The database of shielding
experiments (SINBAD) is hosted by the RSICC and is
maintained as a basis for computer code, model and nuclear data jointly with
the NEA data bank. This work carried out under the auspices of the IAEA
Nuclear Data Section involves building upon the SINBAD project to delivers
openly accessible, robust, upgradable simulation codes inputs decks and
protocols able to answer the needs of the wider radiation shielding
communities: reactor, accelerator, fusion alike.
As Monte Carlo simulation protocols and application nuclear data forms are
tested jointly MCNP6© and TRIPOLI© input and output files for TENDL-2019,
JEFF-3.3, JENDL-4.0 and ENDF/B-VIII.0 libraries are provided for the
technical community.
- Benchmark experiment on LiAlO2, Li2TiO3 and Li2ZrO3 assemblies with D-T neutrons-leakage neutron spectrum measurement (10.1016/S0920-3796(00)00200-3)
- Data Collection of Fusion Neutronics Benchmark Experiment Conducted at FNS/JAERI (JAERI-Data-Code-98-021)
- Compilation of Benchmark Results for Fusion Related Nuclear Data (JAERI-Data-Code-98-024)
- JAEA Shielding Integral Test Working Group (FY2006-2010) (JAEA-Research-2018-017)
- S.C. van der Marck, "Shielding Benchmark calculations with MCNP-4C3 using JEFF-3.1 Nuclear Data" (21616/05.69455/P)
- Dogleg Duct Streaming Experiment with 14 MeV Neutron Source 00223131.2004.10875640 and NEA-1553/60
- Neutron streaming experiment at FNG: results and analysis 10.1016/S0920-3796(00)00205-2 and NEA-1553/58
- V. Raffuzzi et al., "An iron evaluation story: from TALYS model parameters to validation on the ASPIS benchmark with the Monte Carlo code TRIPOLI-4" (Summary Report and Presentation)
- C. Jouanne, "ASPIS Benchmark with TRIPOLI-4" (Summary Report) and "Iron scattering analysis" (Summary Report)
- Y. Ding et al., "Benchmark experiment for bismuth by slab samples with D-T neutron source" (resource)
- B. Kos and I. A. Kodeli, "MCNP modelling of the TIARA SINBAD shielding benchmark" (INDC(NDS)-0785)
- B. Kos and I. A. Kodeli, "MCNP modelling of the ASPIS Iron88 SINBAD shielding benchmark" (INDC(NDS)-0771)
- The following graphical presentations illustrate some results: