Title Modern Methods in Plasma Spectroscopy
Author H.-K. Chung, Yu. Ralchenko and B. J. Braams
Date Jun 2015
DOI 10.61092/iaea.5sdy-37tp
Note Summary Report of the Joint ICTP-IAEA Advanced School and Workshop, 16-27 March 2015, Trieste, Italy
Last viewed 16-Dec-2024

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This report summarizes the proceedings of the Joint ICTP-IAEA Advanced School and Workshop on Modern Methods in Plasma Spectroscopy. 67 participants from 16 Member States including one from the ITER organization and one from ICTP as well as two from the IAEA attended the two-week event held at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy. The purpose of the School and Workshop was to provide training and information exchange for plasma physicists, plasma spectroscopists, and other users of atomic data for fusion, astrophysics and laser and plasma applications to expand their knowledge of plasma spectroscopy and associated atomic science.