Neutron Metrology File

The Neutron Metrology File (NMF-90) [1,2] is an integrated database for performing neutron spectrum adjustment (unfolding) calculations. It contains 4 different adjustment codes, the dosimetry reaction cross section library IRDF-90/NMF-G with covariance files, 6 input data sets for reactor benchmark neutron fields and a number of utility codes for processing and plotting the input and output data.



NMF-90 is divided into following modules:

downloaded disk images have to be uncompressed (e.g. with WinZip) and copied onto diskettes. Then, follow Install and Readme files contained on these diskettes (some of the files still will have to be uncompressed). About 10 Mb of disk space is needed to install and run a typical reactor neutron dosimetry unfolding problem.

DEMO module contains a sample problem and its solution with all the programs involved in the NMF-90 (DEMO), furthermore, reference data sets for the benchmark neutron fields of the REAL-88 exercise.
IRDF-90 module contains the cross section library (IRDF-90/NMF-G).
STANYL, MIEKE, and LSL modules contain software packages and utility programs for neutron spectrum adjustment and subsequent radiation damage exposure parameter calculations. Each of these modules provides a complete neutron metrology calculation for radiation damage purposes: they start with cross section data processing (except LSL), perform neutron spectrum adjustment by the generalized least squares method and terminate in radiation damage exposure parameter calculation. The cross section library IRDF-90/NMF-G included as a separate module in NMF-90 is applied by the modules STAYNL and MIEKE. The program LSL has its own master library based on IRDF-85 data. The modules STAYNL and LSL have been written in standard Fortran77. The module MIEKE applies Microsoft Fortran77 compiler specific extensions, therefore, it can run only in that case if Microsoft run-time libraries are available. Mathematical coprocessor is strongly recommended.


E. J. Szondi*, H. J. Nolthenius** and E. M. Zsolnay* * Institute of Nuclear Techniques, Technical University of Budapest (BME) ** Energy Research Foundation of the Netherlands (ECN), Petten
Module MIEKE
M. Matzke, Phisikalische-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig
Module LSL
F. Stallmann, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge

The subdirectory REFS (on disk1) contains consistent data sets (calculated input spectra and measured reaction rates together with their covariance information, and weighting spectra in fine energy group structure) for neutron spectrum adjustment in six different spectrum cases:


  1. E.J. Szondi, "The Group Version of the International Reactor Dosimetry File IRDF-90 for Use in the Neutron Metrology File NMF-90 (IRDF-90/NMF-G)", Report INDC(HUN)-34, Vienna, 1999. (PDF,33 KB)
  2. E.M. Zsolnay, E.J. Szondi, H.J. Nolthenius, "The Neutron Metrology File NMF-90", Report IAEA-NDS-171, Rev. 1, Vienna, 1999. (PDF, 34KB).