M
more than 1 + 8 -M+
all or total T 9 blank
all or total blank 9 blank
By convention if an EXFOR reaction does not specify a metastable
state the state is defined in the computation format to be..ALL..
(i.e., blank in column 12 or 20, 9 in ratio ZA or MT).
For example, for a ratio if the ZA.m and MT.m are output as
26056.9 and 102.1, respectively the ratio denominator target is
26-Fe-56 (all) and the reaction is capture (MT=102) leaving the
residual nucleus in the m1 state.
Column 21 of each computation format record may contain blank
(status not specified) or one to the following characters,
Column 21 Definition
--------- ----------
U Unnormalized (has priority over EXFOR status and is
used to indicate that the data is not in standard
output units. y axis label will say..UNNORMALIZED..).
A Approved by author
C-M Correlated
D Dependent
O Outdated
P Preliminary
R Renormalized
S Superceded
If data has any other EXFOR status (e.g., translated from SCISRS)
the status field will be blank.
The user has control over how data in the computation format
is interpreted by this program.
Data on each plot is identified by plotting a character equivalent
of target za and metastable state (ZA), data type (MF), reaction
(MT) and residual metastable state. The ZA, MF and MT may be
interpreted in any manner that the user chooses.
This is accomplished by using three dictionaries which control
the plotting. All three of these dictionaries are distributed
with this program. Each dictionary is a simple card image file
which may be modified by the user at any time to meet specific
needs. The three dictionaries are:
For all target or residual nuclei this program will use the
ENDF convention of assuming ZA = 1000*Z + A. For special
materials which do not easily fit into this scheme (e.g.,
water) the ENDF convention is to define Z =0 and to assign
a numerical equivalent for each special material. For normal
materials this program will use ZA to define the material or
isotope. For special material (Z=0) this program will use this
dictionary to define the material. As distributed this
dictionary contains all of the special materials defined in
the ENDF system. The user may code data for any special
material in the computation format and assign it a special
ZA. By adding the definition to this dictionary the user may
obtain plots on which the special material is properly
This dictionary defines the titles that will appear for each
MF read from the computation format. In addition this
dictionary allows the user to specify different titles for
the same MF and different MT ranges, e.g.:
MF =3, MT = 251 - 253 = parameters (used for MU, XI, GAMMA)
MF =3, MT = 9000 = neutron induced (used for production)
MF =3, MT = other = cross section
If the user does not like the titles normally output by this
program it is merely necessary to modify this dictionary.
This dictionary defines the titles that will appear for each
MT read from the computation format, e.g.:
MT = 1 = total
= 9000 = production
If the user does not like the titles normally output by this
program it is merely necessary to modify this dictionary.
Used in combination with the translation of the ZA, MF and MT serve
to identify the data being plotted. By using the dictionaries
described above the user has complete control over how ZA, MF and
MT are interpreted and as such may select any form to identify
The entire computation format file will first be read and compared
to the requested ZA/MF/MT ranges specified by the user. If no
comparable data is found the program will terminate execution. If
comparable data is found the program will create an index table
specifying (1) ZA, (2) MF, (3) MT, (4) starting record number,
(5) ending record number, (6) number of data points with this ZA,
MF and MT. During execution this index table will be used to,
(1) select the next ZA, MF, MT to be plotted if only plotting
EXFOR data, or (2) to determine whether or not there is comparable
EXFOR data (without again searching the EXFOR data file) when
comparing EXFOR and ENDF data. Once it has been decided to plot
EXFOR data which has a given ZA, MF and MT the starting record
index is used to quickly position to the first record to read and
the ending record index is used to define when to stop reading
(instead of reading the entire computation format data file).
The program will use the index table to define the ZA, MF and MT
of the next set of data to plot. Based on user input the program
will then plot either one reference (reference = author, year,
EXFOR accession and sub-accession number) per plot or all
comparable references on the same plot. The cycle of reading data
and producing plots will be continued until all data defined in
the index table have been plotted.
In the comparison mode the program will only plot data if there
is comparable data (same ZA, MF, MT) on both the ENDF formatted
and computation formatted files.
Based on the plotting requests (see below) the program will first
search the ENDF data file to find an acceptable section of cross
sections (MF=3,4,5,6). The program will then use the EXFOR index
to determine if there is comparable EXFOR data (same ZA, MF, MT).
If there is no comparable data the program will ignore the current
section of ENDF data and search for the next requested section
of ENDF data. The cycle of reading ENDF data and comparing to
the EXFOR index table will be continued until comparable ENDF
and EXFOR data are found. Only after the EXFOR index table shows
that the computation format file contains comparable data will
the file be read. As described above while reading EXFOR data the
program will use the starting and ending record number to quickly
position to the data to read and to stop reading when all required
data has been read.
Experimentally measured differential cross sections are seldom
measured for a particular reaction as defined in ENDF. Usually
they are "particle production cross sections", therefore
summation over several ENDF reactions is necessary. Differential
data in an ENDF file are marked available for comparison if file
MF4, 5 or 6 are found, but no action is taken until the
differential data are also found in the EXFOR file. At this
point the emitted particle, the incident particle energy, the
outgoing particle energy and/or angle are known. At this point
the differential data retrieval routine is activated, extracting
the normalised distributions, multiplying by the appropriate
cross sections from file MF3 and summing contributions from all
reactions that produce that outgoing particle.
To simplify coding a restriction on the formats of the
differential data exists. The retrieval routine only accepts
tabular representation. ENDF files in other format representations
can be converted using codes LEGEND for the angular distributions
and SIXTAB for the double differential data.
At present the assembly of the differential data is limited to
the neutron production reactions.
When plotting one reference per plot the program will use the
EXFOR index table to determine where to start reading. After one
data point has been read the program will continue to read data
points until (1) a point is found with a different ZA, MF, MT or
reference, (2) the index table last record number indicates that
the last point has been read, or (3) the maximum number of points
per plot have been read.
WARNING...When plotting one reference per plot in order to produce
a plot the program must find at least the minimum number of points
required (see, input description below) on suceessive records.
therefore the computation format should be sorted to insure that
all data with the same ZA, MF, MT, reference appear on successive
When plotting all comparable data on the same plot the program
will use the EXFOR index table to define where to start reading.
The program will continue to read data until (1) the index table
last record number indicates that the last point has been read, or
(2) the maximum number of points per plot have been read.
In this mode the EXFOR data need not be sorted by ZA, MF, MT,
reference since the EXFOR index table will define where all
comparable data are located on the computation format data file.
