![]() |
Rev. 1, 98/10
FENDL/MG-2.0 and FENDL/MC-2.0
The processed cross-section libraries for neutron photon transport calculations
Version 1, March 1997
Summary documentation
H. Wienke and M. Herman
Abstract: Evaluated neutron reaction data and photon-atom interaction cross
sections for materials contained in the general purpose Fusion Evaluated Nuclear Data
Library (FENDL/E-2.0) have been processed with the NJOY code system into VITAMIN-J
multigroup structure, for use in discrete-ordinates transport codes, and into continuous
energy ACE format, for use in the Monte Carlo transport code MCNP. This document
summarizes the resulting data libraries FENDL/MG-2.0 version 1 and FENDL/MC-2.0 version 1.
The data are available costfree from the IAEA Nuclear Data Section online or on magnetic
Nuclear Data Section International Atomic Energy Agency P.O. Box 100 A-1400 Vienna Austria |
services@iaeand.iaea.org |
Online: TELNET or FTP: iaeand.iaea.org
username: IAEANDS for interactive Nuclear Data Information System usernames: ANONYMOUS for FTP file transfer; FENDL2 for FTP file transfer of FENDL-2.0; RIPL for FTP file transfer of RIPL Web: http://www-nds.iaea.org |
The IAEA-NDS-reports should not be considered as formal publications.
When a nuclear data library is sent out by the IAEA Nuclear Data Section, it will be
accompanied by an IAEA-NDS-report which should give the data user all necessary
documentation on contents, format and origin of the data library.
IAEA-NDS-reports are updated whenever there is additional information of
relevance to the users of the data library.
For citations care should be taken that credit is given to the author of
the data library and/or to the data center which issued the data library. The editor of
the IAEA-NDS-report is usually not the author of the data library.
Neither the originator of the data libraries nor the IAEA assume any
liability for their correctness or for any damages resulting from their use.
Citation guideline:
This data library should be cited as follows:
"FENDL/MG-2.0 and FENDL/MC-2.0, The processed cross-section libraries for
neutron-photon transport calculations, version 1 of February 1998". Summary
documentation H. Wienke and M. Herman, report IAEA-NDS-176 Rev. 0 (International
Atomic Energy Agency, April 1998). Data received on tape (or: retrieved on-line) from the
IAEA Nuclear Data Section.
Table of Contents
Appendix A: MATXS and GENDF formatted files
Appendix B: ACE formatted files
Appendix C: Brief description of "MATXS" Format
Appendix D: NJOY inputs for generating the processed neutron interaction
and photon production cross sections
Attachment: Distribution of the FENDL-2 Library
The processed cross-section libraries for neutron-photon transport calculations
Version 1 of February 1998
Summary documentation by
H. Wienke and M. Herman
The data libraries FENDL/MG-2.0 and FENDL/MC-2.0
contain cross section data in multigroup and continuous-energy ACE format respectively,
derived from FENDL/E-2.0, a library of selected evaluated neutron-nucleus and photon-atom
interaction cross-sections for nuclides of importance for neutron-photon transport
calculations for fusion reactor design, in the energy range from 10-5 eV up to
20 MeV [Ref. 1]. The library FENDL/E-2.0 has been developed from the previous version
FENDL/E-1.1 [Ref. 2] by including thirteen replacing evaluations and six evaluations for
additional materials. The new evaluations were selected from candidate ones submitted by
five national projects viz. JENDL-FF (Japan), BROND (Russia), EFF (European Union),
ENDF/B-VI (USA) and CENDL (China). The multigroup and continuous-energy cross-sections
have been produced with the nuclear data processing system NJOY [Ref. 3]. For the
evaluations taken over of FENDL/E-1 the processed cross section data, produced for
FENDL/MG-1.0 and FENDL/MC-1.0 by R.E. MacFarlane [Refs. 4,5,6]), were included. The
processed data for the new evaluations were provided by the contributing projects.
Whenever necessary, these data were supplemented at IAEA/NDS using NJOY94.105.
A. Multigroup cross section data library
The subdirectory [FENDL2.TRANSPORT.PROCESSED.FENDLMG] contains the following files:
- GENDF formatted files (filename extension .G), output of the NJOY module GROUPR
(neutron-interaction and photon-production cross section data only).
- MATXS formatted files (filename extension .M), for use in the coupled neutron-photon
transport calculations with discrete-ordinate codes such as ANISN, ONEDANT, etc. These
MATXS files were generated by post-processing the .G files mentioned above, using the
MATXSR module of the NJOY code system, along with the GENDF files of photon-atom
interaction data. The latter, produced with the NJOY module GAMINR, are not included in
the present subdirectory.
- A file named AAAREADME.WWW which contains the summary of information presented in
this report.
The multigroup data library FENDL/MG-2.0 has a
total size of 332.1 Megabytes (uncompressed) and contains 57 data files in GENDF format
(198.4 Megabytes) and the same number of files in MATXS format (133.7 Megabytes). Each
data file corresponds to one material. The list of available GENDF and MATXS formatted
data files is given in Appendix A. Appendix C describes the MATXS format.
