Reference Input Parameter Library (RIPL-3)
Nuclear Data Sheets - Volume 110, Issue 12, December 2009, Pages 3107-3214
We describe the physics and data included in the Reference Input Parameter Library, which is devoted to input parameters needed in calculations of nuclear reactions and nuclear data evaluations. Advanced modelling codes require substantial numerical input, therefore the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has worked extensively since 1993 on a library of validated nuclear-model input parameters, referred to as the Reference Input Parameter Library (RIPL). A final RIPL coordinated research project (RIPL-3) was brought to a successful conclusion in December 2008, after 15 years of challenging work carried out through three consecutive IAEA projects. The RIPL-3 library was released in January 2009, and is available on the Web through http://www-nds.iaea.org/RIPL-3/. This work and the resulting database are extremely important to theoreticians involved in the development and use of nuclear reaction modelling (ALICE, EMPIRE, GNASH, UNF, TALYS) both for theoretical research and nuclear data evaluations.
The numerical data and computer codes included in RIPL-3 are arranged in seven segments: MASSES contains ground-state properties of nuclei for about 9000 nuclei, including three theoretical predictions of masses and the evaluated experimental masses of Audi et al. (2003). DISCRETE LEVELS contains 118 datasets (Z from 0 to 117) with all known level schemes, electromagnetic and γ-ray decay probabilities available from ENSDF in April 2014. NEUTRON RESONANCES contains average resonance parameters prepared on the basis of the evaluations performed by Ignatyuk and Mughabghab. OPTICAL MODEL contains 495 sets of phenomenological optical model parameters defined in a wide energy range. When there are insufficient experimental data, the evaluator has to resort to either global parameterizations or microscopic approaches. Radial density distributions to be used as input for microscopic calculations are stored in the MASSES segment. LEVEL DENSITIES contains phenomenological parameterizations based on the modified Fermi gas and superfluid models and microscopic calculations which are based on a realistic microscopic single-particle level scheme. Partial level densities formulae are also recommended. All tabulated total level densities are consistent with both the recommended average neutron resonance parameters and discrete levels. GAMMA contains parameters that quantify giant resonances, experimental gamma-ray strength functions and methods for calculating gamma emission in statistical model codes. The experimental GDR parameters are represented by Lorentzian fits to the photo-absorption cross sections for 102 nuclides ranging from 51V to 239Pu. FISSION includes global prescriptions for fission barriers and nuclear level densities at fission saddle points based on microscopic HFB calculations constrained by experimental fission cross sections.
Experimental mass excessesExperimental mass excesses evaluated by Audi and Wapstra[1] are included along with the FRDM and HFB-14 results below. References: FRDMGround state properties calculated within the Finite Range Droplet Model (FRDM)[1-3]. References: Data File (762kB) README File (3.3kB) HFB-14Ground state properties calculated within the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) method[1-2]. References: Data File (963kB) README File (4.3kB) Duflo-Zuker96FORTRAN code for estimating nuclear masses with the 10 parameter formula of J. Duflo and A.P. Zuker[1,2]. References: Code (12kB) README File (1.6kB) Natural AbundancesReformatted data from the Nuclear Wallet cards, as retrieved from Brookhaven National Laboratory[1]. References: |
Retrieval of Mass Excesses
Nuclear Matter Densities - HFB14Neutron and proton distributions predicted within the Hartree-Fock-Bogolubov (HFB) method based on the BSk2 Skyrme force[1-3]. References: |
Retrieval of Nuclear
Nuclear Matter Densities - D1SPredictions of the deformed density distribution obtained within the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov method with the D1S Gogny effective interaction[1-2]. References: |
Retrieval of Nuclear
Discrete Levels and Decay Data (Updated on December 2021)Compilation of nuclear level schemes extracted from the ENSDF including additional information retrieved from NUBASE. Missing spins were inferred uniquely from spin distributions constructed using the available spins up to the highest known level. Missing Internal Conversion Coefficients (ICC) were calculated using inferred or available spins. Decays other than electromagnetic are given if available.
README File (2021)
README File (2020)
Retrieval of Discrete LevelsDiscrete Levels
Cumulative Plot |
Level Parameters (analysis of level schemes)Cut-off energies (Umax) for completeness of level schemes and completeness of spins (Uc) for a given level scheme as determined from the constant temperature fit of nuclear levels. Parameters for calculation of nuclear level densities (nuclear temperature, 'back-shift' and spin cut-off) and some additional parameters are also given. |
Retrieval of Level Parameters |
Average Spacings of Neutron Resonances296 average spacings for s-wave neutron resonances and 82 average spacings for p-wave neutron resonances. References:
Data File with s-wave Resonances (22kB) |
Retrieval of Average Spacings
Data required for preparing inputs for optical model calculations and, in addition, one FORTRAN code for microscopic calculation of optical model parameters. See README File (2.9kB) for further information.