However, to minimize the time required to search the computation
format file the user should sort the data by ZA, MF, MT.
Program operation can be optimized by minimizing the size of the
ENDF and computation formatted files. If you wish to compare
a limited number of reactions it is suggested that you first
prepare ENDF and computation formatted data files that only
contain the data which will be plotted, i.e., never use this
program to try to compare two enormous files of ENDF and EXFOR
data unless you are willing to spend a correspendingly enormous
amount of computer time. In addition the EXFOR data file
should be sorted by ZA, MF, MT, reference.
If only plotting EXFOR data this program will scale the X and Y
range of each plot to include only EXFOR data. If plotting EXFOR
and ENDF data the user may specify by input (input described
below) to scale plots to include all ENDF and EXFOR data or
only all ENDF data or only all EXFOR data. Although this option
may be used for special purposes to obtain special scaling it is
recommended that the user always scale plots to include all ENDF
and EXFOR data.
Regardless of the energy range specified by plotting requests
(see description of requests below) this program will never extend
the energy range of plots beyond where there are data. For example
to plot (n,2n) over the entire energy range where there are data
the user can specify 0.0 to 100 MeV. This program will produce
plots from threshold up to the highest energy below 100 MeV where
data are given.
For angular (MF=4) and double differential (MF=6) distributions
where the X variable is cosine, plots will always be produced over
the cosine range -1.0 to 1.0.
Note that input instructions for PLOTC4 are on unit 4, rather than
the usual Fortran unit 5. This is so for historic reasons to allow
the program to be used on an IBM-PC where unit 5 was reserved for
keyboard interaction.
Unit Description
---- -----------
4 Input options (BCD - 80 columns/record)
10 Computation formatted data (BCD - 131 columns/record)
11 ENDF formatted data (BCD - 80 columns/record)
12 Special ZA definitions (BCD - 80 columns/record)
14 MF definitions (BCD - 80 columns/record)
15 MT definitions (BCD - 80 columns/record)
17 Software characters (BCD - 80 columns/record)
Unit Description
---- -----------
6 Output report (BCD - 120 columns/record)
---- -----------
18 ENDF data paging unit (Binary - 6000 words/record)
The user must input at least one card to specify plotting options.
In the simplest case this first card can be completely blank (see
Example input No. 1 below). To select data by ZA/MF/MT/Incident
energy range the user may input up to 100 additional cards.
Card Columns Format Description
---- ------- ------ -----------
1 1- 5 I5 Compare EXFOR data to ENDF
0 = No
1 = Yes
2 = Yes (identify ENDF points by plotting
a small diamond round each point).
NOTE: If comparing data plots will only
be produced if comparable data is found
on both the ENDF and computation format
6-10 I5 All comparable exfor data on same plot
0 = No
<0 = Yes, each reference on a seperate plot
>O = Yes, the value entered is the maximum
number of references per plot (current
upper limit=48).
11-15 I5 Plot scaling
0 = ENDF and EXFOR (recommended)
1 = ENDF
(automatically set to 2 if not comparing)
16-20 I5 Plot X error bars (energy, cosine, etc.)
0 = No, 1 = Yes
21-25 I5 Plot Y error bars (cross section, etc.)
0 = No, 1 = Yes
26-30 I5 Identify all references by symbol
0 = No, 1 = Yes
(0 = If only one reference on plot do not
plot box and reference symbol around each
data point...recommended).
31-35 I5 Allow variable E2 on same plot
0 = No, 1 = Yes
(Normally only data with same ZA/MF/MT/E2
will appear on same plot. 1 = collect data
from 1 reference for same ZA/MF/MT and
a number of values of E2. Identify data on
plot by each value of E2).
36-40 I5 Minimum EXFOR points per plot
(If there are fewer comparable EXFOR points
they will be skipped...default 8, minimum
valid entry 2).
41-45 I5 Maximum number of EXFOR points per plot
(Minimum defined by columns 36-40 up to
Currently parameter MXPGP is set to 10000.
HINT: The limit applies to the total number
of points extracted from the EXFOR
file. If plots are defined by
explicitly requested ranges (see the
next input line) and all comparable
points are to be displayed on the
same plot, use the default value.
46-50 I5 Grid type
= 0 - Tick marks on each axis..recommended.
= 1 - Full grid.
51-55 I5 Plot size
= 0 - Full size plots.
= 1 - Half size (4 sub-plots per plot).
56-70 3A4,A3 ENDF library identification.
e.g., ENDF/B-V (only used if comparing).
2-N 1- 7 I7 Lower ZA limit
8-11 I4 Lower MF limit
12-15 I4 Lower MT limit
16-26 E11.4 Lower incident energy limit (eV)
27-33 I7 Upper ZA limit
34-37 I4 Upper MF limit
38-41 I4 Upper MT limit
42-52 E11.4 Upper incident energy limit (eV)
53-55 I3 Plot scales (ENDF convention):
2 Linear abscisa and ordinate
3 Logarithmic abscisa and linear ordinate
4 Linear abscisa and logarithmic ordinate
5 Logarithmic abscisa and ordinate
56-66 E11.4 Smearing parameter for elastic and
discrete level inelastic scattering energy
distributions given in terms of a
fractional energy increment at which a
gaussian curve is half maximum. This is
only used to simulate resolution broadening
of the distributions, which are ideally
delta-functions (e.g. elastic and discrete
inelastic scattering reactions when
assembling total neutron emission
energy distribution).
The request list is terminated by a blank line. The remainder
of the input file will be ignored.
There may be up to 100 ZA/MF/MT/Energy range requests. If there
are more than 100 requests only the first 100 will be used.
Each request independently specifies a range of ZA/MF/MT/Energy
to be plotted.
For each set of data, ZA must be between the lower and upper ZA
limit, MF must be between the lower and upper MF limit, MT must
be between the lower and upper mt limit and the incident energy
must be between the lower and upper energy limit.
e.g., Z=1 to 90000, MF=3 to 3, MT=1 TO 1, E=0.0 to 2.0E+7 eV
will select all ZA between 1 to 90000 which have MF=3 and MT=1
and data points with incident energy between 0 and 20 MeV.
If there are no request cards all data will be plotted.
To plot all EXFOR data without comparison to ENDF and without
error bars the user need only enter a single blank card, or,
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Plot all EXFOR data 1 reference per plot with X and Y error bars.