The specifications for processing the FENDL/E-2.0 library into the multigroup coupled neutron-photon library are:
- Neutron groups: 175, in
Vitamin-J structure
- Gamma groups: 42, in Vitamin-J structure
- Neutron weight function: VITAMIN-E (IWT=11 in NJOY)
- Gamma weight function: 1/E with roll-offs (IWT=3 in NJOY)
- Legendre order for neutrons and photons:
P-6 for transport calculations correction to P-5
- Temperatures:
300 Kelvin (plus 600, 900, 1500 Kelvin for data from
- Dilution factors: see Table 1
- Reconstruction, linearization and thinning tolerances used in
RECONR: 0.2%
- Accuracy for resonance reconstruction up to 7 digits
- Reactions included:
All reactions contained
in the evaluations
Energy balance heating
Kinematic heating
Damage (MT=444)
Thermal data only for
H-2, Be-9, C-12, N-14, O-16, Al-27, V-51,
Fe-56, Zr-nat, Ga-nat, Nb-93, Mo-nat, Sn-nat, W-nat, Au-197
Gas production data:
see Table 2
B. Library of continuous-energy data FENDL/MC-2.0
The subdirectory [FENDL2.TRANSPORT.PROCESSED.FENDLMC] contains neutron and coupled
neutron-photon pointwise cross section data files in the ACE (ASCII) format, with filename
extension ACE, intended for use in the Monte-Carlo code MCNP. The data have been derived
with the ACER module of the NJOY system. Files with extension .XSDIR consist of one line
with the correct "file" and "route" entries. These .XSDIR files have
also been included in the index file XSDIR-FENDL used by the MCNP code.
The specifications used in processing with
- Temperature: 300 Kelvin =
- No thinning
- Reactions included:
All reactions present
in evaluations
Damage (MT = 444, only
for Al-27, Fe-56, Ta-181 and Au-197)
No thermal data
Gas production data
(see Table 2)
The library has a total size of 149.5 Megabytes
(uncompressed). It contains 57 data files. Each data file corresponds to one material. The
list of available ACE formatted data files is given in Appendix B.
C. File name conventions in FENDL/MG-2.0 and
In both sublibraries (FENDL/MG-2.0 and
FENDL/MC-2.0) the file name convention is the same as the one in FENDL/E-2.0 eg:
"H002BR2.M,-.G,-.ACE,-.XSDIR" H-2 data
from BROND-2;
"SI030E6.M,-.G,-.ACE,-.XSDIR " Si-30 data from ENDF/B-VI;
"MO000JFF.M,-.G,-.ACE,-.XSDIR " Mo-nat data from JENDL-FF;
"FE056EFF3.M,-.G,-.ACE,-.XSDIR " Fe-56 data from EFF-3;
"TA181J3.M,-.G,-.ACE,-.XSDIR " Ta-181 data from JENDL-3.1.
The atomic number is always written with three
digits, starting with '0' when smaller than 100 and '00' when smaller than 10.
The inputs for NJOY, as used by R.E. MacFarlane,
the contributors of the new evaluations and by the IAEA/NDS, for generating the multigroup
and ACE data files, are given in Appendix D. These should help the users to check, repeat
or extend the work.
Table 1: Dilution factors (in
barns) in the
multigroup data files
Nuclide | 1010 |
105 |
104 |
103 |
300. |
100. |
30. |
10. |
3. |
1. |
0.3 |
0.1 |
.001 |
H-1 | X |
H-2 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
H-3 | X |
He-3 | X |
He-4 | X |
Li-6 | X |
Li-7 | X |
Be-9 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
B-10 | X |
B-11 | X |
C-12 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
N-14 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
N-15 | X |
O-16 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
F-19 | X |
Na-23 | X |
Mg-nat | X |
Al-27 | X |
Si-28 | X |
X |
X |
X |
Si-29 | X |
X |
X |
X |
Si-30 | X |
X |
X |
X |
P-31 | X |
S-nat | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Cl-nat | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
K-nat | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Ca-nat | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Ti-nat | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
V-51 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Cr-50 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Cr-52 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Cr-53 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Cr-54 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Mn-55 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Fe-54 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Fe-56 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Fe-57 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Fe-58 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Co-59 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Ni-58 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Ni-60 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Ni-61 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Ni-62 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Ni-64 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Cu-63 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Cu-65 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Ga-nat | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Zr-nat | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Nb-93 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Mo-nat | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Sn-nat | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Ta-191 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
W-nat | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Au-197 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Pb-206 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Pb-207 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Pb-208 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Bi-209 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Table 2: Status of gas production cross
sections present
in the multigroup and MCNP formatted libraries
Nuclide | MT203 H-1 |
MT204 H-2 |
MT205 H-3 |
MT206 He-3 |
MT207 He-4 |
H-2 | X |
X |
Be-9 | X |
C-12 | X |
N-14 | X |
X |
X |
X |
N-15 | X |
X |
X |
X |
O-16 | X |
X |
X |
Al-27 | X |
X |
Si-28 | X |
X |
X |
Si-29 | X |
X |
Si-30 | X |
X |
V-51 | X |
X |
X |
X |
Fe-56 | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Ga-nat | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Zr-nat | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Nb-93 | X |
X |
X |
Mo-nat | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Sn-nat | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
W-nat | X |
X |
X |
Ta-181*) | X |
X |
Au-197 | X |
X |
1. A.B. Pashchenko, and H. Wienke,
"FENDL/E-2.0, Evaluated nuclear data library of neutron nuclear interaction
cross-sections and photon production cross-sections and photon-atom interaction
cross-sections for fusion applications, version 1 of March 1997", report IAEA-NDS-175
Rev. 0 (International Atomic Energy Agency, March 1997).
