NRDC Documents
Number | Title | Editor | Date |
INDC(NDS)-0401 Rev.6 | International Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centres | N.Otsuka | 2014-05 |
IAEA-NDS-0206 | EXFOR Formats Description for Users (EXFOR Basics) | O.Schwerer | 2008-06 |
IAEA-NDS-0207 | EXFOR Formats Manual | N.Otuka | 2022-06 |
IAEA-NDS-0208 | LEXFOR (EXFOR Compiler's Manual) | N.Otuka | 2022-06 |
IAEA-NDS-0213 | EXFOR/CINDA Dictionary Manual | N.Otuka | 2023-05 |
IAEA-NDS-0215 | NRDC Protocol (Protocol for Cooperation between Nuclear Reaction Data Centres) | N.Otuka | 2018-06 |
IAEA-NDS-0216 | GDGraph 5.0 Manual a tool for digitization of graph image | Jin Yongli, Chen Guochang | 2013-08 |
BNL-NCS-63381-03/06-Rev. | Citation Guidelines for Nuclear Data Retrieved from Databases Resident at the Nuclear Data Centres Network | V.McLane | 2003-06 |
NEA/DB/DOC(2008)3 | CINDA Compilers Manual | H.Henriksson | 2008-05 |
(no number) | Short Guide for EXFOR compilers | M.Mikhaylyukova, V.Pronyaev | 2012-04 |
IAEA-NDS-0215 | NRDC Protocol (Protocol for Cooperation between Nuclear Reaction Data Centres) | N.Otuka | 2014-05 |
Number | Title | Editor | Date |
INDC(CCP)-0461 | Russian Nuclear Data Center: History of creation and achievements | V.N.Manokhin, A.I.Blokhin, A.V.Ignaytuk | 2019-12 |
INDC(NDS)-0697 | Compilation of Thermal Neutron Scattering Data for Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data Library (EXFOR) | J.I.Marquez Damian, V.Semkova | 2016-04 |
NEA/DB/DOC(2014)3 | Statistical Verification and Validation of the EXFOR database: (n,n'), (n,2n), (n,p), (n,α) and other neutron-induced threshold reaction cross-sections | A.Koning | 2014-09 |
INDC(NDS)-0647 | EXFOR Data in Resonance Region and Spectrometer's Response Function | F.Gunsing, P.Schillebeeckx, V.Semkova | 2013-12 |
INDC(NDS)-0614 | Summary Report of the Consultants' Meeting on Further Development of EXFOR | D.Brown, S.Simakov | 2012-04 |
INDC(NDS)-0590 | Summary Report of the Consultants' Meeting on Neutron Sources Spectra for EXFOR | S.P.Simakov, F.Kaeppeler | 2011-10 |
NEA/NSC/WPEC/DOC(2010)428 | Quality improvement of the EXFOR database | A.Koning (ed.) | 2011-00 |
NEA/NSC/DOC(2007)25 | Summary Report of the First Meeting "Quality Improvement of EXFOR, 10 and 11 October 2007, IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria" | A.Koning, A.Mengoni | 2007-12 |
BNL-75288-2005-IR | A short history of CSISRS | N.Holden | 2005-12 |
IAEA-NDS-0001 | Short guide to EXFOR | H.D.Lemmel | 1996-11 |
IAEA-NDS-0080 | PROGRAM X4TOC4 (Version 2001-3) Translation of experimental data from the EXFOR Format to Computational Format | D.E.Cullen, A.Trkov | 2001-03 |
IAEA-NDS-0081 | Computation format computer codes X4TOC4 and PLOTC4 - Implementing and testing on a personal computer | P.K.McLaughlin | 1987-05 |
IAEA-NDS-0101 | ANDEX - A PC software assisting the nuclear data compilation in EXFOR | V.Osorio | 1991-02 |
IAEA-NDS-0151 | ERES - A PC Program for Nuclear Data Compilation in EXFOR Format | Li Shubing, Liang Qichang, Liu Tingin | 1994-02 |