Do not plot data unless there are 8 or more points. Plot a full
grid. Input the following 1 card,
0 0 0 1 1 0 1 8 0 1 0
NOTE: This is a good set of input parameters to use in order to
produce all possible plots of all EXFOR data translated from a
given EXFOR tape. It is recommended to specify 8 as the minimum
number of points per plot in order to avoid obtaining a large
number of plots each containing only 1 or 2 data points.
Plot Co-59 (n,2n) ENDF cross sections and all comparable
EXFOR data on the same plot with cross section error bars, one
plot from 0.0 eV (scaled to threshold) to 20.0 MeV and a second
plot from 12.0 to 15.0 MeV. Do not plot data unless there are at
least 8 experimental data points. Only tick marks on axis. ENDL84
is the identification for the ENDF library. Input the following
3 cards.
1 1 0 0 1 0 0 8 0 0 0 ENDL84
27059 3 16 0.00000+ 0 27059 3 16 2.00000+ 7
27059 3 16 1.20000+ 7 27059 3 16 1.50000+ 7
In order to improve this code and make future versions more
compatible for use on as many different types of computers as
possible please report all compiler diagnostics and/or operating
problems to the author at the above address.
Please remember if you simply report "I'VE GOT A PROBLEM" and do
not adequately describe exactly how you were using the program
it will be impossible for the author to help you. When a problem
arises please write to the author, describe the problem in as much
detail as possible, identify the version of the program that you
are using (e.g. Version 2001-3) and send the following information
in computer-readable form (e-mail, floppy disc, etc.) to the author:
(1) A copy of the program you are using
(2) A copy of compiler diagnostics (if any)
(3) A copy of the jcl deck you used to execute the program
(4) A copy of the 3 translation dictionaries you are using
(5) A copy of the computation format data you using
(6) A copy of the output report from the program.
Also send copies of any plots which you have obtained as output
from this program, if possible and/or applicable.
Without all of this information it is impossible to exactly
simulate the problem that you ran and to determine the source
of your problem.
Retrieval of differential and double differential data is done
through the DXSEND package, which is provided as a separate
module. It is called by:
The DXSEND module reads an ENDF file and extract cross sections
(KEA=0), differential cross section (angular distributions KEA=1
or energy spectra KEA=2, parameter PAR < -2) and double
differential cross sections (correlated energy/angle distributions
with the same conventions for KEA. Parameter PAR is the requested
outgoing particle energy when the correlated angular distribution
are requested. Similarly, PAR is the cosine of the scattering
angle when the spectrum at a particular scattering angle is
requested. Differential cross sections are output in the Lab
co-ordinate system.
If a special MT number is requested (for example, MT=5 for
particle emission where particle is defined by its ZA designation
in ZAP), the retrieval is done recursively for all neutron emission
reactions and all contributions are summed.
Formal parameters are:
LEF - File unit number from which the ENDF file is read.
ZA0 - Requested nuclide identification number. If ZA>0 it is
given in terms of Z*1000+A+LIS0/10 where Z is the atomic
number, A the mass number and LIS0 the metastable state
number. When ZA<0 it implies the ENDF material MAT number.
ZAP0 - Outgoing particle ZA designation (ZAP0=1 for neutrons).
MT0 - Requested reaction MT number. Broadly this follows the
ENDF conventions.
KEA - Control flag to select retrieval of cross section (KEA=0)
angular distributions (KEA=1) of energy spectra (KEA=2).
EIN - Incident particle energy (eV).
PAR - Fixed parameter when requesting differential data:
KEA=1, PAR is the requested outgoing particle energy.
A value PAR <= -2 implies integrated distribution
over all angles.
KEA=2, PAR is the requested scattering angle (cosine).
A value PAR <= -2 implies angle integrated energy
EPS - Resolution broadening parameter is used for the two-body
scattering reactions like the elastic and discrete inelastic
cross sections where in principle the energy distribution
is a delta function. For such reactions the energy
distribution is displayed as a Gaussian distribution where
EPS the fractional half-width at half-maximum. Such
representation is convenient for comparison with measured
ENR - Argument vector of the assembled output cross section.
DXS - Function vector of the assembled output cross section.
RWO - Work array of length MRW.
NEN - Number of points in the assembled output cross section
MEN - Available size of ENR and DXS arrays.
MRW - Available size of the RWO work array.
IER - Error flag, which is zero on exit if data assembly is
completed successfully.
External routines called:
This program is designed to be used with a Fortran-77 or
Fortran-90 compiler.
The only compiler dependent format statements involve,
(2) Testing for errors and end of file during reads.
It is assumed that characters are stored in successive storage
locations and that characters may be treated as continuous strings
of characters in either CHARACTER*4 or CHARACTER*1 format.
For example, if one subroutine contains,
the array BCD is assumed to be an array of 40 characters in
successive byte locations.
It is assumed that this array can be passed as an argument to
another subroutine and used as CHARACTER*1, e.g.,
This convention will work on all 32 bit per word computers (e.g.,
IBM or IBM compatible computers).
For longer word length computers (e.g., CDC or CRAY) it is
suggested that before implementing and using this program the
user first verify that character strings can be treated as
described above, e.g., write a simple program to read a character
string of 40 characters in CHARACTER*4 format, pass it to a
subroutine which uses the character string in CHARACTER*1 format
and print the character string in the subroutine. If the character
string is printed as a continuous string you will be able to use
this program. If the character string is not printed as a
continuous string it is not recommended that you use this program.
This program using the Fortran-77 convention for testing for
reading errors and end of file during reads, e.g.,
READ(10,1000,END=100,ERR=200) A,B,C,D
This program uses a simple Calcomp-like interface involving
only 3 subroutines,
PLOTS(BUF,IBUF,IPLOT) - Initialize plotter
BUF - Plotter buffer
IBUF - Size of plotting buffer (5000 words used)
IPLOT - Plotter unit (16)...usually a dummy unit
PLOT(X,Y,IPEN) - Draw or move from last location to (X,Y),
end of current plot or end of plotting.
IPEN = 2 - Draw
= 3 - Move
= -1 - End of current plot...advance by X,Y
= 999 - End of plotting.
PEN(IPEN) - Select color.
IPEN- Color = 1 to N (N = Any positive integer)
In order to interface this program for use on any plotter which
does not use the above conventions it is merely necessary for the
the user to write 3 subroutines with the names PLOTS, PLOT and PEN
with the subroutine arguments described above and to then call the
local equivalent routines.