Phenomenological OMP LibraryThe library contains all phenomenological optical model potentials that have been compiled, with a Users File that is a subset of the archival file with all single-energy potentials removed and an index file. See also the References.
Index of Users File ordered by Lib. No. (42kB) |
Retrieval of OMP Index |
Retrieval of OMP Data |
Deformation ParametersRecommended deformation parameters (beta-2 and beta-3) for 1643 collective levels retrieved from the JENDL-3.2 evaluations, ENSDF and the literature[1-3]. References: |
Retrieval of Deformation Parameters |
Utility Codes for Optical Model ParametersFORTRAN codes for updating, indexing and sorting the RIPL-3 optical model parameter library.
Code (654kB)
README File (3.2kB) Code for Retrieving Optical Model PotentialsFORTRAN code and associated files that can be used to prepare inputs for the SCAT2000, ECIS and OPTMAN optical model codes using the RIPL-3 OMP libraries. The code can also be used to tabulate parameters in function of incident energy. |
Code MOMFORTRAN code from Bruyeres-le-Chatel for semi-microscopic calculation of nucleon-nucleus spherical optical model potential by folding the target radial matter density with an OMP in nuclear matter based on the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock work of Jeukenne, Lejeune and Mahaux. |
Back-Shifted Fermi Gas Model (BSFG)Level density parameters for the BSFG model obtained by fitting the Fermi-gas model formula to the recommended spacings of s-wave neutron resonances and to the cumulative number of low-lying levels. Data File (34.3kB) README File (2.2kB) Gilbert-Cameron ModelLevel density parameters for the Gilbert-Cameron model obtained by fitting the Fermi-gas model formula to the recommended spacings of s-wave neutron resonances and by matching the corresponding level density to discrete levels. Data File (42.8kB) README File (2.4kB) Enhanced Generalized Superfluid Model (EGSM)Level density parameters for the Enhanced Generalized Superfluid Model (EGSM), which takes into account collective enhancement of the nuclear level density in addition to shell and superfluid effects. The parameters were obtained by fitting the corresponding model formulas to the recommended spacings of s-wave neutron resonances and by matching level densities to discrete levels.
Data File (26.1kB)
README File (2.4kB) |
Retrieval of Total Level Density ParametersPlot of Total Level Density
HFB Total Level DensitiesThe data files (*.dat) contains the HFB plus combinatorial nuclear level densities at ground state deformations[1]. The nuclear level density is coherently obtained on the basis of the single-particle level scheme and pairing energy derived at the ground state deformation based on the BSk14 Skyrme force[2]. Additionally, the phenomenological level density parameters ctable and ptable are tabulated in files (*.cor) by fitting the HFB calculated curve to the RIPL II recommended spacings of s-wave neutron resonances D0 and to the cumulative number of low-lying levels. References: HFB Data Files (total 486.6MB) HFB README File (3.1kB) HFB corrections File (30kB) HFB corrections README File (2kB) |
Retrieval of HFB
Shell Correction prescriptionsShell corrections calculated with the Myers-Swiatecki mass formula[1]. References:
Data File (280kB)
README File (2.1kB) Shell corrections calculated with the Mengoni-Nakajima mass formula[1]. References: |
Retrieval of Level Densities
Experimental Giant Dipole Resonance (GDR) ParametersThe values and errors of giant dipole resonance (GDR) parameters are presented which were obtained by a fit of the theoretical photoabsorption cross sections to the experimental data for 121 nuclides from 12-C through 239-Pu. The values and errors of the shape parameters of the Lorentzian-like curves corresponding to the giant dipole resonance excitation are presented.[1-8] References
README File (16kB) Theoretical GDR ParametersPredictions of the GDR energies and widths using Goldhaber-Teller model for about 6000 nuclei with 14<=Z<=110 lying between the proton and the neutron driplines. |
Retrieval of GDR Parameters |
Microscopic E1 Photoabsorption Strength-FunctionsPredictions of the E1-strength functions for 3317 nuclei with 8<=Z<=84 lying between the proton and the neutron driplines. The E1-strength functions are determined within the QRPA model based on the SLy4 Skyrme force[1,2]. References |
Retrieval of Microscopic E1