2. A.B. Pashchenko, H. Wienke, S. Ganesan and
P.K. McLaughlin, "FENDL/E, Evaluated Nuclear Data Library of Neutron Interaction
Cross Sections, Photon Production Cross Sections and Photon-Atom Interaction Cross
Sections for Fusion Applications, version 1.1 of November 1994", IAEA(NDS)-128, Rev.
3 (February 1996).
3. R.E. MacFarlane, "The NJOY Nuclear Data Processing System, Version 91",
Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-12740-M (1994). Code and manual distributed as
package PSR-171 by the Radiation Shielding Information Center (RSIC), Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, USA.
4. R.E. MacFarlane, "FENDL/MG, library of multigroup cross-sections in GENDF and
MATXS format for neutron-photon transport calculations, version 1.1 of March 1995".
Summary documentation by A.B. Pashchenko, H. Wienke and S. Ganesan, report
IAEA-NDS-129 Rev. 3 (International Atomic Energy Agency, February 1996).
5. R.E. MacFarlane, "Processing of ENDF/B-VI and FENDL for Multigroup and Monte
Carlo Applications", paper presented at the IAEA Advisory Group Meeting "Review
of Uncertainty Files and Improved Multigroup Cross Section Files for FENDL", Tokai,
Japan, 8-12 November 1993 [Ref. 7].
6. R.E. MacFarlane, "FENDL/MC, Library of cross-sections in continuous-energy ACE
format for neutron-photon transport calculations with the Monte Carlo N-particle Transport
Code system MCNP 4A, version 1.1 of March 1995" summary documentation by
A.B. Pashchenko, H. Wienke and S. Ganesan, report IAEA-NDS-169 Rev. 3 (International
Atomic Energy Agency, November 1995).
7. S. Ganesan, Ed., "Improved Evaluations and Integral Data Testing for
FENDL", summary report of the IAEA Advisory Group Meeting organized by the
International Atomic Energy Agency in cooperation with the Max-Planck Institute fr
Plasmaphysik, Garching, Germany, 12-16 September 1994, report INDC(NDS)-312, Nuclear Data
Section, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria (Dec 1994).
8. Judith F. Briesmeister, Ed, "MCNP - A General Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport
Code, Version 4A", Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-12625-M (1993).
9. R.E. MacFarlane, "TRANSX 2: A Code for Interfacing MATXS Cross Section
Libraries to Nuclear Transport Codes," LA-12312-MS (1992).
Ftp data set:
Nuclide | Filename | Original library |
No. of blocks (1 blk=512 bytes) |
1H | H001e6.G H001e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 3367 2584 |
2H | H002br2.G H002br2.M |
BROND-2 | 7831 6286 |
3H | H003e6.G H003e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 1683 1151 |
3He | HE003e6.G HE003e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 1356 742 |
4He | HE004e6.G HE004e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 1077 607 |
6Li | LI006e6.G LI006e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 6311 4860 |
7Li | LI007e6.G LI007e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 5688 4385 |
9Be | Be009jff.G BE009jff.M |
JENDL-FF | 15302 11331 |
10B | B010e6.M B010e6.G |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 3142 4723 |
11B | B011e6.G B011e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 3422 2426 |
12C | C012jff.G C012jff.M |
JENDL-FF | 14173 10381 |
14N | N014jff.G N014jff.M |
JENDL-FF | 15911 11708 |
15N | N015br2.G N015br2.M |
BROND-2.1 | 3746 2460 |
16O | O016jff.G O016jff.M |
JENDL-FF | 13693 9944 |
19F | F019e6.G F019e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 7989 5998 |
23Na | NA023e6.G NA023e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 4300 2902 |
Mg-nat | MG000e6.G MG000e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 5161 3385 |
27Al | AL027eff3.G AL027eff3.M |
EFF-3.0 | 7005 3877 |
28Si | SI028e6.G SI028e6.M |
ENDF/B-VI.5 | 5412 3524 |
29Si | SI029e6.G SI029e6.M |
ENDF/B-VI.5 | 6144 4018 |
30Si | SI030e6.G SI030e6.M |
ENDF/B-VI.5 | 4670 3186 |
S-nat | S000br2.G S000br2.M |
BROND-2.1 | 5537 3483 |
Cl-nat | CL000e6.G CL000e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 2976 1783 |
K-nat | K000e6.G K000e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 3045 1848 |
Ca-nat | CA000j3.G CA000j3.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 6702 4399 |
Ti-nat | TI000j3.G TI000j3.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 6846 4400 |
51V | V051jff.G V051jff.M |
JENDL-FF | 11128 7232 |
50Cr | CR050e6.G CR050e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 5900 4199 |
52Cr | CR052e6.G CR052e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 5989 4201 |
53Cr | CR053e6.G CR053e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 6919 4829 |
54Cr | CR054e6.G CR054e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 4696 3207 |
55Mn | MN055e6.G MN055e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 8241 5574 |
54Fe | FE054e6.G FE054e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 5435 3916 |
56Fe | FE056eff3.G FE056eff3.M |
EFF-3.0 | 11278 5788 |
57Fe | FE057e6.G FE057e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 6557 4755 |
58Fe | FE058e6.G FE058e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 5065 3721 |
59Co | CO59e6.G CO59e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 3985 2359 |
58Ni | NI058e6.G NI058e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 6393 4585 |
59Ni | NI059e6.G NI059e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 233 126 |
60Ni | NI060e6.G NI060e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 6545 4616 |
61Ni | NI061e6.G NI061e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 6916 4858 |
