Title EPICS2017: April 2019 Status Report
Author Dermott E. Cullen
Date Apr 2019
DOI 10.61092/iaea.nw3x-we53
Last viewed 17-Dec-2024

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This report is intended to bring readers up-to-date as to the current (April 2019) status of the Electron-Photon Interaction Cross Sections, version 2017 (EPICS2017). These evaluated data were initially released in 2017, and the evaluations have not changed since then. However, there have been two changes in how these data actually appear (are coded) in the ENDL and ENDF formats; the last being in April 2018. The bottom line is that this data has been up-to-date and FREELY available on-line at no cost to users for a year and we have no current plans to make any changes.