This program has available plotter interfaces to operate as
(1) Mainframe - hardcopy plots in black and white.
(2) Mainframe - screen plots in 7 colors on IBM graphics terminal.
(3) PC - hardcopy plots in 6 colors on a Hewlett-Packard
7475a plotter.
Contact the author to obtain copies of any of the above plotter
To select plotting colors subroutine PEN (described above) is used
to select one of the available colors. When running on a mainframe
using an IBM graphics terminal or on a PC using a Hewlett-
Packard plotter the graphics interface (described above) will
produce color plots.
When producing black and white hardcopy on a mainframe the user
should add a dummy subroutine PEN to the end of the program to
ignore attempts to change color. Add the following subroutine:
This program uses computer and plotter device independent software
characters. This program comes with a file that defines the pen
strokes required to draw all characters on the keyboard (upper
and lower case characters, numbers, etc.) plus an alternate set of
all upper and lower case greek characters and additional special
The software character table contains X and Y and pen positions to
draw each character. If you wish to draw any additional characters
or to modify the font of the existing characters you need only
modify this table.
In the software character table all characters to be plotted will
have pen position = 2 (draw) or = 3 (move). In addition the table
currently contains 4 control characters:
Shift the next printed character by X and Y. 3 control characters
are presently included in the software character table to allow
{ = Shift up (for superscripts..............X= 0.0, Y= 0.5)
} = Shift down (for subscripts..............X= 0.0, Y=-0.5)
\ = Shift left 1 character (for backspace...X=-1.0, Y= 0.0)
Select the next printed character from the alternate character
set. At present this control character is,
] = Switch to alternate character set
These 4 control characters are only defined by the value of the
pen position in the software character table (i.e., they are not
hard wired into this program). As such by modifying the software
character table the user has the option of defining any control
characters to meet specific needs.
These characters may be used in character strings to produce
special effects. For example, to plot subscript 5, B, superscript
10 use the string,
To plot B, subscript 5 and superscript 10 with the 5 directly
below the 1 of the 10 use the string,
To plot upper case greek gamma followed by the words "Total Width"
use the string,
]G Total Width
NOTE: When these control characters are used they only effect the
next 1 printed character (see, above example of plotting super-
script 10 where the shift up control character was used before the
1 and then again before the 0).
If these 4 control characters are not available on your computer
you can modify the software character table to use any other 4
characters that you do not normally use in character strings (for
details see the software character table).
The software character table contains 2 sets of characters, which
are a standard set (all characters on an IBM keyboard) and an
alternate set (upper and lower case greek characters and special
characters). To draw a character from the alternate character set
put a vertical stroke character (]) before a character (see the
above example and the software character table for details). This
control character will only effect the next 1 plotted character.
To draw subscript preceed a character by }. To draw superscript
preceed a character by { (see the above example and the software
character table for details). These control character will only
effect the next 1 plotted character.
To backspace one character preceed a character by \ (see, the
above example and the software character table for details). This
control character will perform a true backspace and will effect
all following characters in the same character string.
Software characters
The 87-1 and later versions of this program use a table of plotter independent characters. The following page list all of the characters used by this program. The first block lists the standard characters and the second block the alternate characters (see comment cards from the program for details).
The data on the character symbol file are the public domain Hershey fonts, tabulated by Gian Carlo Panini and incorporated into the code by Red Cullen. Additional information on Hershey fonts can be found on "http://sources.isc.org/utils/misc/hershey-font.txt".
Special ZA Dictionary
100 WATER * ======
102 C12H10 * ======= ===========
103 NAOH * 1- 5 ZA
104 C18H14 * 7-18 DEFINITION (E.G., ZA=1 - 1/V ABSORBER)
201 BE2C *
203 ZRHX * ==================
207 UO2 *
302 ZIRCALLOY-2 * ==================
400 U-233 RSTR *
402 U-239 RSTR * ==================
405 U-238 RSTR *
406 PU-240 RSTR *
410 U-233 SSTR *
411 U-235 SSTR *
412 U-239 SSTR *
413 PU-241 SSTR *
414 TH-232 SSTR *
415 U-238 SSTR *
416 PU-240 SSTR *
420 U-233 NSTR *
421 U-235 NSTR *
422 U-239 NSTR *
423 PU-241 NSTR *
424 TH-232 NSTR *
425 U-238 NSTR *
426 PU-240 NSTR *
430 U-233 RSFR *
431 U-235 RSFR *
432 U-239 RSFR *
433 PU-241 RSFR *
434 TH-232 RSFR *
435 U-238 RSFR *
436 PU-240 RSFR *
440 U-233 SSFR *
441 U-235 SSFR *
442 U-239 SSFR *
443 PU-241 SSFR *
444 TH-232 SSFR *
445 U-238 SSFR *
446 PU-240 SSFR *
450 U-233 NSFR *
451 U-235 NSFR *
452 U-239 NSFR *
453 PU-241 NSFR *
454 TH-232 NSFR *
455 U-238 NSFR *
456 PU-240 NSFR *
MF Dictionary
3 251 253 Parameters * MF - DATA TYPE
3 9000 9000 Neutron Induced * EQUIVALENCE TABLE
3 9001 9001 Proton Induced *
3 9002 9002 Deuteron Induced *
3 9003 9003 Triton Induced *
3 9004 9004 2-He-3 Induced *
3 9005 9005 ]a Induced *
3 1 9999 Cross Sections *
4 9000 9000 Neutron Induced * FORMAT
4 1 9999 Angular Distribution * ======
5 1 9999 Energy Distribution * COLUMNS DESCRIPTION
6 1 9999 Double Differential * ======= ===========
154 1 9999 Legendre Coefficients * 1- 5 MF
203 1 9999 Ratio * 6-10 LOWER MT
402 1 9999 Resonance Parameters * 11-15 UPPER MT
801 1 9999 Yield Data * 17-48 DEFINITION
900 1 9999 Level Density Parameters *
MT Dictionary
1 1 Total * MT - REACTION
3 3 Nonelastic *
4 4 Inelastic * FORMAT
6 15 (n,2n) Level * ======
17 17 (n,3n) * ======= ===========
18 18 Fission * 1- 5 LOWER MT
19 19 (n,f) First Change * 6-10 UPPER MT
20 20 (n,nf) Second Chance * 12-51 REACTION
21 21 (n,2nf) Third Chance * DESCRIPTION
22 22 (n,n') ]a *
23 23 (n,n') 3]a * ONLY THE FIRST 50
24 24 (n,2n) ]a * COLUMNS A LINE ARE
25 25 (n,3n) ]a * READ. ANY TEXT MAY
26 26 (n,2n) Isomer * BE ADDED IN COLUMNS
27 27 Absorption * 51-80 (E.G. THIS
28 28 (n,n') p * TEXT).