62Ni | NI062e6.G NI062e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 5569 3966 |
64Ni | NI064e6.G NI064e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 5034 3603 |
63Cu | Cu063e6.G Cu063e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 8452 5862 |
65Cu | Cu065e6.G Cu065e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 7000 4864 |
Ga-nat | Ga000j3.G Ga000j3.M |
JENDL-3.2 | 12504 7430 |
Zr-nat | Zr000jff.G Zr000jff.M |
JENDL-FF | 12843 8022 |
93Nb | Nb093jff.G NbB093jff.M |
JENDL-FF | 11836 7298 |
Mo-nat | Mo000jff.G Mo000jff.M |
JENDL-FF | 13677 8539 |
Sn-nat | Sn000br2.G Sn000br2.M |
BROND-2 | 7314 4732 |
181Ta | Ta181j3.G Ta181j3.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 4974 2943 |
W-nat | W000jff.G W000jff.M |
JENDL-FF | 14093 8539 |
207Pb | PB207e6.G PB207e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 6852 4324 |
208Pb | PB208e6.G PB208e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 4305 2878 |
209Bi | BI209e6.G BI209e6.M |
FENDL/MG-1.1 | 3101 1918 |
Nuclide | Filename | Original library | No. of blocks (1 blk=512 bytes) |
1H | H001e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 142 |
2H | H002br2.ace | BROND-2 | 1924 |
3H | H003e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 136 |
3He | HE003e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 116 |
4He | HE004e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 121 |
6Li | LI006e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 498 |
7Li | LI007e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 585 |
9Be | Be009jff.ace | JENDL-FF | 3319 |
10B | B010e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 1122 |
11B | B011e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 4340 |
12C | C012jff.ace | JENDL-FF | 1072 |
14N | N014jff.ace | JENDL-FF | 2483 |
15N | N015br2.ace | BROND-2.1 | 1890 |
16O | O016jff.ace | JENDL-FF | 1736 |
19F | F019e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 3759 |
23Na | NA023e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 1776 |
Mg | MG000e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 1808 |
27Al | AL027eff3.ace | EFF-2.4 | 2939 |
28Si | SI028e6.ace | ENDF/B-VI.5 | 5631 |
29Si | SI029e6.ace | ENDF/B-VI.5 | 4651 |
30Si | SI030e6.ace | ENDF/B-VI.5 | 3341 |
31P | P031e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 271 |
S-nat | S000br2.ace | BROND-2.1 | 4354 |
Cl-nat | CL000e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 967 |
K-nat | K000e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 982 |
Ca-nat | CA000j3.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 4326 |
Ti-nat | TI000j3.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 2699 |
51V | V051jff.ace | JENDL-FF | 1854 |
50Cr | CR050e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 7316 |
52Cr | CR052e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 6868 |
53Cr | CR053e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 4666 |
54Cr | CR054e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 4025 |
55Mn | MN055e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 10415 |
54Fe | FE054e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 6919 |
56Fe | FE056eff3.ace | EFF-3 | 38827 |
57Fe | FE057e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 6730 |
58Fe | FE058e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 4404 |
59Co | CO59e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 8707 |
58Ni | NI058e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 12256 |
60Ni | NI060e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 7347 |
61Ni | NI061e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 3815 |
62Ni | NI062e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 3339 |
64Ni | NI064e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 2721 |
63Cu | Cu063e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 7810 |
65Cu | Cu065e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 6394 |
Ga-nat | Ga000j3.ace | JENDL-3.2 | 2381 |
Zr-nat | Zr000jff.ace | JENDL-FF | 6353 |
93Nb | Nb093jff.ace | JENDL-FF | 7839 |
Mo-nat | Mo000jff.ace | JENDL-FF | 8587 |
Sn-nat | Sn000br2.ace | BROND-2 | 11411 |
181Ta | Ta181j3.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 13072 |
W-nat | W000jff.ace | JENDL-FF | 9447 |
197Au | AU197e6.ace | ENDF/B-VI.1 Mod1. | 11132 |
206Pb | PB206e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 10284 |
207Pb | PB207e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 4462 |
208Pb | PB208e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 4489 |
209Bi | BI209e6.ace | FENDL/MC-1.1 | 3069 |
The MATXS files are produced by MATXSR module of
NJOY. The MATXSR module of NJOY reformats multigroup constants from the GENDF tape (i.e
the output file of GROUPR for neutron interaction cross sections and photon production
cross sections or the output file of GAMINR for photon atomic interaction cross sections)
into the MATXS interface format. The MATXS file has a very general organization to hold
arbitrary vectors and matrices. The file is first divided into "data types" such
as neutron scattering, photon production, gamma scattering, and neutron thermal data. Each
data type is assigned a name (NSCAT, NG, GSCAT, NTHERM). Data types are distinguished by
the choice of incident and secondary group structures. Each data type is divided into
materials specified by nuclide, temperature, and background cross section. Each material
is further subdivided into "vector partials" and "matrix partials".