IAEA-NDS-0243 | EXFOR/CINDA Dictionary in JSON | 2024-09 | |
IAEA-NDS-0244 | EXFOR Utility Codes | N.Otuka | 2024-05 |
INDC(CCP)-0250 | Data input technology for producing a secondary informatino document in "Generalized EXFOR" Format on a minicomputer | G.M.Zhuravleva, A.E.Ingnatochkin, F.E.Chukreev | 1985-10 |
INDC(CCP)-0249 | Updating and using the International Non-Neutron Experimental Nuclear Data Base in "Generalized EXFOR" Format | G.M.Zhuravleva, F.E.Chukreev | 1985-10 |
INDC(CCP)-0085 | The computer library of experimental neutron data | V.M.Bychkov, V.N.Manokhin, V.V.Surgutanov | 1976-05 |
Number | Title | Author | Date |
J.Nucl.Sci.Technol.61(2024)146 | EXFOR-Editor package for entering, processing and representing nuclear reaction data in the EXFOR format | G.N.Pikulina, S.M.Taova | 2024-01 |
EPJ Web Conf.284(2023)14015 | X4Pro - universal, fully relational EXFOR database | V.Zerkin | 2023-05 |
J.Instrum.17(2022)P03012 | EXFOR-NSR PDF database: a system for nuclear knowledge preservation and data curation | V.V.Zerkin, B.Pritychenko, J.Totans, L.Vrapcenjak, A.Rodionov, G.I.Shulyak | 2022-03 |
Bull.Russ.Acad.Sci.Phys.84(2020)1286 | Processing numerical data on nuclear reactions for the EXFOR international library of experimental nuclear data | G.N.Pikulina, S.M.Taova | 2020-11 |
EPJ Web Conf.239(2020)09003 | Completeness of neutron-, photo-induced and spontaneous fission yields data | B.Pritychenko, O.Schwerer, J.Totans, V.Zerkin, O.Gritzay | 2020-10 |
EPJ Web Conf.239(2020)05013 | Completeness of experimental fission product yields in EXFOR database | T.Fukuda, S.Okumura, N.Otuka | 2020-10 |
J.Phys.Conf.Ser.1555(2020)012009 | How to search on EXFOR | N.Otuka, N.Soppera | 2020-05 |
Bull.Russ.Acad.Sci.Phys.83(2019)1429 | Compilation of experimental nuclear reaction data measured in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan for the EXFOR Library | N.Kenzhebayev, T.K.Zholdybayev, F.Kh.Ergashev, N.Otuka | 2019-11 |
Phys.Atom.Nucl.81(2018)1450 | Activities of the RFNC-VNIIEF Center of Nuclear Physics Data on the compilation of experimental data for the EXFOR international library: EXFOR-EDITOR software package | G.Pikulina, S.Taova | 2018-12 |
Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A888(2018)31 | The experimental nuclear reaction data (EXFOR): Extended computer database and Web retrieval system | V.Zerkin, B.Pritychenko | 2018-04 |
Yad. Konst. 2(2017)2 | Russian Nuclear Data Centre: The story of development and activity | V.N.Manokhin, A.I.Blokhin, A.V.Ignatyuk | 2017-00 |
EPJ Web.Conf.146(2017)07005 | Experiments in the EXFOR library for evaluation of thermal neutron constants | N.Otuka, R.Capote, V.Semkova, T.Kawai, G.Noguere | 2017-09 |
EPJ Web.Conf.146(2017)02045 | Dissemination of data measured at CERN n_TOF facility | E.Dupont, N.Otuka, O.Cabellos et al. | 2017-09 |
Nucl.Data Sheets 120(2014)268 | Developments of the EXFOR Database: Possible New Formats | R.A.Forrest, V.Zerkin, S.Simakov | 2014-06 |
Number | Title | Editor | Date |
IAEA-NDS-0001 | Short guide to EXFOR | H.D.Lemmel | 1986-06 |
IAEA-NDS-0001 | Short guide to EXFOR | A.Calamand, H.D.Lemmel | 1974-00 |
IAEA-NDS-0003 | NDS EXFOR Manual | H.D.Lemmel (ed.) | 1996-11 |
IAEA-NDS-0066 | EXFOR-INDEX Index to EXFOR Neutron Data 1985 | M.M.Seits, H.D.Lemmel | 1985-06 |
IAEA-NDS-0080 | PROGRAM X4TOC4 (Version 86-1) Translation of experimental data from the EXFOR Format to Computational Format | D.E.Cullen | 1986-09 |
IAEA-NDS-0103 | EXFOR Manual - Center-to-Center Exchange Format | V.McLane (ed.) | 1989-09 |
IAEA-NDS-0207 | EXFOR Formats Manual | O.Schwerer | 2015-08 |
IAEA-NDS-0207 | EXFOR Formats Manual | N.Otsuka | 2011-01 |
IAEA-NDS-0207 | EXFOR Exchange Formats Manual | O.Schwerer | 2008-02 |
IAEA-NDS-0207 | EXFOR Exchange Formats Manual | O.Schwerer | 2004-08 |
IAEA-NDS-0207 | EXFOR Systems Manual | V.McLane | 2001-04 |
IAEA-NDS-0213 | EXFOR/CINDA Dictionary Manual | O.Schwerer, N.Otuka | 2014-12 |
IAEA-NDS-0208 | LEXFOR (EXFOR Compiler's Manual) | O.Schwerer | 2015-08 |
IAEA-NDS-0208 | LEXFOR (EXFOR Compiler's Manual) | N.Otsuka | 2011-01 |
IAEA-NDS-0208 | LEXFOR (EXFOR Compiler's Manual) | O.Schwerer | 2008-02 |
IAEA-NDS-0208 | LEXFOR (EXFOR Compiler's Manual) | V.McLane | 2006-01 |
IAEA-NDS-0208 | LEXFOR (EXFOR Compiler's Manual) | V.McLane | 2001-05 |
IAEA-NDS-0213 | EXFOR/CINDA Dictionary Manual | O.Schwerer | 2007-08 |
IAEA-NDS-0213 | EXFOR/CINDA Dictionary Manual | O.Schwerer | 2008-02 |
IAEA-NDS-0215 | NRDC Protocol (Protocol for Cooperation between Nuclear Reaction Data Centres) | N.Otsuka, S.Dunaeva | 2010-11 |
INDC(NDS)-0401 Rev.5 | International Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centres | N.Otsuka, S.Dunaeva | 2010-11 |
INDC(NDS)-0401 Rev.4 | Nuclear Reaction Data Centres Network | V.G.Pronyaev, O.Schwerer | 2003-08 |
INDC(NDS)-0401 | Nuclear Reaction Data Centres Network | V.G.Pronyaev, O.Schwerer | 2003-08 |
INDC(NDS)-0401 | The Nuclear Data Centres Network | V.G.Pronyaev | 2000-07 |
INDC(NDS)-0401 | The Nuclear Data Centres Network | V.G.Pronyaev | 2000-03 |
INDC(NDS)-0401 | The Nuclear Data Centres Network | V.G.Pronyaev | 1999-09 |
INDC(NDS)-0401 | The Nuclear Data Centres Network | V.G.Pronyaev | 1999-03 |
INDC(NDS)-0359 | The Nuclear Data Centres Network | H.D.Lemmel | 1997-03 |
INDC(NDS)-0324 | The Nuclear Data Centres Network | H.D.Lemmel | 1995-08 |
IAEA-NDS-0243 | EXFOR/CINDA Dictionary in JSON | N.Otuka | 2023-09 |
(no number) | Protocol for Cooperation between the Nuclear Reaction Data Centers | O.Schwerer | 2004-12 |
(no number) | CINDA2001 Manual | H.Henriksson | 2008-02 |
(no number) | CINDA2001 Manual | H.Henriksson | 2005-11 |
(no number) | CINDA2001 Manual | M.Kellett | 2004-01 |
(no number) | CINDA2001 Manual | V.McLane | 2001-05 |
(no number) | CINDA Reader's Manual | M.Kellett | 2003-04 |
(no number) | Short Guide for EXFOR compilers | M.Mikhaylyukova, V.Pronyaev | 2009-07 |
BNL-NCS-63380-2001/05-Rev. | EXFOR Basics - A Short Guide to the Nuclear Reaction Data Exchange Format | V.McLane | 2001-05 |