An International Database of Reference Gamma Spectra

IDB is a web-accessible database of reference gamma spectra for measurement of uranium (U) and plutonium (Pu) isotopic composition, developed by the International Atomic Energy Agency. The database provides access to well-characterized groups of gamma spectra curated by international experts in gamma spectroscopy to promote sustainability and maintenance of software used to determine the isotopic abundances of U and Pu.

Search the database

The database can be queried for metadata attributes describing the spectra, including source information, measurement configuration and detector specifications. By selecting a set of metadata attributes, users can access the spectra that correspond to that query.

The database can also be queried via a programmatic API. Please see the API documention for more details.

Download the database

Download the latest version of the database (zip, ~105 MB):

All previous versions of the database can be downloaded from the Versions page.


The data and metadata in the IDB Database are licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), unless explicitly stated. Publications using data derived from the IDB Database should cite the database and the data authors.


If a spectrum has a certificate, it can be browsed and downloaded from the Certificates library.

Cite the database

IDB Database, IAEA, 2025,