These reaction partials are labeled with Hollerith names so there is no limit on the
quantities that can be stored. MATXSR reads cross sections from the GENDF tape, assigns
the Hollerith names, and packs the cross sections into MATXS format. The code TRANSX 2.0
[Ref. 9], for instance, serves to interface MATXS cross section libraries to nuclear
transport codes such as ANISN, ONEDANT etc. TRANSX reads nuclear data from a library in
MATXS format and produces transport tables compatible with many discrete-ordinates (SN)
and diffusion codes. The FENDL multigroup library may be post-processed using TRANSX to
produce tables for neutron, photon or coupled transport for specific application
The MATXS format is briefly described below
[priv. comm. R.E. McFarlane]:
Material cross section file:
This file contains cross section vectors and
matrices for all particles, materials, and reactions; delayed neutron spectra by time
group; and decay heat and photon spectra. Formats given are for file exchange only.
File structure:
Record type
Present if
File identification
File control
Set hollerith identification
File data
*********** (Repeat for all particles)
Group structures
*********** (Repeat for all materials)
* material control
* ********* (Repeat for all submaterials)
* * vector control
* * ******* (Repeat for all vector blocks)
* * * Vector block
* * *******
* *
* * ******* (Repeat for all matrix blocks)
* * * Matrix control
* * *
* * * ***** (Repeat for all sub-blocks)
* * * * Matrix sub-block
* * * *****
* * *
* * * Constant sub-block
* * *
File identification
FORMAT(4H OV ,A8,1H*,2A8,1H*,I6)
HNAME Hollerith file name - MATXS - (A8)
HUSE Hollerith user identifiation (A8)
IVERS File version number
MULT Double precision parameter
1- A8 word is single word
2- A8 word is double precision word
File control:
FORMAT(4H 1D ,4I6)
NPART Number
of particles for which group structures are given
NTYPE Number of data types present in set
NHOLL Number of words in set hollerith
identification record
NMAT Number of materials on file
MAXW Maximum record size for subblocking
LENGTH Length of file
Set hollerith identification:
FORMAT(4H 2D ,8A8/(9A8))
HSETID Hollerith
identification of set (A8)
(To be edited out
72 characters per line)
File data:
HPRT(J) Hollerith
identification for particle J
He-3 Nucleus
Alpha (He-4
Residual or
(Heavier than alpha)
HTYPE(K) Hollerith
identification for data type K
NSCAT Neutron scattering
NG Neutron induced gamma production
GSCAT Gamma scattering
PN Proton induced neutron production
DKN Delayed neutron data
DKHG Decay heat and gamma data
DKB Decay beta data
HMATN(I) Hollerith
identification for material I
NGRP(J) Number of energy groups for particle J
JINP(K) Type of incident particle associated with data
type K. For dk data types, JINP is 0.
JOUTP(K) Type of outgoing particle associated with data type K
NSUBM(I) Number of submaterials for material I
LOCM(I) Location of material I
Group structure:
FORMAT(4H 4D ,1P5E12.5/(6E12.5))
GPB(I) Maximum energy bound for group I for particle J
EMIN Minimum energy bound for particle J
Material control:
FORMAT(4H 6D ,A8,1H*,1P2E12.5/(2E12.5,5I6))
Hollerith material identifier
AMASS Atomic weight ratio
TEMP Ambient temperature or other
parameters for submaterial I.
SIGZ Dilution factor or other parameters
for submaterial I
ITYPE Data type for submaterial I
N1D Number of vectors for submaterial
N2D Number of matrix blocks for
submaterial I
LOCS Location of submaterial I
Vector control:
FORMAT(4H 7D ,8A8/(9A8)) HVPS
HVPS(I) Hollerith
identifier of vector
Neutron elastic scattering
N2N (n,2n)
NNF Second chance fission
GABS Gamma absorption
Protons in, 2 neutrons out
NFG(I) Number of first group in band for vector I
NLG(I) Number of last group in band for vector I
Vector block
KMAX=Sum over group band for each vector in block J
FORMAT(4H 8D,1P5E12.5/(6E12.5))
VPS(I) Data for
group bands for vectors in block J. The block
size is determined
by taking all the group bands that
have a total length
less than or equal to MAXW.
Scattering matrix control:
FORMAT(4H 9D ,A8/(12I6))
Hollerith identification of block
LORD Number of orders present
JCONST Number of groups with constant spectrum
JBAND(L) Bandwidth for group L
IJJ(L) Lowest group in band for group L
Scattering subblock:
MAX=LORD times the sum over all JBAND in the
group range of this sub-block
FORMAT(5H 10D ,1P5E12.5/(6E12.5))
SCAT(K) : Matrix data given as bands of elements
for initial groups that lead to each final group. The order of the elements is as follows:
Band for P0 of of group I, band for P1 of group I, ... , band for P0 of group I+1, band
for P1 of group I+1, etc. The groups in each band are given in descending order. The size
of each sub-block is determined by the total length of a group of bands that is less than
or equal to MAXW. If JCONST.GT.0, the contributions from the JCONST low-energy groups are
given separately.
Constant sub-block:
FORMAT(4H11D ,1P5E12.5/(6E12.5))
Normalized spectrum of final particles for initial particles in groups L1 to NING(K)
PROD Production cross section (e.g.,
NU*SIGF) for initial groups L1 through NING(K)
This option is normally used for the
energy-independent neutron and photon spectra from fission and radiative capture usually
seen at low energies.
a) NJOY Input file used by R.E. MacFarlane for
generating FENDL/MG-1.0
21 22
*pendf tape for jendl3.1 al-27*/
3131 7 0 /
.002 0. 7 /
*13-al-27 from jendl3.1 */
*processed with the njoy nuclear data
processing system*/
*see original endf/b6 tape for details of evaluation*/
*the following reaction types are added*/
*mt301 heating*/
*mt443 kinematic kerma*/
*mt444 damage energy production*/
22 23
3131 9/
300 400 600 800 1200 1600 2000 3000 4000 /
21 23 24
3131 6 0 1 0 2/
302 303 304 402 403 443/
21 23 24
3131 2/
443 444/
20 21
21 22 0 23
3131 17 10 11 6 1 1 1
*al27 jendl3.1 175x42*/
3 251 *mubar*/
3 252 *xi*/
3 253 *gamma*/
3 259 *1/v*/
23 26 25/
15 *t2lanl njoy*/
2 3 1 1/
*al27 jendl3.1 njoy91.91 28nov93*/
n g/
175 42/
nscat ng gscat/
1 1 2/
1 2 2/
al27 3131 1300/
b) NJOY input files used for processing data
from EFF
NJOY input file for producing multigroup data
20 -21
-21 -22
*Pendf tape for Al-27 from FENDL-2*/
1325 2/ mat ncards ngrids
.002 0. 7 .007/ err tempr(0.) ndigit(7) errmax
*Al-27 from FENDL-2 */
*Processed at IAEA/NDS with NJOY94 */
-21 -22 -23
1325 1/ mat ntemp istart(0) itrap(0) temp(0.)
.002 2.e6 .01/ err emaxbr errmax(20*err) errin(.0001*err)
300./ temp
-21 -23 -24/ endf ipendf opendf
1325 1 1 1/ mat ntem nsig ipr(0)
0 -24 -25
0 1325 8 1 1 0 1 221 2
0.001 1.0
-21 -25 -26 /in1 in2 out
1325 2 0 0 0 2 / mat npk(0) nqa(0) ntem(0) loc(0) ipr(1)
443 444/ kermatot damage
-21 -26 -27
-21 -27 0 28/in1 in2 gin out
1325 17 10 11 6 1 1 2/
*al-27 groupr n.ng data for fendl-2*/
3 251 *mubar*/
3 252 *xi*/
3 253 *gamma*/
3 259 *1/v*/
21 /
22 /
23 /
24 /
25 /
30 -31/ tape30 = fendlep.dat
-31 -32/
*pendf tape for Al from endf/b-6 gamma-int*/
1300 2/
.002 /err tempr(0.) ndigit(7) errmax
* Al from endf/b-6*/
* processed at IAEA/NDS with njoy94.105*/
-31 -32 0 33/
1300 10 3 6 1/
* 42 group Al photon interaction gaminr data endf6*/
*neutrons x's, g-prod. for al-27 from FENDL-2 */
28 33 34/
1 *matxs al27*/
2 3 2 1/npart ntype nholl nmat
*neutrons x's, g-prod. for al-27 from FENDL-2 */
*processed at IAEA/NDS with NJOY94.105 */
*n* *g*/hpart
175 42/ngrp(part)
*nscat* *ng* *gscat* *ntherm*/htype
1 1 2 1/jinp
1 2 2 1/joutp
*al27* 1325 1300/hmat matno matgg
NJOY input file for producing ACE
data,provided by Dr. Andrej Trkov, Institute "Jozef Stefan", Ljubliana, Slovenia
20 -21
-21 -22
*Pendf tape for 13-Al-27 from Bologna-97* /
1325 2 /
.002 0. 7 0.007 /
*13-Al-27 from Bologna-97 * /
*Processed by the NJOY94 nucl. data processing system* /
0 /
*moder* / Convert to 'coded' for verification purposes
-22 42
-22 -23
1325 1 0 0 0. / No restart, no bootstrap
.002 2.e6 0.01 / 0.2% thinning (1.0%max)
0 /
-21 -23 -30
1325 1 1 1
0 /
0 -30 -31
0 1325 8 1 1 0 1 221 2
0.001 1.0
-21 -31 -32/
1325 2 0 0 0 2 /
443 444 /
-21 -32 -24
*acer* / Generate the Ace formatted library
-21 -24 0 26 27 / use Expanded Photon Prod.
1 1 1 .00 0 /
*13-Al-27 from Bologna-97 */
1325 300. /
0.01 1 /
-2 20000
*groupr* / Generate old photon production
-21 -24 0 -25
1325 17 2 9 0 1 1 1 /
*13-Al-27 from Bologna-97 */
16 /
0 /
0 /
c) NJOY input files used for processing data
from JENDL-FF provided by Dr. Fujio Maekawa, JAERI, Japan
Input file for producing multi-group data
20 -21
30 -31
-21 -22
*pendf tape for zr-0 from jendl fusion file* /
4000 3 /
.005 /
*zr-0 from jendl fusion file* /
*processed by the njoy nuclear data processing system* /
*see original jff tape for details of evaluation* /
-22 -23
4000 4 0 1 0 /
.005 /
300. 600. 900. 1500.
0 /
-21 -23 -25
4000 4 10 0 /
300. 600. 900. 1500.
