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WIMS Library Update Project |
H2O-moderated uranium metal lattices-UME-LW (CRITUME)
H2O-moderated uranium critical metal lattices
Laboratory: BAPL Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, Westinghouse (USA)
Facility: TRX
These benchmarks consist of two H2O moderated lattices of
enriched uranium metal rods in a triangular pattern. Material bucklings
and several spectral indexes were measured.
Enrichment (%) |
1.3 |
Pitch (cm) |
1.8060 |
Lattice geometry |
Hexagonal |
Water/Fuel volume ratio |
Moderator |
H2O |
Fuel material |
U-met (1.3 w% enrichment) |
Fuel Isotopic Concentration (atoms/barn.cm3) |
0.0006253 |
Radius of fuel rods (cm) |
0.4915 |
Clad material |
Al |
Clad Isotopic Concentration (atoms/barn.cm3) |
Al: 0.06025 |
Outer radius of clad (cm) |
0.5753 |
Thickness of clad (cm) |
0.0711 |
Temperature (K) |
293.0 |
buckling |
0.005700 0.0001 |
HARDY, J., KLEIN, D., VOLPE, J.J., A Study of Physics parameters in Several
Lattices of Slightly Enriched and Natural Uranium, WAPD-TM-931, March1970.
[2] HARDY, J., KLEIN, D., VOLPE, J.J., Nucl.Sci.Eng.,40,101 (1970).
[3] VOLPE, J.J., HARDY, J., KLEIN, D., Nucl.Sci.Eng.,40,116 (1970).
[4] HARDY, J., KLEIN, DANNELS, R., Nucl.Sci.Eng.,26,462 (1966).
BROWN J.R., HARRIS D.R. et al., Kinetics and Buckling Measurements on Lattices
Slightly Enriched Uranium and UO2 Rods in light Water, WAPD-176, January 1958.
SHER R., FIARMAN S., Studies of Thermal Reactor Benchmark Data Interpretation:
Experimental Corrections,
EPRI-NP-209, Octuber 1976.
H2O-moderated uranium metal lattice (exponential experiment)
Laboratory: AECL Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (Canada)
This benchmark is an exponential experiment with H2O moderated
of uranium metal rods (0.714 w% U235) in a square pattern. Material
buckling was measured.
U-5 enrinchment (%) |
0.714 |
Pitch (cm) |
5.359 |
Lattice geometry |
Square |
Water/fuel volume ratio |
2.305 |
Moderator |
H2O |
Fuel material |
U-met |
Fuel Density (g/cm3) |
18.95 |
Radius of fuel rods (cm) |
1.6255 |
Clad material |
Al |
Clad Density (g/cm3) |
2.6999 |
Outer radius of clad (cm) |
1.7475 |
Thickness of clad (cm) |
0.102 |
Temperature (K) |
293.0 |
Experimental buckling (1/cm2) |
HELLENS, R.L., PRICE, G.A., Reactor Physics Data for Water-Moderated Lattices
Slightly Enriched Uranium Reactor Technology Selected Reviews, 529, 1964.
JARVIS, R.G., et al., Some Close-packed Lattices in Light Water and Heavy Water.
Part 1. Buckling Measurements, AECL-1254, 1961.
WALKER, W.H., JARVIS, R.G., Some Close-packed Lattices in Light Water and Heavy
Water. Spectrum and Fine Structure Measurements, AECL-1652, 1962.
BERNOCCHI, E., MARTINELLI, R., (editors), Light Water Lattice Data, page 121,
row 11, Comitato Nazionale per LEnergia Nucleare, Dipartamento Ricerca
di Base ed Avanzata, Quaderno RIT/FIS(77)1,NEACRP-U-190 (1977).
H2O-moderated uranium metal lattices (exponential experiments)
Laboratory: AERE Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell (UK)
These benchmarks consist of seven exponential experiments
with H2O
moderated lattices of enriched uranium metal rods. Two different enriched
fuels were used: 0.928 and 1.142 w% in square patterns.
Material bucklings were measured.