29 29 (n,n') 2]a *
30 30 (n,2n) 2]a * ADDING REACTIONS
32 32 (n,n') d * ================
33 33 (n,n') t * TO ADD REACTIONS TO
34 34 (n,n') He-3 * THIS TABLE THEY
35 35 (n,n') d,2]a * MUST BE INSERTED IN
36 36 (n,n') t,2]a * ASCENDING ORDER AND
37 37 (n,4n) * MT RANGES MUST NOT
38 38 (n,3nf) Fourth Chance * OVERLAP
41 50 (n,2n) Level *
51 90 (n,n') Level * MAXIMUM TABLE SIZE
91 91 (n,n') Continuum * ==================
102 102 (N,]g) * UP TO 300 REACTIONS
103 103 (n,p) * MAY BE INCLUDED IN
104 104 (n,d) * THIS TABLE. IF MORE
105 105 (n,t) * THAN 300 ONLY THE
106 106 (n,He-3) * FIRST 300 WILL BE
107 107 (n,]a) * READ AND USED.
108 108 (n,]a) *
109 109 (n,3]a) * ENDF/B CONVENTIONS
111 111 (n,2p) * ==================
112 112 (n,p) ]a * ARE USED FOR
113 113 (n,t) 2]a * MT=1 - 999.
114 114 (n,d) 2]a *
120 120 Target Destruction *
203 203 Hydrogen Production *
204 204 Deuterium Production *
205 205 Tritium Production *
206 206 He-3 Production *
207 207 He-4 Production *
251 251 ]m-bar (Lab) *
252 252 Xi *
253 253 Gamma *
452 452 Total ]n-bar *
455 455 Delayed ]n-bar *
456 456 Prompt ]n-bar *
700 719 (n,p') Level *
720 739 (n,d') Level *
740 759 (n,t') Level *
760 779 (n,He-3') Level *
780 799 (n,]a') Level *
800 800 Damage (ASTM) *
801 801 Damage (EUR) *
1001 1001 (n,n+p) * COMBINATION REACTION
1002 1002 (n,n+p)+(n,p) * USE MT=1001 - 1999
1003 1003 (n,n+p)+(n,d) *
1004 1004 (n,n+]a)+(n,]a) *
1016 1016 Fission Fragments *
1018 1018 Photofission *
1019 1019 Photofission Fragments *
1103 1103 (n,p) Level *
1108 1108 (n,2]a) Level *
1113 1113 (n,t) 2]a Level *
1200 1200 (n,3-Li-7) *
1800 1800 * (LEVEL DENSITY)
2103 2103 (n,p) Direct * DIRECT = MT +2000
3103 3103 (n,p) Compound * COMPOUND = MT +3000
6002 6002 l value * RESONANCE PARAM. 0
6003 6003 j value *================ 0
6004 6004 Level Spacing * 0
6010 6010 ]G}t * 6000 - GENERAL 0
6021 6021 ]G}n * 6010 - TOTAL 0
6022 6022 g]G}n * 6020 - ELASTIC 0
6023 6023 Reduced ]G}n * 6030 - CAPTURE 0
6024 6024 Reduced g]G}n * 6040 - FISSION 0
6031 6031 ]G}]g * 6050 - RATIOS 0
6032 6032 g]G}]g * 0
6051 6051 g]G}n]G}]g/]G}t * 0
8001 8001 (p,n) * CHARGED PARTICLE
8002 8002 (d,n) * INDUCED REACTIONS
8003 8003 (t,n) * USE MT=8001 - 8999
8004 8004 (]a,n) *
9000 9999 Production *
The input data set requests:
Plot EXFOR and ENDF data.
Use EXFOR and ENDF data to determine scaling.
Plot as many references on the same plot as possible.
Plot EXFOR data that have at least two points per plot.
Plot everything from ENDF file MF1.
Plot on separate plots the range 0-20 eV and 20 eV to 20 MeV for the total, elastic and capture cross sections. Plot all other cross sections on the same plot.
Plot the differential and double differential cross sections using lin-log scale with a resolution broadening factor of 0.03.
0 12 0 9
1 99 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 ENDF
0 1 1 0.00000+ 0 99999 19999 2.00000+07
0 3 2 0.00000+ 0 99999 3 2 2.00000+01
0 3 2 2.00000+ 1 99999 3 2 2.00000+07
0 3 3 0.00000+ 0 99999 3 99 2.00000+07
0 3 102 0.00000+ 0 99999 3 102 2.00000+01
0 3 102 2.00000+ 1 99999 3 102 2.00000+07
0 3 103 0.00000+ 0 99999 39999 2.00000+07
0 4 1 0.00000+ 0 99999 59999 2.00000+07 4 0.03
0 6 1 0.00000+ 0 9999999999999 2.00000+07 4 0.03
--- All input below is ignored
0 0 0 0.00000+ 0 9999999999999 2.00000+07
0 4026020 0.00000+ 0 99999 4026099 2.00000+07
0 801 1 0.00000+ 0 99999 8019999 2.00000+07
Example Output Listing
SPECIAL ZA TITLES---------- 64( 200 ALLOWED)
MF TITLES------------------ 17( 100 ALLOWED)
MT TITLES------------------ 91( 300 ALLOWED)
PLOT X ERROR BARS-------------------------- YES
PLOT Y ERROR BARS-------------------------- YES
GRID TYPE---------------------------------- TICK MARKS
PLOT SIZE---------------------------------- FULL
EVALUATED DATA I.D.------------------------ENDF
COMPUTER TYPE------------------------------ IBM-PC
0 3 2 0.0000E+00 99999 3 2 2.0000E+01
0 3 2 2.0000E+01 99999 3 2 2.0000E+07
0 3 3 0.0000E+00 99999 3 99 2.0000E+07
0 3 102 0.0000E+00 99999 3 102 2.0000E+01
0 3 102 2.0000E+01 99999 3 102 2.0000E+07
0 3 103 0.0000E+00 99999 39999 2.0000E+07
0 4 1 0.0000E+00 99999 59999 2.0000E+07
0 6 1 0.0000E+00 99999 69999 2.0000E+07
14-Si-28 1425 3 2 4880 6 4 1
14-Si-28 1425 3 4 213 258 1 2
14-Si-28 1425 3 16 2 5 1 3
14-Si-28 1425 3 102 7990 8 3 4