1.0e10 1.0e4 1000. 300. 100. 30. 10. 1. 0.1 1.0e-3
0 /
-21 -25 -24 0 /
4000 2 /
443 444
0 -24 -23
0 4000 8 4 1 0 1 221 0
300. 600. 900. 1500.
.005 4.6
-21 -23 0 91
4000 17 10 11 6 4 10 0 /
*zr-0 from jendl fusion file* /
300. 600. 900. 1500.
1.0e10 1.0e4 1000. 300. 100. 30. 10. 1. 0.1 1.0e-3
3 /
3 221 *free thermal scattering*/
6 /
6 221 *free thermal scattering*/
16 /
0 /
3 1 *total*/
3 2 *elastic*/
3 102 *capture*/
3 221 *free thermal scattering*/
6 2 *elastic*/
6 221 *free thermal scattering*/
0 /
3 1 *total*/
3 2 *elastic*/
3 102 *capture*/
3 221 *free thermal scattering*/
6 2 *elastic*/
6 221 *free thermal scattering*/
0 /
3 1 *total*/
3 2 *elastic*/
3 102 *capture*/
3 221 *free thermal scattering*/
6 2 *elastic*/
6 221 *free thermal scattering*/
0 /
0 /
-31 -23
*pendf tape for zr from fendl-1:ep*/
4000 1 /
.005 /
*zr from fendl-1:ep* /
0 /
-31 -23 0 -24
4000 10 4 8 0
*vitamin-j photon interaction library*/
-1 0 /
0 /
91 -24 90 /
0 *saei&fns njoy*/
2 4 1 1
*jff vitamin-j multigroup library*/
*n* *g*
175 42
*nscat* *ng* *gscat* *ntherm*
1 1 2 1
1 2 2 1
*zr-0* 4000 4000
Input file for producing data in ACE format
20 -21
-21 -22
*pendf tape for be-9 from jendl fusion file* /
425 3 /
.005 /
*be-9 from jendl fusion file* /
*processed by the njoy nuclear data processing system* /
*see original jff tape for details of evaluation* /
0 /
-22 -23
425 1 0 0 0 /
.005 /
0 /
-21 -23 -24 0 /
425 /
0 -24 -23
0 425 8 1 1 0 1 221 0
.005 4.6
-21 -23 0 -25
425 3 2 3 0 1 1 1 /
*be-9 from jendl fusion file* /
16 /
0 /
0 /
-21 -23 -25 26 27 /
1 1 1 .40 /
*be-9 jendl fusion file (njoy94)*/
425 300. /
0.01 1 /
d) NJOY input file used for processing data
from BROND-2
Input file for producing multigroup data
20 -21
-21 -22
*Pendf tape for Sn-nat from FENDL-2*/
5000 2/ mat ncards ngrids
.002 0. 7 .007/ err tempr(0.) ndigit(7) errmax
*Sn-nat from FENDL-2*/
*processed at IAEA/NDS with NJOY94.105*/
-21 -22 -23/
5000 1/ mat ntemp istart(0) itrap(0) temp(0.)
.002 2.e6 .01/ err emaxbr errmax(20*err) errin(.0001*err)
300./ temp
-21 -23 -24
5000 1 6/
1.e10 1.e4 1.e3 100. 10. 1./
0 -24 -25
0 5000 8 1 1 0 1 221/
0.001 1.0
-21 -25 -26 /in1 in2 out
5000 2 0 0 0 2 / mat npk(0) nqa(0) ntem(0) loc(0) ipr(1)
443 444/ kermatot damage
-21 -26 -27
-21 -27 0 28/in1 in2 gin out
5000 17 10 11 6 1 6 2/
*Sn-nat groupr n.ng data for fendl-2*/
1.e10 1.e4 1000. 100. 10. 1./
3 221/
3 251 *mubar*/
3 252 *xi*/
3 253 *gamma*/
3 259 *1/v*/
6 221/
32 -33/ tape32 = fendlep.dat
-33 -34/
*pendf tape for Sn from ENDF/B-6 gamma-int*/
5000 2/
.002 /err tempr(0.) ndigit(7) errmax
* Sn from endf/b-6*/
* processed with njoy94.105*/
-33 -34 0 35/
5000 10 3 6 1/
* 42 group Sn photon interaction gaminr data endf6*/
28 35 36/
1 *matxs Snnat*/
2 3 2 1/npart ntype nholl nmat
*neutrons x's, g-prod. for Sn-nat from FENDL-2 */
*processed with NJOY94.105 */
*n* *g*/hpart
175 42/ngrp(part)
*nscat* *ng* *gscat* *ntherm*/htype
1 1 2 1/jinp
1 2 2 1/joutp
*snnat* 5000 5000/hmat matno matgg
Input file for producing data in ACE format
20 -21
-21 -22
*Pendf tape for Sn-nat from FENDL-2*/
5000 2/ mat ncards ngrids
.002 0. 7 .007/ err tempr(0.) ndigit(7) errmax
*Sn-nat from FENDL-2*/
*processed at IAEA/NDS with NJOY94.105*/
-21 -22 -23/
5000 1/ mat ntemp istart(0) itrap(0) temp(0.)