Empirical Fission BarriersThe file contains double-humped fission barrier parameters, i.e inner and outer barrier height and width. The pairing correlation function required to estimate the nuclear level density at the fission saddle points is also given[1]. References: Data File (3.8kB) README File (1.5kB) HFB Fission BarriersThe file contains the HFB fission barrier parameters and renormalization factors of the microscopic nuclear level density (NLD) obtained by fitting the neutron-induced fission cross section[1]. The HFB fission path[2] have been used initially and both the inner and outer barrier heights adjusted independently. For the lightest actinides (Th,Pa,U) three barriers are estimated. The barrier width is either the one predicted by the HFB model or for the some Th, Pa, Am or Cm cases the value adjusted to optimize the fission cross section. As far as the NLD are concerned, the HFB plus combinatorial model[3] is used at each fission saddle points. In some cases, the NLD have been renormalized through the alpha and delta parameter (see TecDoc) to optimize the fit to the fission cross section. The corresponding alpha and delta values are also given in the present file. References:
Data File (3.5kB)
README File (2.6kB) Code for Liquid Drop Fission BarriersSubroutine can return the barrier height, the ground-state energy and the angular momentum at which the fission barrier disappears. References: |
Retrieval of Fission Barriers |
Level Densities at Saddle Points Calculated within HFBThe files contains the HFB plus combinatorial nuclear level densities at saddle and isomer deformations[1]. The nuclear level density is coherently obtained on the basis of the single-particle level scheme and pairing energy derived at the saddle point deformation or shape isomer deformation. The same BSk14 Skyrme force[2] is used to estimate the fission saddle and isomeric points. References: |
Retrieval of Level Densities at Saddle Points |
SCAT2000O. BersillonCEA, DAM, DIF F-91297 Arpajon, France Content ReadMe File |
OPTMANE.Sh. SoukhovitskiiJoint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research Sosny, BY-220109 Minsk, Belarus Content ReadMe File |
ECISJ. RaynalService de Physique Theorique CEN Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France Content ReadMe File |
PFNS - Los Alamos ModelP. TalouLos Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, NM 87544, USA R. Capote Noy NAPC-Nuclear Data Section - IAEA A-1400 Vienna, Austria Content ReadMe File |
R. Capote Noy NAPC-Nuclear Data Section International Atomic Energy Agency A-1400 Vienna, Austria E-mail: r.capotenoy@iaea.org |
M. Herman National Nuclear Data Center Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY 11973, USA E-mail: mwherman@bnl.gov |
P. Oblozinsky National Nuclear Data Center Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY 11973, USA E-mail: oblozinsky@bnl.gov |
P.G. Young Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos NM 87544, USA E-mail: pgy@lanl.gov |
S. Goriely Universite Libre de Bruxelles BE 1050 Brussels Belgium E-mail: sgoriely@astro.ulb.ac.be |
T. Belgya Institute of Isotope and Surface Chemistry Chemical Research Center H-1525 Budapest, Hungary E-mail: belgya@alpha0.iki.kfki.hu |
A.V. Ignatyuk Institute of Physics and Power Engineering 249033 Obninsk Russia E-mail: ignatyuk@ippe.obninsk.ru |
A.J. Koning Fuels Actinides and Isotopes NRG Nuclear Research and Consultance Group NL-1755 Petten, The Netherlands E-mail: koning@nrg-nl.com |
S. Hilaire CEA, DAM, DIF F-91297 Arpajon France E-mail: stephane.hilaire@cea.fr |
V.A. Plujko Taras Shevchenko National University 03022 Kiev Ukraine E-mail: plujko@univ.kiev.ua |
M. Avrigeanu National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering "Horia Hulubei" 077125 Bucharest-Magurele Romania E-mail: mavrig@ifin.nipne.ro |
O. Bersillon CEA, DAM, DIF F-91297 Arpajon France E-mail: olivier.bersillon@cea.fr |
M.B. Chadwick Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos NM 87544, USA E-mail: mbchadwick@lanl.gov |
T. Fukahori Japan Atomic Energy Agency Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken 319-1195 Japan E-mail: fukahori.tokio@jaea.go.jp |
Zhigang Ge China Institute of Atomic Energy Beijing 102413 China E-mail: gezg@ciae.ac.cn |
Yinlu Han China Institute of Atomic Energy Beijing 102413 China E-mail: hanyl@ciae.ac.cn |
S. Kailas Bhabha Atomic Research Center Trombay 400085 Mumbai, India E-mail: kailas@barc.gov.in |
J. Kopecky JUKO Research NL-1817 Alkmaar The Netherlands E-mail: juko@wxs.nl |
V.M. Maslov Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research Sosny BY-220109 Minsk, Belarus E-mail: maslov@sosny.bas-net.by |
G. Reffo Ente Nuove Tecnologie Energia e Ambiente (ENEA) 40129 Bologna, Italy |
M. Sin Nuclear Physics Department Bucharest University 077125 Bucharest-Magurele, Romania E-mail: mihaela.sin@gmail.com |
E.Sh. Soukhovitskii Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research Sosny BY-220109 Minsk, Belarus E-mail: esukhov@sosny.bas-net.by |
P. Talou Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos NM 87544, USA E-mail: talou@lanl.gov |