Title |
Nuclear Data for Medical Applications |
Author |
Jonathan W. Engle, Alex Hermanne, Alan L. Nichols, Roberto Capote Noy |
Date |
Feb 2024 |
10.61092/iaea.aktc-t5yh |
Note |
Summary Report of the Technical Meeting, 28-31 August 2023, Vienna, Austria |
Last viewed |
11-Mar-2025 |
Full text |
4.7 M (Ctrl+L for full view) |
A summary is given of an IAEA Technical Meeting on Nuclear Data for Medical Applications at which participants assessed present and future medical applications for many radionuclides based upon their existing and potential diagnostic and therapeutic properties. Debate focused upon charged-particle induced reactions and their production cross sections, derivation of optimal yields, minimisation of radionuclidic impurities, decay-data requirements, and nuclear data requirements for proton and heavy-ion radiotherapy. Technical discussions are included in this report, along with comprehensive listings and detailed recommendations for future measurements. Subsequent excitation functions and decay-data evaluations will also be needed to ensure the necessary quality and consistency of the datasets to be assembled in an existing dedicated IAEA-NDS database that is regularly maintained and supported.