Ytterbium (Z=70)
155Yb 157Yb 158Yb 159Yb 160Yb 161Yb 162Yb 163Yb 164Yb 165Yb 167Yb 169Yb 170Yb 171Yb 172Yb 173Yb 174Yb 175Yb 176Yb 177Yb

Recommended magnetic dipole moments
Isotope Energy [keV] t1/2 Spin/Parity μ [nm] Method Recommended Tables
174Yb 77 1.79 ns 2+ +0.672(5) ME INDC(NDS)-0816

Recommended electric quadrupole moments
Isotope Energy [keV] t1/2 Spin/Parity Q [b] Method Recommended Tables
174Yb 77 1.79 ns 2+ -2.18(5) ME INDC(NDS)-0833
253 144 ps 4+ -1.8(12) CER INDC(NDS)-0833

Compiled magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments from published articles
Isotope Energy [keV] t1/2 Spin/Parity μ [nm] Q [b] Ref. Std Method NSR keyword doi
174Yb 77. 1.79 ns 2+ +0.676(8) ME 1971HE03 10.1007/BF01397903
-2.18(5) [170Yb 84.] R 2013STZZ
2.1(3) [170Yb 84.] ME 1971PL03
253. 144 ps 4+ -1.8(12) CER 1970MCZQ
gs band 12+ α×10-3 = +0.3(15) [169Tm] TF 1979WA15 10.1016/0375-9474(79)90547-5
gs band <16+ α×10-3 = -1.3(10) TF 1980AN27 10.1103/PhysRevLett.45.1835

Recommended magnetic moments are for the bare nucleus with published results corrected consistently for diamagnetism (including error estimate).
  Where appropriate published results are also adjusted to the most recent adopted half-life for the state.
  Recommended quadrupole moments are adjusted using the best electric field gradient calculation for the system concerned.
  For details see the Reports referenced.

In this listing published results are given without adjustment or correction.