Title |
Relative measurements of 233U+nth, 235U+nth and 239Pu+nth prompt fission neutron spectra (PFNS) in the energy range 0.01 - 5 MeV |
Author |
A.A. Boytsov, A.F. Semenov, B.I. Starostov |
Date |
Jul 2014 |
Last viewed |
27-Mar-2025 |
Full text |
524 K (Ctrl+L for full view) |
By using the time-of-flight method the spectra of 233U+nth, 235U+nth and 239Pu+nth fission neutrons have been measured as related to the 252Cf fission neutron spectrum described by the Maxwell distribution with the parameter of T = 1.42 MeV. In relation to this standard the spectra are in a good agreement with the Maxwell distributions having the parameters of T = 1.336 ± 0.035, 1.296 ± 0.035, and 1.382 ± 0.035 MeV respectively.