Barium (Z=56)
121Ba 123Ba 125Ba 127Ba 129Ba 130Ba 131Ba 132Ba 133Ba 134Ba 135Ba 136Ba 137Ba 138Ba 139Ba 140Ba 141Ba 142Ba 143Ba 144Ba 145Ba 146Ba

Recommended magnetic dipole moments
Isotope Energy [keV] t1/2 Spin/Parity μ [nm] Method Recommended Tables
134Ba 605 5.1 ps 2+ +0.86(10) TF INDC(NDS)-0816
2957 2.6 ms 10+ -2.0(1) TDPAD INDC(NDS)-0816

Recommended electric quadrupole moments
Isotope Energy [keV] t1/2 Spin/Parity Q [b] Method Recommended Tables
134Ba 605 5.1 ps 2+ -0.26(12) or +0.15(12) CER INDC(NDS)-0833

Compiled magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments from published articles
Isotope Energy [keV] t1/2 Spin/Parity μ [nm] Q [b] Ref. Std Method NSR keyword doi
134Ba 605. 5.1 ps 2+ +0.86(10) TF 1980BR01 10.1103/PhysRevC.21.574
+0.82(12) IMPAC 1979EB01 10.1007/BF01021522
-0.26(12) or +0.15(12) CER 1989BU07
-0.32(6) or +0.09(6) CER 1989BU07 10.1016/0375-9474(89)90200-5
or -0.20(6) or +0.21(6)
-0.34(16) or -0.13(16) CER 1977KL05 10.1016/0375-9474(77)90556-5
2957. 2.63 μs 10+ -2.0(1) TDPAD 1982BEZY

Recommended magnetic moments are for the bare nucleus with published results corrected consistently for diamagnetism (including error estimate).
  Where appropriate published results are also adjusted to the most recent adopted half-life for the state.
  Recommended quadrupole moments are adjusted using the best electric field gradient calculation for the system concerned.
  For details see the Reports referenced.

In this listing published results are given without adjustment or correction.