14-Si-28 1425 3 103 158 398 28 5
14-Si-28 1425 3 103 158 5 5 6
14-Si-28 1425 3 107 178 125 3 7
14-Si-28 1425 4 2 162 18 2 1.420E+07 8
14-Si-28 1425 4 2 101 13 1 1.407E+07 9
14-Si-28 1425 4 2 45 16 1 5.950E+06 10
14-Si-28 1425 4 2 82 30 2 1.410E+07 11
14-Si-28 1425 4 2 63 28 1 9.760E+06 12
14-Si-28 1425 4 2 162 28 1 1.483E+07 13
14-Si-28 1425 4 2 113 26 1 1.016E+07 14
14-Si-28 1425 4 2 39 12 1 3.400E+06 15
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 571 76 1 1.420E+07 25.00 16
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 571 76 1 1.420E+07 30.00 17
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 571 73 1 1.420E+07 45.00 18
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 571 74 1 1.420E+07 60.00 19
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 571 73 1 1.420E+07 75.00 20
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 571 72 1 1.420E+07 80.00 21
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 571 69 1 1.420E+07 105.00 22
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 571 69 1 1.420E+07 120.00 23
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 571 68 1 1.420E+07 135.00 24
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 571 65 1 1.420E+07 150.00 25
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 625 60 1 1.484E+07 15.00 26
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 625 74 1 1.480E+07 30.00 27
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 625 70 1 1.470E+07 42.00 28
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 625 68 1 1.453E+07 60.00 29
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 571 68 1 1.425E+07 80.00 30
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 571 63 1 1.378E+07 117.00 31
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 571 57 1 1.350E+07 140.00 32
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 729 92 1 1.800E+07 45.00 33
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 729 92 1 1.800E+07 60.00 34
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 729 87 1 1.800E+07 75.00 35
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 729 84 1 1.800E+07 90.00 36
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 729 83 1 1.800E+07 120.00 37
14-Si-28 1425 6 9000 729 78 1 1.800E+07 150.00 38
Example Computation format
1 14028
3 16 1.7820+7 260000.0 3.9000-3 9.0000-4 D.M.ARNOLD,ET.AL. (65)11520
1 14028
3 16 1.7920+7 250000.0 6.5000-3 1.3000-3 D.M.ARNOLD,ET.AL. (65)11520
1 14028
3 16 1.8060+7 350000.0 6.0000-3 1.3000-3 D.M.ARNOLD,ET.AL. (65)11520
1 14028
3 16 1.8200+7 500000.0 8.7000-3 1.7000-3 D.M.ARNOLD,ET.AL. (65)11520
1 14028
3 16 1.8260+7 450000.0 8.0000-3 1.6000-3 D.M.ARNOLD,ET.AL. (65)11520
1 14028
3 107 9500000. 50000.00 0.059000
(66)11593 3
1 14028
3 107 9600000. 50000.00
0.035500 1.5000-3 J.A.SHANNON,ET.AL. (66)11593
1 14028
3 107 9700000. 50000.00
0.056000 2.0000-3 J.A.SHANNON,ET.AL. (66)11593
1 14028
3 107 9800000. 50000.00
0.055500 2.5000-3 J.A.SHANNON,ET.AL. (66)11593
1 14028
3 107 9900000. 50000.00
0.055000 2.0000-3 J.A.SHANNON,ET.AL. (66)11593
1 14028
3 107 1.0000+7 50000.00
0.097000 3.0000-3 J.A.SHANNON,ET.AL. (66)11593
1 14028
3 107 1.0100+7 50000.00
0.090000 2.0000-3 J.A.SHANNON,ET.AL. (66)11593
1 14028
3 107 1.0200+7 50000.00
0.063000 3.0000-3 J.A.SHANNON,ET.AL. (66)11593
1 14028
3 107 2.1600+7 100000.0
2.3000-3 4.0000-4 K.BHARUTH-RAM,ET.AL.
(77)30431 2
1 14028
3 107 5350000. 2.0000-3 M.BIRK,ET.AL. (63)31097 2
1 14028
3 107 5550000. 9.0000-3 M.BIRK,ET.AL. (63)31097 2
1 14028
3 107 5700000. 9.0000-3 M.BIRK,ET.AL. (63)31097 2
1 14028
3 107 5750000. 1.0000-2 M.BIRK,ET.AL. (63)31097 2
1 14028
3 107 5850000. 0.015000 M.BIRK,ET.AL. (63)31097 2
1 14028
3 107 6000000. 0.032000 M.BIRK,ET.AL. (63)31097 2
1 14028
3 107 6150000. 0.034000 M.BIRK,ET.AL. (63)31097 2
1 14028
3 107 6400000. 0.065000 M.BIRK,ET.AL. (63)31097 2
1 14028
3 2 3240000. 320000.0 2.313000 0.154000 L.FRITTELLI,ET.AL. (70)21481
1 14028
3 2 D 9760000. 80000.00 0.695000 0.024325 A.VIRDIS (81)21773 54
1 14028
3 2 D 1.4830+7 60000.00 0.646000 0.043928 A.VIRDIS (81)21773 54
1 14028
3 2 1.0163+7 49000.00 0.723400 0.017600 G.BOERKER,ET.AL. (88)22113 14
1 14028
3 2 1.0163+7 49000.00 0.724800 0.018600 G.BOERKER,ET.AL.
(88)22113 14
1 14028
3 2 D 3400000. 100000.0 1.795000 0.295000 TH.SCHWEITZER,ET.AL.