Enrichment (%) |
aere_uma1-5 aere_umb2 |
0.928 |
Pitch (cm) |
aere_uma1 |
2.388 |
Square |
Water/fuel volume ratio |
aere_uma1 |
0.896 1.402 1.407 1.931 1.937 |
Moderator |
H2O |
Fuel material | U-met | |
Fuel Density (g/cm3) |
aere_uma2-5 aere_umb |
18.67 18.72 |
Radius of fuel rods (cm) |
aere_uma2-5;umb |
1.5240 |
Clad material | aere_uma1,3,4;umb aere_uma2,5 |
Al Stainless steel |
Clad Density (g/cm3) | aere_uma1,3,4;umb aere_uma2,5 |
2.6999 7.806 |
Outer radius of clad (cm) | aere_uma1 aere_uma2-5;umb |
1.0225 1.556 |
Thickness of clad (cm) | aere_uma1 aere_uma2,5 aere_uma3,4;umb |
0.053 0.048 0.051 |
Temperature (K) | 293.0 | |
Experimental buckling (1/cm2) |
aere_uma1 aere_uma2 aere_uma3 aere_uma4 aere_uma5 aere_umb1 aere_umb2 |
-0.00061 0.00023 -0.00020 0.00019 0.00241 0.00012 0.00219 0.0001 0.00087 0.0001 0.00448 0.00026 0.00436 0.0001 |
HELLENS, R.L., PRICE, G.A., Reactor Physics Data for Water-Moderated Lattices
of Slightly Enriched Uranium Reactor Technology Selected Reviews, 529,
DAVEY, W.G., SMITH, K.R.E., Exponential Experiments with Enriched Uranium-Natural
Water Systems, AERE-RP/R-1788, 1955.
BERNOCCHI, E., MARTINELLI, R., (editors), Light Water Lattice Data, (page 121,
rows 13,17-20), (page 123, row 24), (page 124, row 1),page 121, row 11,
Comitato Nazionale
per LEnergia Nucleare, Dipartamento Ricerca Tecnologica di Base ed Avanzata, Quaderno
RIT/FIS(77)1,NEACRP-U-190 (1977).
H2O-moderated uranium metal lattices (exponential experiments)
Laboratory: BNL Brookhaven National laboratory (USA)
Facility: BNL Exponential Assemblies
These benchmarks consist of 32 exponential experiments with
H2O moderated lattices of
enriched uranium metal rods. Four different enriched fuels were used: 1.016,
1.027, 1.143
and 1.299 w% in hexagonal patterns. Material bucklings were measured.
U-5 enrichment, % | bnl_uma1-7 bnl_umb1-16 bnl_umc1-2 bnl_umd1-7 |
1.016 1.027 1.143 1.299 |
Pitch (cm) | bnl-umb1 bnl-uma1,umb2 bnl-uma2,umb3 bnl-uma3,b4,c1 bnl-uma4,umb5 bnl-umd1 bnl-umb6,umd2 bnl-uma5,b7,d3 bnl-umd4 bnl-uma6,umb9 bnl-umb8,umd5 bnl-umc2 bnl-umb10 bnl-umb13 bnl-umb11,umd6 bnl-uma7,b12,d7 bnl-umb14 bnl-umb15 bnl-umb16 |
1.064 1.147 1.297 1.431 1.586 1.589 1.719 1.957 1.961 2.168 2.170 2.399 2.609 2.868 2.985 3.320 3.393 3.628 4.058 |
Lattice geometry | Hexagonal | |
Water/Fuel volume ratio | bnl-uma6,umb9 bnl-umb13 bnl-uma4;umb1,5;umc1;umd1 bnl-uma1;umb2,6,10;umd2 bnl-umb14 bnl-umb15 bnl-uma2,5;umb3,7,11;umd3,6 bnl-umd4 bnl-umb16 bnl-uma3,7;b4,8,12;c1;d5,7 |
1.000 1.334 1.500 2.000 2.334 2.834 3.000 3.018 3.834 4.000 |
Moderator | H2O | |
Fuel material | U-met | |
Fuel Density (g/cm3) | 18.90 | |
Radius of fuel rods (cm) | bnl-uma1-3;b1-4;c1 bnl-uma4,5;b5-8;d1-5 bnl-uma6,7;b9-12;c2;d6,7 bnl-umb13-16 |
0.3175 0.4915 0.762 0.9525 |
Clad material | Al | |
Clad Density (g/cm3) | 2.6999 | |
Outer radius of clad (cm) | bnl-uma1-3;b1-4;c1 bnl-uma4,5;b5-8;d1-5 bnl-uma6,7;b9-12;c2;d6,7 bnl-umb13-16 |
0.4015 0.5755 0.846 1.0285 |
Thickness of clad (cm) | bnl-uma1-3;b1-4;c1 bnl-uma4,7;b5-12;c2;d1-7 bnl-umb13-16 |
0.079 0.071 0.076 |
Temperature (K) | 293.0 | |
buckling (1/cm2) |
bnl_uma1 bnl_uma2 bnl_uma3 bnl_uma4 bnl_uma5 bnl_uma6 bnl_uma7 bnl_umb1 bnl_umb2 bnl_umb3 bnl_umb4 bnl_umb5 bnl_umb6 bnl_umb7 bnl_umb8 bnl_umb9 bnl_umb10 bnl_umb11 bnl_umb12 bnl_umb13 bnl_umb14 bnl_umb15 bnl_umb16 bnl_umc1 bnl_umc2 bnl_umd1 bnl_umd2 bnl_umd3 bnl_umd4 bnl_umd5 bnl_umd6 bnl_umd7 |
0.000047 0.002435 0.000019 0.002034 0.000043 0.001970 0.000034 0.003139 0.000019 0.000990 0.000054 0.002096 0.000026 0.001214 0.000103 0.001995 0.000047 0.002515 0.000027 0.002207 0.000021 0.001970 0.000034 0.002902 0.000034 0.003139 0.000019 0.002568 0.000024 0.000990 0.000054 0.003607 0.000039 0.003315 0.000031 0.002096 0.000026 0.00289 0.00005 0.003673 0.000048 0.003335 0.000113 0.00186 0.00006 0.003605 0.000019 0.003873 0.000082 0.004051 0.000030 0.005219 0.000036 0.005925 0.000033 0.00582 0.00010 0.005469 0.000036 0.006099 0.000026 0.005038 0.000027 |
HELLENS, R.L., PRICE, G.A., Reactor Physics Data for Water-Moderated Lattices
of Slightly
Enriched Uranium Reactor Technology Selected Reviews, 529, 1964.
PRICE, G.A., Uranium-Water Lattice Compilation Part I, BNL Exponential Assemblies,USAEC
Report BNL 50035 (T-449) (Reactor Technology-4500), Brookhaven National Laboratory
KOUTS, H. et al., Physics of Slightly Enriched, Normal Watter lattices, in Proceedings
of the
Second United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic
Energy, Geneva,
1958, Vol.12,pp.446-482, United nations, New York, 1958.
KOUTS, H., SHER, R., Experimental Studies of Slightly Enriched Uranium Moderated lattices.
Part 1, USAEC Report BNL-486, Brookhaven national Laboratory, 1957.
H. et al., Exponential Experiments on Light Water Moderated One Per Cent U-235
USAEC Report BNL-2094, Brookhaven national Laboratory, 1952.
[6] BERNOCCHI, E., MARTINELLI, R., (editors), Light Water Lattice Data, (p.122, rows 14-16,18,20,22),
(p.123, rows 2-6,8-12,14-17,20-22), (p.124, rows 5,12,17,18,20-22), (p.125, rows 3,4), Comitato Nazionale
per LEnergia Nucleare, Dipartamento Ricerca Tecnologica di
Base ed Avanzata, Quaderno RIT/FIS(77)1,
NEACRP-U-190 (1977).
H2O-moderated uranium metal lattices (exponential experiments)
Laboratory:HW Hanford Works, Richland (USA)
These benchmarks consist of 15 exponential experiments with
H2O moderated lattices
of enriched uranium metal rods.Three different enriched fuels were used: 0.95,
and 1.44 w% in hexagonal patterns. Material bucklings were measured.
General Data
U-5 enrichment (%) | hw_uma1-4 hw_umb1-6 hw_umc1-5 |
0.950 1.007 1.440 |
Pitch (cm) | hw-umb1 hw-umb2 hw-umb3 hw-uma1,umc1 hw-uma2,umc2 hw-uma3,b4,c3 hw-uma4,umc4 hw-umb5 hw-umc5 hw-umb6 |
3.556 3.937 4.064 5.080 5.334 5.588 6.096 6.223 6.604 6.858 |
Lattice geometry | Hexagonal | |
Water/Fuel volume ratio | hw-umb4 hw-uma1 hw-umc1 hw-umb5 hw-umb1 hw-uma2 hw-umc2 hw-uma3 hw-umc3 hw-umb6 hw-umb2 hw-umb3 hw-uma4 hw-umc4 hw-umc5 |
0.86 1.20 1.21 1.33 1.37 1.46 1.46 1.72 1.73 1.85 1.94 2.15 2.28 2.30 2.92 |
Moderator | H2O | |
Fuel material | U-met | |
Fuel Density (g/cm3) | hw-uma,umc hw-umb |
18.90 18.99 |
Radius of fuel rods (cm) | hw-umb1-3 hw-uma,umc hw-umb4-6 |
1.1750 1.6965 2.1080 |
Clad material | Al | |
Clad Density (g/cm3) | 2.6999 | |
Outer radius of clad (cm) | hw-umb1-3 hw-uma,umc hw-umb4-6 |
1.270 1.905 2.191 |
Thickness of clad (cm) | hw-umb4-6 hw-umb1-3 hw-uma,umc |
0.071 0.089 0.124 |
Temperature (K) | 293.0 | |
buckling (1/cm2) |
hw-uma1 hw-uma2 hw-uma3 hw-uma4 hw-umb1 hw-umb2 hw-umb3 hw-umb4 hw-umb5 hw-umb6 hw-umc1 hw-umc2 hw-umc3 hw-umc4 hw-umc5 |
0.000040 0.002257 0.000032 0.002115 0.000022 0.001474 0.000034 0.002903 0.000016 0.003357 0.000025 0.003012 0.000021 0.001639 0.000036 0.002747 0.000007 0.002205 0.000011 0.005294 0.000021 0.005678 0.000027 0.005774 0.000003 0.005115 0.000005 0.003818 0.000010 |
HELLENS, R.L., PRICE, G.A., Reactor Physics Data for Water-Moderated Lattices
of Slightly Enriched Uranium Reactor Technology Selected Reviews, 529,
KETZLACH, N., LLOYD, R.C., Nuclear Safety of Iron Encased Fuel Elements Nuclear
Physics Research Quarterly Report for April-June 1958, USAEC Report HW-56919,
Hanford Atomic Products Operation, 1958.