.002 2.e6 .01/ err emaxbr errmax(20*err) errin(.0001*err)
300./ temp
-21 -23 -24
5000 1 6/
1.e10 1.e4 1.e3 100. 10. 1./
0 -24 -25
0 5000 8 1 1 0 1 221/
0.001 1.0
-21 -25 -26 /in1 in2 out
5000 2 0 0 0 2 / mat npk(0) nqa(0) ntem(0) loc(0) ipr(1)
443 444/ kermatot damage
-21 -26 -27
*acer* / generate the ace formatted library
-21 -27 0 30 31
1 0 1 .40 0/
*Sn-nat from FENDL-2 with NJOY94.105*/
5000 300./
0.01 1/
e) NJOY input file used for processing Au-197
from FENDL-2 at IAEA/NDS
Input file for producing multigroup data
20 -21
-21 -22
*Pendf tape for Au-197 from FENDL-2*/
7925 2/ mat ncards ngrids
.002 0. 7 .007/ err tempr(0.) ndigit(7) errmax
*Au-197 from FENDL-2*/
*processed at IAEA/NDS with NJOY94.105*/
-21 -22 -23/
7925 1/ mat ntemp istart(0) itrap(0) temp(0.)
.002 2.e6 .01/ err emaxbr errmax(20*err) errin(.0001*err)
300./ temp
-21 -23 -24
7925 1 8/
1.e10 1.e4 1000. 300. 100. 30. 10. 1./
0 -24 -25
0 7925 8 1 1 0 1 221/
0.001 1.0
-21 -25 -26 /in1 in2 out
7925 2 0 0 0 2 / mat npk(0) nqa(0) ntem(0) loc(0) ipr(1)
443 444/ kermatot damage
-21 -26 -27
-21 -27 0 28/in1 in2 gin out
7925 17 10 11 6 1 8 2/ mat ng(175) np(42) iwt lo nte ns ipr
*Au-197 groupr n.ng data for fendl-2*/
1.e10 1.e4 1000. 300. 100. 30. 10. 1./
3 221/
3 251 *mubar*/
3 252 *xi*/
3 253 *gamma*/
3 259 *1/v*/
6 221/
21 /
22 /
23 /
24 /
25 /
40 -41
-41 -42/
*pendf tape for Au from endf/b-6 gamma-int*/
7900 2/
.002 /err tempr(0.) ndigit(7) errmax
* Au from endf/b-6*/
* processed at NDS with njoy94.105*/
-41 -42 0 43/
7900 10 3 6 1/
* 42 group Au photon interaction gaminr data endf6*/
28 43 44/
1 *matxs au197*/
2 3 2 1/npart ntype nholl nmat
*neutrons x's, g-prod. for Au-197 from FENDL-2 */
*processed at IAEA/NDS with NJOY94.105 */
*n* *g*/hpart
175 42/ngrp(part)
*nscat* *ng* *gscat* *ntherm*/htype
1 1 2 1/jinp
1 2 2 1/joutp
*au197* 7925 7900/hmat matno matgg
Input file for producing data in ACE format
20 -21
-21 -22
*Pendf tape for Au-197 from FENDL-2*/
7925 2/ mat ncards ngrids
.002 0. 7 .007/ err tempr(0.) ndigit(7) errmax
*Au-197 from FENDL-2*/
*processed at IAEA/NDS with NJOY94.105*/
-21 -22 -23/
7925 1/ mat ntemp istart(0) itrap(0) temp(0.)
.002 2.e6 .01/ err emaxbr errmax(20*err) errin(.0001*err)
300./ temp
-21 -23 -24
7925 1 8/
1.e10 1.e4 1000. 300. 100. 30. 10. 1./
0 -24 -25
0 7925 8 1 1 0 1 221/
0.001 1.0
-21 -25 -26 /in1 in2 out
7925 2 0 0 0 2 / mat npk(0) nqa(0) ntem(0) loc(0) ipr(1)
443 444/ kermatot damage
-21 -26 -27
*acer* / generate the ace formatted library
-21 -27 0 30 31
1 0 1 .40 0/
*Au-197 from FENDL-2 processed at IAEA/NDS, with NJOY94.105*/
7925 300./
0.01 1/
(As recommended at the IAEA Advisory Group Meeting on FENDL,
held at IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria, March 1997.)
The master copy of the FENDL-2 library resides with the Nuclear Data
Section of the International Atomic Energy Agency. To facilitate user access to the
library the official copy of FENDL-2 will be distributed to the major nuclear data centres
in Europe (NEA Data Bank, Paris), Japan (JNDC, Tokai-mura), Russia (CJD,Obninsk) and USA
(NNDC, Brookhaven and RSIC, Oak Ridge). As agreed between data centers, sharing common
FENDL information, the recipients are receiving now the same products from all above
centers. The data are available and may be further distributed to the user community
according to the customer service options given below. Each FENDL sub-library will be in a
single data set, i.e. Activation, Decay, etc. in the 8 mm tape, 6 mm tape, 4 mm tape or
standard 9 track magnetic tape (6250 bpi or 1600 bpi) and CD-ROM options. The interested
scientists may request FENDL-2 (or parts of it) directly from the IAEA/NDS or from one of
these centers.
Electronic | FTP | IAEA, NEADB, NNDC |
9 track | ASCII EBCDIC |
Table notes
1) NNDC will distribute FENDL unprocessed
2) RSIC will distribute FENDL processed data
3) RSIC offers cost free service to ITER customers