(11)30463 15
1 14028
4 2 C 1.4200+7 0.013000 1.0000-3-0.999450 4.3407-4
(73)20498 2
1 14028
4 2 C 1.4200+7
0.011000 9.0000-4-0.994150 1.4138-3 B.MINETTI,ET.AL. (73)20498 2
1 14028
4 2 C 1.4200+7
0.011000 8.0000-4-0.991890 1.6637-3 B.MINETTI,ET.AL. (73)20498 2
1 14028
4 2 C 1.4200+7
0.011100 9.0000-4-0.969010 3.2334-3 B.MINETTI,ET.AL. (73)20498 2
1 14028
4 2 C 1.4200+7
9.7000-3 8.0000-4-0.945510 4.2619-3 B.MINETTI,ET.AL. (73)20498 2
1 14028
4 2 C 1.4200+7
8.4000-3 8.0000-4-0.908500 5.4699-3 B.MINETTI,ET.AL. (73)20498 2
1 14028
4 2 C 1.4200+7
6.8000-3 6.0000-4-0.879640 6.2259-3 B.MINETTI,ET.AL. (73)20498 2
1 14028
4 2 C 1.4200+7
6.7000-3 6.0000-4-0.837710 7.1484-3 B.MINETTI,ET.AL. (73)20498 2
1 14028
4 2 C 1.4070+7
0.880000 0.045000 0.983885 J.ROTURIER (68)20599 15
1 14028
4 2 C 1.4070+7
0.485000 0.023000 0.935382 J.ROTURIER (68)20599 15
1 14028
4 2 C 1.4070+7 0.141000
0.012000 0.856897
J.ROTURIER (68)20599 15
1 14028
4 2 C 1.4070+7
0.016600 3.0000-3 0.750918 J.ROTURIER (68)20599 15
1 14028
4 2 C 1.4070+7 0.028400 3.5000-3 0.621967 J.ROTURIER (68)20599 15
1 14028
4 2 C 1.4070+7
0.036500 4.0000-3 0.472703 J.ROTURIER (68)20599 15
1 14028
4 2 C 1.4070+7
0.035800 4.0000-3 0.224949 J.ROTURIER (68)20599 15
1 14028
4 2 C 1.4070+7
0.010500 3.0000-3-0.036123 J.ROTURIER (68)20599 15
1 14028
4 2 C 1.4070+7
0.012500 3.0000-3-0.292374 J.ROTURIER (68)20599 15
1 14028
4 2 C 1.4070+7
0.012000 3.0000-3-0.526810 J.ROTURIER (68)20599 15
1 14028
4 2 C 1.4070+7
0.010000 3.0000-3-0.724896
J.ROTURIER (68)20599 15
1 14028
4 2 C 1.4070+7
0.012000 3.0000-3-0.874875 J.ROTURIER (68)20599 15
14028 4 2 C 1.4070+7 7.0000-3 -0.966062 J.ROTURIER (68)20599 15
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.1497-8 1.3202-9 0.906308 1.9 600000.0 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.1860-8 1.6198-9 0.906308 1.9 800000.0 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.5066-8 1.6841-9 0.906308 1.9 1000000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.1395-8 1.5145-9 0.906308 1.9 1200000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.7560-8 1.3733-9 0.906308 1.9 1400000. 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.8968-8 1.4847-9 0.906308 1.9 1600000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.9253-8 1.4684-9 0.906308 1.9 1800000. 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.0573-8 1.4816-9 0.906308 1.9 2000000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 3.9224-8 2.3676-9 0.906308 1.9 2200000. 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 6.8535-8 3.8877-9 0.906308 1.9 2400000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 4.0281-8 2.4183-9 0.906308 1.9 2600000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.7664-8 1.2992-9 0.906308 1.9 2800000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.2403-8 1.0571-9 0.906308 1.9 3000000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.2385-8 1.0475-9 0.906308 1.9 3200000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.1712-8 1.0080-9 0.906308 1.9 3400000. 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.2327-8 1.0343-9 0.906308 1.9 3600000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.3109-8 1.0657-9 0.906308 1.9 3800000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.3217-8 1.0636-9 0.906308 1.9 4000000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 9.0065-9 9.550-10 0.906308 1.9 4200000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.1037-8 9.830-10 0.906308 1.9 4400000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.0857-8 9.505-10 0.906308 1.9 4600000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 9.4067-9 9.057-10 0.906308 1.9 4800000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 7.9434-9 8.155-10 0.906308
1.9 5000000. 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 8.2270-9 8.335-10 0.906308 1.9 5200000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 6.7112-9 7.814-10 0.906308 1.9 5400000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 5.4525-9 7.618-10 0.906308 1.9 5600000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 5.5985-9 7.391-10 0.906308 1.9 5800000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 3.7073-9 7.118-10 0.906308 1.9 6000000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 5.4657-9 7.344-10 0.906308 1.9 6200000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 4.9797-9 7.229-10 0.906308 1.9 6400000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 4.2341-9 7.106-10 0.906308 1.9 6600000. 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 4.0653-9 7.402-10 0.906308 1.9 6800000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 5.1091-9 7.505-10 0.906308 1.9 7000000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 7.7370-9 8.685-10 0.906308 1.9 7200000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 6.4390-9 8.200-10 0.906308 1.9 7400000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 4.5331-9 7.556-10 0.906308 1.9 7600000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 4.2255-9 7.534-10 0.906308 1.9 7800000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 4.6037-9 7.377-10 0.906308 1.9 8000000. 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.4697-9 7.094-10 0.906308 1.9 8200000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.1281-9 6.995-10 0.906308 1.9 8400000. 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.5260-9 6.615-10 0.906308 1.9 8600000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 3.0449-9 6.986-10 0.906308 1.9 8800000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.2720-9 6.907-10 0.906308 1.9 9000000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 4.0425-9 7.274-10 0.906308 1.9 9200000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 7.9517-9 8.376-10 0.906308 1.9 9400000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 8.0865-9 8.729-10 0.906308 1.9 9600000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 5.5939-9 7.874-10 0.906308 1.9 9800000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 3.9778-9 7.557-10 0.906308 1.9 1.0000+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 3.7090-9 7.465-10 0.906308 1.9 1.0200+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 4.3047-9 7.802-10 0.906308 1.9 1.0400+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.1723-9 7.406-10 0.906308 1.9 1.0600+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 3.0407-9 7.991-10 0.906308 1.9 1.0800+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.0217-9 8.082-10 0.906308 1.9 1.1000+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 3.3568-9 8.738-10 0.906308 1.9 1.1200+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 4.0793-9 9.313-10 0.906308 1.9 1.1400+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 5.7478-9 9.986-10 0.906308 1.9 1.1600+7 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 8.3065-9 1.0798-9 0.906308 1.9 1.1800+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 9.3754-9 1.1446-9 0.906308 1.9 1.2000+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.7037-8 1.4642-9 0.906308 1.9 1.2200+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.1997-8 1.7047-9 0.906308 1.9 1.2400+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.7988-8 1.9847-9 0.906308 1.9 1.2600+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.5736-8 1.9181-9 0.906308 1.9 1.2800+7 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.2759-8 1.8643-9 0.906308 1.9 1.3000+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
14028 69000 1.4200+7
2.3689-8 1.9859-9 0.906308