KETZLACH, N., Nuclear Safety of Iron Encased Fuel Elements, USAEC Report
HW-56423, Hanford Atomic Products Operation, 1958.
LLOYD, R.C., Summary Listing of Subcritical Measurements of Heterogeneous
Water-Uranium Lattices Made at Hanford, USAEC Report HW-65552, Hanford
Products Operation,
LLOYD, R.C., Buckling Measurements of Fuel Elements in a Random Array, Water
Moderated Nuclear Physics Research Quarterly Report for Octuber-December 1957,
Report HW-54591, p.35, Hanford Atomic Products Operation, 1958.
BENNET, R.A., BLOCK, E.Z., Reflector Savings of One Per Cent Enriched Uranyl
Nitrate Nuclear Physics Research Quarterly Report for Octuber-December 1957,
USAEC Report HW-54591, p.43, Hanford Atomic Products Operation, 1958.
CLAYTON, E.D., Exponential Pile Measurements in Water Moderated Lattices with
Enriched Uranium Rods, USAEC Report HW-40930, Hanford Atomic Products Operation,
CLAYTON, E.D., Water Moderated Lattices with Enriched Uranium Rods Nuclear
Physics Research Quarterly Report for Octuber-December 1955, USAEC Report
HW-42182, p.43, Hanford Atomic Products Operation, 1956.
LLOYD, R.C., Exponential Experiments with Poisoned Moderator Nuclear Physics
Research Quarterly Report for July-September 1959, USAEC Report HW-62727, p.61,
Hanford Atomic Products Operation, 1959.
BLOCK, E.Z., CLAYTON, E.D., Buckling Measurements with Enriched Fuel Elements
Light Water Nuclear Physics Research Quarterly Report for July-September 1956,
USAEC Report
HW-47012, p.12, Hanford Atomic Products Operation, 1956.
BERNOCCHI, E., MARTINELLI, R., (editors), Light Water Lattice Data, (p.121, rows 22,24,26),
(p.122, rows 2,4,6,8-12), (p.125, rows 5-9), Comitato Nazionale per LEnergia Nucleare, Dipartamento
Ricerca Tecnologica di Base ed Avanzata, Quaderno RIT/FIS(77)1, NEACRP-U-190
H2O-moderated uranium metal lattices (exponential experiments)
Laboratory: SRL Savannah River Laboratory (USA)
These benchmarks consist of seven exponential experiments
with H2O moderated
lattices of 3 w% enriched uranium metal rods in square patterns. Material bucklings
were measured.
Enrichment (%) | 3.0 % | |
Pitch (cm) | srl_um1 srl_um2 srl_um3 srl_um4 srl_um5 srl_um6 srl_um7 |
6.350 6.985 7.620 8.255 8.890 9.525 10.160 |
Lattice geometry | Square | |
Water/fuel volume ratio | srl_um1 srl_um2 srl_um3 srl_um4 srl_um5 srl_um6 srl_um7 |
0.990 1.430 1.870 0.496 0.738 0.990 1.270 |
Moderator | H2O | |
Fuel material | U-met | |
Fuel Density (g/cm3) | 18.9 | |
Radius of fuel rods (cm) | srl-um1-3 srl-um4-7 |
2.54 3.81 |
Clad material | None | |
Temperature (all components)(K) | 293.0 | |
Experimental buckling B2 (cm-2) | srl_um1 srl_um2 srl_um3 srl_um4 srl_um5 srl_um6 srl_um7 |
0.00011 0.01091 0.00011 0.01024 0.00011 0.00709 0.00011 0.00879 0.00011 0.00964 0.00011 0.00910 0.00011 |
ROGERS, W.B., KINARD, F.E., Material Buckling and Critical Masses of
Uranium Rods Containing 3 w% U-235 in H2O, Nucl.Sci.and Eng.,20,266 (1964).
BERNOCCHI, E., MARTINELLI, R., (editors), Light Water Lattice Data,
(p.125, rows 23,24), (p.125, rows 1,6-10), Comitato Nazionale
per LEnergia Nucleare,
Dipartamento Ricerca Tecnologica di Base ed Avanzata, Quaderno