1.9 1.3200+7 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.8077-8 2.2279-9 0.906308 1.9 1.3400+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 4.1984-8 2.9214-9 0.906308 1.9 1.3600+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 7.9440-8 4.8377-9 0.906308 1.9 1.3800+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.6592-7 9.3501-9 0.906308 1.9 1.4000+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.5166-7 1.3889-8 0.906308 1.9 1.4200+7 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.7888-7 1.5334-8 0.906308 1.9 1.4400+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.3143-7 1.2808-8 0.906308 1.9 1.4600+7 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.4818-7 8.4053-9 0.906308 1.9 1.4800+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 9.0199-8 5.3299-9 0.906308 1.9 1.5000+7 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 5.6863-8 3.5505-9 0.906308 1.9 1.5200+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 3.7296-8 2.5273-9 0.906308 1.9 1.5400+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 3.0321-8 2.1154-9 0.906308 1.9 1.5600+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.2040-8 1.2203-9 0.866025 1.9 600000.0 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.1047-8 1.5361-9 0.866025 1.9 800000.0 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.1263-8 1.5181-9 0.866025 1.9 1000000. 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.9993-8 1.4454-9 0.866025 1.9 1200000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.8071-8 1.3675-9 0.866025 1.9 1400000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.8259-8 1.3631-9 0.866025 1.9 1600000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.8149-8 1.3480-9 0.866025 1.9 1800000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.5727-8 1.2242-9 0.866025 1.9 2000000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.7034-8 1.2703-9 0.866025 1.9 2200000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.7600-8 1.2853-9 0.866025 1.9 2400000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.5414-8 1.1655-9 0.866025
1.9 2600000. 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.4119-8 1.1046-9 0.866025 1.9 2800000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.2866-8 1.0390-9 0.866025 1.9 3000000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.3101-8 1.0470-9 0.866025 1.9 3200000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.1387-8 9.767-10 0.866025 1.9 3400000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.2103-8 9.965-10 0.866025 1.9 3600000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.1242-8 9.664-10 0.866025 1.9 3800000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.1611-8 9.654-10 0.866025 1.9 4000000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.1228-8 1.0068-9 0.866025 1.9 4200000. 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 8.6590-9 8.824-10 0.866025 1.9 4400000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 7.6819-9 8.402-10 0.866025 1.9 4600000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 8.3800-9 8.360-10 0.866025 1.9 4800000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 8.3512-9 8.147-10 0.866025 1.9 5000000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 5.1842-9 7.238-10 0.866025 1.9 5200000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 5.7741-9 7.338-10 0.866025 1.9 5400000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 5.5271-9 7.360-10 0.866025 1.9 5600000. 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 5.4828-9 7.233-10 0.866025 1.9 5800000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 5.7175-9 7.260-10 0.866025 1.9 6000000. 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 5.9991-9 7.335-10 0.866025 1.9 6200000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 5.5639-9 7.244-10 0.866025 1.9 6400000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 6.9264-9 7.637-10 0.866025 1.9 6600000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 5.2467-9 7.315-10 0.866025 1.9 6800000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 5.9086-9 7.871-10 0.866025 1.9 7000000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 6.7229-9 8.277-10 0.866025 1.9 7200000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 4.8958-9 7.657-10 0.866025 1.9 7400000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 3.1841-9 7.244-10 0.866025 1.9 7600000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 3.9830-9 7.200-10 0.866025 1.9 7800000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.8925-9 7.178-10 0.866025 1.9 8000000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.0122-9 7.081-10 0.866025 1.9 8200000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.7408-9 7.041-10 0.866025 1.9 8400000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.6553-9 6.932-10 0.866025 1.9 8600000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 3.1716-9 6.910-10 0.866025 1.9 8800000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 4.9055-9 7.708-10 0.866025 1.9 9000000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 5.4871-9 8.122-10 0.866025 1.9 9200000. 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 8.3058-9 9.029-10 0.866025 1.9 9400000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 7.6465-9 8.721-10 0.866025 1.9 9600000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 5.2050-9 8.117-10 0.866025 1.9 9800000. 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 3.8759-9 7.962-10 0.866025 1.9 1.0000+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 3.4731-9 7.889-10 0.866025 1.9 1.0200+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 3.2938-9 8.256-10 0.866025 1.9 1.0400+7 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 5.3938-9 8.671-10 0.866025 1.9 1.0600+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
14028 69000 1.4200+7
5.5811-9 9.012-10 0.866025
1.9 1.0800+7 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 6.5955-9 9.545-10 0.866025 1.9 1.1000+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 7.7733-9 1.0035-9 0.866025 1.9 1.1200+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 8.2218-9 1.0382-9 0.866025 1.9 1.1400+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 9.3782-9 1.1417-9 0.866025 1.9 1.1600+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.3140-8 1.2945-9 0.866025 1.9 1.1800+7 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.8405-8 1.5499-9 0.866025 1.9 1.2000+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.3652-8 1.7977-9 0.866025 1.9 1.2200+7 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.6335-8 1.9410-9 0.866025 1.9 1.2400+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.2074-8 1.7718-9 0.866025 1.9 1.2600+7 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.2986-8 1.8384-9 0.866025 1.9 1.2800+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.2041-8 1.8579-9 0.866025 1.9 1.3000+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.5094-8 2.0590-9 0.866025 1.9 1.3200+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 3.5102-8 2.6148-9 0.866025 1.9 1.3400+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 6.7925-8 4.2657-9 0.866025 1.9 1.3600+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.2028-7 7.0186-9 0.866025 1.9 1.3800+7 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.7316-7 9.8073-9 0.866025 1.9 1.4000+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.7024-7 9.6627-9 0.866025 1.9 1.4200+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.3145-7 7.5975-9 0.866025 1.9 1.4400+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 7.8598-8 4.8182-9 0.866025 1.9 1.4600+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 4.5255-8 3.0549-9 0.866025 1.9 1.4800+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 2.7246-8 2.0653-9 0.866025 1.9 1.5000+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.7784-8 1.5261-9 0.866025 1.9 1.5200+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.3648-8 1.2347-9 0.866025
1.9 1.5400+7 100000.0 E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
1 14028
69000 1.4200+7 1.0745-8 1.0853-9 0.866025 1.9 1.5600+7 100000.0
E2M.BABA,ET.AL. (85)21984109
PLOTS of the Data using program